Kerala PGI Dental Edge Manikandan GR
Chapter Notes

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Kerala MDS 2009–20111

Kerala Past Papers High-Yield Points from 2006–11
(Some questions have been repeated. *means ‘once’; **means ‘twice’; ***means ‘thrice’)
  1. Hb has 4 heme chains 2 alpha and 2 beta
  2. Mucous membrane is made up of glycoprotein
  3. Immune peroxidase is stained by Diaminobenzidine
  4. Drug diffusion mainly depends on high concentration gradient*
  5. Chin throat angle is around 90–110 degrees
  6. Missing teeth is seen in all except Reiter syndrome**
  7. Resistance form of cavity prevents stress fractures
  8. Layer absent in face-deep fascia*
  9. Tongue deviate to left side indicates damage to–left hypoglossal
  10. Hematoma is mostly seen in PSA nerve block
  11. All are accelerators of ZOE except–bromoglycerine*
  12. Most common midline swelling of 6 years old child-Thyroglossal cyst
  13. Transient nerve paresthesia-Neuropraxia
  14. Best view for condyle, neck and ramus#-Reverse Towne view
  15. Disadvantage of SnF2-stains teeth**
  16. Most effective and least objectionable is APF gel
  17. Pantographic tracing is done for jaws utilizes-6 styli
  18. Damage to nerve after parotid surgery causes-Frey's syndrome*
  19. Solder in SS differ from than for gold in having-less fluoride
  20. CSF otorrhea is a feature of petrous temporal bone
  21. Dental hard tissues are resorbed by-odontoclast**
  22. Modiolus is formed by all muscles except-aleque nasi
  23. Prothrombin time is 11–15 sec**
  24. In class II relation-freeway space should be increased
  25. Angulation between ceramic and metal-have no relation to bonding on tooth
  26. Chromium added to SS binds to all except-Increased tarnish and strength of metal**
  27. Rhodamine Auramine stains are associated with–TB
  28. 2Layer absent in face-deep fascia
  29. Center of resistance for bodily movement-Infinity**
  30. First modern analysis among the options given – Steiner
  31. Second degree movement is associated with – Cortical drift
  32. First value taken in Steiner-SNA**
  33. Sclerosis is a process related to –physiological one
  34. All are discovered by E.H. Angle except- straight wire appliance
  35. Cartilage grow by –interstitial growth**
  36. Minimum regeneration potential is seen in –skeletal muscles
  37. Orthodontic movement is affected during treatment with-Aspirin
  38. Calcification of lateral incisor starts at 4 months after birth**
  39. Low thermal conductivity of impression compound is overcome by-allow adequate time to cool in the mouth
  40. Golden proportion is seen at a percentage of … with respect to lateral and central incisors-62**
  41. Radioresistant tumor is Ameloblastoma
  42. Rhabdomyosarcoma is a tumor of Striated muscle*
  43. Wharton's duct –near to upper second molar
  44. Clark's grading of melanoma type 3 is almost penetrating reticular layer
  45. Minimum distortion is obtained by – long cone**
  46. Proximal caries detection is by-Bite wing radiography
  47. Minimum surface detail is with –Irreversible hydrocolloids
  48. Excluding percentage in 2 SD is 4%*
  49. Commonest complication of open fracture is infection
  50. Bevel in inner table of skull due to which injury-Entrance wound of firearm
  51. Rigor mortis occur after-6 hours of death**
  52. Tongue fall back in- fracture of bilateral parasymphysis
  53. Blood supply for ameloblasts from most of the life cycle from- dental sac
  54. Hydropic degeneration of basal layer seen in-Lichen Planus* Repeat in 2012
  55. Sterilization of suture and needle by using- Gamma rays
  56. Bactericidal in saliva is - Lysozyme**
  57. All are used for slow maxillary expansion except–Hyrax
  58. From deciduous to permanent arch length –decreases**
  59. Sugar substitute which is bactericidal-Xylitol
  60. Embryonic period- 2–8 weeks
  61. 3Live attenuated vaccine-BCG**
  62. Non toxoid in DPT
  63. Culture media used for agar is SDA
  64. Gingival bleeding on probing indicates-health of gingival tissue on the day of examination***
  65. Raised skin colored lesion less than 5 mm-papule
  66. Minimum concentration of Chlorhexidine in mouthwash- 0.12%
  67. Center of resistance of bodily movement –infinity**
  68. Myelosuppression due to Aplastic anemia
  69. Bacteriostatic and bactericidal dental cement is–CuO
  70. True about Hb is all except-acts basically in Oxyhemoglobin state**
  71. Disruption in HERS will cause-Accessory canal formation
  72. Pediatric trauma Most common is Luxation*
  73. Modified PHP index uses-6 teeth
  74. Disk pulled to the front by-lateral pterygoid***
  75. Structure passing through sigmoid notch-masseteric nerves and vessels**
  76. IANB given in-pterygomandibular space
  77. Support of a clasp is mainly by rest
  78. Pancreatitis is mostly seen in chronic alcoholic patient**
  79. Type V stone- high strength and high expansion
  80. Resistance to penicillin not developed in–S.pyogenes
  81. Gingiva is attached to the tooth via hemidesmosomes
  82. The pH of ZnPO4 after setting- 6-7*
  83. Sandwich technique-GIC and Composite
  84. One major cause of respiratory failure-pulmonary embolism
  85. The rate of compression of sternum during CPR- 2 inch/sec**
  86. Epithelium of trachea and posterior part of soft palate is-pseudostratified columnar
  87. Most abundant intracellular ion-Pottasium
  88. Unsupported enamel rods–have to bere moved
  89. After endodontic treatment in maxillary first premolar least accepted restoration is-onlay**
  90. A group of people immune to infection is called-herd immunity
  91. Proportion affected by disease is called-Prevalence
  92. Pulpal wall of Class II- perpendicular to the long-axis of the tooth**
  93. Ceramic firing at high temperature causes shrinkage
  94. Crack in ceramic due to rapid outer layer cooling than inner
  95. Barbed broach used for- pulp extirpation*
  96. 4Hard brown caries removed by-Diamond bur at slow speed
  97. Which disease follows an indolent course-ANUG
  98. Ulcers in posterior pharyngeal wall related with-Herpangina
  99. Pseudomembranous candidiasis all are true except-idiopathic**
  100. Crown resists mastication by retention and resistance forms
  101. Contraindication of RCT-Unrestorable grossly damaged crown
  102. Lefort 1 is characterized by bleeding into the antrum**
  103. Epidermolysis bullosa associated with Type VII collagen
  104. Inhibitor in monomer prolongs–shelf life
  105. Composite-much harder and wear resistant**
  106. Drug diffusion depends on high concentration gradient
  107. Resistance form prevents–stress fractures
  108. Transmitter in autonomic NS–Acetylcholine*
  109. Pin point pupils in-opium poisoning
  110. Tetracycline- complex with Orthocalcium phosphate
  111. All are beta lactam antibiotics except-Ciprofloxacin**
  112. Parasympathetic effect-bronchoconstriction
  113. Unmineralized area in dentin-predentine
  114. Paradoxical excitement-barbiturates**
  115. Fast setting occur when –mercury content raise to 6.5 % instead of 5.5%
  116. Cross section of Class Vcavity-convex
  117. Enamel first matures at-cusp tip
  118. Bottle labeling of investigating drug all are true except-bottle name is important*
  119. Sex determination best using–pelvis
  120. Maximum congestion is seen in-Strangulation**
  121. RESPOND is an- adhesive precoated bracket system
  122. Pendulum appliance used for correction of Class II
  123. NiTi speed in rotary instrument-150–300 rpm (*2012 KER Repeat)
  124. Temperature that should not exceed implant placement- 47 degrees
  125. Osteomyelitis begins in-medullary bone
  126. Experimental gingivitis by-Herald Loe (*KER 2012 Repeat)
  127. Coronoid process of mandible best viewed in-PA view skull
  128. Grid used to – remove scattered radiation
  129. Port wine stain-hemangioma**
  130. Head shape in Down's syndrome-brachycephalic
  131. Halitosis caused by-hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan
  132. 5Scurvy occurs due to-Vit. C deficiency**
  133. Hypercarbia occurs when there is hyperventilation
  134. Erosion is mainly due to-chemical effects
  135. NRHM was formed in -2005 (*KER 2012 Repeat)
  136. Connective tissue of gingiva called lamina propria
  137. Increase in number of cells is called–hyperplasia
  138. von Willebrand disease is hemophilic**
  139. Cusp that food push interproximally called plunger cusp
  140. Blood sugar is Glucose*
  141. Metabolic alkalosis can occur in Cushing syndrome
  142. Oral melanin pigmentation occurs in-Addison disease
  143. Apoptosis associated with cellular death
  144. Portion of teeth exposed in the oral cavity-clinical crown
  145. Rarely seen malignancy in oral cavity-BCC*
  146. First person to define public health-Winslow
  147. Peg laterals formed due to deficient matrix formation
  148. Total number of pulp organs-52**
  149. Deep bite usually seen in Class II Div 2
  150. Iron is stored as-Ferritin
  151. Hanging is defined as-suspension of body by a ligature, body weight acts as constricting force
  152. Hyoid fracture common in throttling*
  153. In infrabony pocket-pocket base is apical to alveolar bone crest
  154. Dye used in reductase enzyme test for caries detection- Diazoresorcinol
  155. In rigor mortis muscle-stiffens and shortens**
  156. Micky finn or knock out drops refers to –Chloral hydrate
  157. McEwan sign seen in-alcohol intoxication
  158. Dry wine is–Chloral hydrate**
  159. All are ureidopenicillin except-Flucloxacillin (*KER 2012 Repeat)
  160. Botulis cause-bilateral cranial nerve involvement
  161. Most accepted sequence of extraction-CD4
  162. Fluoride conc in 0.05% mouth wash-225 ppm**
  163. Center of rotation of uncontrolled tipping-Center of resistance
  164. Granularity of oncocytes due to-increase in number of mitochondria (*KER 2012 Repeat)
  165. Keen's approach-Intraoral reduction of Zygomatic#
  166. Natural mesial drift shown by–Permanent molar
  167. 6Pink tooth associated with-internal resorption**
  168. In patient with anorexia nervosa which is an important finding-erosion
  169. Public health dentistry concerned with-preventive and therapeutic
  170. Primary cuticle formed from-ameloblast***
  171. Hardest calcified tissue-enamel
  172. A patient with Down syndrome may have-short anterior cranial base
  173. Robert retractor activated by-closing the helix
  174. Supramentale is actually-Point B**
  175. Pregnancy gingivitis peaks by 8th month of pregnancy (*KER 2012 Repeat)
  176. Ceramist is-Dental technician doing ceramic work
  177. Cameo surface of denture is-visible portion*
  178. Eburnation of dentine seen in-arrested caries
  179. Which of the following is a statistical software-Fortran
  180. Human teeth corresponds to which color hue-yellow*
  181. Ideal bone for implant support-lamellar bone
  182. Main drawback of saddle pontic-unhygeinic
  183. Forensic identification utilizes–lip prints**
  184. Auspitz sign seen in–psoriasis
  185. Depressor labii inferioris arise from-oblique line
  186. Gingival hyperplasia due to-dilantin sodium**
  187. Torniquet tests for-capillary fragility
  188. Sharpey's fibers are-collagen fibers
  189. Universal tumor is-lipoma**
  190. Arrangement of teeth depends on –shape and contour of the ridge
  191. Phleboliths are seen in-Cavernous hemangiomas
  192. Functional cranial component was by-Van der Klaus
  193. LJ medium for-Tuberculosis
  194. Burtonian line-Lead*
  195. PSR uses- 0.5 mm ball tip with color coded 3.5***
  196. DNA Probe detects-specific organisms
  197. Hinge joint articulator was devised by-Garriot
  198. In autopolymerising resin monomers, shelf life is increased by adding Hydroxyquinone**
  199. The ultimate goal of epidemiological study is control of disease**
  200. Active retainer is used mainly to correct relapse