CSI: Cardiology Update 2015 (2 Volumes) Santanu Guha, Saumitra Ray
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, t refer to table and fc refer to flow chart, respectively.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm 1411, 1472, 1476, 1477, 1477f, 1478
Abdominal obesity 1237t
Ablation therapy 551
Abnormal blood pressure 857
Abnormal coronary flow reserve 324
Abrupt early transition chest 949f
Accelerated idioventricular rhythm 274
Accucinch system 686
Acetylcholine 158
Acid fast bacilli 862
Acidosis 272
Acquired stent malapposition 798
Acquired thrombophilias 323
Acquired tricuspid valve disease 619
Acquired ventricular tachyarrhythmia syndromes 1090
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans 613
Activated partial thromboplastin time 319, 582, 644
Activated protein C 1556
Active disease, treatment of 1215
Active myocardial ischemia 248
Acute air pollution exposure 1170
Acute allograft rejection 1462
Acute aortic syndrome 1467, 1467f
management 1467
Acute cardiorenal syndrome 520
Acute coronary
events 222
scoring system, global registry of 227
syndrome 48, 56, 166, 167f, 169, 177, 181, 191, 195, 221, 230, 243, 253, 271, 278, 288, 289, 308, 310, 316, 318, 322, 331, 334, 336, 337, 381, 387, 400, 422, 435, 458, 654, 664, 703, 712, 768, 795, 797, 823, 884, 1332, 1501
management of 306
biomarkers of 167
Acute decompensated heart failure 477, 507, 508t, 509t, 520, 774
national registry 470
Acute heart failure 520, 523t
biomarkers in 471
Acute hemorrhagic stroke 141
Acute inflammation 1527
Acute ischemic stroke 139, 140, 140t, 304t
Acute kidney injury 146, 317, 519, 527
Acute MI, treatment of 303
Acute mitral regurgitation 238, 336, 344, 608
Acute myocardial infarction 3, 166, 167, 169, 176, 195, 203, 231, 232, 238, 239, 241, 243, 254, 256, 257, 265, 271273, 297, 304, 319, 401, 673, 701, 770, 1329, 1330, 1424
Acute pericarditis, causes of 1130t
Acute pulmonary embolism 1156
diagnosis 1154
Acute renal failure 249
Acute renocardiac syndrome 525
Acute rheumatic fever 561, 566, 567, 584
Acute severe mitral regurgitation 268
Acute stressors 1208
Acute stroke 139, 304
care 303
treatment of 303
Acute surgery, role of 571
Acute tubular necrosis 519
Acyanotic heart disease 943
Adenosine 204, 670, 719, 771, 1032
diphosphate 158, 422, 769
triphosphate 158, 204, 670
Adipositas cordis 1191
Adrenaline 771
Adrenergic storm 847
Adrenoceptors 403
Adrenomedullin 471
Adult congenital heart disease 968
classification of 969t
Advance bifurcation system 738
Advanced heart failure 556t
Aerobic exercise 377
Agatston units 1203
Age-predicted heart rate 1371
AHA classification 840
Air pollution 1168, 1170
exposure 1170
Alagille/Watsom syndrome 1020
Alanine transaminase 55
Alara principle 806
Albuminuria 124
Aldosterone antagonists 126
Aldosterone receptor antagonists 484
Allele heterogeneity 826
Allen's test 349
Allopurinol 364, 459
Ambrisentan 1150
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 81, 81f, 82f84f, 102, 108, 116
Ambulatory heart rate 86
American Association for Thoracic Surgery 458
American Association of Sleep Medicine 1197
American College of Cardiology 53, 71, 102, 175, 190, 216, 233, 253, 306, 319, 329, 335, 344, 365, 478, 580, 590, 613, 667, 771, 817, 979, 1181
American College of Cardiology Foundation 458, 488, 716, 768
American College of Chest Physicians 1116, 1553
American College of Physicians 458, 1558
American College of Surgeons 288
American Diabetes Association 55, 102, 108, 150
American Heart Association 13, 42, 53, 67, 71, 175, 216, 224, 233, 253, 306, 329, 335, 365, 458, 478, 488, 580, 590, 613, 667, 716, 771, 813, 825, 840, 887, 979, 1177, 1258, 1554
American Society of Echocardiography 1280, 1287, 1363
Amplatz curve 353
Amplatzer duct occluder 992
Amyl nitrate inhalation 902
Amyloid A 169, 170
Amyloidosis 1530
Anakinra 493
Anderson Fabry's disease 1531
Android obesity 1189
Anemia 182, 289, 775
Anesthesia, general 978
Aneuploidy syndromes 1019
Angina pectoris trial, severe 366
Anginal pain 231
Angiogenic cell therapy 1424
Angiographic restenosis 801
Angiography 732, 852t, 1146
Angioplasty 256
Angiosarcomas 1145
Angioscopy 198, 199
Angiotensin 204
converting enzyme 520
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 104, 130, 371, 398, 400, 430, 440, 495, 507, 531, 864, 1227f, 1228, 1526
inhibitors 71, 98, 100, 106, 118, 137, 151, 201, 231, 266, 268, 271, 316, 319, 364, 400, 406, 429, 485, 486, 504, 510, 549, 570, 827, 856, 1546
Angiotensin-receptor 429, 431
antagonist 137, 550
blocker 71, 100, 137, 140, 231, 276, 316, 398, 400, 405, 442, 483, 507, 510, 1546
neprilysin inhibitor 431
Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial 98, 404
Ankle brachial index 162
Ankylosing spondylitis 371t
Annular descent 1456
Annuloplasty rings 1244
Annulus, folding of 1456
Anomalous pulmonary venous connection 546, 931933, 944, 951, 961, 979, 1013, 1020
Anorganic substances 1561
Anterior communicating artery 760
Anterior interosseous artery 781
Anterior tricuspid leaflet 1456
Anterior wall myocardial infarction 266
Anterolateral muscle 268
Anthracyclines 1178
Antianginal drugs 457
Antiarrhythmic drugs 274, 873, 1083
Antiatherogenic lipoproteins 41
Antibiotic therapy 1104
Anticancer agents, treatment with 1181
Anticancer therapy 1181
Anticoagulant 230, 435, 550
Anticyclic citrullinated peptide 371
Antidiuretic hormone antagonists 524
Antifibrotic drugs 492
Antihypertensive drug 74f, 85, 134
Antihypertensive therapy 100
Antimicrobial prophylaxis 1102
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody 369
Antinuclear antibodies 371
Antioxidants 386
Antiplatelet drug 336, 337, 768
Antiplatelet therapy 331, 336, 615, 732, 797t
role of dual 284
Antiproliferative drug 808
Antirenin 113
Antiretroviral therapy, management of 1163
Antistreptococcal vaccine 588
Antistreptolysin O 585
Antitachycardia pacing 1046, 1123
Antithrombotic drug therapy 875
Antithrombotic therapy 274, 318, 350, 577
Antitubercular treatment 862
Antonio valsalva 1444
Anxiety 444t
Aorta 1001, 1350
coarctation of 120, 643, 947, 959, 972, 972f, 997, 1001, 1020
interruption of 948
patterns in 1327
reversal in 978
Aortic aneurysm 345, 994, 1216, 1472, 1478
eroding sternum 1473f
Aortic annulus 1350f
Aortic arch 1218f
regions 351
types of 760f
Aortic atresia 932, 936
Aortic dissection 167, 1248f, 1467, 1468t, 1473f
abdominal 345
classifications of 1213f, 1469f
interventional therapy in 1471t
type A 1471t
type B 1471
Aortic graft prosthetic infection 1513
Aortic insufficiency 861
Aortic jet velocity 1342, 1343fc
Aortic papillary fibroelastoma 1144f
Aortic regurgitation 345, 568, 572, 573, 586, 855, 899, 971, 1021, 1216, 1309, 1372
Aortic root 1445
components 1445f
dimensions 1351t
Aortic stenosis 167, 344, 377, 572, 573, 590, 592, 642, 677, 900, 936, 947, 959, 969t, 1298, 1298f, 1299, 1444
intervention 959fc
management of 590, 1301
severe 641, 678
Aortic stents 345
Aortic transcatheter valve, placement of 678f
Aortic valve 343, 346f, 586, 1001, 1309, 1342
disease 572, 639, 1444
lesions 639
replacement 573, 576, 592fc, 593, 1298, 1340
stenosis 1311f
Aortic vascular ejection click 900
Aorto-arteritis 1214f
Aorto-coronary bypass 349
grafts 746
Aorto-ostial lesions 744, 748, 751
Aorto-pulmonary window 936, 975
Aortx percutaneous aortic valve 678
Apical myocardial infarction 823
Apnea 1197f
hypopnea index 1196
Apolipoprotein B 45
synthesis inhibitors 49
Applanation tonometry 96
Arch aneurysms 1475
Arch interruption 936
Arch vessels, angioplasty of 1217
Arginine vasopressin 172
Arglaes 1104
Arrhythmias 221, 272, 273fc, 395, 875t, 986, 1055t, 1178, 1192, 1201, 1202, 1222
autonomic modulation for control of 1086
genesis of 1088f
management of 271, 274, 275t, 282
predictors of 273t
prevention of 271, 274
prognosis of 273
treatment of 1203
types of 271, 272t
Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy 829, 869
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular
cardiomyopathy 273, 813, 829t, 840, 1528, 1533
dysplasia 814, 817, 869, 870f, 1066, 1090, 1528, 1533
Arteria lusoria 352f, 791f
Arterial blood gas 549
Arterial duct, stents in 998
Arterial graft failure 712
Arterial hypertension 109t
Arterial O2 concentration 1004
Arterial pressure 160
mean 104
Arterial stiffness 306
Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease 42, 48
Arteriovenous fistulas 994
disease 282, 1192
localization of 783
Arthralgia 568, 570
Arthritis 567, 570
Ascending aorta 96f
Ascending aortic aneurysm 1473f
Aspergillus 1462
fumigatus 1166
Aspiration devices 756
Aspirin 229
plus clopidogrel 331
Asplenia syndrome 1023
Assisted aortic end-diastolic pressure 246f
Association of Physicians of India 253
Asthma, history of 184
Asynchrony 1056
Atheroma 369
Atherosclerosis 301, 369, 380, 661
multi-ethnic study of 33, 92
regression 380
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease 11, 31, 881
Atherosclerotic disease burden 1412
Atherosclerotic lesions 199
Atherosclerotic ostial renal artery stenosis 1546f
Atherosclerotic plaque 169
Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis 119, 1545, 1548
Atherosclerotic renovascular disease 1545
Atherosclerotic right renal artery 1549
Atherosclerotic vascular disease 37f
Athlete's heart 852
Atomic energy regulatory board 805
Atrial appendages, juxtaposition of 943
Atrial dynamics 1006
Atrial fibrillation 104, 271, 303, 439, 440, 442, 444, 446, 502, 503, 541, 542, 595, 845, 849, 859, 945, 1030, 1039, 1054, 1070, 1072, 1080, 1081, 1086, 1087, 1093, 1113, 1115, 1123, 1178, 1189, 1202, 1287, 1339
ablation 1080, 1081
diastolic function in 1357
pathophysiology of 447f, 1080
Atrial flutter 275
Atrial myxoma 1144f
Atrial natriuretic peptide 168, 281, 470
Atrial premature contractions 1042
Atrial refractory period 1069
Atrial septal defect 628, 778, 906, 931, 937, 943945, 968, 969t, 977, 979, 982, 1001, 1019, 1313, 1394, 1539
closure 1394
device 991
ostium secundum 1002
Atrial stimulation 1030
Atrial tachyarrhythmia 274
Atrial tachycardia 1046f
Atrioventricular block 1027
Atrioventricular dyssynchrony 1382
Atrioventricular node 942
Atrioventricular plane displacement 1299
Atrioventricular septal defect 546, 931, 958, 959fc, 982, 1001, 1019
Atrium, pressure of right 905
Attenuate reperfusion injury 386t
A-type natriuretic peptide 172
Augmented vector foot 1030
Auscultation 621, 621t, 892
Autograft 643
Autoimmune disease 130
Automatic cardioverter defibrillators 843
Autonomic disorders 923
Autonomic dysfunction 1166
Autonomic dysregulation 1198
Autonomic nervous system 1086, 1170
Autonomic neural regulation therapy 505
AV canal defect 946
AV fistulas, systemic 993
AV hysteresis 1069
Avastin 118
Bace device 686
Balloon angioplasty 657, 740, 741
Balloon assisted tracking 351, 351f
Balloon catheter, selection of 604
Balloon coarctoplasty 1248f
Balloon expandable stents 996
Balloon mitral valvotomy 573
Balloon mitral valvuloplasty 601
Balloon pulmonary valvotomy 971f
Balloon valvuloplasty 677
Balloon volume 344
Bare metal stent 193, 274, 332, 427, 697, 712, 714, 729, 740, 741, 771, 795
Bariatric surgery 1194
Barlow syndrome 1021
Baroreceptor activation therapy 505
Baroreflex sensitivity 273
Basal cost 157
Basal metabolic rate 1240
Baseline blood pressure 123
Basilar artery 760
Batteryless pacemaker 1071
Benign primary cardiac tumors 1144
Bentall's procedure 1476f
Benzathine penicillin 570, 571
Bernoulli's effect 159
Bernoulli's equation 159
Bernoulli's laws 158
Beta blocker pharmacotherapy 1087, 1089, 1090
Beta blockers 125, 126, 183, 231, 405, 483, 511, 921
use of 407f
Beta cell production 22
Bezafibrate infarction prevention 32
Bicuspid valve 1448, 1450f
aortic 643, 936, 937, 1020, 1448, 1472, 1475
Bidirectional Glenn shunt 965
Bifurcation 727
lesions 672, 736
stenoses 672
Bilateral pulmonary congestion 843f
Bilateral renal artery 1218
Bile acid sequestrants 57
Bile salt export pump 1150
Bioabsorbable devices 992
Bioabsorbable stents 715
Bioprosthetic valves 576, 579
Bioresorbable scaffolds 700t
Biovascular scaffold 701f
Bipolar disorder drugs 1211
Bipolar electrogram, intracardiac recording of 1062
Bismuth germanium oxide 1508
Bivalirudin 250
Biventricular hypertrophy 946, 949
Biventricular pump failure 872
Bland White Garland syndrome 1023
Bleeding risk index 1116
Blood gases 1006
Blood pressure 63, 70, 102, 108, 110t, 116, 118t, 139, 151, 195, 377, 399, 401, 403, 407f, 418, 432, 693, 883, 899, 912, 977, 1170, 1353, 1545
classification of 101t
mean 774
measurement 95
treatment of 71
treatment of high 100
Blood tests, timing of 1556
Blood urea nitrogen 509
Bobbing movement 604
Body mass index 77, 102, 130, 181, 883, 1189, 1199
Body surface area 1348, 1366, 1528
Bone marrow-derived stem cells 283, 1422
Brachial artery 348
anatomical challenges 351
Brachial pulse pressures 97t
Brachiocephalic trunk 789
Bradyarrhythmia 276, 1027
Bradycardia 914f
uncontrolled 377
Bradykinin 204
Brain natriuretic peptide 103, 112, 508, 549
high-levels of 852
Branch ostial lesions 744
Breathing 938
sequence early inspiration 1530f
sequence end expiration 1530f
Bridging therapy 1117
Brittle diabetes 184
Bromocriptine therapy 516
Bronchial asthma 377
Bronchial circulation 1008
Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome 1461
Bronchopulmonary fistula 995
Brugada sign 956f
Brugada syndrome 872, 955, 1038, 1089
Bruit occlusion test 903
B-type natriuretic peptide 168, 171, 429, 469, 470, 476, 524, 864, 896, 1113, 1184
Bull's eye 1272f, 1283f
Bundle branch reentry 1031
Burns 167
Burst atrial pacing 1030
Bypass angioplasty revascularization investigation trial 263
C-reactive protein 817, 1192
Cadillac risk score 224
Calcified nodule 195
Calcified pericardium 1132
Calcium antagonists 387
Calcium channel
antagonists 136
blockers 71, 100, 106, 125, 126, 136, 183, 292, 328
Calcium paradox 385
Calcium sensitizers 550
Calgary score 915t
Calgary syncope symptom score 912
Camelot trial 93
Canadian Cardiovascular Society 223, 366, 650, 852, 916
Cancer chemotherapeutic agents 1279t
Cancer chemotherapy 1284
mediated left ventricular systolic dysfunction, types of 1280t
related cardiac dysfunction 1278
Captopril Digoxin Multicenter Research Group 440
Captopril prevention project 404
Carbohydrate 22
Carcinoid heart disease 623
Cardia devices 992
Cardiac allograft vasculopathy 1462
Cardiac angiosarcoma 1146f
Cardiac arrest 1172
Cardiac arrhythmia 1112, 1172
suppression trial 464
Cardiac assist devices 776
Cardiac biomarkers 166, 167
Cardiac catheterization 549, 515, 978, 985, 1009, 1138f, 1193
Cardiac computed tomography 4
Cardiac contractility modulation 503
Cardiac contusion 167
Cardiac death 262
Cardiac destabilization syndrome 1545
Cardiac device 1244, 1248
infections, management of 1107, 1108
Cardiac disorders 1505
Cardiac dyssynchrony 536
Cardiac emergency 145
Cardiac function 1190
Cardiac hypertrophy 1409
Cardiac implantable electrical devices 1243
Cardiac invasion 1144
Cardiac involvement, types of 1226
Cardiac ischemia 1177
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging 205, 323, 515, 543, 837, 849, 872, 1181, 1321, 1486, 1494, 1517, 1536, 1365
Cardiac malignancies 1141
Cardiac motion 749
Cardiac necrosis, biomarkers of 171
Cardiac occluder devices 1245
Cardiac procedures 167
Cardiac progenitor cells 1419, 1422
Cardiac radionuclide imaging 176
Cardiac rehabilitation 376, 1221
components of 377
Cardiac remote telemetry 917
Cardiac resynchronization 598
therapy 4, 496, 498, 502, 516, 536, 538, 540, 548, 551, 598, 629, 1123, 1374, 1533
Cardiac rhabdomyoma 1145f
Cardiac rhythm 898
Cardiac risk index 291
Cardiac sarcoidosis 863, 863t, 864t, 872
Cardiac shock wave therapy 365, 366
Cardiac structure 1180, 1190
Cardiac surgery 1429
Cardiac sympathetic denervation 1087
Cardiac symptoms 1144
Cardiac syndrome 311, 327
Cardiac systolic dysfunction 1177
Cardiac tamponade 907, 11341136, 1137fc
causes of 1135
hemodynamic spectrum of 1135
stages of 1136
Cardiac transplantation 365, 499
Cardiac troponin 167t, 168, 472
Cardiac tumors 1143
Cardiaq prosthesis 687
Cardiatis multilayer flow modulator 1481
Cardioactive drugs 1031
Cardiobacterium hominis 613
Cardiogenic shock, management of 282
Cardiological Society of India 3
Cardiomegaly and apex beat 977
Cardiomyopathies 825, 1177, 1275, 1373, 1520
classification of 840, 841t
dilated 1375, 1431, 1520
epidemiology of 841
genetics of 825
Cardiopulmonary bypass 952, 1452
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 247
Cardiorenal continuum 399f
Cardiorenal syndrome 519, 520, 524, 525, 527, 529
classification of 520t
pathophysiology of 521fc, 525fc, 526fc, 528fc, 529fc
Cardiotoxic drugs 1176
Cardiotoxicity 11771179, 1182t, 1183, 1184, 1225, 1278
assessment of 1227
classification of 1226t
incidence of 1226
pathophysiology of 1227
Cardiovascular cell therapy research network 1425
Cardiovascular death 333, 335
Cardiovascular disease 13, 17, 24, 36, 48, 63, 81, 167, 205, 297, 301, 310, 376, 393, 394, 416, 475, 1163, 1169, 1170, 1189, 1196, 1198f, 1199, 1208, 1209, 1220, 1225, 1253, 1254, 1329, 1419, 1478
diagnosis of 1411
epidemic of 416
in HIV-infected individuals 1163
prevention of 416
spectrum of 180
treatment of 1411, 1413
Cardiovascular examination 939
Cardiovascular function 1191
Cardiovascular health study 475
Cardiovascular implantable electronic device 1100
Cardiovascular Inflammation Reduction Trial 372
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance 213, 850, 862, 865
Cardiovascular malignancy 1166
Cardiovascular structure 1191
Cardiovascular system 1196
Cardioverter defibrillators 1489, 1533
Carditis 567, 569, 570
Carillon mitral contour system 684
Carotid artery 765, 1218f
bruits, auscultation of 903t
revascularization 762t
stent 754, 759761
Carotid endarterectomy 761
Carotid intima media thickness 1163, 1170
Carotid pulsation 906
Carotid revascularization 760
endarterectomy 761
Carotid sinus massage 912, 915
Carotid stenosis 760, 761t
Carvallo's sign 621, 907
Castello syndrome 1021
Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia 1042, 1089
Cat-eye syndrome 1020
Catheter 670
ablation 875, 1057
strategies 1082
based renal denervation 693
directed thrombolysis 1551, 1554, 1555t
induced vasospasm 745
placement 762, 1029
selection 351, 787
Central aortic blood pressure 95, 97, 405
Central pressure waveform 96f
Central sleep apnea 1201
Central venous
catheter 1556
pressure 508, 549, 905
Cerclage annuloplasty 684
Cerebral blood flow 141
Cerebral ischemia 301, 304
Cerebral protection 1475
Cerebrovascular accident 104, 307, 650, 730, 1357
Cerebrovascular disease 1172
Cerebrovascular disorders 11
Chain triglycerides 1239
Chamber enlargement 977
Char syndrome 1021
Charaka sanhita 3
Charge syndrome 1021
Chemotherapeutical drugs 1181t
Chemotherapy induced cardiomyopathy 1176
Chemotherapy induced heart failure 1177
Chemotherapy related
cardiac toxicity 1226
cardiomyopathy, classification of 1178t
Chest pain 44t
Chest radiography 1145, 1469
Chest X-ray 513, 539, 892, 893f
Chimney grafts 1481
China antihypertensive trial 140
Chlamydia pneumoniae 298
Cholesterol 713
absorption inhibitors 57
ester transfer protein 25, 31, 381
Chordae tendineae, rupture of 623
Chordal cutting/manipulation 1438
Chordal implantation 684
Chorea 570
Chronic aortic regurgitation 596
Chronic cardiac dilation 1129f
Chronic cardiorenal syndrome 524
Chronic constrictive pericarditis 890, 893f897f
Chronic end stage heart disease 345
Chronic heart failure 409, 442, 476, 503, 505, 519
Chronic hypertension 129, 130, 135t, 595
Chronic ischemic cardiomyopathy 1425
Chronic kidney disease 55, 56, 71, 83, 84f, 85, 100, 110, 111, 118, 123, 125, 130, 316, 317, 317f, 317t, 519, 882, 1118, 1546
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 337, 478
Chronic rejection lung 1462
Chronic renal failure 480
Chronic renocardiac syndrome 527
Chronic stable angina 190, 364
trial 364
Chronic stressors 1209
Chronic systolic heart failure 482
Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension 1149
Chronic total occlusion 193, 262t, 263, 358, 703, 718f
Chronic venous
disorders 1560
hypertension 1561
Cigarette smoking on cardiovascular disease 1257
Cilostazol 339
Circulatory support 533, 551
Circulatory system 553
Circumflex artery 748, 751
Circumflex coronary artery 723
Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy 822
Clonidine 135
Clopidogrel 318, 332, 336, 423
Clotting time, activated 1096
Clover techniques 1458
Cobb's syndrome 1022
Cogan's syndrome 1022
Cognitive impairment, mild 54
Collaborative atorvastatin diabetes study 54
Collagen-binding protein 1412
Collagen-targeted paramagnetic micellar nanoparticle 1411
Color flow Doppler echocardiography 621
Color flow mapping 621
Combination drug therapy 112
Combination therapy 72
Combined abciximab reteplase stent study 257
Combined antegrade 708
Combined technology 214
Common carotid artery 759
Communication systems 1232
Comorbid atrial fibrillation 104
Comorbid benign prostatic hypertrophy 105
Comorbid cerebrovascular accident 104
Comorbid congestive heart failure 104
Comorbid coronary artery disease 104
Comorbid left ventricular hypertrophy 104
Comorbid Raynaud's disease 105
Compared prehospital thrombolysis 256
Comparing fibrinolysis 256
Compartment syndrome 356
Complete heart block 1069
Complex fractionated atrial electrograms 1080
Computed tomographic coronary angiography 201
Computed tomography 111, 359, 680, 745, 849, 862
angiography 704, 760, 761
calcium score 191
Concomitant acute myocardial infarction 304
Concomitant coronary artery bypass graft 269
Concurrent myocardial infarction 302
Conduction system disease 826
Conduit artery function evaluation study 98
Conduit artery functional endpoint 405
Confidense 1077
Congenital bicuspid valve 639
Congenital cardiovascular malformation 1019
Congenital complete heart block 938
Congenital coronary arteriovenous fistula 993
Congenital cyanotic heart disease 929
Congenital heart
defects 937t, 975
disease 615, 623, 677, 929, 931, 934, 935, 936t, 938, 942, 957, 968, 972, 981, 987, 995, 1012, 1019, 1149, 1305, 1313, 1536
Congenital long QT syndrome 955
Congenital pulmonic stenosis 639
Congenital tricuspid valve disease 619
Congenital valvular aortic stenosis 971
Congestive cardiac failure 948, 1170, 1171, 1520
Congestive heart failure 104, 318, 440, 584, 863, 1086, 1094t, 1177, 1257, 1353, 1375, 1426, 1431, 1545
Conn syndrome 119
Connective tissue disorder 369, 572, 639
Consequently pulmonary circulation 899
Constrictive pericarditis 890, 891, 891t, 892, 907, 1129, 1130, 1131f, 1132, 1132f, 1133t, 1134f, 1135t
Continuous positive airway pressure 112, 496, 499, 1198
Contraction band necrosis 385
Contrast induced nephropathy 317
Controlled resistant hypertension 108
Controlling hypertension 140
Conventional angiography 197
Conventional balloon angioplasty 740
Conventional drugs 457
Cooled-tip radiofrequency ablation 1033
Core valve, delivery system of 678f
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 1021
Coronary angiogram, limitations of 661
Coronary angiography 177, 197, 312, 321, 704, 724, 745, 852, 1371, 1470, 1493
Coronary angioplasty and stenting 1217
Coronary anomalies 954
Coronary arterio-venous fistula 938
Coronary artery 162, 233, 841, 1423f
blood flow 1373
bypass graft 162, 180, 187, 190, 227, 230, 288, 306, 310, 317, 332, 353, 363, 366, 457, 532, 598, 599, 630, 650, 709, 712, 732, 751, 780, 1103, 1192, 1257
lesions 673
surgery 191, 206, 261, 335f, 376, 649, 709, 1287, 1435, 1452
calcium 177
prevalence of 306
treatment of 1204
obstruction 861
revascularization prophylaxis 293
severe 1214f
spasm 105, 323
vasculopathy 534
Coronary bifurcation stenosis, treatment of 736
Coronary blood flow 157, 158, 775
physics of 158
Coronary care unit 238, 247, 917
Coronary circulation 669, 669
physiology of 157
Coronary computed tomography 713
angiography 704
Coronary dissection 657
Coronary endothelial dysfunction 327
Coronary fistulas 969
Coronary flow reserve 159, 208, 327, 669, 1509
Coronary heart disease 17, 32, 43, 45, 55, 63, 70, 143, 163, 369, 383, 463, 475, 881, 1170, 1189, 1221, 1254, 1257f
Coronary microvascular dysfunction 326
diagnostic criteria 328
pathophysiology of 327
Coronary perfusion 157, 343
Coronary revascularization 293
procedures 498
Coronary sinus 366, 498, 1029, 1074, 1080
based devices 684
reducer device 365, 366
Coronary spasm 167
Coronary stenosis 187
Coronary syndrome 1226
Corrective cardiac surgery 982
Corticosteroids 865
Coselli graft
for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm 1475f
in situ 1475f
Coxiella burnetii 613
Coxsackievirus 1165
C-reactive protein 168, 301, 369, 613, 884
Creatine kinase 281
Cribier-edwards valve 678
Critical coronary arterial disease 847
Crossboss and Stingray re-entry system 707
Crossing mitral valve 604
Crusade risk score 223
Cryptococcus neoformans 1166
CT angiography, multiple slice 175
CT calcium score 175
C-type natriuretic peptide 429
Current chronic kidney disease categories 124t
Current International Recommendations 232, 234
Cushing's syndrome 111, 120
Cute coronary syndrome 1257
Cutting balloon therapy 740
Cyanotic congenital heart disease 929, 960, 972, 974t
Cyanotic defects 941
Cyanotic heart disease 948
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate 158, 422, 847, 1150
Cyclo-oxygenase 332, 371, 427
Cyclosporine 281
Cytomegalovirus 1461
da Costa syndrome 1021
Danish trial in acute myocardial infarction 308
Data monitoring committee 432
De novo coronary lesions 809
Debakey classification 1468
Decompensation 775t
Deep palmar branch 780
Deep vein thrombosis 1169, 1551, 1561
Deeper infection 1099, 1101
Degenerative mitral regurgitation 683
Delivering inappropriate shocks 1050
Delivery, mode of 645
Deoxyribonucleic acid 1180
Depolarization 157, 874t
Depression 181
Designated contract market 547
Devega's annuloplasty 1458
Device interpreted tachycardia 1049
Device reimplantation 1106
Device related endocarditis 1101
Device therapy 493, 495
Dextrocardia 953, 954
Diabetes 104, 377, 795, 1274
management 181
mellitus 148, 149f, 175, 196, 224, 228, 334, 395, 809, 1220, 1235
uncontrolled 377
Diacylglycerols 1262
Diameter stenosis 740
Diaphragmatic hernia 1016
Diastole 1353
physiology 1354f
Diastolic blood pressure 100, 143, 377
Diastolic dysfunction 1357, 1358f, 1360, 1360fc
Diastolic filling time 1383
Diastolic hypertension 83f
Diastolic stress test 1357
Diet in renal disease 111, 519
Dietary modification 882
Dietary sodium restriction 93
Di-Georges's syndrome 939
Digital stethoscope 1232
Digitalis investigation group 439
Digitalis toxicity 442
Digoxin 440, 482, 511, 550
Dihydropyridines 183
Dilated atria 844f
Dilated cardiomyopathy 273, 513, 533, 813, 816, 825, 840, 841, 864, 872, 1425
genetics of 826
Dilated inferior vena cava 893
Direct annuloplasty 684, 686, 686f
Direct flow percutaneous aortic valve 678
Direct flow valve 679f
Direct renin inhibitor 113
Direct thrombin inhibitors 435
Direct vasodilator 106, 126, 137
Disease control, centers for 1102
Disease modifying antirheumatic drugs 372
Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 460
Disorder theory, repolarization 1039
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 128
Distal balloon occlusion devices 716, 755
Distal coronary
artery pressure, mean 160
pressure 671f, 1498
Distal embolic protection 763t
devices 753
role of 753
Distal embolization 753, 754
Distal filter
devices 756
systems 717
Distal occlusion 755, 756
Diuretics 106, 125, 126, 136, 484, 549
Dizziness 444t, 1051
Dobutamine stress echocardiography 209, 1228, 1332
Docosapentaenoic acid 58
Doppler echocardiography 837, 894, 1081
Doppler tissue imaging 1282
Doppler velocity index 1341
Dorsal carpal branch 781
Dosimeter 805
Double aortic arch 1016f
Double kissing crush technique 728
Double outlet right ventricle 547, 930, 931, 934
Double valve replacement 574
Down's syndrome 931, 950, 1019
Drug pharmacokinetics 1405
Drug therapy 1193, 1194t, 1240
Drug-coated balloon 740
role of 741
Drug-eluting balloon 808, 809, 1571
Drug-eluting stent 193, 250, 261, 274, 331, 426, 658, 697, 712, 730, 744, 771, 795, 808, 997, 1501
D-TGA postatrial switch 952
Dual antiplatelet therapy 193, 274, 292, 294, 307, 331, 426, 718
Dual chamber pacing 856
Ductus arteriosus 936
Duke activity status index 291
Dynamic auscultation 898
Dysautonomia 85
Dysgenesis 623
Dyslipidemia 372, 1236
management of 17
Dyspnea 444t
Dyssynchrony, mechanical 1275
Dysthymia 1209
Early repolarization syndrome 1042, 1089
Ebstein's anomaly 933f, 948, 961
Echocardiographic indexes 1056
Echocardiography 176, 209, 377, 480, 513, 547, 584, 597, 620, 836, 842f, 846, 849, 864, 892, 919, 1102, 1138f, 1146, 1225
scoring system 602t
role of 290, 602
Eclampsia 129, 133
Edema 775
Edge dissection 657f
Edge-to-edge leaflet repair 1438
Edible oil, selection of 1262
Edward's syndrome 1019
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 1021
Ehra score 444t
Eicosapentaenoic acid 58
Eikenella corrodens 613
Eisenmenger physiology 948, 951, 952t
Eisenmenger syndrome 645, 933, 937, 973, 974t, 976, 981983, 988t, 1018, 1023
Ejection fraction 303, 414, 476, 512, 531, 598
Elastic compression stockings 1556
Elective replacement indicator 1071
Electrical dyssynchrony 536
Electrical stimulation 366
Electrical storm 1090
Electroanatomic mapping systems 1084
Electrocardiogram 242, 462, 479, 513, 537, 547, 579, 835, 842, 846, 862, 871, 871f, 872f
Electromagnetic interference 1049
Electron beam computed tomography 162
Electron transport chain 493
Elevated liver enzymes 1118
Elevated stress hormones 289
Embolic complications, prevention of 837
Embolic protection 762
devices 712, 716, 753, 756, 757, 762, 763
Embryonic stem cells 122, 1419
Emergency coronary artery bypass grafting 767
Emergency medical system 243
Emergency, types of 147
Emmace risk score 222
End stage kidney disease 123
antegrade velocity 1569
pressure 908, 1005
volume 1520
wall thickness 209
Endocardial border delineation 1381
Endocarditis 623
Endocarditis prophylaxis 1103
Endocrine disorders 821, 822t
Endocrine hypertension 85
Endograft surveillance 1480
Endomyocardial biopsy 167, 845, 847, 862, 864, 896, 1183, 1462
Endomyocardial disease 1531
Endothelial adhesion molecule 1164
Endothelial derived nitric oxide 327
Endothelial dysfunction 92, 324, 385, 386, 1198, 1236
pathophysiology of 398
Endothelial markers 171
Endothelial progenitor cells 370, 400
Endothelin 987
Endothelin pathway 1149, 1150
Endothelin receptor antagonists 524, 987, 1150
Endovalve-Herrmann mitral valve 686, 687f
Endovascular aortic aneurysm repair 1478
Endovascular stenting 1471
Endovenous laser ablation 1561, 1562
Endovenous steam ablation 1561, 1564
Endovenous thermal ablation 1560, 1561
End-stage kidney disease 525, 1545
End-stage renal disease 118, 822, 1204, 1547
End-systolic volume 532, 1520
Energy parameters 1325
Enhanced external counterpulsation 365, 365t
Enoximone stress echocardiography 1371
Epicardial coronary spasm 181
Epicardial electrodes 1101
Epicardial pacing leads 1245
Epicardial stenosis 181
Epicardial vasodilatation 670
Epilepsy 923
Epithelial sodium-channel inhibitor 113
Ercutaneous coronary intervention 254
Erectile dysfunction 1567, 1567t
Erection, physiology of 1568
Erythema marginatum 568
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 862, 1143, 1214
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 316, 318, 519
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 460
Euroheart survey risk score 224
European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery 242
European Association of Echocardiography 597, 1366
European Atherosclerosis Society 37, 46
European Heart Academy 71
European Medicines Agency 49
European Myocardial Infarction Project 239
European Society for Medical Oncology 1181
European Society of Cardiology 91, 100, 190, 209, 242, 253, 275, 319, 326, 329, 344, 411, 478, 482, 488, 512, 538, 813, 825, 840, 910, 917t, 979, 1071, 1116
European Society of Hypertension 91, 100
Eustachian valve 942
Everolimus eluting stent 426, 730
Exercise 205
echocardiography 597
single-photon emission computed tomography 175
treadmill testing 163
Exogenous nitric oxide 104
External carotid artery 765
External defibrillators 1029
External jugular vein 905
External loop recorders 915
Extracellular matrix 492
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 267, 276, 346, 552, 554, 1462
Extracorporeal shockwave myocardial revascularization 363
Extrastimulus technique 1030
Familial dilated cardiomyopathy 826
Familial hypercholesterolemia 24, 45, 46, 49t
Fast-pathway ablation 1034
Fatal myocardial infarctions 190
Fatigue 444t
Fats, classification of 1263
Fatty acid
binding proteins 171
profile 1265t
Fatty alcohols 1263
Femoral arterial pressure 97f
Femoral artery 96f
Ferric carboxymaltose 410, 412f
Fetal alcohol syndrome 1023
Fetal assessment 130
Fetal circulation 1002, 1002f
Fever 568
Fibrates 32, 56
Fibrinogen 169, 170
Fibrinolysis 247, 254, 312
Fibrinolytic therapy 254, 303
Fibroblast growth factor 982
Fibroelastic deficiency 627
Fibrofatty tissue 198f
Fibromas 1145
Fibromuscular dysplasia 1545, 1548
Fibrosarcomas 1145
Fibrous cap, thin 196
Fibrous tissue 198f
Fick's principle for calculation of cardiac output 574f
Final kissing balloon inflation 727, 737
Flame-shaped hemorrhages 144
Flexor retinaculum 793
Floating guidewire technique 749
Floppy valve syndrome 623, 1021
Fludrocortisone 921
Fluid dynamic stress 196
Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose metabolic imaging 1510
Fluorodeoxyglucose 199, 1517
positron emission tomography 1215
Focal aneurysm 1528f
Focal atrial tachycardia 1035
Focal radial artery 355f
Folded balloon technology 808
Fontan circuit 965, 965t
Fontan failure 966
Fontan palliation, staging of 965
Fontan procedure 974
Fontan surgery evolution 963
Food and Drug Administration 27, 49, 457, 649, 1077, 1117, 1124, 1501, 1553
Forceful atrial contraction 906
Fractional flow reserve 4, 159, 187, 192, 261, 655, 669, 670, 673, 714, 724, 732, 736, 745, 747
Fragmin and fast revascularization 229, 308
Framingham heart study 1192
Framingham risk score 1237
Free fatty acid 149, 168, 212, 459, 1263
chains 1263f
Fresh frozen plasma 579
Friedreich's ataxia 1531
Functional mitral regurgitation 575597, 627, 631f, 686
Functional tricuspid regurgitation 1455
Gadolinium- diethylenetriaminepentaacetate 1486
Galactin 3 472
Ganglionated plexi 1081, 1087
Ganglionic plexi, density of 1088f
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 1461
Gene therapy 50, 365, 367, 1414
General anesthesia 1090
Generator pocket infection 1101
Genome Wide Association Study 1038
Genotype heterogeneity 825
Geoform ring 1441f
Gerbode's defect 945
Gestational hypertension 129
Gianturco Grifka occlusion vascular device 994
Global burden of diseases 17
Global risk classification score 724
Glomerular filtration rate 56, 72, 117, 125, 227, 432, 1116, 1548
Glucocorticoid remediable aldosteronism 120
Glucose tolerance 1235
Glycemic control 151
Glycoprotein 230, 387
role of 769
Gold standard angiography 1333t
Goldenhar syndrome 1022
Gouty arthritis 987
Grace risk model nomogram 228f
Graft failure 712
Granulum 861
Great arteries 931, 944
complete transposition of 929
congenitally transposition of 938
intervention, transposition 960fc
transposition of 948, 960, 979, 1001, 1002f, 1015, 1020, 1313
with pulmonary stenosis 1003t, 1008f
with ventricular septal defect, transposition of 1003, 1003f, 1008f
Great saphenous vein 1562, 1565t
Guanylate cyclase 1151
Gugleielmi detachable coils 993
Guideline directed medical therapy 291, 532, 551
Gusto risk score 222
Hall-Hittner syndrome 1021
Hand hygiene 1103
Hawthorne effect 86
Head-up tilt tests 912
Heart 403
and environmental pollution 1168, 1169
and heart-lung transplantation 1460
attack 1268
autonomic innervation of 1087f
block 845, 953
block complete 949
catheterization 358
fatty acid binding protein 169171
granulomatous disease of 861
machine 1452
transplantation 1460, 1463
muscle disease 814
outcomes prevention evaluation 400, 401
protection study 55
rate 22, 92, 160, 222, 344, 403, 551, 775, 914f, 947f, 1354
turbulence 273
sounds 899902
transplant outcomes 534
transplantation 533, 534, 866, 876, 1460
Heart failure 167, 196, 221, 224, 283, 302, 377, 395, 409, 410t, 411, 429, 430432, 439, 469, 470t, 475, 478, 478t, 479, 480t, 482, 488, 495, 498, 502505, 507, 512, 515t, 517t, 520, 531, 531t, 540, 546, 570, 598, 631f, 822t, 849, 875, 917, 1009, 1169, 1171, 1176, 1191, 1200, 1222, 1274, 1374, 1409, 1425, 1461
diagnosis of 477
Digoxin's role in 440
Framingham diagnostic criteria for 478t
management 471
prognosis of 470
progression of 475
Society of America 817
symptoms of 227
treatment of 1200
Heartflow analysis 1500
HELLP syndrome 130
management of 130
Helsinki heart study 32, 56
Hematoma 356
Hemodynamic classification 930
Hemodynamic compression pump 488
Hemodynamic monitoring lines 1245
Hemoglobin 409
content 160
Hemolysis 130, 582
Hemorrhagic stroke 312
Hemostatic device 357f
Heparin 319
induced thrombocytopenia 435
Hepatic vein 893
Doppler 1357f
flow 1132f
Hepatitis C virus 1179
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia 1022
Heterotaxy syndrome 943, 1022
Hibernating myocardium 1485
High-blood pressure 139
High-degree atrioventricular block 105
High-density lipoprotein 14, 25, 36, 46, 371, 883
cholesterol 17, 31, 41, 46, 55, 170, 380
intervention 380, 381
High-frequency stimulation 1082
High-intensity statin 319
cardiac troponin 852
assay 170t
C-reactive protein 168, 170, 191
troponin assay 171
His-bundle 946
His-Purkinje system 1068
Holmium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser 365
Holt-Oram syndrome 1021
Homocysteine 169, 170
Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia 46t
Hormone replacement therapy 329
Household air pollution 1168, 1171
Human immunodeficiency virus 1163, 1165
Human induced pluripotent stem cell 1426
Human organ act, transplantation of 1460
Human umbilical vein endothelial cells 400
Humoral hypothesis 193
Hybrid ablation 1083
Hybrid suite 1247f
Hydralazine 137, 485
Hydrodynamic input-output system 488
Hydrogen ion concentration 1006
Hydroxychloroquine 372
Hypercarbia aggravate ischemia 289
Hypercholesterolemia 195
Hyperemia 670
Hyperglycemia 1103
Hyperinflated lungs 1016f
Hyperleptinemia 1190
Hyperlipidemia 321
Hyperplasia 799f
Hyperplastic obesity 1189
Hypertension 63, 65, 65t, 67, 70, 78, 100, 114, 123, 125, 128, 129, 148, 149f, 175, 181, 196, 228, 289, 372, 377, 395, 475, 815, 1094t, 1170, 1178, 1199, 1238, 1273, 1545
causes of 110t, 119t
diagnosis of 87t
evaluation of 123
guidelines 70
management of 86, 123, 139, 304
percentage of 117t
postpartum, management of 137
prevalence of 65f, 91f
severe 128, 134t, 1550f
treatment of 71, 117, 143, 1200
of severe 133
Hypertensive disease 130
Hypertensive disorders 130
Hypertensive emergencies 143, 145, 167
treatment of 146t
types of 147t
Hypertonic solutions 1561
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 273, 551, 593, 596, 813, 815, 825, 840, 843, 849, 860, 1020, 1112, 1307, 1373, 1523, 1533
genetics of 827
Hypertrophic obesity 1189
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy 377, 899
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy 987
Hypokalemia 272
Hypomagnesemia 272
Hypoperfusion, treatment of 510
Hypoplastic left heart
disease 1022
syndrome 547, 932, 936, 1020, 1023
Hypoplastic right ventricle 1537f
Hypopnea 1197f
Hypotension 377, 762
Hypothermia, mild 282
Hypothesis 564, 1170
Hypovolemia 289
Hypoxemia 289
Hypoxia 272
Iatrogenic Lutembacher syndrome 1022
Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy 157, 595
Idiopathic hyperaldosteronism 120
Idiopathic pulmonary
arterial hypertension 479, 1149
fibrosis 492
Idiopathic right ventricular tachycardia 871
Idiopathic ventricular
fibrillation 1042
tachycardia 1060
Iliac artery, angioplasty of 1217
Iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis 1551
Immunosuppressive therapy 1462
Impaired fasting glucose 1235
Impella device 496f, 778, 778f
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator 4, 275, 496, 498, 516, 540, 551, 818, 862, 866, 873, 876fc, 921, 1032, 1038, 1039, 1044, 1060, 1068, 1089, 1121, 1244
therapy 283
Implantable loop recorders 911, 918
Implantable pulse generator 504
Inadequate oxygen delivery 775
Inappropriate shocks 1124
Incomplete stent apposition 666
Indian Guidelines for hypertension 87, 102
Indian polycap study 417
Induced pluripotent stem cells 1422
Infarction 289
Infective endocarditis 580, 581, 611, 613t, 629, 1166, 1345
classifications 612t
Inferior vena cava 508, 547, 943, 1003, 1022, 1294, 1351, 1556
filters 1556
Infiltrative myocardial tuberculosis 862
Inflammation 93, 149, 1198, 1221
markers of 1236
Inflammatory cells 169
Inflammatory vascular disorders 639
Infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm 1481
Inherited arrhythmia syndromes 1038
Inherited thrombophilias 1556
Inherited ventricular tachyarrhythmia syndromes 1089
Inhibition, method of 339
Inotropes, role of 775
Inoue balloon technique 603
Insulin resistance 1235
syndrome 298
Intact ventricular septum 930
Intensity modulated radiotherapy 1228
Intensive care unit 549
Interatrial septum 1005
Intermediate density lipoproteins 41
Internal carotid artery 763
origin 759
Internal elastic lamina 704
Internal jugular vein 905
Internal mammary artery 353, 355f, 712, 713, 1453
interventions 717
Internal pudendal artery 1567, 1568f
stenosis 1570f
International Collaboration on Endocarditis Prospective Cohort Study 612
International Diabetes Federation 1236
International Hypertension Guidelines 91
International normalized ratio 274, 577
International Society of Heart and Lung Transplant 548
International Verapamil-Trandolapril Study 405
Interosseous artery 780, 781
Interventional cardiology, development of 5
Interventricular septum 892, 1002
Intra-aortic balloon
counterpulsation 342, 496, 629
pump 157, 248, 250, 266, 307, 318, 342, 496f, 554, 767
Intra-atrial reentrant tachycardia 953f
Intracardiac echocardiography 680, 992, 1084
Intracardiac flow vortex imaging 1321
Intracardiac pressure curves 1137
Intracardiac signals, recording of 1029
Intracerebral hemorrhage 338
Intracoronary balloon 200
Intracoronary stenting 801
Intracoronary thermography 199
Intracranial hemorrhage 307
Intracranial pressure 104
Intramural hematoma 1467
Intramural hemorrhage 1467
Intraoperative monitoring techniques 290
Intraplaque hemorrhage 197
Intrauterine fetal growth restriction 129
Intravascular palpography 199
Intravascular radiation detector 199
Intravascular ultrasound 4, 196, 197, 198, 200f, 323, 380, 654, 661, 665f, 667, 713, 724, 725, 740, 745, 747
Intravenous glycoprotein 256
Intravenous immunoglobulin 516, 570
Intraventricular conduction disturbances 1028
Intraventricular dyssynchrony 1377
Introducer needles, thin 674
Invasive cardiac ventriculography 1306
Invasive coronary angiography 197, 1497
Invasive fractional flow reserve 1497
deficiency, etiology of 410t
deficiency, treatment of 414fc
overload cardiomyopathy 1531
therapy 409
Irreversible pulmonary hypertension 976
Ischemia 168, 272, 289
guided strategy 227, 228
induced coronary vasoconstriction 289
modified albumin 168, 169, 171
relief 182
Ischemic cardiomyopathy 531
Ischemic heart
disease 50, 190, 266, 480, 1169, 1516
failure 532, 1425, 1516
surgical treatment of 187
Ischemic mitral regurgitation 1431, 1435, 1436, 1441f
annuloplasty for 1438
treatment of 1431, 1438
Ischemic stroke 140, 302t
Ischemic syndrome 319
Isolated heart transplants 1463
Isometric counterpressure maneuvers, physical 920
Isometric exercise 900
Isosorbide dinitrate 137, 183, 670
Isovolumic acceleration 1292
Isovolumic contraction time 1364
Isovolumic relaxation time 1353, 1354, 1364
Ivabradine 184, 364, 459, 482, 492, 921
Ivemark and polysplenia syndrome 1023
Jocobsen syndrome 1020
Joint National Committee 90, 108, 123, 372, 404
Jones criteria 568, 569
Judkins catheter 747
Jugular venous
pressure 476, 908, 909, 931
pulse 892, 905, 908f
Junctional ectopic tachycardia 952
Junctional reciprocating tachycardia 1054
Juvenile mitral stenosis 606
Juxtarenal aortic stenosis 1218f
Kabuki syndrome 1020
Kaplan-Meier curve 186f, 673f
Kartagener syndrome 1022
Kay's annuloplasty 1458
Keutel syndrome 1021
disease, stages of chronic 124t
failure 146
injury molecule 521
Kinetic energy dissipation 1325
Kissing balloon inflation 727
Knee joint 377
Large necrotic core 197
Large ventricular septal defects 936, 937, 1007
Late gadolinium enhancement 213, 851, 896
Late mortality 966
Lead extraction
complications 1108
techniques 1106
Lead movement 1125
Lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase 31
Left anterior
cerebral artery 760
descending artery 650
Left atrial
appendage 1093, 1287, 1315
enlargement 945, 946
flutter 1074
function 1275f, 1360
leiomyosarcoma 1316f
pressure 905
volume 850
Left atrium 943, 1080
function 1081
Left bundle branch block 176, 242, 254, 503, 537, 538, 856, 1063, 1068, 1382
Left cardiac sympathetic denervation 1089, 1090
Left circumflex 1002
Left circumflex artery 203, 650
coronary 745
Left common carotid artery 760
Left common iliac artery 1218f
Left coronary artery 353, 723, 942, 1002, 1316
Left external carotid artery 760
Left fibrous trigone 1433
Left heart obstruction 947
Left iliac artery critical stenosis 1218f
Left internal
carotid artery 760
coronary artery 193
mammary artery, cannulation of 355f
Left main coronary artery 671, 723, 744
Left middle cerebral artery 760
Left pulmonary artery 1002
Left stellate ganglion 1087
blockade 365
Left superior vena cava 937, 1014f, 1022
Left upper pulmonary vein 1096
Left ventricle 931, 984, 1001, 1002, 1063, 1271, 1288, 1304, 1346, 1347f, 1363, 1370, 1492, 1516
assist device 276, 497f, 499, 533, 553
contractile function 1282
contrast opacification 1332f
dysfunction 208, 827, 1094t, 1177
ejection fraction 192, 194, 275, 283, 376, 411, 432, 440, 459, 477, 482, 488, 502, 508, 516, 537, 538, 548, 650, 817, 837, 846, 862, 1057, 1068, 1177, 1227, 1273, 1298, 1300, 1354, 1364, 1374
pressure 476, 775, 900, 1005, 1353
volume 478, 533
end-systolic volume 1375, 1376
global systolic function 1347
hypertrophy 104, 123, 162, 163, 306, 405, 479, 815, 892, 947, 949, 1190
internal dimension 1346f
lead location 542
mass 1348
noncompaction 1520, 1529
opacification 1331, 1331f, 1372
outflow obstruction 971
outflow tract 547, 900, 1001, 1298, 1339, 1354, 1373, 1378, 1445, 1523
obstruction 1002
partition device 497f
regional function 1348
systolic dysfunction 479, 482, 590, 1164
severe 1227f
twist and untwisting 1359
Left-axis deviation 944, 945
ejection fraction 176, 209, 919, 1300, 1304
end diastolic
pressure 547
volume 1292
fractional shortening 1182
hypertrophy 852
noncompaction 1533
cardiomyopathy 1308
outflow tract 1307
strain 1271
volume overload 977
Leopard syndrome 1020
Lethal reperfusion injury 385
Leukocyte microparticles 370
Level of blood pressure 100
Lifestyle modification 1089, 1090
Light pollution 1169
Lipid core burden index 200
Lipid management 183
Lipid metabolism 48f
Lipid paradox 370
Lipoma 1145
Lipomatous hypertrophy 1145, 1193
Lipoprotein 41
apheresis 50
lipase 37
Liquid drug delivery 808
Liquid petroleum gas 1172
Liver 169
function tests 1150
Local anesthesia 786
Local electrogram features 1061
Local plaque trapping 755
devices 756
Local therapy 201
Loeys-Dietz syndrome 1021
Long QT syndrome 1040, 1086, 1089
Longstanding atrial fibrillation 596
Loop recorder 1245
Lotus valve system 678
Low cardiac output state 548
Low left ventricular ejection fraction 590
Low molecular weight heparin 319, 644
Low pressure tricuspid regurgitation 619
Low-density lipoprotein 24, 31, 35, 37, 41, 56, 149, 167, 197, 298, 417, 884
cholesterol 11, 17, 31, 41, 45, 53, 380
receptor-adaptor protein 45
reduction 380
Low-dose intracoronary thrombolysis 280
Lower respiratory tract infection 931
Low-molecular weight heparin 579, 1117, 1551, 1552
Lung biopsy 979
Lutembacher syndrome 1022
Lutetium oxyorthosilicate 1487, 1508
Lysophosphatidylcholine 169
Macrophages 169
Magic bullets 1251
Magnesium therapy 387
Magnet based mapping system 1073f
Magnetic resonance angiography 760
Main coronary artery 353
Main pulmonary artery 1368
Major adverse cardiac events 49, 166, 223, 279, 495, 649, 667, 736, 755, 770, 790
Malignant ventricular tachycardia 861
Manometer method 900
Marfan's syndrome 572, 639, 1021
Masked hypertension 83, 84t
Masked uncontrolled hypertension 84t
Massive solid cardiac tumor 1146t
Maternal syndrome of pre-eclampsia, pathogenesis of 129f
Matrix metallo-proteinases 168
Matrix-degrading metalloproteinase 196
Mayo clinic risk scores 223
Mayo PCI risk score 223, 224
Medical stabilization 266
Medication event monitoring system 111
Mental disorders 1208
Mesenchymal stem cells 1425
Mesenteric artery, angioplasty of 1217
Meta-analysis of hypertension awareness 65f
Metabolic modulation 385, 386
Metabolic syndrome 1220, 1235, 1237, 1238
diagnosis of 1236t
dyslipidemia in 1238
interplay of components of 93f
management of 1239
Metabolism 1006
Metaiodobenzylguanidine 1512f
Metastatic tumor 1145f
Metformin 1240
Methoxamine 902
Methyldopa 134
Metoprolol atherosclerosis prevention in hypertensives 405
Michigan PCI risk score 223
Microalbuminuria 93
Micro-RNAs in vascular diseases 1408
Microsomal triglyceride transfer 28
inhibitors 28
protein 49
Microvascular angina 326
management of 328
Microvascular dysfunction 181, 324
Microvascular injury 385, 386
Microvascular resistance, index of 669
Microvascular spasm 847
Microvascular vasodilation 670
Mid-diastolic murmur 979
Mid-diastolic potential 1061
Mid-lateral annulus 1433f
Midodrine 921
Mid-regional proadrenomedullin 471
Mid-regional proatrial natriuretic peptide 172, 471
Mid-ventricular HCM 1524
Mimic pericardial effusion 1193
Mineralocorticoid antagonist 511, 550
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists 113, 484, 856
Minimal lumen diameter 662, 741
Mitochondria targeted therapies 493
Mitochondrial permeability transition pore 204
Mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase 386
Mitogen-activated protein kinase 149
Mitraclip 627
Mitraclip procedure 627
Mitraclip system 628, 633
Mitral annuloplasty 599
Mitral annulus 896f
tissue doppler 1355f
velocity 1132
velocity in constrictive pericarditis 1132
Mitral balloon valvuloplasty 602t
Mitral flow propagation velocity 1357f
Mitral inflow 1132f
Mitral inflow propagation velocity 1356
Mitral inflow wave duration 1356f
Mitral leaflet separation 1288f
Mitral leaflet, posterior 596
Mitral prosthesis, diastolic dysfunction in 1359
Mitral prosthetic valve 1389
Mitral regurgitation 227, 498, 532, 537, 568, 573, 586, 595, 596, 601, 627, 632f, 677, 682, 899, 1021, 1308, 1340, 1356, 1375, 1396, 1433
classification of 682
severity of 597, 1434
Mitral stenosis 377, 572, 601, 606f, 641, 642, 677, 1287, 1308, 1359, 1372, 1395
Mitral valve 498, 601, 627, 1009, 1307, 1340, 1353, 1431, 1340t
clip procedure 1389
edge-to-edge repair 599
inflow study 844f
interventions 498
lesions 639
orifice area 1395
percutaneous therapy 683
prolapse 596, 899
regurgitation, Carpentier classification of 683f
repair 573
replacement 579, 1340f, 1340t
surgery 532
Mitralign percutaneous annuloplasty system 686
Mitral-valve prolapse 1021
syndrome 1021
Mixed venous oxygen saturation 549
M-mode echocardiography 894
Mobius device 684
Molecular genetics 1040
Monarc device 684
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor 117
Monoclonal antibodies 1251
in cardiovascular therapeutics 1251
Monounsaturated fatty acids 1264
Morquio syndrome 1022
Mortality 965
MRI and cardiac devices 1243
Müller's maneuver 901
Multicenter study of enhanced external counterpulsation trial 365
Multidetector computed tomography 598
Multielectrode mapping systems 1037
Multilayered spiral system, development of 833
Multimarker strategy 172
Multislice computerized tomography 214
Multislice computerized tomography angiography 175
Multivalvular disease 575
Multivalvular heart disease 572, 573
surgical treatment of 573
Multivessel disease 672
Murmurs 899902, 977
Muscle cells, smooth 196
Muscle mass 775
Muscle sympathetic nervous activity 113
Muscular suction pump 488
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 862
Mycophenolate 1462
Myeloid cells 169
Myeloid related protein 168
Myeloperoxidase 167, 169
Myocardial biopsies 515
Myocardial blood flow 1330, 1507, 1509
Myocardial cells 169
Myocardial contrast echocardiography 215, 1329, 1332, 1333t
Myocardial deformation measurements 1359
Myocardial dysfunction 1301
Myocardial fibers 1298
Myocardial flow reserve 1509
Myocardial infarction 17, 104, 162, 170, 171, 191, 192, 203, 221, 223, 228, 229, 233, 235, 239, 247, 254, 261, 262, 265, 266, 272, 288, 298f, 301, 306, 307, 321, 323f, 334336, 345, 376, 383, 419, 435, 457, 472, 505, 531, 703, 754, 795, 823t, 1063, 1068, 1163, 1191, 1209, 1257, 1412, 1422, 1432, 1486, 1509, 1547
complication of 344f
score 228t
system 228t
type of 322
Myocardial injury
biomarkers of 169
management of 290
Myocardial ischemia 264, 326, 327, 703
Myocardial metabolism, tracers for 1510
Myocardial oxygen
consumption 157
demand 775
supply-demand imbalance 289
Myocardial performance index 1364, 1365f
Myocardial perfusion 1329, 1491
by CTA 1492
imaging 1495f
on CT-MPI 1493
reserve 328
scan 176
Myocardial perfusion
injury 384, 384fc
types of 384
studies 865
tracers for 1505
Myocardial revascularization strategies 261
Myocardial stunning 208, 384
Myocardial toxins 1179
Myocardial tuberculoma 861, 862
Myocardial tuberculosis 861
Myocardial viability study 1371
Myocardial wall 169
Myocardiosis 813
Myocarditis 167, 321, 567, 813, 844
Myocardium, granulomatous lesions of 861
Myocartial infarction 310
Myosin-binding protein C 853
Myxomas 1144
N-acetyl cysteine 318
National Cardiovascular Data Registry 224, 307, 358
National Cholesterol Education Program 15, 57
National Family Health Survey 78
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 470
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute 512
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 47, 106, 115, 123, 615, 115, 1115
National Interventional Council 235
National Kidney Foundation 56
National Lipid Association 53
National Surgical Quality Improvement Program 291
Native valve endocarditis 612, 614
Natriuretic peptides 429, 430t, 470, 471, 480, 485, 508, 847, 1183
limitations of 471, 471t
system 429, 433
Near infrared spectroscopy 200
Negative intrathoracic pressure 1197
Negative predictive value 215
Nellix endovascular aneurysm sealing system 1481
Neoatherosclerosis 799, 799f
Neochord device 684
Neointimal hyperplasia 655
Neomyogenesis 1422
Neonatal period 965
Neprilysin inhibitor 429, 431, 485
Neural hypothesis 204
Neutral ammonia 1506
Neutral endopeptidase 430
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin 521
Neutrophilic activation 167
New risk stratification score 724
New York Heart Association 223, 367, 410, 432, 440, 470, 498, 499, 502, 538, 549, 553, 580, 630, 847, 855, 966, 1057, 1374
Next generation transcatheter heart valves 679f
Niacin 32
Nicardipine 719
Nicorandil 184, 205, 364, 387
Nicotine addiction, cycle of 1254f
Nicotinic acid 56
Nitrates 183
Nitric oxide 490, 975, 1149, 1178, 1568
pathway 1149, 1150
Nitroglycerin 183, 205
Nitroprusside 387, 670, 719
Nocturnal blood pressure 83f
Nocturnal hypertension 83f
Noise pollution 1169
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis 55
Non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy 1151
Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis 1166
Noncompacted myocardium, localization of 835
Noncompaction cardiomyopathy 832
Non-coronary causes of chest pain 311
Non-coronary cusp 1009
Noncoronary heart muscle diseases 813
Nonelectrical cardiac device 1249
Nonfatal myocardial infarction 195, 317f, 656
Nonheart failure 541
Noninvasive electrophysiological mapping 1078
Noninvasive testing 311, 713, 759
Noninvasive tracking of embryonic stem cells 1514
Non-ionogenic detergents 1561
Nonischemic cardiomyopathy 1066
Nonobstructive coronary arteries 321
Nonresponders of cardiac resynchronization therapy 543
Nonspecific aortoarteritis 1213
Non-ST segment elevation
acute coronary syndrome 335
myocardial infarction 308, 336
Nonstatin therapy 32
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 117, 332, 371
Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia 273, 857, 1042
Nonvalvular atrial fibrillation 1119
Noonan's syndrome 939, 1020
Nordic diltiazem study 404
Normal-tension glaucoma 231
Novel nonconventional therapies 460
Novel oral anticoagulants 1551, 1552, 1554t
N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide 852
Nuclear magnetic resonance 33
Nuclear medicine 4
Nucleotide polymorphisms, single 148
Obesity 149, 181
and cardiomyopathy, pathophysiology of 1191
and heart disease 1189
cardiomyopathy 822, 822t
hypoventilation syndrome 1204
measurement of 1189
on cardiac performance 1190
on hemodynamics 1191
paradox 1192
prevalence of 883
Obstructive coronary artery disease 326, 327f
Obstructive sleep apnea 85, 112, 116, 118, 1190, 1196, 1199, 1200
in coronary artery disease 1203
in end-stage renal disease 1204, 1205
in heart failure 1200
in hypertension 1199
in pulmonary arterial hypertension 1204
in stroke 1201
pathophysiology of 1198f
syndrome 116
treatment of 1199, 12031205
Occlude left atrial appendage 1094
Occlutech flex devices 991
Octopus system 1452
Omega-3 fatty acids 485
Oncotherapeutic agents 1227t
Ongoing maternal surveillance 130t
Open artery theory 253
Open surgical repair 1474
Optical coherence tomography 4, 191, 197, 198, 198f, 199f, 263, 654, 655f, 657, 658, 661, 740, 745, 747, 797
application of 655
Optimal medical therapy 180, 191, 194, 363, 495, 597
Oral anticoagulants 644, 1093, 1117
mechanical heart valves 1118
renal derangements 1118
valvular heart diseases 1118
Oral contraceptive pill 1556
Organ dysfunction syndrome 549
Orthostatic hypertension 85
Osteoarthritis 377
Ostial lesions 667, 744
treatment of 745
Ostial renal artery stenosis 1550f
Ostium 726
anatomy of 744
primum atrial septal defect 945
secundum atrial septal defect 945
Overt clinical disorder 872
Oxidative stress 1198, 1221
Oxidized low-density lipoprotein 196
cerebral metabolic rate of 141
delivery 775
extraction fraction 141
paradox 385
pressure of 978
saturation 549, 940, 1009
therapy 283
Paccocath technology 808
Pace mapping 1061
Paced extrastimulus technique 1030
infection 1099
permanent 866
implantation 283
technology, recent innovations in 1068
therapy 551
Pacing maneuvers 1061
Pacing stimuli 1030
Paclitaxel eluting stent 730
Paclitaxel-coated balloon 741
Paclitaxel-eluting stent 426, 715, 808
Pallister-Killian syndrome 1021
Palmar carpal branch 781
Palmar digital arteries 780
Palpate radial artery 349
Palpitations 444t, 1052
Panel reactive antibodies 1461
Papaverine 670
Papillary fibroelastoma 1145
Papillary muscle 1431
dysfunction 627, 1432
rupture 265, 268, 623
Parachute implant system 499
Paradoxical low flow 1302
Paraprosthetic leak 995
Paravalvular mitral prosthetic regurgitation 1313f
Paravalvular regurgitation 582
Parkinson's disease 85
Paroxetine 921
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia 945
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia 1054
Patau's syndrome 1019
Patent ductus arteriosus 547, 937, 946, 958, 964, 969t, 970f, 982, 1003, 1019
Patent foramen ovale 1004, 1330
Patient global assessment 411
Patient prosthesis mismatch 1341, 1344, 1344f
Peak early velocity 1339
Peak systolic velocity 1299
Peak velocity 1341
Pediatric cardiac care 991, 995
Pediatric cardiac catheter interventions 991
Pediatric hypertension 85
Penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer 1467
Penile Doppler 1569f, 1569t, 1571f
Pentoxifylline 516
Percutaneous aortic valve replacement 677
Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty 601
Percutaneous bioprosthetic valves 576
Percutaneous coronary 306
intervention 5, 159, 162, 170, 190, 191, 199, 204, 206, 221, 227, 229, 232, 235, 238, 240, 242, 248, 253, 261, 262f, 264, 288, 304, 306, 308, 317, 331, 332, 336, 344, 348, 363, 383, 435, 457, 649, 650f, 655, 658, 661, 663t, 667, 703, 710, 714, 714f, 723, 724, 744, 770, 771, 781, 801, 1118, 1452, 1497
procedures 780
Percutaneous device closure 267
Percutaneous heart valve replacement 676
Percutaneous in situ coronary
artery bypass 365
venous arterialization 365
Percutaneous left atrial appendage transcatheter occlusion 1119
Percutaneous mitral valve repair 630, 682
and replacement 687
Percutaneous mitral valve therapies 683
Percutaneous myocardial laser revascularization 366
Percutaneous pulmonary valve replacement 688
Percutaneous robotically-enhanced coronary intervention study 649
Percutaneous septal sinus shortening system 685
Percutaneous therapy 496
Percutaneous transluminal
balloon angioplasty 1217
coronary angioplasty 4, 5, 321, 363, 751f, 763, 1210, 1452
renal angioplasty 1217, 1547
Percutaneous transmitral commissurotomy 1395
Percutaneous transmyocardial laser revascularization 365
Percutaneous tricuspid valve repair 688
Percutaneous valve implantation 636t
Percutaneous valve replacement 676, 677
Percutaneous ventricular restoration 499
Percutaneous ventriculoplasty 686f
Perfusion deficit 1493
Pericardial calcification 1134f
Pericardial cysts 1145
Pericardial disease 1127, 1129
Pericardial effusion 1165
Pericardial pressure-volume curves 1136f
Pericardial thickness 1132
Pericardiectomy 1134
Pericarditis 562, 567, 1178
normal 1129
physiology of 1129, 1129t
Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study 400
Perioperative myocardial infarction 288
Peripartum cardiomyopathy 512, 514, 514fc, 515, 515t, 516
management of 516
potential causes of 513t
Peripheral arterial disease 902, 1189, 1254
Peripheral vascular disease 11, 105, 223, 395
Peripheral vascular interventions 358
Peripherally acting adrenergic receptor antagonists 106, 136
Periprocedural myocardial infarction 714
Periprocedural thrombotic complications 771
Peritoneal dialysis 523
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor 37
Persistent truncus arteriosus 961
Pet myocardial ischemia imaging 1506
Pharao trial 93
Phenotype, pathophysiology 488
Phenotypic heterogeneity 825
Phenylephrine 902
Pheochromocytoma 111, 120
Phosphatides 1263
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors 332, 339, 987, 988
Phospholipase enzymes 168
Photodynamic therapy 201
pH-specific therapy 1149
Pirfenidone 492
Pitfalls in Doppler echocardiography 1130
Placental abruption 130
Plaque instability markers 167
Plaque rupture 195
prevention of 201
Plaque stabilization 201
Plasma protein 169
A, pregnancy associated 167, 169
Plasma renin activity 112
Platelet activation
and hypercoagulability 1199
pathways 423f
Platelet aggregation 422
inhibition of 337
Platelet derived growth factor 1151
Platelet glycoprotein 223
Platelet inhibition and patient outcomes 319, 335
Platypnea-Orthodeoxia syndromes 1022
Pneumocystis carinii 1462
Pocket infections 1099, 1124
Poiseuille's laws 158
Polyethyl terephthalate 1094
Poly-L-lactic acid 263, 801, 997
Polymerase chain reaction 614
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 23, 58, 485, 1264
Pompe's disease 955
Positive predictive value 215
Positron emission tomography 141, 159, 178, 201, 212, 215, 328, 862, 865
Postabdominal aneurysm repair 1477f
Postextraction management 1108
Post-Fontan patient with tricuspid atresia 953
Post-myocarditis dilated cardiomyopathy 1522f
Post-streptococcal reactive arthritis 570
Post-thrombotic syndrome 1551, 1554, 1557
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease 1462
Post-transplant surveillance biopsy 1462
Post-tricuspid shunts 943, 945t, 958
Postural hypotension 377
Postventricular atrial refractory period 1069
Prasugrel 333, 334, 336, 423
Precordium 892
Predictive value 1494
Prednisolone 1462
Pre-eclampsia 128, 129
hypertensive disorders of 131fc
management of 130
with cardiomyopathy 518
Pre-hospital fibrinolytic therapy 234, 256
Pre-hospital thrombolysis 238, 240, 241
Pre-hypertension 90
epidemiology of 91
pathophysiology of 92f
treatment of 93
Preinfarction angina 205
Preinflation technique 749
Premature atrial contractions 948
Premature ventricular
beats 273, 871
complexes 1028, 1057
contraction 275
Preoperative coronary angiography 293
Preoperative infection prevention 1102
Preprocedure transesophageal echocardiography 1095
Presyncope 910, 1028
Pretricuspid shunt 943, 979
Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association 458
Primarily temporal mandibular joint pain 1205
Primary adrenal hyperplasia 120
Primary aldosteronism 119
Primary angioplasty 247, 248, 248t, 254, 279, 307, 345
in myocardial infarction 308
Primary cardiomyopathies 814, 841t
Primary graft dysfunction 1462
Primary infection 1100
Primary malignant tumors 1145
Primary myocardial disorders 1307
Primary percutaneous coronary intervention 238, 240, 243, 247, 254, 258, 265, 274, 304, 312, 383, 767
Prinzmetal's angina 184, 230
Procainamide 1031
Procoagulant status 1221
Progenitor cells, transplantation of 1424
Progressive cardiac conduction disease 1043
Progressive sinus tachycardia 914f
Prophylaxis 275, 615
Proprotein convertase subtilisin 25, 45
Prosthetic aortic valve 1340
Prosthetic cardiac valves 1311
Prosthetic heart valve 576, 1244, 1245f
Prosthetic mitral valve 1339
Prosthetic valve 579, 639, 1339
endocarditis 580, 614, 616
management of 582
thrombosis 579, 580, 580t, 581, 644
types of 576, 577t, 1339t
Proteins 815
Prothrombin complex concentrate 579
Prothrombin time ratio 1117
Proton pump inhibitors 425
Provocative tests 1039
Proximal balloon occlusion device 717
Proximal isovelocity 1287, 1398, 1434, 1457
surface area 597, 622
Proximal neck 1481
Proximal occlusion devices 756
Proximal optimization technique 727, 737
Pseudo pericardial effusion 1193
Pseudo severe stenosis 1301
Pseudoaneurysm 861, 863, 994
Pseudohypertension 117
Pseudoresistant hypertension 108, 109t
Psoriatic arthritis 371t
Psychological disorders 1210
Psychosocial stress 1221
Pudendal artery stenosis 1570f
Pulmonary and systemic blood flow 1004
Pulmonary arterial hypertension 377, 944, 945, 948, 975, 981, 983f, 1003, 1014, 1149, 1204, 1438, 1455
Pulmonary arterial resistance 964
Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula 937, 938, 993
Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations 969
Pulmonary artery 841, 930, 932, 942, 944, 963, 976, 1001, 1013, 1015f, 1152
denervation 1152
diameter 964
diastolic pressure 900
end-diastolic pressure 547
main 1013
pressure 549, 1149
mean 492, 547
normal 948
systolic pressure 547, 1291
Pulmonary atresia 932, 936
Pulmonary AV malformation 969t
Pulmonary blood flow 929, 930, 931, 975, 982, 1003, 1015f
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 905
Pulmonary congestion 775
Pulmonary edema 129
Pulmonary embolism 1154, 1365, 1551
management 1154
pulmonary hypertension 167
treatment of 1158
Pulmonary hypertension 555, 975, 1149, 1165
of cell therapy 1152
Pulmonary pressures 1461
Pulmonary regurgitation 677, 902, 1540
Pulmonary stenosis 677, 902, 930, 931, 934, 943, 945, 947, 950, 959, 969t, 1011t
intervention 959fc
mild 947t
moderate 947t
severe 947t
with intact septum and transatrial shunt 973
with ventricular septal defect 949t
Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy 1152
Pulmonary valve 1013
stenosis 1020
Pulmonary vascular disease 778, 975, 981, 983t, 1008
Pulmonary vascular obstructive disease 1002
Pulmonary vascular resistance 549, 976, 979, 981, 1002, 1003, 1149, 1291, 1461
Pulmonary vaso-occlusive disease 943, 975
Pulmonary vein 1003, 1080, 1081, 1087, 1356, 1368
isolation 1074
ostium 1088f
Pulmonary venography 1084
Pulmonary venous
Doppler flow 1356
hypertension 1014
obstruction 948, 951
return 978
Pulmonic regurgitation 639
Pulmonic stenosis 643, 936, 1001
Pulmonic valve lesions 639
Pulse 892
Doppler echocardiography 1365f
oxymetry, role of 783
pressure 195, 977
tissue Doppler of tricuspid annulus 1367f
volume of 782
wave analysis 97
wave Doppler
of pulmonary venous flow 1356
tissue imaging 1355
Pursuit risk score 222, 223t
Quantitative coronary angiography 724, 736
Quetelet's index 1189
Radial artery 350f, 351, 357f, 793f
applanation tonometry of 96f
occlusion 356
spasm 355
Radial discoordination index 1380
Radial puncture technique 349
Radiation dose reduction 1493
Radiofrequency ablation 866, 1065
basics of 1033
Radiofrequency catheter ablation of 1033
atrial fibrillation 1036
atrial flutter 1035
atrial tachycardia 1035
ventricular tachycardia 1036
catheter of AV node 1034
induced thermotherapy 1563
technology 992
Radionucleotide ventriculography 1306
Randomized control trials 18, 228, 1550
Ranolazine 184, 364, 457, 492
Rapid access falls 923
Rapid antigen detection test 568
Rauvolfia serpentina 3
Raynaud's disease 349
Reactive oxygen species 149, 490, 1180
Recurrent angina 221, 227
Re-entrant atrial tachycardia 1033, 1035
Reflex syncope 920
Refractory angina 227, 329, 363
pectoris 363
treatment of 366
Refractory heart failure 495, 496
Regional therapy 201
Regional wall motion abnormalities 596
Regression of atherosclerosis 1221
Regurgitant orifice area 597
Reimplantation 1108
Renal angioplasties 755
Renal artery
denervation 505
lesions 1548
stenosis 1217, 1218f, 15451547
management of 1545
with aortoplasty 1218f
Renal denervation 114, 693, 1088, 1088f, 1090
Renal disease 104, 1205
end-stage 1204
treatment of 1205
Renal dysfunction 167, 377, 398, 985, 1545
Renal failure 795
Renal function 1461
Renal parenchymal disease 118
Renal sympathetic nerve denervation 505
Renin inhibitors 126
Renin-angiotensin system 117, 125, 398
blockers 126
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system 93, 112, 149, 429, 486, 519
blockers 184
Renovascular hypertension 118, 1546
Reperfusion arrhythmias 276, 384
Reperfusion injury 383
salvage kinase 383, 386
Reperfusion therapy 242t, 254
Rescue angioplasty 257
Residual atrial septal defect 609
Resistance exercises 377
Resistant hypertension 85, 108, 114
Respiration, hemodynamics of 899
Resting electrocardiogram 162
Resting oxygen extraction 160
Restoring physiologic balance 986
Restrictive cardiomyopathy 813, 815, 825, 840, 844, 862, 890, 891, 891t, 907, 1131f, 1133t, 1135t, 1529, 1529f, 1533
genetics of 830
Resynchronization therapy 1057
Retrograde lesion wiring 707
Retrograde wire externalization 709
Reverse endothelial dysfunction 398
Reverse loop entry 606
Reversible cardiomyopathy 821
Rhabdomyomas 1144
Rhabdomyosarcomas 1145
Rhematic heart disease 561
Rheumatic carditis 561, 568t
Rheumatic fever 561, 567, 584, 587f
pathogenesis of 561
Rheumatic heart disease 561, 567, 584, 622, 1231
Rheumatic of mitral valve 1311f
Rheumatic of tricuspid valve 311f
Rheumatic valve disease 639
Rheumatoid arthritis 369, 371t
Rho-kinase inhibitors 1151
Rhythm detection 1122f
Rhythmia mapping system 1076, 1078t
Ribonucleic acid 1180
Right atrial pressure 1010
Right atrium 547, 943, 944, 969, 977, 1012, 1074, 1350
Right bundle branch block 503, 541, 551, 871, 1039
Right carotid artery post-stenting 1219f
Right common carotid artery, critical stenosis of 1219f
Right coronary artery 4, 348, 353, 650, 725, 744, 747, 751, 1002, 1063, 1316
Right heart failure 869
Right index of myocardial performance 1364
Right induced cardiotoxicity 1228
Right lateral annulus 1433f
Right pulmonary artery 1002, 1015f
Right superior pulmonary vein flow 1356f
Right ventricle 969, 975, 984, 1001, 1012, 1029, 1068, 1074, 1271, 1348, 1363, 1370
chamber 1364t
double chambered 936, 970
hypertrophy 970
in HCM 1526
measurements 1348
outflow tract 1540
strain and strain rate 1349
systolic function 1348
Right ventricular disease 619
Right ventricular dysplasia 1112
Right ventricular ejection fraction 1364
Right ventricular end-diastolic pressure 900
Right ventricular function 1284, 1363
Right ventricular hypertrophy 934, 945, 949, 949f, 951, 973
Right ventricular noncompaction 1309f
Right ventricular outflow
obstruction 970
tract 948, 995, 1060, 1363
Right ventricular pacing 1068, 1069t
Right ventricular stimulation 1068
Right ventricular wall motion abnormalities 1370
Right-bundle-branch block 943, 946f, 953
Riociguat 1151
Robotic system 1084
Root mean square 1033
Ross operation 1450
Rubella syndrome 1022
Rubidium-82 pet myocardial perfusion study 1507
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome 1022
RV diastolic function 1368
RV ejection fraction 1305
RV systolic function 1363, 1364, 1366
RV systolic pressure 1010
Salmonella 1166
Saphenofemoral junction 1564
Saphenous vein graft 353, 712, 713, 715t, 716, 753, 754
interventions 714
cannulation of 354f
Saphenous vein, small 1562
Sapien valve, delivery system of 678f
Sarcoidosis 1523, 1523f, 1527, 1531, 1533
Sarcomas 1145
Sarcoplasmic reticulum 445
Saturated fatty acids 58
Scandinavian candesartan acute stroke trial 140
Scar ventricular tachycardia 1060
Scheie syndrome 1022
Scimitar syndrome 1022
Seattle heart failure score 1461
Secondary cardiomyopathies 814, 841t
Secondary cardiorenal syndrome 529
Secondary hypertension 85, 116, 118
Secondary infection 1100
Seizures 133, 915t
Septal and inferior walls 1523f
Septal annulus 1433
Septal mitral annulus tissue Doppler 1355f
Septal puncture 604f
steps of 603t
Septal reduction therapy 855
Septal tricuspid leaflet 1456
Serotonin pathway inhibitors 1151
Serum digoxin concentrations 441
Shock 167
inappropriate therapy 1046f
multiple 1051
number of appropriate 1051
Shone's syndrome 1022
Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome 1021
Shunt lesions 968
Sick sinus syndrome 184
Sickness, severity of 931
Sideris transcatheter patch 991
Signal-averaged electrocardiography 273
Signal-to-noise ratio 1536
Sildenafil 1151
Silent myocardial infarction 162
Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome 1021
Simultaneous aortic pressure 671f
Single ventricle physiology 974
Single photon emission computed tomography 159, 176, 201, 211, 215, 365, 366, 1306
Sinoatrial conduction time 1028
Sinotubular junction 1444
Sinus arrest 913f
Sinus bradycardia plus atrioventricular block 913f
Sinus node dysfunction 1028
Sinus node recovery time 1028
Sinus of Valsalva, aneurysm of 938, 994
Sinus tachycardia 274, 950
Sinus/sinoatrial node 943
abnormalities of 943t
Sirolimus-eluting stent 715
Situs inversus 943
Situs solitus 954
Skeletal myoblasts 1422
Skin antisepsis 1102
Sleep apnea 1201
in coronary artery disease 1203
Sleep-disordered-breathing 1197
Slow-pathway ablation 1034
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome 1020
Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions 458, 499, 716
Society of Thoracic Surgeons 458, 630, 724
Sodium hydrogen antiport inhibition 386
Sodium nitroprusside 137, 771
Soil pollution 1169
Soluble guanylate cyclase 490, 492
Soluble lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor 169, 170
Solysafe septal occluder 991
Spasm 196
Spasmolytic therapy 350, 787
Speckle tracking 1290
echocardiography 1271, 1282, 1364
Spectroscopy 198
Sphericity index 1324
Sphincteric function 1432
Sphygmocor device 97
Spinal cord stimulation 329, 365, 366, 366t, 505, 1090
therapy 1091f
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection 311
Spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage 141
Square root 896
Stable angina 364
Stable coronary artery 185fc
disease 175, 180, 181, 185fc, 190, 191, 192, 194
Stable ischemic heart disease 190, 261
Stable obstructive coronary artery disease 264
Standard cardiac resynchronization therapy 543
Stanford classification 1468
Staphylococcus aureus 581, 611, 620, 1166
ST-elevation myocardial infarction 221, 229, 247, 248, 278, 307, 316, 767
therapy study 257
Stem cell therapy 365, 367, 499, 1152
application of 1419
mild 947
moderate-to-severe 947
severity 160
Stent deployment, technique of 801
Stent diameter, small 716
Stent draw-back technique 749, 750f
Stent implantation 770
Stent malapposition 656f, 797
Stent strut thickness 797
Stent thrombosis 336, 697, 795, 799
definition of 795
management of 800
Sterols 1263
Stickler's syndrome 1021
Strain 1081, 1272
delay index 1380
rate 1081, 1272, 1359, 1371
echocardiography 1371
types of 1299f
Streptococcal M-protein 563
Streptococcal superantigens 563
Streptococcus 561, 562, 564
C 566
G 566
Streptokinase 234
global utilization of 233, 274
Stress 1208
agent 1492
cardiomyopathy 823f
echocardiography 162, 176, 209, 1284, 1370
spectrum of 1370
electrocardiogram 162
hormones 289
induced cardiomyopathy 311, 823
testing 1193
Stringray re-entry system 707f
Stroke 167, 301, 302, 307, 377, 1268
care 205
effects on 1201
embolism 609
in obstructive sleep apnea 1201
predictors of 302
prevention 1115, 1118
reduction in 1116
volume 778
Structural heart disease 167
Structural valve deterioration 533, 581
Stunned myocardium 1485
Subacute bacterial endocarditis 587
Subaortic membrane 936, 937
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 167
Subclavian artery 788, 789
occlusion 994
Subclavian loop 352f
Subclavian stenosis 352f
Subclavian tortuosity 352f
Subcutaneous implantable cardioverter- defibrillator 1121, 1122f, 1123t
Subcutaneous nodules 568
Subintimal tracking and re-entry technique 707
Submaximal normal SE 1371
Suboptimal diastolic augmentation 346f
Subpulmonic membrane 971f
Subvalvular aortic stenosis 971
Subvalvular disease, severe 606
Subvalvular pulmonary stenosis 970
Sudden cardiac arrest 1038,
Sudden cardiac death 271, 462, 551, 825, 843, 849, 853, 857, 858t, 861, 863, 869, 952, 986, 1039, 1086, 1089, 1112, 1121, 1143, 1191
in athletes 1113t
prevention of 283
Sulfasalazine 372
Sulzer carbomedics 576
Superficial palmar arch 780
Superficial venous thrombosis 1561
Superior vena cava 942, 943, 978, 984, 1003, 1012, 1044, 1080, 1473
Supravalvular aortic stenosis 972, 1020
Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia 1028
Supraventricular tachycardia 272, 547, 1030, 1122
Surgical anterior ventricular endocardial restoration 533
Surgical therapy 496, 624, 624fc
Suture annuloplasty 1458
Sydenham's chorea 567
Sympathetic nervous activity 112
Sympathetic nervous system 1208
inhibitor 106
Symptomatic peripheral arterial disease 184
Syncope 85, 910, 912t, 915t, 1028, 1051
management of 922
Syntax score 724
Systemic blood flow 1004
Systemic lupus erythematosus 639
Systemic therapy 201
Systemic thrombolysis 1555, 1555t
Systemic vascular resistance 900, 984, 1005
Systemic vasodilatation 289
Systemic ventricle, failure of 972
Systolic anterior motion 596, 846, 849, 1307, 1524
Systolic blood pressure 71, 100, 101, 128, 140, 143, 222, 377, 388
Systolic depressurization 907
Systolic dyssynchrony index 1381
Systolic function, left ventricular 1280
Systolic hypertension 306
Systolic murmurs 898
identification of 903
Systolic pressure 1210
Szabo's technique 727, 749, 750, 751f
Tachy- and bradyarrhythmia, types of 272t
Tachyarrhythmias 167, 345
Tachycardia 289, 1028, 1062
cycle length 1063
induced cardiomyopathy 822, 1054
uncontrolled 377
Tachycardiomyopathy 1054, 1055t
Tacrolimus 1462
Tadalafil 1151
Taffy Candy syndrome 1022
Tail-wire technique 749
Takayasu arteritis, management of 1213
Takayasu's disease 1213
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy 167, 324, 846, 848t
Tandem heart 346, 496f, 777
Target atrial remodeling 449, 449t
Target international normalized ratio 837
Target lesion revascularization 262, 649, 652, 666, 730, 740
Task force criteria 874
T-cells, cellular infiltration of 564
Telecardiology 1231
platform 1233f
Temporary pacing systems 1246
Tendons of flexor carpi ulnaris 793
Teratomas 1145
Testosterone 459
Tethering forces 596
Tetralogy of Fallot 929931, 934937, 939, 944, 948, 949, 953, 969t, 1004, 1012, 1013, 1017f, 1019, 1313, 1539, 1540
Texas Heart Institute Risk Score 224
Thallium stress test 805
Therapeutic hypothermia 387
Thermography 198
Thiazolidinedione 1240
Thienopieridines 249
Thin-cap fibroatheroma 171, 196, 656f
Thoracic aneurysm repair 1474
Thoracic aortic aneurysm 1472, 1481
Throat swab culture 568
Thrombectomy, manual 771
Thrombocytopenia 130
Thromboembolic in atrial fibrillation 1116
Thrombolysis 247, 232, 312, 317
in myocardial infarction 221, 222, 227, 228, 234, 254, 388, 770, 1334
Thrombolytic therapy 232, 235
evolution of 232
Thrombosis prone plaque 196
Thrombus aspiration, manual 280
Ticagrelor 335, 336, 423
Ticlopidine 423
Tilt table test 915
Tissue Doppler imaging 893, 895, 1284, 1290, 1348, 1355, 1358, 1364, 1378
Tissue Doppler velocity analysis 1378
Tissue plasminogen activator 233, 1156
Tissue velocity imaging 1182, 1306, 1371
Torsade de pointes 463
Townes-Brocks syndrome 1021
Traditional heart failure therapies 866
Transbronchial lung biopsy 1462
Transcatheter aortic valve
implantation 578f, 616, 1350, 1392
replacement 754, 593, 1350
Transcatheter mitral valve replacement 683, 686
Transcatheter pacing system 1070
Transcendental meditation 1220
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 365, 366
Transendocardial autologous cells 1425
Transesophageal echocardiography 613, 627, 680, 893, 1146, 1388, 1445, 1469
Transesophageal study 1102
Trans-fatty acids 1263
Transient ischemic attack 334, 336, 337, 427, 650, 765, 1116
Transient ischemic dilatation 1370
Transjugular intraperitoneal shunting 822
Transluminal renal angioplasty 1547
Transmitral Doppler inflow 1353
Transmyocardial laser revascularization 363, 365
Transplant surgery, heart failure of 1461
Transseptal access system 1095
Transseptal puncture 603
Transthoracic echocardiography 580, 613, 893, 985, 994, 1340, 1388, 1433, 1434, 1445, 1457, 1469
Transvenous electrodes 1101
Transverse fixation 784
Tricuspid abnormalities 1101
Tricuspid annular diameter 1457
Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion 1364
Tricuspid atresia 944, 949, 1014f, 1020
Tricuspid leaflet, posterior 1456
Tricuspid regurgitation 620, 639, 643, 677, 907, 973, 1365, 1455
functional 1457
severity of 1457
Tricuspid stenosis 902
Tricuspid valve 972, 1001, 1287, 1364, 1455
anatomy 619
annuloplasty 1458
detachment 163
Ebstein's anomaly of 937, 938, 973
Ebstein's malformation of 936
leaflet changes 1456
lesions 639
prolapse 623
regurgitation 977
Trigger reduction 201
Triglyceride 35, 36, 41, 46
Tri-leaflet structure 1444
Trimetazidine 184, 364, 459
Triple vessel disease 263, 573, 729
Trisomy 13 1019
Trisomy 18 1019
Tropical endomyocardial fibrosis 1532f
Troponin 864t, 1183
True resistant hypertension 108
Truncus arteriosus 931, 1015f
Tuberculosis, endemicity of 1463
Tumor necrosis factor 490, 526, 817, 1164, 1190, 1216
Turner's syndrome 639, 939, 1020
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors 1151, 1177, 1179
Uhl's anomaly 872
Ulnar artery 781f, 783, 786f, 793f
cannulation 782, 783
failure of 791
learning curve of 787
fixation of 784
interventions 780
puncture, technique of 785
Ulnar nerve 786f
palsy 793
Ulnar recurrent artery 780
Unfractionated heparin 307, 319, 435, 579, 644, 769, 1551, 1553, 1156
United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study 151
United States Food and Drug Administration 419
Unsaturated fatty acids 1264
Unstable angina 222, 223, 227, 230, 265, 306, 377, 458
Unstable coronary syndromes 229
Vagal nerve stimulation 502, 504, 1090, 1091f
Valsalva equivalent 900
Valsalva maneuver 900, 901t
Valvar pulmonic stenosis 936, 937
anatomy 591
disease 815
classification of severity of 574t
hemodynamics 591
in-aortic valve 682
in-double valve 682
infection 1101
in-mitral valve 682
in-ring 682
in-transcatheter valve 682
in-tricuspid valve 682
preserving root replacement 1448
repair 1448
replacement 677
Valvular aortic stenosis, stages of 591t
Valvular diseases, combination of 572
Valvular heart diseases 590, 639, 640, 645, 1274, 1308, 1372
Valvular pulmonary stenosis 970, 971f
Valvular regurgitation 567
Valvuloplasty 677
Vardenafil 1151
Varicose veins, surgical treatment/surgery for 1561
Vascular cell adhesion molecule 490
Vascular disease 46
Vascular endothelial cells 169
Vascular endothelial growth factor 322, 365, 1178
Vascular endothelium 169
Vascular restenosis 1413
Vascular restoration therapy 263
Vascular smooth muscle cell 1408
Vasoactive intestinal peptide 1151
Vasoconstriction 289
Vasodilator stimulated phosphoprotein 422
Vasospasm 181
Vasovagal syncope 912
Vater syndrome 1022
Vein graft failure 713
Vena contracta 597, 1308, 1457
Venous thromboembolism 1154, 1172, 1551
Venous thrombosis 1556
classification of deep 1552t
Venovenous collaterals 994
Ventricle, double outlet right 931, 963, 1002, 1019
Ventricular arrhythmia 271, 272, 275, 869, 1202
Ventricular assist device 346, 533, 551, 553
Ventricular dysfunction, severe 216fc
Ventricular ectopy 163
Ventricular fibrillation 271, 273275, 462, 857, 871, 1038, 1042, 1065, 1086
Ventricular function 964
Ventricular myocardium 835, 837
Ventricular premature contraction 1039, 1060
Ventricular sensing, after 1069
Ventricular septal defect 265, 344, 546, 778, 899, 930, 931, 934, 937, 943945, 954, 963, 969, 969t, 975, 982, 1001, 1014, 1017f, 1019, 1539
devices 992
intervention 958fc
small 930, 937
Ventricular septal rupture 265
Ventricular stimulation 1031
Ventricular tachyarrhythmia 1027, 1038, 1089
Ventricular tachycardia 227, 271, 273, 274, 275, 462, 479, 871f, 952, 1060, 1061, 1072, 1122, 1226
ablation 1063, 1065, 1066
Ventriculoaortic junction 1444, 1448
Verapamil 719, 771
Vessel coronary artery, small 809
Vessel disease 322
Videothoracoscopic sympathectomy 365
Vijaya's echo criteria 568t
Virtual sheathless technique 354f
Vitamin 1263
D 393, 395
deficiency 394, 394t, 395
effects 394f
measurement of 393
physiology of 393
receptor 393
sources of 394
K antagonists 450, 577, 615, 1116, 1551, 1157
von Willebrand factor 289
Vortex pulsation correlation 1324
Vulnerable plaque, pathology of 196
Waist-hip ratio 1189
Wall motion score index 1370
Wall myocardial infarction 1274f
Washington PCI risk score 224
Watchman device 1094, 1095f
structure of 1095t
Water pollutions 1169
Western Denmark Heart Registry 715
White coat effect 83, 83f
White coat hypertension 82, 84t
WHO classification 840
Wilkins score 602t
William syndrome 1020
Williams-Beuren syndrome 1020
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 948, 1112
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome 1021
Womens Health Initiative Study 395
Wood pecking sign 604
World Health Organization 17, 63, 106, 584, 641, 813, 840, 869
Worsening heart failure 413f
Worsening renal function 519
Yoga 885, 1220
in cardiovascular disease prevention 1220
lifestyle intervention 380, 381
Zellweger syndrome 1021
Zotarolimus eluting stent 730
Chapter Notes

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  1. Evolution of Cardiology in India
  2. Development of Interventional Cardiology: Indian Perspective

Evolution of Cardiology in India1 CHAPTER

BK Goyal,
SV Pagad
“Sushruta Sanhita”, a great classic on the science of surgery, was introduced around 600 BC. Sushruta scientifically depicted the various aspects of human biology, anatomy and surgery with instrumentations in his book which earned him the title of “Father of Surgery” internationally.1 Similarly another stalwart physician Charaka possibly in the same era scripted the pharmacotherapy of various diseases in “Charaka Sanhita”.2
Indian documentation of description of heart dates back to the Charaka Sanhita and Sushruta Sanhita. Here, heart was described as the seat of consciousness and as a prime mover of “prana” or impervious energy. Heart being the center of the system, transmits energy through different “nadis” or channels, which were later on described as “siras” or veins, “dhamanis” or arteries and “srotas” or flow.2
Modern Cardiology became a reality as a superspeciality after the World War II. The advanced outlook and vision of a group of topmost Indian physicians under the leadership of Bharat Ratna Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy led to official formation of the Cardiological Society of India (CSI) on April 4, 1948, even before the formation of the American College of Cardiology in 1949 and many others.3 The Official Journal of CSI, Indian Heart Journal, started with a modest beginning at Kolkata in 1949. Today the journal is very well accepted worldwide and is electronically uploaded.
The first full-fledged Cardiology Department came into existence at Vellore, Tamil Nadu, in the early 1950s. Near about the same time at Mumbai, Dr. Rustom Jal Vakil, a doyen in Modern Cardiology, while serving in Government institution of King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, Bombay was able to identify a group of patients who were at high risk of developing acute myocardial infarction (MI) at a time when the concept of acute coronary syndrome was at its infancy.4 The mobile coronary care units were started in the early 1960s at Bombay.
There were noted teachers in all the corners of India, who contributed a lot to the understanding and conceptualization of clinical cardiology as a subject. Over the years, clinical cardiology has evolved in India and as in all the branches of medicine, more and more emphasis is being laid upon investigative cardiology. The stethoscope is slowly turning extinct. However, a sound clinical base is without doubt a necessity for a good practice and therefore more efforts need to be made to revive this dying art which we Indians were once recognized for.
For a large country as India, the list is small:
  • Rauvolfia serpentina (Reserpine), an alkaloid from the extract of Rauvolfia was the first antihypertensive drug from India
  • Sree Chitra Valves for valve replacement
  • Indigenous Khalilullah-Mendez temporary pacemaker
  • Kalam-Raju Stent for percutaneous coronary intervention
  • Chiral Molecules with less side effects
  • Redefining Yoga and Meditation in modern cardiology, as a therapeutic option for atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.
We as a country should start laying more emphasis on research and development, as the cardiac disease and the social factors, which our population faces, is so very unique in itself.
The first-ever cardiac catheterization laboratory for clinical studies was established in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India. First coronary artery 4bypass graft (CABG) surgery was carried out by Dr K M Cherian in 1975 at Chennai. The history of first percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is interesting. As per the record, the first ever PTCA was done in 1984 on right coronary artery (RCA) of a post-MI patient with DJ balloon with J-tipped wire at AIIMS, New Delhi. It started a revolution and no other field of medicine has grown at such a rapid pace as interventional cardiology. India has kept up with the rapid pace and Indian interventionists are today recognized as one of the finest in the world.
India has been in the forefront in the application of all the techniques, innovations and modalities in interventional cardiology. Right from the latest stents, diagnostic applications, like intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), optical-coherence tomography (OCT), fractional flow reserve (FFR), implantable cardiac-defibrillators (ICDs), cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) pediatric interventions; all have found day-to-day applications in regular practice.
Cardiac surgery has also made huge strides and more and more complex surgeries, adult and pediatric are routinely done all over the country. It is a matter of pride for India that the tide has turned and today patients from other countries routinely travel to India for complex cardiac interventions and surgeries.
Echocardiography, the real stethoscope for cardiologists came to India for the first time in KEM Hospital and Port Trust Hospital, Mumbai in 1974–75, when only M-mode echocardiography was performed. In mid-to-late 1980s, the two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography facility reached the rest of India on a regular basis. Today we have evolved tremendously and Echo laboratories are seen at the smallest of centers. Nuclear medicine, cardiac computed tomography (CT) and cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) are as of now still restricted to the major cities, though.
Cardiology is a very dynamic branch, and at the same time is also very demanding. It is one of the most satisfying fields from the physician's point of view. More and more innovations are bound to be seen in the future, given the prevalence of the disease. The onus lies on us to not only keep ourselves abreast of the latest developments which the West offers us, but to develop a keen interest in the innovation, research and development of newer unique techniques in treating our people.
  1. Hati AK. Ayurveda: fundamental concept. In: History of Science in India: Medicine and Pharmacology. Volume II. The National Academy of Sciences India (NASI) and The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture;  Kolkata,  India: 2014. pp. 41–2.
  1. Hati AK. Ayurveda: history of ayurveda. In: History of Science in India: Medicine and Pharmacology. Volume II. The National Academy of Sciences India (NASI) and The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture;  Kolkata,  India: 2014. pp. 83–8.
  1. Padmavati S. Development of cardiology in India: are we on the right track. In: Chopra HK, Nanda NC (Eds). Textbook of Cardiology: A Clinical and Historical Perspective, 1st edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers;  New Delhi,  India: 2013. pp. 3–4.
  1. Das MK, Kumar S, Deb PK, et al. History of cardiology in India. Indian Heart J. 2015;67(2):163–9.