1. Word pedodontics is derived from which greek word:
- Rot
- Pais
- Chais
- Rosh
Ans. b.
Word “pedodontics” is derived from a greek word “pais” meaning child and “dontics” is the study of teeth.
Ref — pg-3 chp- introduction third edition. Nikhil Marwah
2. Pedodontic triangle was given by:
- Celsius
- Freud
- McDonald
- GZ Wright
Ans. d.
Pedodontic triangle was given by GZ Wright in 1975.
3. Pedodontic triangle is modified by:
- McDonald et al. in 2004
- McDonald et al. in 2000
- GZ Wright in 1987
- Robert et al. in 1999
Ans. a.
Pedodontic triangle is modified by McDonald et al. 2004.
Ref — pg-5 chp- introduction third edition. Nikhil Marwah
4. The emblem of pedodontics is based on:
- GZ Wright model
- Keyes model
- Modified Wright model
- Treatment model
Ans. b.
3The emblem of pedodontics is based on triad of keyes (1960) model. One circle represents the tooth, the other the bacteria and the third diet. The shaded area of intersection of circles represents dental caries. The stress given is that for caries to develop all the three factors are essential; caries cannot occur if one factor is missing.
Ref — pg-5 chp- introduction third edition. Nikhil Marwah
5. Father of pedodontics in India:
- Dr BR Vacher
- Dr Raffiuddin Ahmed
- Dr Pierre Fauchad
- Dr Samuel D Harris
Ans. a.
Ref — pg-9 chp- introduction third edition. Nikhil Marwah
6. Indian society of pedodontics is formed in:
- 1979
- 1976
- 1980
- 1988
Ans. a.
Indian society of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry is formed in 1979.
The ISPPD is a national society specifically concerned with the oral health of children in India. It aims to improve oral health in children and encourage the highest standards of clinical care.
4ISPPD has over 1300 life members from University, Pediatric dental departments, Pediatric dental practise and general dental practise.
7. Father of pedodontics:
- Dr Robert Bunon
- Dr Samuel D Harris
- Dr Alferd C Fones
- Dr Pierre Fauchard
Ans. a.
Robert Bunon is father of pedodontics.
Ref — pg-9 chp - introduction third edition. Nikhil Marwah
8. First dental visit was proposed by:
- Nowak in 1997
- Lenchner in 1978
- Wolking in 1963
- Nowak in 1979
Ans. a.
According to Nowark (1997), a child's first visit to dentist should occur no later than 12 months.
In 1986, AAPD recommended that first visit of child to dental clinic should occur within 6 months of eruption of first primary tooth.
Ref — pg-11 chp 2-third edition. Nikhil Marwah
9. Dental home is advocated by:
- Nowak
- Milgrom
- Grembowski
- Morris
Ans. a.
Dental home is advocated by Nowak in 1999.
According to AAPD can be defined as “the dental home is the ongoing relationship between the dentist and the patient, inclusive of all aspects of oral health care developed in a comprehensive, continuously accessible, coordinated, an family centered way.” Establishment of a dental home begins no later than 12 months of age and includes referral to dental specialists when appropriate.
10. Best ensuring factor of positive behavior:
- Appreciation
- Reward
- Reinforcement
- Attire of dentist
Ans. b.
Pleasant stimulus: Positive reinforcement (reward).
Positive reinforcement: It is the presentation of the pleasant stimulus and is done to appreciate the child for the good behavior.
Ref — pg-231 chp 21-third edition. Nikhil Marwah
11. Best method of distracting a child:
- Audiovisual
- Audio
- Modeling
- Visual
Ans. a.
Objective of distraction is to relax the patient and to reduce anxiety during treatment.
Types of distraction:
- Audiodistraction
- Audiovisual distraction
Ref — pg-232 chp 21-third edition. Nikhil Marwah
12. Dental clinic should have:
- Horseshoe pattern
- U shape pattern
- Valley like
- Star shape
Ans. a.
Horse shoe traffic pattern in which children are called to the operation from one door and exit by a second.
Ref — pg-26 chp 4-third edition. Nikhil Marwah
13. The first comprehensive tooth numbering system was developed by:
- Adolf Zsigmondy
- Corydon Palmer
- Jochen Viohl
- Julius
In 1974 at American Dental Association recommended the symbolic Zsigmondy/Palmer system as the numbering method of choice.
Ref — pg-5 chp 1-eighth edition. Wheelers
14. Grid and Angular system was same as:
- Zsigmondy system
- Hadderup system
- Wadhwan system
- Jochen Viohl
Ans. a.
Grid and angular system was same as Zsigmondy-Palmer system.
Ref — pg-6 chp 1-eighth edition. Wheelers
The symbolic system/Zsigmondy for permanent dentition was introduced in 1861 and then modified for primary dentition in 1874.
Primary dentition:
Permanent dentition:
15. FDI system was coined by:
- Dr Jochen Viohl
- Adolf Zsigmondy
- Corydon Palmer
- Hadderup
Ans. d.
FDI system was coined by Viktor Hadderup of Denmark in 1981.
Ref — pg-5 chp 1-eighth edition. Wheelers
Primary dentition:
16. Julius Perreidt proposed:
- Universal system
- Palmer system
- Two-digit system
- FDI system
Ans. a.
Julius perreidt proposed the universal system.
In Universal system of notation for the primary dentition uses uppercase letters for each of the primary teeth. For example, the maxillary teeth, beginning with the right second molar, uses the letters A through J; for the mandibular teeth, letters K through T are used, beginning with the left mandibular second molar.
Ref — pg-5 chp 1-eighth edition. Wheelers
Primary dentition:
Permanent dentition:
17. Dental formula for primary tooth:
- I-2/2 C-1/1 M4/2
- I-2/2 C-1/1 P2/2 M2/2
- I-2/2 C-1/1 M2/2
- I-2/2 C-1/1 M3/3
Ans. c.
Dental formula for primary tooth I-2/2 C-1/1 M 2/2 = 10
For permanent teeth
I-2/2 C-1/1 P-2/2 M-3/3 =16
18. Discovery of X-ray by:
- WC Roentingen in 1895
- WC Roentingen in 1836
- Marie Curie
- Grossman
Ans. a.
X-ray was discovered in November 1895 by WC Roentigen.
19. First dental radiograph:
- Otto Walkholf in 1896
- Otto Walkholf in 1834
- Both
- None
Ans. a.
First dental radiograph was given by Otto Walkholf in 1896.
20. Paralleling technique was coined by:
- Dr Gordon Fitzgerald
- WC Roentingen
- Otto Walkholf
- None
Ans. a.
Dr Gordon Fitzgerald (Father of modern radiology) gave Paralleling technique.
21. Paralleling technique is also called:
- Long cone
- Right angle
- McCormack's
- All of the above
Ans. a.
9[This technique is also called as Right angle technique/long cone technique/McCormack's technique/Fitzgerald technique]
Ref — pg-66 chp 8-third edition. Nikhil Marwah
The paralleling technique uses a relatively long openended aiming cylinder ("cone”) to increase the focal spot-to-object distance. This directs only the most central and parallel rays of the beam to the film and teeth and reduces image magnification while increasing image sharpness and resolution.
Ref — pg-50 chp 4-sixth edition. White and Pharoah
22. Bisecting angle was given by:
- Weston Price
- Gordon Fitzgerald
- Both of the above
- None
Ans. a.
Weston Price in 1904 gave Bisecting angle technique.
This technique is based on Cieszynski rule.
23. Bitewing radiography was developed by:
- Howard Raper
- Weston Price
- Gordon Fitzgerald
- None
Ans. a.
24. The vertical angulation for occlusal radiography:
- Maxilla +45 and mandible –55
- Maxilla +55 and mandible –55
- Maxilla +45 and mandible –45
- Maxilla +40 and mandible –55
Ans. a.
The vertical angulation for Occlusal radiography is maxilla +45 and mandible –55
Ref — pg-143 and 144 chp 9-sixth edition. White and Pharoah
25. Tube shift localization technique is also called:
- Clark's technique
- Buccal object rule
- All of the above
Ans. d.
Tube shift technique is a method used to identify the spatial position of an object. Other names for this procedure are the Buccal object rule and Clark's rule and SLOB.
Ref — pg-50 chp 4-sixth edition. White and Pharoah
26. Clark rule is used in:
- Maxilla
- Mandible
- Both
- None
Ans. a.
Clark described this rule in 1910.
To locate or determine the bucco-lingual relation of an impacted tooth/foreign body within maxilla.
27. Millers technique is used in:
- Mandible
- Maxilla
- Both
- None
Ans. a.
Miller's technique is also called right angle technique.
28. Panoramic radiography is developed by:
- Howard Raper
- Weston Price
- Gordon Fitzgerald
- Dr H Numata
Ans. d.
Panoramic radiography was developed by Dr H Numata (1933) and is used for diagnosis of traumatic injuries, cysts, evaluation of dentition and anomalies.
29. Who used xeroradiography in dentistry:
- Pogorzelska-Stronczak
- Chester Carlson
- Both
- None
Ans. a.
Pogorzelska-Stronczak became the first person to use xero-radiography to produce dental images with extraoral dental use in cephalometry, sialography, and panoramic xeroradiography.
30. RVG was coined by:
- Francis
- Moyers
- None
- Both
Ans. a.
RVG was coined by Francis.
31. Child's first dental visit should be scheduled at:
- Within 6 months of eruption of first permanent tooth and no later than 12 years of age
- Within 6 months of eruption of first primary tooth and no later than 12 months of age
- After the eruption of all primary teeth
- After the eruption of all permanent teeth
Ans. b.
In 1986, AAPD recommended that first visit of child to dental clinic should occur within 6 months of eruption of first primary tooth.
32. The recommended positioning of an infant of oral examination is:
- Knee to knee
- Upright
- Supine
- Child lying in mothers lap
Ans. a.
Parent and dentist sit facing each other in a knee to knee position, supporting the chid with the head cradled on the dentist' lap. The parent can restrain the child gently and the dentist has a good visualization.
33. An infant refers to a child:
- Less than 2 years of age
- Less than 1 year of age
- Less than 6 months of age
- Less than 1 month of age
Ans. b.
Infants are upto 18 months of age
Ref — pg-13 chp 1-ninth edition. McDonalds
34. Newborn (neonatal period) refers to a child during his:
- First 7 days after birth
- First 21 days after birth
- First 4 weeks after birth
- First 52 weeks after birth
Ans. a.
First 7 days after birth are referred as Neonatal period.
35. In universal tooth numbering system primary teeth are denoted by:
- First five letters of alphabet (A to E) showed in separate quadrants
- Two numbers, the first depicting the quadrant
- First 20 letters of alphabet (A to T)
- Numbers (1–5) showed in different quadrants
Ans. c.
36. FDI method of nomenclature is also known as:
- Federation dentaire internationale
- Two-digit system
- Universal system
- Both a and b
Ans. d.
FDI method of nomenclature is also known as two-digit system.
Ref — pg-6 chp 1-eighth edition. Wheelers
37. Which of the following causes maximum radiation exposure to the patient?
- Lateral cephalogram
- CT scan
- Bone scan
Ans. c.
38. A submucous cleft of the palate is best detected by:
- Maxillary occlusal radiograph
- Fiber optics trans illumination
- Orthopantomogram
- Palpation
Ans. d.
Submucous cleft of the patient is best detected by palpation.
39. Diagnosis of a small occlusal cavities is most readily made by:
- Bite-wing radiograph
- Periapical radiograph
- Transillumination
- An explorer and compressed air
Ans. d.
GV Black in 1924 suggested the use of a sharp explorer, based on tug back action for diagnosis of dental caries.
40. According to the universal tooth numbering system maxillary right deciduous central incisor is denoted as:
- E
- J
- A
- K
In Universal system of notation for the primary dentition uses uppercase letters for each of the primary teeth.
For example, the maxillary teeth, beginning with the right second molar, uses the letters A through J.
Ref — pg-5 chp 1-eighth edition. Wheelers
41. Florida probe is used for:
- The detection of dental caries
- Examination of the furcation area
- Measuring pocket depth
- Detecting developmental defects of enamel
Ans. c.
Florida probe is used for measuring pocket depth.
42. The radiographic projection used to visualize the paranasal sinuses best is:
- Reverse towne's view
- Submentovertex view
- Lateral oblique view
- Water's view
Ans. d.
Water's view:
Also known as the Occipitomental view is a radiographic view where an X-ray beam is angled at 45° to the orbitomeatal line. It is commonly used to visualize paranasal sinuses.
Projection | Important feature |
Posterior anterior view of skull |
Lateral skull/Cephalometric view |
Water's projection/Occipitomental projection |
Submentovertex/Base or full axial or Jug handle view | Viewing fracture of zygomatic arches and base of skull |
Reverse towne's view |
Lateral oblique mandibular body projected |
Lateral oblique mandibular ramus projection |
43. Jug handle view is the other name for:
- Submento-vertex view
- Reverse townes view
- Water's view
- Orthopantomogram
Ans. a.
Jug handle view is the other name for submento-vertex view. It is used to evaluate zygomatic arch and sphenoid sinuses.
44. In extraoral assessment, the height and weight information is recorded for:
- Comparing chronological age with dental age
- Predicting growth spurts
- Comparing with the standard growth curve
- Diet counseling of child
Ans. c.
16Height and Weight—both have a direct relation with developmental and nutritional status. And they are recorded for comparing with the standard growth curve.
45. Tuned aperture computed tomography is a method to detect:
- White spot lesions
- Salivary gland infections
- Proximal caries
- External root resorption
Ans. c.
TACT is a new imaging device which enhances the image by decreasing the super imposition of anatomical structures.
It uses digital radiographic images and its software correlates these images into layers so that sliced sections can be viewed. A series of 8 radiographs can be assimilated one TACT image.
It is effective in evaluating primary stimulated recurrent caries and stimulated osseous defects and can localize a lesion with minimal radiation accurately.
46. Child in the pedodontic treatment triangle is placed at:
- The apex
- The center
- The base
- Can be anywhere
Ans. a.
Child in the pedodontic triangle is placed at apex and he is the focus of attention
Ref — pg-5 chp 1-third edition. Nikhil Marwah
47. Which of the following has greatest influence on a child's reaction to his initial visit to the dental clinic?
- Dentist
- Dental assistant
- School teacher
- Parents
Ans. d.
The parents play an important role in the preparation of child for dental visit and also on the behavior which the child will exhibit at the time of appointment.
48. An intelligent girl of 3 years comes for her first dental visit. Patient's family possess a high dental risk. The parents are educated with high IQ. You would do most probably what type of treatment:
- Radiographs and topical fluorides
- Get the patient accustomed to the dental clinic
- Employ desensitization
- Employ behavior modification
Ans. a.
In case of high dental risk, advocate fluoride supplementation if bioavailability of fluoride is deficient. And fluoride containing dentifrices only after 4 years of age and topical fluoride and varnishes can be used.