Essentials of Biochemistry (for Medical Students) Shivananda Nayak B
Page number followed by f refers to figure and t refers to table
Abnormal glucose tolerance test 138, 138f, 139f
Absorption 64, 267, 284, 286
Acetanilide 452
Acetazolamide 25
Acetic acid 159
Acetylation 452
Acetyl-CoA, metabolic fate of 113, 113f, 176
Acetyltransferase 178
Aching swollen joints 297
Acid phosphatase 32, 34
Acid-base analysis, assessment of 253
Acid-base balance
regulation of 246, 249f
respiratory regulation of 248
Acid-base catalysis 21
Acid-base disorders 250
Acid-base disturbances 250t
Acid-base homeostasis 245
Acidic amino acids 44
Acquired hyperbilirubinemia 221
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 336, 432
biochemistry of 432
prevention of 437
symptoms of 433f
treatment of 438
Acute cardiopulmonary arrest 253
Acute glomerulonephritis 68, 387
Acute gout 387
Acute hepatitis 381
Acute intermittent porphyria 219
Acute nephrotic syndrome 386
Acute pancreatitis 32
Acute renal failure 386
Acute tubular necrosis 68, 386
Acute viral hepatitis 32
Acyl carrier protein 177, 178
Addison's disease 233, 275
Adenine 337, 342
nucleotides of 333
phosphoribosyltransferase 371
Adenosine diphosphate 14f, 259, 333, 386
Adenosine monophosphate 371
formation of 372f
Adenosine triphosphate 13, 14f, 22, 64, 173, 198, 209, 226f, 270, 333, 386, 405
structure of 14f, 333f
Adipose tissue 199, 201
Adrenal gland 231
Adrenal insufficiency 233
Adrenal medulla 235
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 187, 203, 227, 229, 232f
Adriamycin hydrochloride 349
Adsorption chromatography 426, 427f
Aerobic glycolysis, reactions of 105
Alanine 41, 44
aminotransferase 383
transaminase 32, 380, 381, 383
Albumin 48, 52, 381
functions of 52
Alcohol metabolism 380
Alcoholic liver disease 32
Aldehyde 450
oxidase 285
Aldolase 128
Alkali denaturation test 215t
Alkaline phosphatase 32, 34, 285, 381, 383, 384
elevation of 380
Alkalosis 278
Alkaptonuria 76, 84
Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone 227
Amine 451
derived hormones 225
Amino acids 41t, 44, 45f, 46, 46f, 57, 64, 69, 83, 132, 267
activation of 348
catabolism of 65
chemical properties of 45
chemistry of 41
classification of 41, 44f
decarboxylases 69
degradation 198
determination of 387
paper chromatography of 427f
pool 64f
Amino sugars 97
Aminoaciduria 387
fate of 67
metabolic fate of 66
Amylase 32, 34
Amylopectinosis 124
Anaerobic glycolysis 110
Anaplerotic reactions 116f
Andersen's disease 124
Anemia 297, 387
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 25
Angular stomatitis cheilosis 322
Anorexia 270, 299
Anterior pituitary hormones 203, 227
advantages of 324
disadvantages of 324
Antibiotics 278
Antidiuretic hormone 46, 272
Antioxidants 455, 458
Antiviral therapy 438
Apolipoprotein 154f
Apoproteins 156
Appetite, loss of 298
Arachidonic acid 159
Arginine 41, 44
fates of 73, 73f
metabolism of 73
synthesis and catabolism of 73f
Argininosuccinic acid synthetase 67
Ariboflavinosis 299
Arrhythmias 269
Arterial blood gas 279
Ascorbic acid 297, 305
Asparagine 42, 44
Aspartate aminotransferase 32, 383
Aspartate transaminase 32, 380, 381, 383
Aspartic acid 42, 44
metabolism of 72
Astrocytes 435
Ataxia 67, 298
Ataxic gait 298
Atherosclerosis 128, 136
Atom 443
structure of 443f
Atrial natriuretic peptide 273
role of 274f
Azathioprine 335
Azidothymidine 336
Bartter's syndrome 278
Basal metabolic rate 316, 318
calculation of 317
Beer's law 421
Bence Jones protein 54
Benedict's test 97
Benign prostate hypertrophy 34
Benign transient neonatal tyrosinemia 76
Benzoic acid, detoxification of 302
Bicarbonate buffer system 246
Bile acid 380
synthesis 182
Bile salts 383
synthesis of 302
Biliary tract cells 380f
Bilirubin 52, 380, 381
fate of 219
formation of 219f, 382f
Biotin 17, 301, 306
Bipolar cells 461
Biuret reaction 57
buffer system 246
cells 448
gas analyzer 253f
glucose, regulation of 112f, 131, 131f
pressure, regulation of 163
tests 279, 465
vessels, lesions of 284
Blurred vision 67
Body mass index 323
Bohr effect 212, 212f
Bone 231, 270
enzymes 32
pain 270
Brain 200
disorder 32
natriuretic peptide 274f
Brewer's yeast 287
Burkitt's lymphoma 434
Burns 68, 281
Butylated hydroxyanisole 162
Butyric acid 159
Calcitonin, action of 268
Calcium 52, 267, 387
binding protein 293
regulation 231f
Cancer 440, 442, 458
biochemistry of 440
cell production 440f
genetics of 441
lung 33
Candida albicans 451
Captopril 25
Carbaminohemoglobin 217
Carbamoyl phosphate 14, 67
Carbohydrate metabolism
hormonal regulation of 202
regulation of 203
Carbohydrates 97, 312, 380
absorption of 102, 104f
chemistry of 90
digestion of 102, 103f
fat and protein, caloric values of 311
metabolism 102, 105, 132, 135
Carbon dioxide 246
Carbon skeletons, metabolic fate of 69
Carbonic anhydrase 25, 248, 249f, 285
Carboxyhemoglobin 216
Cardiac contraction, control of 412
Cardiac enzymes 32, 33
Cardiac muscle 405, 411
Cardiolipin 152
Cardiovascular disease 189, 391
Catalase 456
Cataract 464f
Catecholamines, formation of 77f
Cell proliferation 441f
Cellular immunity 54
Cellulose 91
acetate electrophoresis 215f
Central nervous system 77, 245, 285, 434
Centrifugation, applications of 424
Centrifuges, types of 424
Ceramide 152
Cerebral beriberi 298
Cerebrosides 152
Cerebrospinal fluid 423, 469
Ceruloplasmin 32
Cervical cancer 434
Chemiosmotic hypothesis 262, 263, 263f, 264f
Chloramphenicol 349
Chloride 280
Cholesterol 160
functions of 160
metabolic fate of 181
metabolism 179
hormonal regulation of 205
structure of 160f
synthesis 180f
regulation of 181, 181f
Cholic acid 182
Cholinesterase 32, 35
Chondroitin sulfate 92, 399
classification of 426
general principle of 426
types of 426f
Chromium toxicity 287
Chronic glomerulonephritis 386
Chronic hemolytic anemia 215
Chronic nephritis 68, 386
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 253
Chronic renal failure 251, 269, 386
Chronic thyroiditis 391
Chylomicron 153
transport of 154f
Cirrhosis 381
Citric acid cycle 199
Cobalamin 303, 306
Cobalt toxicity 286
structure of 396f
synthesis 297
triple helical structure of 51f
types of 395
Color vision 463
Colorimetry 421
Complete proteins 49, 313
Conformational coupling hypothesis 262
Congenital erythropoietic porphyria 219
Congestive heart failure 68, 386
Conjugated bilirubin 383
Conjugated proteins 47, 48
Conjunctival inflammation 322
Convulsions 67, 269, 299
Copper 52, 283
deficiency 284
Coris cycle 118, 120f
Coris disease 124
Coronary heart disease 158, 190
Corticotropin-releasing hormone 232, 232f
Cortisol 132, 466
secretion, control of 232
C-reactive protein 295
Creatine kinase 31
Creatine phosphate 14, 71, 410
Creatine phosphokinase 31, 32
Creatinine 385
clearance test 385
Crigler-Najjar syndrome 222
Crohn's syndrome 235
Cryptococcus neoformans 433
Cushing's syndrome 135, 234, 234f, 275, 278
Cyanmethemoglobin 217
Cyanocobalamin 17
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate 171, 202, 226, 268, 333
Cystathioninuria 82
Cysteine 42, 44
Cystinuria 81
Cytidine monophosphate 374
Cytochromes 262
Cytosine 337, 342
arabinoside 336
nucleotides 333
triphosphate 333
Dansyl chloride 45
Dehydration 68, 281, 386
Deoxyadenosylcobalamin 17
Deoxyhemoglobin, polymerization of 214f
Deoxyribonucleic acid 70, 226f, 268, 303, 330, 342, 353f, 424, 434, 444
structure of 336, 336f, 342, 342f
Dermatan sulfate 92, 399
Diabetes mellitus 134136, 463
Diabetic ketoacidosis 136, 251
Diabetic nephropathy 387
Diarrhea 278, 280
Dietary glycerophospholipids 170
Digestion, mechanism of 103f
Dihydrofolate reductase 25
Dihydroxyacetone phosphate 184
Dihydroxyphenylalanine, conversion of 297
Dinitrophenylhydrazine 80
Diphenylhydantoin 137
Distal renal tubular acidosis 388
Double antibody method, principle of 429f
Dry beriberi 298
Dubin-Johnson syndrome 222
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 415
Eating disorders 269, 278
Edema 276, 299
Ehrlich’ aldehyde reagent 384
Ehrlich’ test 383
Eicosapentaenoic acid 164
Electrocardiogram 269, 279
Electromagnetic spectrum 421, 422f
Electron transport chain 107, 189
Electrophoresis 56, 425
general principle of 425
principle of 425f
types of 425
Enalapril 25
Endocytosis 156f
Enolase 271
Enzyme 16, 47
activity, regulation of 28
adenosine deaminase, deficiency of 374
catalysis, mechanism of 20
catalyzed reaction 16f
chemical nature of 16
classification of 19
covalent modification of 31f
degradation 31
duplication of 364f
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) 389, 429, 447, 447f
applications of 429
Eosinophilia 234
Epinephrine 203
Epstein-Barr virus 434
Erythromycin 349
Erythropoietic protoporphyria 219
Escherichia coli 415
Estradiol 467
Estrogens 132
Excretory function test 387
Exophthalmia 322
Extracellular fluid 225, 268, 412
Extracellular matrix 395, 398f
rapid involuntary movement of 298
structure of 459, 459f
Fanconi's syndrome 271, 278
Fasting blood sugar regulation 131
Fasting hypoglycemia 124, 139
Fat metabolism 136
hormonal regulation of 202, 203, 204f
Fatigue 270, 275, 279, 280
Fat-soluble vitamins 291, 296t
Fatty acid 158, 159, 171, 198
classification of 159
de novo synthesis of 176
functions of 159
metabolism, regulation of 175f
numbering of 158
oxidation of 172, 198
synthase 177, 192
enzyme complex 177f
synthesis, steps of 178f
Fatty liver 185187
disease 185
Ferritin 282
Fever 163
Fibrinogen 53
Fibronectin 398
Fibrous proteins 48
Flavin adenine dinucleotide 17, 173, 198, 260, 262, 299, 332
Flavin mononucleotide 17, 261
Flavoproteins 261
Floxuridine 335
Fludarabine 335
Folacin 306
Folate trap 304
Folic acid 17, 302, 306, 322
deficiency 322
Follicle-stimulating hormone 225, 227, 467
Follicular hyperkeratosis 322
Follicular keratosis 292
Formiminoglutamic acid 84, 303f
excretion test 303
Formylmethionine 80
Fouchet's reagent 383
Fouchet's test 383
Fragile blood vessels 297
Fragile X syndrome 365
Free fatty acid 52, 153f
high content of 128
metabolism 128, 129f
metabolism 127, 128f
fates of 127
Galactosemia 127
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 67, 280, 461
Gamma-glutamyl transferase 381, 384
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase 32, 34, 384
Ganglion cells 461
Gangliosides 153
Gas-liquid chromatography 426
Gastric hydrochloric acid 162
Gastric ulcer, prevention of 163
Gastrointestinal bleeding 68
Gastrointestinal hormones 132
Gastrointestinal infections 433
Gastrointestinal tract 103f, 231
enzymes of 102t
Gel filtration chromatography 427, 428f
Gemcitabine 336
Gilbert's syndrome 222
Globular proteins 48
Glomerular filtration rate 164, 385
Glomerulonephritis 386
Glossitis 300, 304, 322
Glucagon 132, 133, 203, 236
action of 134f
stimulate ketogenesis 184
Glucocorticoids 188, 203, 232
Glucogenic amino acids 44, 44t, 45, 69, 118f
Glucokinase 107
Gluconeogenesis 105, 116, 117f, 119f, 199, 203, 380
regulation of 116, 118f
Glucose 132
6-phosphate 105, 120
dehydrogenase 35, 126, 271
alanine cycle 118, 120f
formation of 120f
ingestion 139
sodium independent transporter of 104
tolerance tests 137
Glucuronic acid 92, 454
metabolism 130f
fates of 72f
metabolic fate of 72
oxaloacetate transaminase 32
pyruvate transaminase 32
Glutamic acid 42, 44, 72
Glutamine 42, 44, 453
synthetase 285
Glutathione 46, 163f, 457
disulphide 163f
Glycerophospholipids 151
synthesis of 184, 185f
Glycine 42, 44, 453
fates of 72f
metabolic fate of 71
metabolism of 71
Glycinuria 72, 83
Glycochenodeoxycholic acid 182
Glycocholic acid 182
Glycogen 124, 410
lysosomal degradation of 122
metabolism 120, 199
control of 202f
regulation of 203f
storage diseases 124
synthesis 121f
Glycogenesis 105, 120, 380
regulation of 122
Glycogenolysis 120, 122f, 132, 380
Glycolipids 152
Glycolysis 105, 198
reactions of 108f, 109f
regulation of 110
Glycoproteins 48, 97
Glycoregulatory hormones 278
metabolism, disorders of 400t
structure of 401f
Glycosaminoglycans 398, 399t
functions of 399
Glycosidic bond 96
Glyoxylate cycle 115
Goiter 287, 389
Graves’ disease 390
Growth hormone 132, 227
Guanine 337, 342
nucleotides of 333
Guanosine diphosphate 333, 349
Guanosine monophosphate 371, 372f, 414
Guanosine triphosphate 333
Harris-Benedict formula 317
Hartnup's disease 78, 84
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 391
Hay's test 383
Head circumference 323
Heart disease 458
Heart muscle 405
Hematuria 387
Heme catabolism 219
Heme proteins 281
Heme synthesis 217
Hemochromatosis 283
Hemoglobin 48, 208, 209, 248
action of 248
system 248f
catabolism, disorders of 220
electrophoresis of 215, 425
oxygen dissociation curve of 210f
quaternary structure of 51f
structure of 208, 208f, 211f
synthesis 217, 217f
Hemolytic jaundice 221, 382
Hemorrhage 283
Hemosiderosis 283
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation 245
Heparan sulfate 399, 400
Heparin 92, 399
Hepatic cells 380f
destruction of 381
Hepatic jaundice 221, 382
A 384
B 384
C 384
D 385
Hepatoerythropoietic porphyria 219
Hereditary coproporphyria 219
Hers disease 124
Hexokinase 107
Hexose monophosphate 35
pathway 199
shunt 124, 125f, 199
High blood pressure 234
High-density lipoprotein 153, 153f, 155, 181
Hill equation 24
Hip circumference 323
Histidine 42, 44
catabolism of 79f
metabolism 78
Histidinemia 79
Histones 48
Homocysteinemia 81
Homocystinuria 82, 84
types of 82f
Homopolysaccharides 91, 91t
Hookworm infestation 283
Hormonal action, mechanism of 226
Hormones 47, 225, 235, 380
Horseradish peroxidase 359
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 432, 436f
infection, symptoms of 432
structure of 436
test 437
Human papillomavirus 434
Humoral immunity 54
Hunter's syndrome 400
Huntington's disease 365
Hurler's syndrome 400
Hurler-Scheie syndrome 400
Hyaluronic acid 92, 399
Hydrochloric acid 17, 64, 282
Hydrogen bonds 49, 50
Hydrogen ion balance 245
Hydrophobic interactions 50
Hypercalcemia 234, 270, 281
Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma 136
Hyperkalemia 279
Hyperlipidemia 124, 136
Hyperlipoproteinemia 158
Hypernatremia 275
Hyperparathyroidism 231, 271, 281
Hyperphosphatemia 271
Hyperthyroid diseases 230
Hyperthyroidism 270, 389, 390
Hyperuricemia 124
Hypocalcemia 269, 280
Hypochromic microcytic anemia 283, 284, 300
Hypoglycemia 124, 233, 234
Hypoglycemic hormone 131
Hypokalemia 234, 278
Hypomagnesemia 269
Hyponatremia 234, 274, 277f, 281
Hypoparathyroidism 231, 269
Hypophosphatemia 271
Hypophyseal hormones 226
Hypothyroid diseases 230
Hypothyroidism 139, 389, 390
Hypovolemia 68
Hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase 371
Immunoglobulin 54
A 55
D 55
E 56
G 55
M 55
structure of 54, 54f
types of 54t
Incomplete proteins 313
Infantile beriberi 298, 299
Inherited conjugated hyperbilirubinemia 222
Inherited unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia 222
Inosine monophosphate, synthesis of 372f
Insulin 131, 132, 236
action of 188
deficiency, signs and symptoms of 135f
dependent diabetes mellitus 134
inhibit ketogenesis 184
mediated enzyme synthesis 133
Intermediate density lipoprotein 153f, 155
Intoxication 251
Intrahepatic cholestasis 381
Intravenous glucose tolerance test 139
Iodine 287
deficiency 322
Ion exchange chromatography 426, 427f
Ionizing radiations, types of 444
Iron 281
absorption 281, 282
deficiency 282, 283, 322
anemia 326
sulfur protein 262
Irritable bowel syndrome 314
Isocitrate dehydrogenase 285
Isoleucine 42, 44, 69
Isonicotinic acid hydrazide 26, 301
Isozyme analysis 425
Jaundice 220, 382
types of 221t, 383t
Kaposi's sarcoma 434
Keratan sulfate 92, 399
Keratomalacia 292
Ketogenic amino acid 44, 44t, 45, 69
Ketolysis 184f
Ketone bodies 192
metabolism 182
synthesis of 183f, 183
utilization of 183
Kidney 231
functions of 385
Kinky-hair disease 284
Korsakoff's psychosis 298
Krebs cycle 113
Krebs-Henseleit cycle 66
Kwashiorkor 326, 327, 327t
symptoms of 326f
Lactate dehydrogenase 32, 32t
Lactic acid 189, 246
Lactic acidemia 124
Lactic acidosis 139, 251
Lactose intolerance 104, 129
Lactosuria 131
Lambert's law 422f
Lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase 192
role of 181
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 374
Lethargy 67, 276
Leucine 42, 44, 69
Leukemia 387
Leukoplakia 322
Leukotrienes 164
Liddle syndrome 278
Lignoceric acid 159
Lineweaver-Burk equation 25, 27
Linoleic acid 159
Lipids 380
absorption of 169, 170f
amphipathic nature of 161
chemistry of 150
classification of 150
digestion of 169, 169f
functions of 150
metabolism of 132, 169
regulation of 188
properties of 161
synthesis of 189
Lipoprotein 48, 153, 153t
electrophoresis 425
functions of 156
separation of 153
structure of 153f
Liver 199, 286
alcohol dehydrogenase 285
disease 32, 33, 380, 384
enzymes 32
failure 68
function tests 380
glycogen phosphorylase 124
metabolism 186f
mitochondria 183
synthesizes 381
Low-density lipoprotein 153, 153f, 155
Low-protein diet 68
Lung infections 433
Luteinizing hormone 225, 227, 228, 467
Lymphocyte count 468
Lymphocytosis 234
Lymphoreticular system 435
Lysine 42, 44
metabolism of 73
Magnesium deficiency 269, 278
Malignant carcinoid 78
Malonyl transferase 178
Manganese deficiency 285
Maple syrup urine disease 79, 84
Marasmus 326, 327, 327t
Marfan's syndrome 398
McArdle's disease 124
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin 214
Mean corpuscular volume 214
Megaloblastic anemia 303, 304, 326
Melanin 76
Membrane, lipids bilayer of 161f
Menadione 295
Menaquinone 295
Menkes syndrome 284
Menopause 237
Mental retardation 76, 284
Messenger ribonucleic acid 226f, 268, 293
synthesis of 347f
Metabolic acid 246
Metabolic acidosis 250, 251f, 281
Metabolic alkalosis 250, 251, 251f
Metabolic disorder 72, 81
Metabolic rate, measurement of 316
Methemoglobin 216
Methemoglobinemia, causes of 216
Methionine 43, 44, 80
metabolism of 81f
Methotrexate 25
Methylation 351, 454
Methylcobalamin 17
Methylmalonic aciduria 304
Michaelis-Menten equation 22f, 23, 25
Mid-upper arm circumference 322
Mitochondria, structure of 260
Mitochondrial monoamine oxidase 451
Mitochondrial superoxide dismutase 285
Mitomycin C 349
Mixed acid-base disorders 252
Molybdenum 285
Monoiodotyrosine 77
Monosaccharides 90, 90t
absorption of 104
chemical properties of 94
oxidation of 95
Monounsaturated fatty acid 159
Moon face 234
Mother-to-child transmission 438
Mucopolysaccharides 92, 92t
biomedical importance of 92
Multiple myeloma 270
contraction 410f, 415
diseases 415
enzymes 32
fiber 405
glycogen phosphorylase 124
glycogenolysis 122
types of 405
weakness 279
Muscular dystrophies 32, 365, 387, 415
Mutation, types of 363
Myasthenia gravis 387, 416
Mycobacterium avium complex 433
Myocardial infarction 32, 33, 68
Myoglobin 209
oxygen dissociation curve of 210f
Nausea 67, 233, 275
Neomycin 349
Neonatal jaundice 221
Nephron, structure of 385f
Nephrosclerosis 386
Nephrotic syndrome 386, 387
Nervous system, microglia of 435
Neutral amino acids 44
Niacin 17, 299, 322
deficiency 322
Nicotinamide 305
adenine dinucleotide 17, 78, 107, 198, 259, 300, 462
phosphate 17, 78, 176, 261, 295, 300, 332, 451, 462
Nicotinic acid 299, 305
Night blindness 292, 322
Ninhydrin reaction 45
Ninhydrin test 57
Nitrogen balance 65, 320
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 185
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis 186
Non-competitive inhibition 26
Non-heme proteins 281
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 134, 135
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor 438
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 279
Normal blood urea nitrogen 68
Normal glucose tolerance curve 138
Normal glucose tolerance test 138f
Northern blotting 357
Novobiocin 349
Nucleic acid
chemistry of 330
metabolism 371
studies 425
Nucleoprotein 48
Nucleoside 330
analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor 438
function of 332
structure of 332f
Numbness 280
Nutritional deficiency 322t
Nystagmus 298
Obstructive jaundice 32, 221, 382
Ochronosis 76
Odd chain fatty acids, oxidation of 174, 174f
Okazaki fragments 343, 344
Oligodendrocytes 435
Oligomycin 264
Oligosaccharides 91
Oliguria 387
Organ function tests 380
Organic acids 251
Ornithine transcarbamylase 67
Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase 376
Orotic aciduria 377
Osteoblastoma 448
Osteogenesis imperfecta 397
Ovarian hormones 226
Oxidative phosphorylation 199, 262, 264f
Oxyhemoglobin 216
formation of 210
Oxytocin 229
Packed cell volume 424
Paget's disease 270
Pain 163
Palmitic acid 159, 173
Pancreatic disease 135
Pancreatic enzymes 32
Pancreatic hormones 226, 236
Pancreatitis 270
Pantothenic acid 17, 302, 306
Para-aminobenzoic acid 26, 302
Paracetamol 452
Paralysis 280
Parathyroid carcinoma 270
Parathyroid hormone 226, 230, 268
role of 269f
Pellagra 300
Pentose phosphate pathway 124
Peptide 45
hormones 225
Periodic hyperlysinemia 73
Peripheral neuritis 298
Peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation 175
Persistent hyperlysinemia 73
Phenolsulfonphthalein test 387
Phenylalanine 43, 44, 69
Phenylhydrazine, action of 95
Phenylketonuria 75, 83
Phosphate buffer system 247
Phosphatidylcholine, metabolism of 184
Phosphatidylethanolamine 152, 185
metabolism of 184
Phosphatidylserine 152
Phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate 333
Phosphoenolpyruvate 14
carboxykinase 116, 202
Phosphogluconate pathway 124
Phospholipid 151
metabolism 184
Phosphoprotein 48
Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate 371
Photophobia 322
Photoreceptor cells 459
Phototransduction 461, 461f
human disorders of 463
Phylloquinone 295
Physiologic jaundice 221
Pigmented scaly dermatitis 300
Pituitary hormones 226, 227
Plasma proteins 52
separation of 56
Plasmalogen, synthesis of 188
Plasmids, manipulation of 360
Pneumocystis jirovecii 433
Pneumonia 387
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 425
Polyamines 70
Polycystic kidney 386
Polycythemia vera 387
Polydipsia 275
Polymerase chain reaction 354, 356f, 437
Polypeptide 46
Polysaccharide 91
accumulation of 124
Polyunsaturated fatty acid 159, 179, 294
Pompes disease 124
Porphyria cutanea tarda 219
Post-exposure prophylaxis 438
Posthepatic jaundice 221, 382
Postprandial blood sugar 131
Potassium 276
chloride 277
Prehepatic jaundice 221
Primary aldosteronism 235
Primary hyperoxaluria 72, 83
Primary hyperparathyroidism 270
Primary parathyroid hyperplasia 270
Progesterone 238
Prolactin 227, 229, 467
Proline 43, 44
catabolism of 74f
metabolism 74
synthesis of 74f
Prostaglandin 163f
biochemical actions of 163
synthesis 163f
Proteins 46, 47, 57, 312, 313, 380
absorption of 63
biological value of 319
bound iodine 287
buffer system 248
calorie malnutrition 322, 326
chemistry of 41
classification of 47
deficiency 322
degradation 65
denaturation of 51
digestion of 63, 63f
energy malnutrition 322
metabolism 133, 136
post-translational modification of 351
primary structure of 49f
structure of 49
inhibitors of 349t
steps of 348
tertiary structure of 50f
Proteinuria 387
Proteoglycan 97, 395, 400
structure of 401f
Pseudohyperkalemia 280
Pseudohypokalemia 279
Pseudohypoparathyroidism 269
Puberty 237
Purine nucleotide
catabolism of 373, 373f
salvage of 371
inhibitors of 373
regulation of 371
Purine, biosynthesis of 371
Puromycin 349
Pyelonephritis 68, 387
Pyridoxal phosphate 17, 303
Pyridoxine 17, 296, 300, 305, 322
Pyrimidine 342
analogs 335
catabolism of 376, 376f
metabolism 374
biosynthesis of 374
synthesis of 375f
Pyrophosphate 14
Pyruvate carboxylase 116, 271
Pyruvic acid 189
Radiation hazard symbol 445
Radiation, types of 444, 445f
Radioimmunoassay 389, 428, 446
applications of 429
principle of 428
techniques 428t
Radiotherapy 447
Random blood sugar 131
Rapoport-Luebering cycle 111
Red blood cell 32, 110, 208, 212f, 219f, 303, 324, 446
Redox reactions, principle of 259
Refsum disease 176
Reichert-Meissl number 162
Renal failure 271, 281, 387
Renal function tests 385
Renal glycosuria 139
Respiratory acid-base disorders 252
Respiratory acidosis 250, 252, 252f
Respiratory alkalosis 250, 252, 252f
Respiratory electron transport chain 260
Retina layers 461
Retinoic acid 296
Retinol 296
binding protein 291
Retinopathy 136
Rhodopsin 48
Riboflavin 17, 299, 305, 322
Ribonucleic acid 17, 330, 342, 345, 398
structure of 338f, 345, 346f
Ribozymes 17
Richner-Hanhart syndrome 76, 83
Rickets 271, 322
Rods and cones, structure of 460f
Rotor syndrome 222
S-adenosine monophosphate 333
S-adenosylmethionine 70, 80, 332
Salicylate intoxication 253
Sanger's reagent 45
Saponification 161
Sarcomere, structure of 406f
Sarcotubular system 409f
Saturated fatty acid 159
Scheie's syndrome 400
Scurvy 397
symptoms of 297f
Seizures 275, 276, 284
Selenium 286
deficiency 286
Sepsis 387
catabolism of 83
metabolism of 82
Serotonin, synthesis of 78, 78f
Serum protein 381
electrophoresis 381
Serum total protein estimation 381
Serum transaminases 384
Severe combined immunodeficiency disease 374
Severe fatty liver 186f
Severe pulmonary edema 253
Sexual transmission 434
Sexually transmitted diseases 438
Shock 68, 386
Sialic acid 97
Sick euthyroid syndrome 391
Sickle cell
anemia 215, 216
hemoglobin 214
Sickle red blood cells 214f
Sickling test 215
Single antibody method, principle of 429f
Skeletal muscle 199, 201, 405
activation of 407
diseases 33
Skin 448
Slide gel electrophoresis 425
Sliding filament model 408
Smooth muscle 405, 414
contraction of 414
Sodium 272
Solitary parathyroid adenoma 270
Solitary thyroid nodules 389
Solubility test 215, 216t
Sorbitol dehydrogenase 128
Sorbitol pathway 128, 129, 463
Southern blotting 355, 357f
Spectrophotometry 421
Sphingomyelin 152
Sphingophospholipids 151, 152
Spongy gums 297
Squamous cell carcinoma 270
Starch, structure of 91f
Stearic acid 159
Steroid 160
hormones 52
Storage protein 47
Streptomycin 349
Subcellular organelles, isolation of 424f
Sulfation 351, 453
Sulfhemoglobin 216
Sulfite oxidase 285
Sulfonamides 373
Sulfur conjugation 453
Superoxide dismutase 456
Suprarenal cortical hormones 226
Suprarenal medullary hormones 226
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone 273
Tachycardia 299
Taurochenodeoxycholic acid 182
Taurocholic acid 182
Testicular hormones 226
Testosterone 467
Tetrahydrofolate 17, 371
formation of 303f
Tetrahydrofolic acid 26
Tetraiodothyronine 77
Thalassemia 213
major 215
minor 215
Thermus aquaticus 355
Thiamine 17, 298, 305
monophosphate 298
pyrophosphate 17, 111, 271
triphosphate 298
Thiazide diuretics 281
Thiokinase 271
Threonine 43, 44
metabolism 73, 73f
Thromboxane 163f
Thymine 342
binding globulin 392
cancer 389
function tests 388
gland 322
hormones 226
releasing hormone 228f, 388
scan 393
stimulating hormone 225, 227, 228, 228f, 333, 388, 390t, 391t
Thyroiditis 389, 390
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 46, 225
Thyroxine 52, 132, 203
induced hyperthyroidism 390
Toxic multinodular goiter 390
Toxoplasma gondii 433
Transcarboxylation 68, 70
Transfer ribonucleic acid, structure of 338f, 346f
Transmethylation 68, 70
Transport proteins 47
biosynthesis of 187
fate of 171
synthesis 187f
Tricarboxylic acid 16, 198, 198f, 200f, 201f, 259, 263f
cycle, reactions of 114f
Trifluorocarbonylcyanide phenylhydrazone 264
Triiodothyronine 77
Tryptophan 43, 44, 69
fate of 78f
metabolism of 77, 77f
Tube gel electrophoresis 425
Tuberculosis 433
Tubular disease 388
Tubular necrosis 386
Tyrosine 43, 44
disorders of 76
metabolic fate of 76, 76f
Tyrosinemia 76, 83
Unconjugated bilirubin 383
Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus 183, 251
Unsaturated fatty acids 159
Uracil nucleotides 334
Urea clearance test 385
Urea cycle 66, 67f
Uridine diphosphate 334
glucose 120
Uridine monophosphate 374
synthesis of 375f
Urinary tract infection 388
Urinary tract obstruction 387
Urine bile salt 383
Urine tests 469
Urobilinogen 383
Uronic acid pathway 129
van den Bergh's reaction 382
van den Bergh's test 382
van der Waals forces 51
Very-low-density lipoprotein 153, 153f, 154, 186
Viral hepatitis, types of 384
Vision 292
biochemistry of 459
Vitamin 17, 291, 296, 380
A 291, 296, 322
deficiency 322
role of 292
complex 298
deficiency 322
B1 305
B12 303, 306, 322
deficiency 322, 326
B2 305
B3 305
B5 306
B6 305, 322
B7 306
C 282, 297, 457
deficiency 322
D 293, 296
action of 268
deficiency 269, 322
E 294, 296, 457
K 295, 322
cycle 296f
dependent modifications 352
Vomiting 67, 278, 280, 299
von Gierke disease 124, 374
Waist circumference 323
Wald's visual cycle 292f
Water-soluble vitamins 291, 297, 305t
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome 298
Western blotting 358
Wet beriberi 298
Wilson's disease 284
Xanthine oxidase 25, 285
Xenobiotics, metabolism of 450
Zellweger syndrome 175
Zinc deficiency 285
Zona fasciculata 231
Zona glomerulosa 231
Zona reticularis 231
Chapter Notes

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CellChapter 1

Cells are the structural and functional units of all living organisms. Man is a multicellular organism, contains at least 1,014 cells. These cells differ considerably in shape, structure and function as a result of specialization. An aggregation of cells those are similar in origin, structure and function forms the tissue. Most of the metabolic activities occur at cellular level. Hence, it is essential, first to understand the basic organization of cell and functions of its components.
A typical cell, as seen by the light microscope is illustrated in Figure 1.1. It contains two compartments inner nucleus and outer cytoplasm. Nucleus contains nucleoplasm suspended with genetic material. Nuclear envelope separates nucleus from cytoplasm. Cytoplasm composed of aqueous cytosol, suspended with particles and membrane bound organelles. Externally cytoplasm is limited by plasma membrane.
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Figure 1.1: Structure of the cell as seen with light microscope
Normal cell ranges between 10 and 30 µm in diameter. The ultrastructure or finer details of typical cell, which has been revealed by the electron microscope is shown in Figure 1.2.
The cell membrane, which completely envelops the cell, is a thin (75–100 Å), living, dynamic and selectively permeable membrane. Plasma membrane consists of specialized surface structures for attachment and for communication. These are:
  1. Tight junctions produce seal between adjacent cells.
  2. Gap junctions allow ions and electric current between adjacent cells. They may also include certain modifications to carry out physiological functions such as microvilli for absorption, invagination or infolding to carry out transportation, etc.
Biological Membranes
All biological membranes including the plasma membrane and internal membranes, which form the subcellular structures such as endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, lysosomes, nuclear envelope, peroxisomes, Golgi complex, etc. are similar in structure, lipoprotein in nature, consists lipids (60–40%), proteins (40–60%) and carbohydrates (1–10%). The membranes separate the cell from 2external environment and separates different parts of the cell from one another so that cellular activities are compartmentalized.
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Figure 1.2: Ultrastructure of typical cell showing all cell organelles as seen in the electron microscope
Cytoplasm is traversed by extensive network of interconnecting membrane-bound channels or cisternae (diameter of 40–50 µm), vesicles (diameter 25–500 µm) and tubules (diameter 50–190 µm) form endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (Fig. 1.3).
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Figure 1.3: Endoplasmic reticulum
Membranes of ER are continuous with plasma membrane and outer nuclear envelope. There are two basic morphological types:
  1. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) possesses rough surface due the attachment of ribosomes. RER occurs mainly in the form of cisternae and concerned with protein synthesis.
  2. 3Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) lacks ribosomes on their surface, occurs mainly in the form of tubules. SER is concerned with lipid synthesis.
Endoplasmic reticulum provides skeletal framework to the cells and gives mechanical support to the colloidal cytoplasm. It also plays a role in detoxifying the xenobiotics.
  1. Golgi complex is membrane-bound structure similar to ER, discovered in 1873 by Camillo Golgi.
  2. It is a stack of flattened membrane vesicles (cisternae) surrounded by network of tubules of 300–500 Å diameter. Cisternae are gently curved, convex part (cis side) faces ER and concave part (trans side) locates near the plasma membrane (Fig. 1.4).
  3. Golgi complex functions in association with ER, is a center of reception, finishing, packaging and transportation of variety of materials.
  4. Proteins synthesized in ER is added with sulfate, carbohydrates, lipid moieties, etc. and dispatched in the form of secretory vesicles.
  5. Golgi complex also gives rise to lipoprotein of plasma membrane and lysosomes.
  1. Lysosomes are packets of hydrolases.
  2. These are spherical 1 µm in diameter surrounded by tough carbohydrate-rich lipoprotein membrane enclosing about 50 types of hydrolases such as proteases, lipases, carbohydrases, nucleases, transferases, sulfatases, etc.
  3. Lysosomes provide an intracellular digestive system through which macromolecules, foreign bodies, worn out and unwanted structures are got digested.
  1. Peroxisomes are circular membrane bound organelle having about 0.25 µm diameters contain enzymes peroxidases and catalase.
  2. Peroxisomes detoxify various toxic substances and metabolites through peroxidative reactions catalyzed by peroxidases. Catalase degrades hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) resulted from the breakdown of fatty acid and amino acids.
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Figure 1.4: Golgi apparatus
  1. Mitochondria are spherical, oval or rod-like bodies. It is about 0.5–1 µm in diameter and up to 7 µm in length (Fig. 1.5).
    4Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules, which encode information for certain mitochondrial proteins, are present.
  2. Mitochondria are considered to be the powerhouse of the cell, where energy released from oxidation of foodstuffs is trapped as chemical energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
  3. Mitochondria are respiratory center of cell where pyruvate oxidation, citric acid cycle, electron transport chain and ATP generation takes place. The β-oxidation of fatty acid and ketone body synthesis also takes place.
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Figure 1.5: Longitudinal section of mitochondrion (DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid)
  1. Two cylindrical rods-shaped structures of 0.3–0.7 µm lengths and 0.1–0.25 µm diameters, which lie at right angles to one another near the nucleus is called centrioles.
  2. Centriole is an array of 9-triplet microtubules equally spaced from central axis, made up of structural protein tubulin.
  3. Centrioles form mitotic poles during cell division.
  4. They also give rise to cilia and tail of sperm.
  1. Nucleus is a cell center, a prominent spherical structure where genetic material is confined.
  2. All cells in the human body contain nucleus, except matured red blood cells (RBCs) and upper dead skin cells.
  3. Generally nucleus is spherical or oval in shape and of 3–25 µm in diameter. But squamous epithelial cells contain diskoidal and it is multilobed in polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
  4. Nuclear envelope, which encircles the nucleus, consists of outer and inner nuclear membranes, typical lipoprotein membranes.
  5. Outer nuclear membrane is continuous with membranes of the ER and is found attached with ribosomes on its outer surface.
  6. Nuclear envelope contains numerous nuclear pores of 100–1,000 Å diameter, which regulates the nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of ions, nucleotides, proteins, messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA) and ribosomal subunits.
  7. Nucleoplasm consists of genetic material (chromosomes) and nucleolus.
  8. Nucleolus is a ribonucleoprotein structure and is the site of formation of ribosomal subunits.
  9. Nucleoplasm is composed of mainly the nucleoproteins, proteins, enzymes, minerals, organic and inorganic substances.
Biological membranes are lipoprotein viscous barriers, exist around all the living cells and also form structural and functional component of all the cell organelles. Membranes contain mainly lipids, proteins and very little amount of carbohydrates. The contents of these vary according to the nature of the membrane. Lipids are mainly amphipathic phospholipids, glycolipids and cholesterol. Proteins are of two types:
  1. Peripheral or extrinsic proteins: Loosely held to the surface of the membrane and can be easily separated, e.g. cytochrome c of mitochondria.
  2. 5Integral or intrinsic proteins: Integral or intrinsic proteins are tightly bound to the lipid bilayer and they can be separated only by the use of organic solvents, e.g. hormone receptors.
Organization of biological membranes, the arrangement of lipids and proteins was best explained in fluid mosaic model of Singer and Nicolson (1972) (Fig. 1.6). According to this model, membrane is a viscous fluid phospholipid bilayer in which globular proteins are inserted in a mosaic pattern. Amphipathic phospholipid consists of a polar phosphate head, a glycerol neck and two non-polar fatty acid tails. Hydrophobic tails or fatty acids form the middle core of lipid bilayer and hydrophilic heads line both the sides. Both phospholipids and proteins are amphipathic in nature, and form a permeability barrier. Degree of saturation and unsaturation of fatty acids, presence of cholesterol and carbohydrates regulate the fluidity and movement of molecules. Hydrophilic heads of inner and outer surface keep constant circulation of water. But hydrophobic fatty acid core acts as selective permeable barrier, saves the cells and cell organelles from osmotic shocks. Important function of the membrane is to withhold unwanted molecules, but permit entry of molecules necessary for cellular metabolism.
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Figure 1.6: Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane
Transport across the membrane occurs in following ways:
  • Passive transport
  • Active transport
  • Exocytosis
  • Endocytosis.
Passive Transport
Passive transport of molecules across the membrane is along the concentration gradient without using energy. Movement of molecules from higher concentration to lower concentration takes place without using energy. Solutes and gases enter into the cells passively. They are driven by the concentration gradient. The rate of transport is directly proportional to the concentration gradient of that solute across the membrane. Passive transport of molecules across the biomembranes is in two ways.
Simple Diffusion
Small uncharged molecules such as water (H2O), oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), other gases, urea, ethanol, etc. cross the lipid bilayer by simple diffusion.
Facilitated Diffusion or Carrier-mediated Passive Transport
Diffusion of molecules across the membrane along the concentration gradient occurs through carrier proteins or permeases. It differs from simple diffusion in certain aspects. Firstly, the process is stereospecific, i.e. only one of the two possible isomers, L and D, is transported. Secondly, it shows saturation kinetics. Thirdly, a carrier is required for transport across the membranes.
Mechanism: The carrier proteins or permeases are specific integral membrane proteins and are highly specific for molecules, which they transport. Carrier proteins are specific for individual sugars, amino acids, phosphate, etc. 6Whenever there is a concentration gradient of a solute across the membrane, solute molecules from hypertonic side bind to specific permease of the membrane. This binding triggers some conformational change producing a pore or tunnel in the carrier protein through which ions, glucose, etc. may cross. After the transportation permease regains its original structure (Fig. 1.7).
Active Transport
Active transport of molecules across the membrane occurs against the concentration gradient using energy. Molecules are transported from lower concentration (hypotonic) to higher concentration (hypertonic) with the use of energy (Fig. 1.8).
In all cells, a significant portion of energy goes in maintaining the concentration gradient of ions across plasma membrane and intracellular membranes.
In human RBC, 50% of (cellular metabolism) energy is used for the above purpose. Active transport is of two types:
  1. The ATP-driven active transport or primary active transport:
    1. Transmembrane proteins or carrier proteins form channels to bring the transport of molecules and ions across biological membranes using energy from ATP.
    2. The most important active transport in the cells is sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na+/K+-ATPase) pump.
    3. All cells maintain high internal concentration of K+ and low concentration of Na+.
    4. This Na+/K+ gradient across the membrane is maintained using energy from hydrolysis of ATP.
    5. The ATPase is a large carrier protein, hydrolysis of ATP brings the binding of 3 Na+ to ATPase, which carries some conformational changes in ATPase, so that 3 Na+ is pumped outside and in exchange 2 K+ is pumped in opposite direction (refer Fig. 1.8).
  2. Ion-driven active transport or secondary active transport:
    1. Secondary active transport takes place in the presence of ionic gradient maintained across the membrane by primary active transport.
    2. For example, glucose absorption in intestinal epithelial cells. The concentration gradient maintained by Na+/K+-ATPase pump across the cell brings the symport of Na+ and glucose molecules into the cell.
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Figure 1.7: Mechanism of facilitated diffusion
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Figure 1.8: Active transport mechanism
Secretions of cell such as proteins, lipids and carbohydrates are released out of the cell through exocytosis. These secretions are packed in the form of secretory vesicles. 7As per necessary stimulation these vesicles move towards the plasma membrane and fuse with the plasma membrane. In this way materials inside the vesicles are externalized. For example, release of acetylcholine from synaptic vesicles in presynaptic cholinergic nerves; release of trypsinogen by pancreatic cells; release of insulin by beta cells of Langerhans, etc.
Endocytosis is the mechanism by which cells uptake macromolecules in the form of endocytic vesicles. Plasma membrane invaginates and encloses the materials, which results into vesicles. There are two types, phagocytosis and pinocytosis (Fig. 1.9).
Phagocytosis is the ingestion of large particles such as bacteria, cell debris, etc. Plasma membrane invaginates in the form pseudopodia and encloses the particles in the form of phagosome. Materials of phagosomes will be digested by lysosomes. For example, engulfment of bacteria by macrophages and granulocytes.
Pinocytosis is the uptake of nonspecific or specific extracellular molecules in the form of endocytic vesicles. Later it is termed as receptor-mediated endocytosis. Plasma membranes internalize these receptor-attached molecules in the form of vesicles. For example, uptake of chylomicrons by liver cells; internalization of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) through LDL receptors of plasma membrane.
The transport systems may be divided into three categories (Fig. 1.10).
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Figure 1.9: Process of endocytosis (phagocytosis and pinocytosis)
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Figure 1.10: Carrier proteins of membrane functioning as uniports, symports and antiports
Uniport System
Carrier proteins, which simply transport a single solute from one side of the membrane to the other, are called uniports, e.g. transport of glucose through the membrane.
Symport and Antiport System
Transport of one solute depends on the simultaneous transfer a second solute, either in the same direction (symport) or in the opposite direction (antiport). Both symport and antiport are collectively called cotransport system.
Symport: Transport of glucose and Na+ into the intestinal epithelial cell from the gut.
8Antiport: For example, Na+/K+-ATPase pump, chlorine (Cl) and bicarbonate (HCO3) is exchanged in erythrocytes.
The study of biochemical properties of individual organelles requires subcellular fractionation. The subcellular fractionation involves breaking of cell by means of mechanical force to purify organelles. The steps involved in are:
  1. Mince the tissue using buffer.
  2. Tissue is carefully broken up in homogenizer using isotonic 0.25 M sucrose solution (the sucrose solution is preferred because is not metabolized, does not pass through the membranes readily and does not cause interorganelles to swell).
  3. The gentle homogenization in an isotonic sucrose solution ruptures the cell membrane and keeps most of the organelles intact. But ER is broken into small pieces that form microsomes.
  4. Homogenate is drained to remove connective tissue and fragments of blood vessels by stainless steel sieve.
  5. The homogenate, thus obtained, is centrifuged at a series of increasing centrifugal force.
The nuclei and mitochondria differ in size and specific gravity, and therefore sediment at different rates in a centrifugal field and can be isolated from the homogenate by differential centrifugation (Fig. 1.11). The dense nuclei are sedimented first, followed by the mitochondria and finally microsomal fraction. The soluble remnant is the cytosolic portion.
The mitochondria isolated in this way are contaminated with lysosome and peroxisomes. These may be separated by isopycnic centrifugation technique (Fig. 1.12). In this technique, a density gradient is set up in a centrifuge tube (the density of the solution in the tube increases from top to the bottom). Sucrose is used as medium and colloidal materials such as pecroll, which form density gradients with a low-osmotic pressure, are often used. Particles are sedimented to an equilibrium position at which their density equals that of the medium at that point in the tube. Different organelles are separated according to their density.
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Figure 1.11: Subcellular fractionation of cell by differential centrifugation
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Figure 1.12: Organelle separation by isopycnic centrifugation
9The purity of the isolated subcellular fraction is assessed by analysis of marker enzymes, which are located exclusively in a particular fraction and are specific to that fraction (Table 1.1). Analysis of marker enzymes confirms the degree of purity and contamination.
Table 1.1   Marker enzymes of subcellular fractions
Plasma membrane
5’-nucleotidase and sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na+/K+-ATPase)
Golgi membrane
Galactosyltransferase and mannosidase
Endoplasmic reticulum
Glucose-6-phosphatase and cytochrome b reductase
Succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase
Lactate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
Acid phosphatase
DNA* polymerase and RNA polymerase
*DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; RNA, ribonucleic acid.
1. Briefly discuss the ultrastructure of a typical cell.
2. Add a note on the structural aspects of mitochondria and mention the metabolism, which takes place in mitochondria.
3. Explain the fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane.
4. Write the features and importance of active transport mechanism.
5. How do you explain the ATP-driven active transport and ion-driven active transport?
6. Mention few significances of endocytosis and exocytosis.
7. What is ion-driven active transport? Explain with an example.
8. Explain uniport and antiport transport mechanism with an example.
9. Why do we call mitochondrion as a powerhouse of the cell?
1. Concerning plasma membrane, one of the following statements is not true:
  1. Plasma membrane consists of specialized surface structures for attachment and for communication
  2. Tight junctions produce seal between adjacent cells
  3. Gap junctions do allow ions and electric current between adjacent cells
  4. Consists of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates
2. Cytoplasm is traversed by extensive network of interconnecting membrane-bound channels or cisternae, vesicles and tubules, which form:
  1. Endoplasmic reticulum
  2. Golgi complex
  3. Ribosomes
  4. Microsomes
3. Concerning the Golgi complex, all of the following statements are true except:
  1. It is a membrane-bound structure
  2. It is a stack of flattened membrane vesicles
  3. It does not give rise to lipoprotein of plasma membrane
  4. It helps in packaging and transportation of variety of materials
4. Concerning mitochondria, one of the following statements is incorrect:
  1. It is considered to be the powerhouse of the cell
  2. They are respiratory center of cell where pyruvate oxidation takes place
  3. It accommodates for glycolysis
  4. It has electron transport chain
5. Nucleus:
  1. Present in all cells of the body
  2. Does not have nuclear envelope
  3. Absent in RBCs
  4. Exists in different shapes
6. Concerning passive transport, one of the following statements is incorrect:
  1. It requires ATP
  2. It requires carrier protein
  3. Occurs along the concentration gradient
  4. Process is stereospecific
7. Concerning active transport, one of the following statements is incorrect:
  1. Transport of molecules across the membrane is against the concentration gradient
  2. It is energy dependent
  3. Most important active transport in cells is Na+/K+-ATPase pump
  4. 2 Na+ pumped outside and in exchange 3 K+ pumped in opposite direction
8. Glucose absorption in intestinal epithelial cells is:
  1. Ion-driven active transport
  2. Facilitated diffusion
  3. Passive transport
  4. Does not depend on concentration gradient
9. Transport of macromolecules takes place through the following mechanisms except:
  1. Diffusion
  2. Phagocytosis
  3. Pinocytosis
  4. Exocytosis
10. All of the following are the examples for endocytosis except:
  1. Uptake of chylomicrons by liver cells
  2. Internalization of LDL through LDL receptors of plasma membrane
  3. Uptake of glucose by intestinal cells
  4. Engulfment of bacteria by macrophages
11. The main function of mitochondria is:
  1. DNA synthesis
  2. Protein processing and packaging
  3. ATP production
  4. RNA synthesis
1112. The main function of the Golgi apparatus is:
  1. DNA synthesis
  2. Protein processing and packaging
  3. ATP synthesis
  4. RNA synthesis
13. The following are true of plasma membranes except:
  1. They are made up of a double layer of lipid molecules in which proteins are embedded
  2. The lipid membranes include phospholipids and cholesterol
  3. The plasma membrane has RNA-binding sites on the inside surface of the membrane resembling rough endoplasmic reticulum
  4. The plasma membrane has both integral membrane proteins and peripheral membrane proteins
14. The function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum is:
  1. Protein synthesis
  2. Regulation of intracellular calcium distribution
  3. Excretion
  4. Maintain the skeleton of the cell
15. All of the following are the functions of lysosomes except:
  1. Phagocytosis
  2. Pinocytosis
  3. Exocytosis
  4. Breakdown of some intracellular materials
16. Hydrolytic enzymes are found in:
  1. Golgi apparatus
  2. RER
  3. Lysosomes
  4. Ribosomes
17. The site of lysosomes can be seen using a specific histochemical reaction called:
  1. Alkaline phosphatase
  2. Acid phosphatase
  3. Peroxidase
  4. Succinic dehydrogenase
18. Organelles most notable for producing and degrading hydrogen peroxide are:
  1. Lysosomes
  2. Mitochondria
  3. Golgi bodies
  4. Peroxisomes
19. The function of attached ribosomes to RER is to synthesize:
  1. Lipid
  2. Carbohydrate
  3. Protein that will be secreted by the cell
  4. Glycogen
20. Ribosomal RNA is formed in:
  1. The euchromatin
  2. The nucleolus
  3. The RER
  4. The heterochromatin
21. Glycogen can be demonstrated using:
  1. Best's carmine
  2. H and E
  3. Sudan black
  4. Silver
22. Euchromatin is predominant in:
  1. Present in the nuclei of metabolically active cells
  2. Present in the nuclei of metabolically inactive cells
  3. Special type of stain
  4. Type of cell organoids
23. The nucleolus is formed of:
  1. Protein and DNA
  2. Protein only
  3. Chromatin
  4. Protein and RNA
24. The nuclear pore:
  1. Is hexagonal in shape
  2. Is bridged by a unit membrane
  3. 12Is a transient structure
  4. Allows for communication between the nucleus and the cytoplasm
25. The feature of phospholipids that is essential for their role in biological membranes is:
  1. Form strong rigid membranes
  2. Extremely hydrophobic
  3. Possess hydrophilic and hydrophobic portions
  4. Extremely hydrophilic
1. c
2. a
3. c
4. c
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. a
9. b
10. c
11. c
12. b
13. c
14. b
15. c
16. c
17. b
18. d
19. c
20. b
21. a
22. a
23. d
24. d
25. c