Pocket Guide to Dermoscopy Natalia Jaimes, Ashfaq A Marghoob
Note: Page numbers followed by f and t refer to figures and tables, respectively.
Acral melanoma 107f
Actinic keratosis 20t, 37
Adnexal tumors 20t
Angiokeratomas 50
Arborizing vessels 10
Atypical melanocytic nevi 76
Balloon cell nevi 79
dermoscopy 79
Basal cell carcinoma 10
Blood vessels in melanocytic tumors 25t
Blood vessels in non-melanocytic tumors 25t
Blue nevi 77
dermoscopy 77
dermoscopic variants 77
Bowenoid actinic keratosis 19t
Bowen's disease 40
Chromophores in the skin 8
Clark nevi 18t, 76
Clear cell acanthoma 19t, 20t
Coiled vessels 19t
Colors of dermoscopy 8
Combined nevi 77
Comedo-like structures 2t
Congenital melanocytic nevi 18t, 73
dermoscopy of CMN 73
dermoscopic patterns 73
Congenital nevi 18t
Contact dermoscopy 10
Contact mode dermoscopy 1
Criteria for melanocytic neoplasms 11t
Crystalline structures 4f
Dermal nevi 18t
Dermatofibroma 6f
Dermoscopic structures 10
Dermoscopy of actinic keratosis 39
Discoid lupus erythematosus 130f
Dysplastic nevi 76
Entomodermoscopy 118
lice infestations—pediculosis 122
dermoscopy 123
molluscum contagiosum 119
dermoscopy 119
scabies 121
dermoscopy 121
tinea nigra 118
dermoscopy 118
warts 120
dermoscopy 120
Epidermal ridges 17t
Epidermotropic melanoma metastasis 96
Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea 130f
Facial skin 99
melanomas on facial skin 100
dermoscopic structures 100
differential diagnoses of lentigo maligna 100
nevi on facial skin 100
Follicular ostia 131
Fungus 113
Glabrous skin 23f
Glomerular apparatus of the kidney 19t
Glomus tumor 113
Halo nevi 79
dermoscopy 79
Hemangiomas 50
Hutchinson sign 110
Inflammoscopy 124
dermatitis 128
dermoscopy 128
discoid lupus erythematosus 129
dermoscopy 129
lichen planus 127
dermoscopy 127
pigmented purpuric dermatosis 128
dermoscopy 128
pityriasis rosea 124
dermoscopy 124
psoriasis 124
dermoscopy 124
rosacea 129
dermoscopy 129
Intradermal nevi (IDN) 75
Miescher's nevus 75
Unna's nevus 75
Intraepidermal keratin-filled cysts 16t
Keratinizing pearls 40
Keratinizing tumors 19t, 37
Keratin pearls 44
Keratoacanthoma 37
Large acquired nevi (LAN) 76
dermoscopy of LAN 76
globular pattern 77
homogeneous tan to pink pattern 76
peripheral globules with central network or homogeneous area 76
peripheral reticular with central globules 76
peripheral reticular with central hyperpigmentation 76
peripheral reticular with central hypopigmen-tation 76
reticular diffuse or patchy 76
Large basal cell tumor 15t
Lesions on facial or sun-damaged skin 144
Lesions on nails 146
Lesions on volar skin 145
Lichen planus 127f
Liquid interface 1
Looped vessels 19t
Melanocytic lesion 10, 28
Melanocytic skin lesion 18t
Melanocytic tumor 10
Melanomas on chronic sun-damaged skin 92
desmoplastic melanomas 95
melanomas on CSDS of facial skin 92
dermoscopic structures of melanomas on facial skin 92
melanomas on non-facial CSDS 95
Melanomas on intermittently sun-exposed skin 87
amelanotic melanoma 90
dermoscopy 90
nevoid melanoma 90
dermoscopy 91
nodular melanoma 88
dermoscopy 89
superficial spreading melanoma 88
verrucous melanoma 91
Milia-like cysts 2t
Modes of dermoscopy 1
non-polarized contact dermoscopy 1
polarized contact dermoscopy 1
polarized non-contact dermoscopy 1
Molluscum contagiosum 25t
Mucosal melanoma 97
Mucosal surfaces 23f, 114
benign lesions 115
mucosal melanoma 115
dermoscopy 115
Nail melanoma 110f
Nails 108
melanoma involving the nail unit 109
dermoscopy of subungual melanoma 109
differential diagnoses 112
nail-matrix nevus 109
Nail unit 23f
Non-melanocytic lesions 10, 30
basal cell carcinoma 34
dermoscopy of BCC 34
exception to the network rule 30
dermatofibroma 31
dermoscopy of DFs 31
hemangioma, angiokeratoma and lymphangioma 50
molluscum contagiosum 54
dermoscopy of MC 54
other benign non-melanocytic tumors 52
clear cell acanthoma 52
dermoscopy of CCA 52
sebaceous hyperplasia and sebaceous adenoma 54
dermoscopy of SH and SA 54
seborrheic keratosis and solar lentigo 44
dermoscopy of SKS and solar lentigines 45
squamous cell carcinoma, actinic keratosis and keratoacanthoma 37
actinic keratosis 38
dermoscopy of AK 38
dermoscopy of KA 42
dermoscopy of SCCs 40
keratoacanthoma 42
squamous cell carcinoma/Bowen's disease 40
Non-melanocytic tumor 27
Onychomatricoma 113
Onychopapilloma 113
Orthokeratosis 4f
Papillary dermis 7
Pattern analysis 57
melanoma-specific structures 67
melanoma 68
nevus 67
suspicious 71
nevi patterns 57
globular pattern 66
homogeneous pattern 63
multi-component pattern 66
peripheral globules with central network 66
peripheral reticular with central globules 63
peripheral reticular with central hyperpig-mentation 63
peripheral reticular with central hypopig-mentation 61
reticular diffuse 57
reticular patchy 61
two-component pattern 66
Pigmented basal cell tumor 15t
Pigmented purpuric dermatosis 129f
Pityriasis rosea 126f
Polarized light 1
Pseudo-Hutchinson sign 110
Psoriasis 126f
Recurrent nevi 80
dermoscopy 80
location of pigment 80
previous pathology slides/report 80
time to recurrence 80
Reed nevus 4f
Sebaceous hyperplasia 25t
Seborrheic keratosis 44
Shiny white structures 4f
Skin layers 2t
Solar lentigines 44
Spitz nevi 18t
Spitz/Reed nevi 81
dermoscopy patterns 81
atypical or multicomponent pattern 85
globular pattern 82
homogeneous pattern 82
negative network pattern 85
reticular pattern 85
starburst pattern 81
Steel-blue color 5f
Subungual hemorrhage 112
Sutton's nevi 79
TADA 3-Step algorithm 138
TADA step-1 138
TADA step-2 139
dermoscopically organized 139
TADA step-3 139
blue-black or gray color 140
shiny white structures, white circles, or negative network 140
starburst pattern 140
vascular structures or ulceration 140
Techniques of dermoscopy 1
Trichoscopy 131
alopecia areata (AA) and trichotillomania 131
dermoscopy 131
androgenetic alopecia (AGA) 131
dermoscopy 131
chronic telogen effluvium (CTE) 133
dermoscopy 133
lichen planopilaris 133
dermoscopy 133
two-step algorithm 23
differentiating melanocytic from non-melanocytic lesions 27
differentiating nevi from melanoma 27
Vascular structures 10
Verruca vulgaris 120
Verrucous melanoma 91
Vessel patterns 10
Volar skin 102
acral (volar) melanoma 105
dermoscopy of acral (volar) melanoma 106
acral (volar) nevi 102
dermoscopic pattern 102
Volar surfaces 23f
Wallace's line 102
Wobble sign 46
Chapter Notes

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