ENT Essentials Elina M Toskala, David W Kennedy
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart and t refer to table
intracranial 463
parapharyngeal 466
peritonsillar 211, 465, 466f
retropharyngeal 211, 467, 467f
subperiosteal 462
Acellular dermis 271
Acetaminophen 92
Acetazolamide 69
Acetylcholine 111
Achalasia 196, 199
Acinar cell 260, 267
Acoustic neuroma 25, 27
microsurgical resection of 28
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 279, 284
Actinomyces 472
infection 472, 474
Actinomycosis 262
Acupuncture 62
Addison's disease 247
Adductor spasmodic dysphonia 183
Adenocarcinoma, polymorphous low-grade 267
Adenoid 434, 461
cystic carcinoma 266
disorders 435
facies 439
Adenoidectomy 438
Adenoiditis 463
Adenovirus 92, 325, 465, 474
Adjuvant radiation therapy in neck dissection, role of 319
Advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 195
Advanced trauma life support 72
Aerodigestive tract foreign bodies 218
Afirma 240
Aging face
anatomy of 141
causes 142
physiology of 141
Air, humidification of 187
Airway 79
biopsies of 202
breathing, and circulation 222
disease, eosinophilic 208
disorders, pediatric 496
foreign bodies 218, 480
hyper-responsiveness 208
irritants 205
acute complete 483
causes of 210
syndrome, congenital high 505
protection 191
signs 481
stenosis 206
symptoms 481
Ala 118
Alcohol 279, 283
Alexander's aplasia 400
Alexander's law 72, 81
Alloderm 271
Alternaria 331
Alzheimer's disease 353
American Academy of Otolaryngology 436
American Academy of Sleep Medicine 165
American Joint Committee on Cancer 292, 300
American Thyroid Association Guidelines 238, 245
Amitriptyline 209
Amoxicillin 92, 94, 95
Ampicillin 466, 476
Aneurysm 63
Angioedema 222, 223, 505
acquired 223, 224, 225
drug-induced 223225
hereditary 224
idiopathic 223225
Angiofibroma, juvenile 338
nasopharyngeal 359
Angiogenesis 524
Angioma 534
Angiostatin 524
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 203
inhibitors 223
Angiotensin receptor blockers 223
Anosmia 323, 330, 349, 381
Anotia 127
Anterolateral thigh free flap 275
Antibiotics 91, 223, 438
therapy 92
topical 455
Anticholinergic 328
medications 259
Anticoagulation 50
Antifungal therapy, topical 88
Antihistamines 328
Antipseudomonal antibiotics, systemic 89
Antireflux medications 187
Aortic arch, double 507
Apnea 159, 169f, 434
hypopnea index 160, 434
Apocrine sweat glands atrophy, modified 19
Apopilosebaceous unit 4
Arachnoid cyst 520
Arnold-Chiari malformation 51
Arterial pulsatile tinnitus 67
Arteriogram 530
Arteriovenous malformation 58, 63, 68, 529
aberrant innominate 507
basilar 38
common cochlear 38
vestibulocochlear 38
Arthritis 247
inflammatory 187
Aryepiglottic folds 180
Arytenoid 180
apex of 180
dislocation 185
Aspergillus 344
Aspiration 190, 206
pneumonia 194
Asthenia 182
Asthma 206, 208
exacerbation 464
Ataxia 512
Atherosclerosis 63
Atherosclerotic disease 65
Athyreosis 231
Atopy 208
Atresia 395
Auditory brainstem 19
implant 414
response 49, 58, 402, 403
Auditory nerve, normal 19
Aural atresia 386
bilateral 387
Autoimmune 88
disease 20, 262
disorders, immunocompromise 104
Autologous tissue 135
Autosomal dominant 238, 404, 411
osteodystrophy 22
Autosomal recessive 238, 404
Autotitrating positive airway pressure 169
Avastin 186
Avotermin 106
Axial computed tomography 447f, 466f, 467f
scan 443f, 444f
Bacteria, anaerobic 472
Bacteriophages 89
Bardach repair 429
Bariatric surgery 174
Barium swallow 193, 196
modified 197, 198
Barotrauma 83
Bartholin duct 257
Bartonella Henselae 472
infection 472, 474
Basal cell 350
carcinoma 299, 300
metastases 301
Basisphenoid 310
Battle sign 72
Becaplermin 106
Bell's palsy 112
Benjamin-Inglis classification 498, 498f
Beta blockers 223, 235
Bethesda criteria 241, 241t
Biffl grading scale 214
Bifid tip 122
Bifid uvula 422
Bilevel positive airway pressure 169
Bing-Siebenmann aplasia 399
Biopsy 280, 285
Bipolaris 331, 346
Birth trauma 112
Bleeding 373, 380
Blepharochalasis 141
glucose, fasting 66
test 327
Body mass index 162
Bone 376
density 250
grafting 429
invasion 304
Paget's disease of 247
pain 247
Bony fractures 145
Botulinum toxin
browlift 116
injection 193
Bowman's glands 349
Bradykinesia 194
Brain 364
acquired 521
traumatic 197, 198
Brainstem 48
Branchial cleft
anomaly 392, 476, 477, 477f, 478
cyst 478f
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome 386
Breathing 79
Bronchial obstruction 481
Bronchitis, nonasthmatic eosinophilic 208
Bronchodilator 222
response 208
Bronchoscopy 214
flexible 484
intermedius, right 506f
right main 506f
Brow ptosis 116, 141
Broyle's tendon 290, 291
Buccinator flap 275
Burns, esophageal 217
Calcitonin 244, 247
secrete 231
channel blockers 223
physiology 246
serum 250
supplementation 247
Caldwell-Luc procedure 347
Caloric testing 43, 46
Canalith repositioning procedure 40
Canalithiasis 39
Cancer, supraglottic 293
Cancerous lesions 279
Capillary malformations 529
Carbon dioxide 527
Carcinoembryonic antigen 244
Carcinoma 186, 250
ex pleomorphic adenoma 267
mucoepidermoid 266
papillary 242
Carney complex 238
Carotid artery
disease, atherosclerotic 69
dissection 69
external 233, 358
fibromuscular dysplasia of 63, 68
internal 358
Cartilage 121, 376
laryngeal 180
tumors 296
Cat scratch disease 262
Cauliflower ear 72, 76
Caustic ingestion 217
Caustic inhalation injuries 185
Cefpodoxime 95
Ceftriaxone 95, 462
Cellulitis, mild preseptal 333
Central catheter, peripherally inserted 86
Central nervous system 35, 390, 519
Central vestibular pathway 37
anterior 38
posterior inferior 49
superior 38
malformations 520
symptoms 51
tonsillar herniation 48
tumors 519
Cerebellopontine angle 28, 37
tumors of 48, 113
Cerebrospinal fluid 12, 148
leak 82, 371
otorrhea 80
rhinorrhea 150, 323, 326, 381
accidents 112
injury, blunt 215
Cerumen impaction 21
lymphadenitis 471
acute bacterial 475
acute unilateral 474
chronic 475
subacute 475
viral 475
osteophytes 194
spine immobilization 213
vestibular evoked myogenic potential 55
Cervicofacial rotation flap 272f
Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome 113
Chemical injury 196
antiangiogenic 533
topical 302
Chest X-ray 209, 481
Chiari malformation 51, 52, 520
Chlamydia 325
Choanal atresia 5, 411, 450
axial computed tomography scan, right unilateral 451f
right intranasal unilateral 451f
treatment of 452
Cholesteatoma 3, 13, 90, 112
Chorda tympani 258
neurectomy 259
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 197, 206, 209
Chvostek's sign 250
Cidofovir 186
Classic Mladick pocket technique 75
Clavulanate 95
alveolus 423
embryology 420
lip 415, 420, 425
bilateral 417f
complete 422
incomplete 422
microform 422
repair 426, 427
unilateral 417f, 425
palate 5, 415, 417f, 418, 418f, 422, 427
complete 423
incomplete 422
repair 428
submucous 422
primary palate 420
secondary palate 420
Cleveland family study 162
Clindamycin 95, 462, 466, 467
Clivus 310
Clotrimazole 88
Coagulation disorders 104
Co-amoxiclav 333
Cochlea, normal 18
Cochlear implant 414
Cochleovestibular anatomy, abnormal 515
Cogan's syndrome 20
Cognitive behavioral therapy 61
Coloboma 411
Colon polyps 335
Columella 118
Columellar deformities 123
Columnar epithelial cells, modified 36
Complete blood count 66, 105
Complete cranial nerve examination 114
Computed tomography 67, 68, 76, 78, 114, 154, 203, 263, 264, 326, 337, 412, 503, 526
angiography 66, 68, 154
imaging 401f
scan 147, 211, 279, 284, 339, 343, 442
Computerized dynamic posturography 514
Confusion 247
Congestion 330
Connexin 26/30 testing 413
Constipation 247
Continuous positive airway pressure 168
Contusion 215
Cordotomy, posterior 505
Coronaviruses 92
Cortex, auditory 19
intralesional 533
systemic 533
Corynebacterium diphtheriae 437
Cosmetic deformity 381
Cotton-Myer grading system 502, 503f
Cough 191, 202
acute 201
chronic 201, 202, 203fc, 205, 206, 464
hypersensitivity syndrome 202
neurogenic 209
positional 207
prevalence of 201
reflex 202
subacute 201
variant asthma 208
Cowden's syndrome 238
Coxsackievirus 465, 473
Cranial nerve 8, 35, 48, 194, 258, 350, 373, 412
examination 204
palsies 194
Craniofacial skeleton 151
Cribriform 243
plate injury 150, 381
joint 180
fixation 505
lateral 179
posterior 179
Cricoid 180
primary lesions of 296
split, anterior 504
Cricopharyngeal bar 193
Cricopharyngeal myotomy 193
Cricopharyngeal spasm 193
Cricothyroid 179
joint 180
muscle 233
Cricotracheal resection 504
Cri-du-chat syndrome 5
Crohn's disease, cutaneous 88
Croup 501, 501t
Cuneiform 180
Cupulolithiasis 39
Curacao Criteria for Clinical Diagnosis of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia 364t
Curvularia 331
lunata 346
Cyst, non-cancerous 13
Cystadenoma lymphomatosum, papillary 264
Cytomegalovirus 473
infection, congenital 515
testing 412
Cytomel 236
Daytime sleepiness 163
excess 163
Decongestion 372, 378
Decubitus films, lateral 482
Dehydration 260
Deltopectoral flap 275
Dental device 172f
Deoxyribonucleic acid virus, double-stranded 285
Depression 247, 353
anguli oris 256
labii inferioris 256
Dermal regeneration template 271
Dermatochalasis 141
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans 299
Dexamethasone 44
intratympanic injection of 44
Diabetes mellitus 50, 88, 89, 103
Diffuse salivary gland enlargement 260
DiGeorge's syndrome 5
Dilation 193
Diphtheria 325
Diplegia 109
Diplopia 51
Dirty injury 77
Displaced laryngeal fractures 215
Dissection 378
Distant flap 274
Distant metastasis 311
Diuretics 223
Diverticulectomy, open 193
Dix-Hallpike maneuver 39, 54
Dizziness 35, 52
common causes of 39
Dorsal deformities 121
Dorsal hump 122
Double opposing Z-plasty 429
Down's syndrome 5
Doxycycline 527
Draining ear, chronic 3, 11
Drooling 258
Drop attacks 512
Drosophila 301
Ductal cells, sparing of 260
Dysarthria 51
Dyskeratosis congenita 284
Dysphagia 51, 190192, 193, 207, 223, 259
causes of 193
esophageal 192
therapy 194, 195
treatment of 193
Dysphonia 51, 179, 187
general management of 187
psychogenic 182, 187
Dysplasia, fibrous 340
Dyspnea 191, 210, 223
anatomy of 4
anomalies, embryology of 385
antimicrobial therapy of 86
canal 21
abrasions 76
bony fractures 76
debridement of 455
edematous 455f
stent 455
trauma 76
examination 153
infections 3, 5
nose and throat 403
physiology of 4
Eburnated osteoma 336
Echocardiogram 66, 68
Ectoderm 253
Ectopic thyroid 231
endolaryngeal 215
mucosal 204
Elastosis 141, 142
Electrocochleography 43, 55, 72
Electrodesiccation 302
Electroencephalography 55, 58
Electromyography, laryngeal 183
Electroneurography 73
Electronystagmography 513
Emesis 512
Empty sella 67
Encephalitis 112
Encephalocele 446, 449
Endarterectomy 50
Endocrine 143
neoplasia, familial nonmultiple 244
Endoscopic dilation 504
Endoscopic diverticulotomy 193
Endoscopic laser excision 364
Endoscopic nasal examination 354
Endoscopic sinus surgery 366, 369
complications of 373
Endoscopic techniques 337
Endostatin 524
Endotracheal tube 496
Enlarged vestibular aqueduct 400, 411
Enterovirus 91, 325, 473
Eosinophilia syndrome, non-allergic rhinitis of 325
Eosinophils 202
Epidermal growth factor 102
Epiglottis 496
Epiglottitis 211, 468, 501, 501t
Epilepsy 353
Epinephrine 222
Epiphora 373
Epistat nasal catheter 362
Epistaxis 357
anterior 357
posterior 357
secondary 359t
Epithelial cells 102
Epley maneuver 40
Epstein-Barr virus 309, 437, 465, 473
associated nasopharynx cancer 309
infection 475
Epworth sleepiness scale 164t
Erythema 204, 217
mucosal 217
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 9
Escherichia coli 87
Esophageal foreign bodies 219, 489
Esophageal manometry 199
Esophageal spasm 199
Esophageal stage symptoms 198fc
Esophageal stents 218
Esophageal wall perforation 217
eosinophilic 196
infectious 196
Esophagoscopy 199
Esophagram 196
Ethanol 527
anterior 377
ligation 363
posterior 377
bone, perpendicular plate of 376f
sinuses 367, 368f
Ethmoidectomy 372
Eustachian tube 4, 63
patulous 63
Exercise 174
Exerohilium 331
robustum 346
External auditory canal 4, 18, 206
infection of 5
isthmus of 4
skin 88
External auricular deformity, treatment of 131
External ear 400
anatomy of 128
assessment of 15, 30
canal 454
deformity of 127
embryology of 128
infections of 454
trauma 73
External jugular node 317
External nasal valve 120
External nose, anatomy of 118
External otitis
mild 87
moderate 87
severe 87
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 407
Extratemporal injury 112
Extratemporal segment 111
examination 54, 153
flattened posterior globe of 67
Face 97
embryology of 419f
aesthetics 141
artery 256, 358
bones 145
buttresses 146fc
examination 153
fractures 147, 149, 152
evaluation of 147
management of 147
anatomy of 109
pathway 109
physiology of 109
nerve 110, 113, 254
anatomy 110f
injury 82
marginal division of 256
nucleus 109
paralysis 113, 262
pain 330
ipsilateral 51
palsy 109
causes of 112
plain films 154
skeletal anatomy 145
skeleton 146fc, 152
evaluation of 147
skin 141
trauma 145, 371
management of 145
patient, evaluation of 153
vein 256
volume 141
Fanconi anemia 279, 284
Fatigue 247
activates 102
growth factors 102
proliferation 102
Fibroelastic cartilage 180
Fibrofatty tissue 121
Fibroma, ossifying 339
Fibro-osseous lesions 339
Fibrosis 194
Fibula free flap 275
Fine needle aspiration 240, 241, 263, 280
aortoesophageal 491
arteriovenous 58, 63, 68
perilymphatic 24, 25
test 24
Follicular carcinoma 243
Follicular variant 243
Foramen cecum 231
Foramen lacerum 80f
Foramen magnum 80f
stenosis 521
Fossa, sublingual 257
Fractures, anterior table 148
Free flaps 269, 275
Free tissue transfer 117
Frenzel lenses 54
Frontal sinus 369, 369f
fracture 148
Frontal sinusotomy 372
Full-face mask 170f
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery 328, 367
Functional reach test 522
Furlow double-opposing Z-plasty 431
palatoplasty technique 430f
Furlow repair 429
Gabapentin 209
Ganglion, submandibular 256, 258
Gap junction protein beta 2 411
Gardner's syndrome 238, 335
Gastrin 244
Gastroesophageal reflux 195
disease 203, 206, 207
Gastrointestinal tract 364
Gather supplies 360
General anesthesia, complications of 374
Geniculate ganglion 111
Gentamicin 44
intratympanic injection of 44
sublingual 253, 257, 258
submandibular 253, 255, 258260
Glasgow coma scale 214
Glioma 446, 449
Globe injury 154
Globe rupture 149
Globus 190, 223
sensation 193
Glomus jugulare 69
Glomus tumor 65
Glomus tympanicum 64f, 69
Glossopharyngeal nerve 258
Glottic cancer, early 293
Glottic closure 191
Glottic lymphatic drainage 291
Glucocorticoids, excess 104
Glucose transporter-1 532
Glycopyrrolate 259
Goblet cells 349
Granular cell tumor 280
Granulation tissue 457f, 485
Granulomatosis 88, 225
Granulomatous diseases 261
Graves’ disease 236, 237
Great auricular nerve 255
Greater palatine artery 376
Growth factors 106
Haemophilus influenza 87, 91, 211, 330, 341, 458, 469, 501
Hair 4
cells, vestibular 36
Hard palate 145, 418
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 236, 238
Haversian ducts 336
Head and neck 229
cancer treatment 193
congenital malformations, embryology of 385
infections, pediatric 454
malignancies 193
Head injury 25
Head thrust test 54
Head trauma 352
Headache 512
anatomy of 18
loss 17, 22, 65, 81, 411, 512
conductive 17, 60, 81, 411
congenital 399, 402, 405, 406t, 408t
etiology 404fc
evaluation of 31fc
hereditary 21
management of 31fc
mixed 17
pathological 20
physiological 19
sensorineural 17, 58, 402, 404, 407, 411, 512
sudden sensorineural 17, 25
types of 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411
physiology of 18
preservation 413
stages of 100
defects 411
failure, congestive 195, 206
Heartburn 191, 207
Heerfordt disease 262
Hemangioma 447, 449, 525, 531
congenital 534
lobular capillary 339
noninvoluting congenital 534
rapidly involuting congenital 534
subglottic 220, 500
Hematoma 215
auricular 76
Hemitransfixion 378
Hemoptysis 193
Hemorrhagic telangiectasia, hereditary 364, 535
Hemostasis 100, 101f
Hemotympanum 73, 81
Hennebert's sign 47, 54
Herpes simplex 7
Herpes virus 473
Herpes zoster 7
oticus 112
Histoplasmosis 196
Hoarseness 179, 191, 194, 223, 500
Holman-Miller sign 338
Holoprosencephaly 390
Hormone, adrenocorticotropic 244
Horner's syndrome, ipsilateral 51
House-Brackmann classification 115t
House-Brackmann grading system 114
Human hearing dysfunction 19
Human immunodeficiency virus 8, 112, 261
Human metapneumovirus 92
Human olfactory dysfunctions 351
Human papilloma virus 283, 285, 500
Hurthle cell carcinoma 243
Hyaline cartilage 180
Hybrid single-photon emission computed tomography 249
Hydrocephalus, obstructive 48
Hyperbaric oxygen 105
Hypercalcemia 247
familial hypocalciuric 249
symptoms of 247
Hyperdynamic flow 64, 65
Hyperlipidemia 50, 65
Hyperparathyroidism 247
evaluation of 248
primary 248, 249
secondary 248
tertiary 248
types of 248
Hyperplasia, pseudoepitheliomatous 280
Hypersecretion 259
Hypertension 50, 65
benign intracranial 63, 65
Hyperthyroidism 237, 237t
Hypertrophic scar 99, 100f, 103
Hypertrophy 204
adenotonsillar 435
Hyphema 149
Hypocalcemia 248, 250
postoperative 250
Hypoesthesia 373, 380
Hypoglossal nerve 256
Hypogonadism, hypogonadotropic 353
Hypopharynx 291, 293, 317
cancer 290
Hypoplasia, mandibular 130f
Hypopnea 159, 434
Hyposmia 323, 330, 349
Hypotension, orthostatic 52
Hypothalamus 234
Hypothyroidism 187, 237t
Idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops 42
Iliac crest free flap 276
Imiquimod cream 107
Immune system 5
Immunologic disorders 25
Implants 132, 372
Incision 378
Infant larynx 496
Infections 103, 194, 196, 373, 381
chronic 12, 260
viral 25, 183
Inflammation 102
Influenza 112, 330
virus 92, 325
Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes 284
intracranial 374
intratemporal 112
mechanism of 146
penetrating 212
Inner ear 388, 400
barotrauma 84
decompression sickness 85
deformities, congenital 401f
disease, autoimmune 20
hair cells 18
malformations 388
trauma 78
Inosculation 270
primary 269, 270
secondary 269
Interarytenoid 179
Interdomal ligament 121
Internal auditory
artery 38
canal 412
Internal maxillary artery 358
Internal nasal
landmarks 119, 120f
valve 120
Interstitial lung disease 206
Intracranial stereotactic radiation therapy 28
Intubation trauma 215
Iodides 236
Ionizing radiation 266
Irritation, chronic 206
Ischemia 103
Ivory osteoma 336
Jejunal free flap 276
Jugular bulb diverticula 63
Jump anastomosis grafting 116
Kallmann's syndrome 353
Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma 534
Kasabach-Merritt syndrome 535
Keloid 99, 103
Kidney stones 247
Kiesselbach's plexus 358, 359f
Kuttner's tumor 260
Labyrinth, vestibular 38
Labyrinthectomy 44
Labyrinthine 38
artery 38
segment 110
Lahshal classification 420
system 421f
Laryngeal atresia, embryology of 395
Laryngeal cancer
advanced 294
early 293
Laryngeal cleft 396, 498
Benjamin-Inglis classification of 498f
Laryngeal infections 467
Laryngeal joints 180
Laryngeal lesion 193
Laryngeal musculature 179
Laryngeal nerve, recurrent 181, 233
Laryngeal obstruction 481
Laryngeal origin 497
Laryngeal papilloma 185
Laryngeal pathologies 296
Laryngeal recanalization 496
Laryngeal trauma 215
Laryngeal web 183, 499
Laryngitis, tuberculous 212
Laryngomalacia 497
Laryngopharyngeal reflux 183, 203, 206, 207
Laryngoplasty 188, 195
Laryngoscopy 184
direct 214
flexible fiberoptic 183
Laryngospasm 484
Laryngotracheal trauma, blunt 215
Laryngotracheitis, viral 467
Laryngotracheobronchitis 212, 501
Laryngotracheoplasty 504
Larynx 177, 290, 291f, 317
anatomy of 179
bacterial infections of 183
cancer 292
advanced 295
fungal infections of 183
normal 180f
viral infection of 183
Laser therapy, topical 527
Latissimus dorsi flap 275
Le Fort classification 150, 151f
Le Fort maxillary fractures 149, 150
Lentigo maligna 306
Lesion, types of 525
Lesser superficial petrosal nerve 258
Levator veli palatini 62, 416
Levothyroxine 236
Lid loading 116
Ligament 234
anterior suspensory 234
of Berry 234
posterior suspensory 234
Lingual frenulum 257
Lingual nerve 256
Liothyronine 236
adhesion 425
repair, goals of 425
revision 432
taping 425
Lipomas 265
Liposis 141
Liver failure 104
Local axial flaps 269
Local random flaps 269
Locoregional soft tissue flaps 347
Lop ear deformities 131
Loud snoring 163
Loud sounds 53
Low perfusion pressure 50
Lugol's solution 236
Lumbar puncture 68
Lung 196, 364
cancer, primary 206
Lyme disease 25, 112
Lymph node 242, 255
basins 315
metastasis 317
Lymphadenectomy 307
therapeutic 307
chronic 474
subacute 474
viral 475
Lymphadenopathy 194
Lymphatic drainage 291
Lymphatic malformation, infected 478
Lymphoepithelial cysts 263
Lymphoepithelioma 285
Lymphoma 196, 267, 285
Macrophages 102
Maffucci syndrome 536
Magnetic resonance
angiography 67, 530
imaging 43, 67, 68, 78, 114, 227, 263, 264, 326, 337, 339, 343, 442, 500, 526
venography 67, 68
lymphatic 525
lymphovascular 505
Malignant salivary gland disease, treatment of 267
Mallampati score, modified 165
Mandibular ramus 145, 146f, 146fc
Manometry 193
Marginal mandibular nerve 256
Masses, signs of 114
Mast cell 208
Mastoid segment 111
Mastoidectomy 11, 12
Mastoiditis 3, 11, 112, 459, 460f
Maxillary alveolus 145
Maxillary antrostomy 372
Maxillary crest 376
Maxillary fractures, Le Fort classification of 150, 151f
Maxillary sinus 367, 368f
puncture 343
Maxillomandibular fixation 152
McGovern nipple 443
Meatal segment 110
Mechanical pulsatile tinnitus 62
Medial canthal ligament 150
Mediastinitis 491
Medical speech evaluation 205
Medullary syndrome, lateral 50
Medullary thyroid cancer 244
malignant 305
metastatic 308
skin cancer 299
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome 113
Membranous labyrinth 35, 36f
Memory changes 247
Ménière's disease 25, 41, 42, 53, 55, 72, 73, 78, 515
Meningitis 25, 112, 514
Mental status 512
Merkel cell carcinoma 299
Metastasis, patterns of 315
Metastatic disease 266
Methicillin-resistant strains 8
Methimazole 235
Michel's aplasia 399
Microcystic adnexal carcinoma 299
Micrometastasis 307
Microtia 127, 385
bilateral 130f
repair 137f
surgery 139f
paradox of 138
Microvascular repair 75
Microvillar cells 350
Middle ear 387, 400
barotrauma 84
infection of 22, 454
malformations 388
myoclonus 70
normal 18
paraganglioma 64f
trauma 77
Middle fossa 29, 49
Migraine 517
associated vertigo 40
basilar 41, 518
pediatric 517
vestibular 40, 53, 517, 518
Milk alkali syndrome 247
Millard rotational advancement flap technique 426f
Minor salivary gland 257
biopsy 262
tumors 297
Mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway 242
Mobius syndrome 112
Mohs surgery 303
Moisturizers 360
Molecular mimicry hypothesis 438
Molecular testing 240
Mondini's aplasia 399, 401f
Mononucleosis 112
Moraxella catarrhalis 91, 330, 438, 458
Morpheaform 301
Mucocele 265, 370
traumatic 149
Mucormycosis 344
Mucosa, cobblestoning of 204
Mucosal wave 181
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 238
Mumps 112, 261
Muscle 62, 111, 416
cricopharyngeus 489
tension dysphonia 186
transposition flaps 116
weakness, fluctuating 195
Muscular dystrophy 195
Mutations 280
Myasthenia gravis 113, 182, 186, 195
atypical 262
nontuberculosis 472, 474
Mycoplasma pneumoniae 91
Mycotic infections 7
Myoclonus 62
Myositis 194
Myotonic dystrophy 113
Myringoplasty 73
Myringotomy 10, 11
Nagata's approach 135
Nagata's opinion 135
Nagata's technique 137f
Nasal airflow 349
Nasal ala 123
Nasal blockage 330
Nasal bone 120, 145
fracture 121
Nasal cavity 183, 327f
Nasal congestion 206, 323
Nasal continuous positive airway pressure 168f
Nasal corticosteroids 332
Nasal decongestants 328
Nasal deformities 118
Nasal dermoid 445, 448
pit 446f
pit and tract, external excision of 448f
Nasal discharge 330
Nasal dorsum 118
Nasal encephaloceles 390, 391
Nasal endoscopy 327, 342, 355f, 367, 372
Nasal examination 153
Nasal foreign bodies 487
Nasal fractures 149
Nasal lavage 346
Nasal mask 169, 170f
Nasal mass 124, 445
congenital 442, 448, 476
excision of 449f
Nasal obstruction 207, 335, 366, 375, 379, 464
Nasal packing 361, 379
Nasal pillows 171f
Nasal polyps, surgical debridement of 346
Nasal pruritus 323
Nasal regurgitation 195
Nasal septum 359f
anatomy of 375
bony anatomy of 376f
deviated 444
Nasal sidewall 118
Nasal stents 379
Nasal steroids 328
Nasal subunits 119, 119f
Nasal tampon 362
Nasal tip 118
Nasal turbinates 121
Nasal vestibule 121
Nasoalveolar molding 424
Nasofrontal recess injury 148
Nasolacrimal duct cyst 447, 447f, 450
Nasomaxillary buttress 145, 146f
Naso-orbitoethmoid fracture 149
Nasopharynx 183, 317, 319
anatomy 310f
boundaries 310
cancer 309
staging of 312t
National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines 294, 304
National Institutes of Health Indications for Surgical Treatment of Asymptomatic Primary Hyperparathyroidism 250
Nausea 512
Neck 279
anomalies, infected congenital 476
dissection 315, 318
elective 318
selective 318
staging 282, 318
therapeutic 318
types of 317
injuries, blunt 214
levels of 316f
management of 304
mass 193
metastasis, patterns of 316
pain 51
soft tissue of 471
staging 319
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 437
Neodymium-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser 529
Neonatal intensive care unit 403
Neonatal nasal
obstruction 442
patency 442
Neonatal respiratory distress, tracheal causes of 505
Neoplasia 247
Neoplasms 25, 48, 220, 352
Neovascularization 271
Nephrocalcinosis 250
Nephrolithiasis 250
anatomy 233
auriculotemporal 258
vestibulocochlear 36f, 37
Nervus intermedius 258
Neurectomy, vestibular 44
Neuritis, vestibular 45
Neuroepithelium 349
Neuroma, postsurgical 265
Neuromodulator therapy 209
Neuronal dysfunction hypothesis 41
Neuronitis, vestibular 516
Neurophysiologic test 58
Neurosensory arc 202
Neurosurgery 154
Nitric oxide 205
Nodal metastasis 304
Noise toxicity 25
Noncaseating granulomatosis systemic disease 262
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation 169f
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 223, 359
Nontuberculosis mycobacterial infection 473f
Nortriptyline 209
Nose 321
embryology of 389
Nystagmus 46, 54, 72
fatigues 39
Obesity 163, 166
self-reported 165f
Observation 505
Obsessive-compulsive disorder 438
Obstruction 351
Obstructive sleep apnea 161, 435
syndrome 161
treatment of 167
Obturator 432
Ocular pruritus 323
Oculomotor 55
Odynophagia 190, 191, 223
anatomy of 326, 349
pathophysiology of 331
pathway 350
physiology of 326, 331, 349
Olfactory bulb 350, 355fc
Olfactory epithelium 349, 351
Olfactory loss 352
Olfactory mucus 349
Open roof deformity 122
Ophthalmology 154
Ophthalmoplegia 154
Oral cavity 193, 204, 257, 278, 282, 316
cancer 278
tumors, staging of 281t
Oral ibuprofen 92
Oral stage
deficits 194
symptoms 197fc, 198fc
Oral steroids 328
Orbicularis oris 417f
Orbital 462
right subperiosteal 462f
Orbital cellulitis 332
Orbital fractures 149
Orbital region 150
Organ transplant 279, 284
Oroantral fistula 347
Orofacial swelling 113
Oropharyngeal cancer 278, 283
Oropharyngeal dysphagia 192
Oropharyngeal lesion 193
Oropharyngeal tumors, staging of 286t
Oropharynx 183, 204, 207, 317
Orphan Annie eye appearance 242
Orthognathic surgery 433
Oscillopsia 512
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome 535
Osseointegrated bone conduction devices 413
Osseointegrated implant 133f
Ossicles 4, 17
Ossicular trauma 77
Osteoma 335, 336
mature 336
mixed 336
spongiosum 336
Osteomeatal complex
anterior 369
posterior 369
Osteomyelitis, skull base 8
Osteopenia 247
Osteoporosis 247
Ostium 366
Otalgia 193, 512
Otic ganglion 258
Otitis externa 86, 455f, 456f
acute 5, 86
bacterial 454
chronic 6, 88
fungal 7, 87, 456, 458f
malignant 8, 89, 112
necrotizing 8, 89, 456, 457f
viral 7
Otitis media 5, 22, 112, 514
acute 3, 9, 91, 93, 94t, 457, 459f
chronic 90, 429
serous 90
suppurative 11, 12, 90
serous 25
unilateral acute 93
Otoacoustic emissions 402
Otolith organs 37
Otologic disease 429
Otologic pain, evaluation of 14fc
Otomycosis 456, 458f
Otoplasty 131f
Otorrhea 12, 93, 512
evaluation of 14fc
Otosclerosis 22
Otoscopy 23, 65, 114
abnormal 67
normal 67
Ototoxic exposures 23
Outer ear 385
Oxymetazoline 333
Paget's disease 63, 247
abdominal 223, 247
control 92
Palatal myoclonus 70
Palatal prosthetics 194
Palatal weakness 195
Palate 416
primary 416, 419
secondary 416, 419
Palatine crest 376f
Palatopharyngeus 418
bipedicled-flap 429
two-flap 429
Palpable neck mass 280
Palsy 109
Papilloma, inverted 336
Papillomatosis, recurrent respiratory 220, 500
Parafollicular C cells 231
Paraganglioma 63, 65
Paraglottic space 290
Parainfluenza virus 325
Paralysis 109
bilateral 505
Paralytic ectropion 116
Paramedian forehead flap 273
Paranasal sinuses 366
anatomy of 367
physiology of 367
Parathyroid 246
carcinoma 250
deep 246
gland 231
hormone 246, 247, 249, 249t, 251
superficial 246
Parathyroidectomy 248
Paresis 109
Parkinson's disease 194, 353
Parosmia 349
duct ligation 259
examination 114
gland 253, 258, 267, 315
masseteric fascia 256
Parotitis 112, 262
inferior 399
superior 399
Partial ossicular reconstruction prosthesis 78
Patent foramen ovale 85
Pectoralis major 274
Pectus excavatum 440
Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders 438
Pediatric tonsil and adenoid disorders 434
Pedicled flap 274
Pendred syndrome 238
Penetration 190
Peptic stricture secondary 195
Perineural invasion 304
Peripheral nerve injury
Seddon's classification of 111
Sunderland's classification of 111
Pertussis 325
Petrosal sinus, superior 70
PHACES syndrome 535
Phantosmia 349
Pharyngeal flap 431
Pharyngeal stage symptoms 197fc, 198fc
acute 464
viral 464, 465
Pharyngoplasty 432
Pharynx 464
Photodynamic therapy 302
Pinna 4, 18
avulsion 74
hematoma 75
laceration 73
Piriform aperture 121
Pitch 182
Plasmapheresis 195
Plastic bronchitis 485
Platelet-derived growth factor 102
Pleomorphic adenoma 264
Plicated tongue 113
Pneumonia, history of 192
Pocket techniques 75
Poliomyelitis 112
Pollybeak deformity 122
Polyangiitis 88, 225
cell 101f
neutrophils 102
Polyposis, familial adenomatous 238
Polysomnogram 169f, 440
Polysomnography, overnight 162
Polyuria 247
Porus acusticus 37
Positive airway pressure 168f
Positive fistula test 78
Post upper respiratory infection 351
Post-concussive hydrops 25
Posterior cricoid
expansion 505
split 504
Posterior fossa neoplasms 519
Posterior table fractures 148
Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers 258
Postnasal discharge 464
Postnasal drainage 323
Postnasal drip 206
Pott's puffy tumor 463
Prealbumin 105
Preauricular pit 386
cyst and sinus, infected 476, 477f
Precancerous lesions 279
Pregnancy test 66
Preoperative orthopedic manipulation 424
Presbyphonia 187
Preseptal cellulitis 462
Presyncope 52
Primary lesion and neck 279, 284
Primary salivary gland malignant tumors 266
Propranolol 221, 532
Propylthiouracil 235
Prosthetics 132
Proton pump inhibitor 203, 223
Pruritus 223
Pseudocyst 185
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 5, 86, 455
Pseudostratified columnar cells 349
Psoriasis 88
Psychogenic disorders 26
Pterygomaxillary buttress 145, 146f
Ptosis 195
Ptyalism 258
Puberty 325
Pulmonary artery sling 507
Pulsatile tinnitus 68fc
evaluation of 65
management of 69
Pulsed dye laser treatment 533
Pyramidal midface fracture 151, 151f
Pyriform aperture stenosis 443, 443f
Quadrangular cartilage 376f
Quilting sutures 379
Radial forearm free flap 275
Radiation 103
injury 196
therapy 313
primary 294
Radical neck dissection 318
modified 268
Radioallergosorbent test 327
Ramsay hunt syndrome 7, 112
Random flap 271
Ranula 265
Rashes 114
Rectus abdominus free flap 276
Reflexes, vestibular 38
Regional flap 274
Regional pedicled flaps 269
Regurgitation 207
Rehabilitation, vestibular 40
Reinke's edema 184
Reinke's space 181
Renal failure 104
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation 62
disturbance index 434
diverticulum 496
dysfunction 195
syncytial virus 325
Resuscitation 153
Retinal injury 154
Retinal tear 149
Retrobulbar hematoma 154
Retrolabyrinthine 29
Retrosigmoid 49
Rhabdomyosarcoma 505
Rhinion 119
Rhinitis 323, 326
allergic 184, 323, 324f
atrophic 325
drug-induced 325
gustatory 325
hormonal 325
infectious 325
medicamentosa 325
nonallergic 323325
occupational 325
vasomotor 325
Rhinoplasty 432
external 124
Rhinorrhea 323, 324f, 366
anterior 206
purulent 461
Rhinoscopy, anterior 204, 327, 342, 354
Rhinosinusitis 366
bacterial 330
fungal 330, 331
viral 330
allergic fungal 345
chronic 340342, 342t, 351, 369
recurrent 342t
acute 342
Rhinotomy incision, lateral 449f
Rhinovirus 91, 325, 330
Rhizopus oryzae 344
Rhomboid flap 272
anticipated 273f
Rhytidosis 141, 143
Rinne test 23
Saccade 54
Saddle nose deformity 122
excessive 258
serous 255
Salivary duct carcinoma 267
Salivary gland 253, 258, 262
anatomy of 253, 254f
benign tumors of 264
dysfunction 258
function 258
malignant tumors of 265
neoplasms of 264
pathology 260, 262
Salivary nucleus, superior 258
Salivary stasis 260
Salpingopharyngeus 62
Salvage neck dissection 318
Santorini fissures 89
Sarcoid 196
Sarcoidosis 25, 88, 187, 206, 226, 247, 262
Satellite metastasis 307
Scapula free flap 276
care 106
contracture 99
Scheibe dysplasia 399
Schizophrenia 353
Schneiderian papilloma 336
benign 27
bilateral vestibular 27
Scleroderma 196, 199
amyotrophic lateral 113, 195, 198
multiple 20, 25, 113, 186, 195, 198
Sclerotherapy 527
Scopolamine 259
Seddon's classification 111
Semicircular canal 35
dehiscence 68
organization test 514
receptor irritability 206
Sentinel node biopsy 282, 307
Septal bone, removal of 379
Septal branch 377
Septal cartilage, incision of 378
Septal deformity 375, 377
correction of 379
Septal perforation 380
Septal surgery 328
Septodermoplasty 365
Septoplasty 375, 377
complications of 379
Septum, membranous 121
Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme levels 262
Sestamibi scan 249
acute 260
chronic 260
Sialoadenosis 262
Sialometaplasia, necrotizing 280
Sialorrhea 258
Sigmoid sinus diverticulum 64
Simonart's band 422
Simple sutures 379
Sinonasal tract 364
Sinonasal tumors, benign 335
Sinus 327f, 461
neoplasm 370
stenosis, lateral 63, 70
Sinusitis 330, 461
acute 330, 370, 461
invasive fungal 344
chronic 462
invasive fungal 344
fungal 343
odontogenic 346
recurrent acute 367, 370
subacute 461
Sjögren's disease 88, 259
Sjögren's syndrome 262, 267
Skin 364, 471
cancer 299
non-melanoma 299
color 525
examination 114
graft 269, 270
prick allergy tests 327
Skull, osteomas of 335
Sleep apnea 163
Sleep disordered breathing 159, 160, 160t, 175
spectrum of 160fc
Sleep habits 163
Sleep history 163
Sleep medicine 157
Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma 297
Small ventricles 67
Smell identification test 354
Sneezing 207
Snoring 440fc
cromoglicate 328
tetradecyl sulfate 527
Soft palate 418
Soft tissue 121, 471
management 146
overlying 134f
trauma 145
tumors, multiple 335
Sonic hedgehog pathway 301
Sorafenib 243
Sore throat 439, 439fc
Sound production 4
Spasmodic dysphonia 186
bulb prosthesis 432
language pathologist 196
Sphenoid rostrum 376f
Sphenoid sinus 368, 368f
Sphenoidotomy 372
Sphenopalatine artery 377
ligation 363
Sphincter pharyngoplasty 431
Spinal disorders 520
Split thickness graft 270
Squamous cell 186
carcinoma 280, 292, 299
cutaneous 301, 317
Stapedius 62
Staphylococcus aureus 5, 86, 261, 361, 438, 455, 470, 471
infection 381
Staphylococcus epidermidis 86
Stenosis 64, 395
laryngotracheal 216
subglottic 499, 502, 503f
Stensen's duct 254
Stereotactic radiation 49
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 393, 460
ear drops 455
systemic 345, 346
topical 346
Stertor 210
Stimulates fibroblast proliferation 102
Stomach 492
Streptococcal infections 438
Streptococcus pneumoniae 91, 330, 341, 438, 458
Streptococcus pyogenes 91, 455, 464
Streptococcus viridans 261
Stress 193
Stridor 210, 223
gradual onset of 500
pediatric 505
Stroboscopy 205
Sturge-Weber syndrome 536
Sturman-Canfield operation 338
Submental artery island flap 274
Submucoperichondrial flap, elevation of 378
Suboccipital basin 316
Sub-superficial musculoaponeurotic system 125
Sulbactam 466, 467
Sulfamethoxazole 332
Sunderland's classification 111
Sunlight exposure 279
Superficial temporal artery 74
Superior canal dehiscence 63
Superior labial artery, superior 376
Superior laryngeal nerve 180
external branch of 233
Superior semicircular canal 46
dehiscence 64, 66, 70
syndrome 46, 47, 78, 516
Supine roll test 40
Supraclavicular artery island flap 274
Supraglottic closure 191
Supraglottitis 501
bacterial 468
Supraomohyoid 317
Surgery 23
Surgical excision 69, 304
Surgical neural anatomy 254, 256
fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of 197
flexible endoscopic evaluation of 205
three main phases of 191
Swimmer's ear 86, 454
Synechiae 373
Syphilis 25, 112, 325
Systemic lupus erythematosis 20
Tall cell 243
Tandem gait 54
Tarsal strip canthoplasty 116
Tarsorrhaphy 116
Temporal bone
axial computed tomography of 460f
fracture 79, 81
magnetic resonance imaging of 412
trauma 24
Temporomandibular joint 14
Temporoparietal fascial flap 134, 274
over medpor framework, placement of 133f
Tension 103
pneumocephalus 381
Tensor tympani 62
Tensor veli palatini 62, 416
longitudinal displacement of 430
Thiazides 247
Thinamides 235
Thumb sign 211
Thumbprint sign 469f
Thyroarytenoid 180
Thyrogen 236
Thyroglobulin 235
antibody 236
Thyroglossal duct
anomalies 391
cyst 231
infected 476
Thyroid 180, 231, 234
antibody 235, 236
artery, superior 233
cancer 244t, 317
anaplastic 245
next-generation sequencing panel 242
carcinoma 242
disease 235, 236t, 238
embryology 231
function tests 66, 237
gland 231, 232
anatomy of 232f
homeostasis, hormones of 234t
hormone 234, 237
status 239
neoplasms, malignant 242
nodule 240
evaluation of 241fc
management of 238
peroxidase antibody 236
physiology 234, 236
stimulating hormone 234, 236, 237, 241
receptor antibody 236
Thyroiditis 237
causes of 239t
Thyroplasty 188
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 234
Thyroxine-binding globulin 235
Tic disorder 438
Tinnitus 58, 67
primary 58, 59
secondary 58, 62
Tonsillitis 464
bacterial 437
recurrent 437
Tonsils 435, 464
arterial supply of 435f
Torticollis, benign paroxysmal 517
Total ossicular reconstruction prosthesis 78
Toxic shock syndrome 381
Toxins 113, 259
Toxoplasmosis 262
Tracheal compression 506f
Tracheal infections 467
Tracheal stenosis 507
Tracheitis, bacterial 470
Tracheoesophageal fistula 491
Tracheoesophageal puncture 296
Tracheomalacia 505
Tracheotomy 503, 505, 533
Tragal hairs 19
Tragal pointer 255
Translabyrinthine 29
Transnasal endoscopy 65, 205
Transposition flap 272
Transverse maxillary fracture 151, 151f
Transverse sinus, stenosis of 64
Transverse temporal bone fracture 80f
Trapezius flap 275
Trauma 72, 112, 185
signs of 114
Traumatic injury 24
chin after 100f
Traumatic membrane rupture 25
Triangle cleft lip repair 427
Tri-iodothyronine active form 234
Trimethoprim 332
Trismus 193
Trousseau's sign 250
Tuberculosis 112, 196, 262
mycobacteria 472, 474
lymphadenitis 472
Tullio phenomenon 47, 53, 54
Tumor 113, 196, 206
benign mixed 264
esophageal 195
necrosis factor 102
temporal lobe 353
Twisted nose deformity 121
Tympanic membrane 4, 14, 63, 64f, 72, 77, 84, 86
perforation 77, 459
vulging 459f
Tympanic segment 111
Tympanomastoid suture line 255
Tympanometry 66
Tympanoplasty 73
Tympanostomy, anterior 72
Tympanotomy 69
Ulcerative colitis 20
Ultrasound 66, 249, 263
Ultraviolet exposure 279
University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test 354
Upper airway
cough syndrome 203, 205, 206
surgical intervention of 173
Upper eyelid closure 116
Upper lip 416
Upper respiratory infection 355fc
Uveitis 262
Uvularis 416
Vagal neuropathy 206
Valsalva maneuver 66
Valsalva test 24
Valvular disease 66
Varicella zoster 112
Vascular anomalies 506, 524
Vascular compression 196
Vascular disorders 25
Vascular dysfunction, trauma induced 516
Vascular endothelial growth factor 102, 524
Vascular insufficiency 104
Vascular loop 63
Vascular malformations 524, 525
Vascular spasm 50
Vascular steal syndromes 50
Vascular system development 524
Vascular tumors 525, 530
Vasculitis 104
Vasculogenesis 524
Vasoconstrictors 360
Vasopressors 222
Vasovagal reaction 52
Veau-Wardill-Kilner repair 428
Velopharyngeal insufficiency 431
Velopharyngeal reflux 430
Veloplasty 432
Venous drainage 254
Venous malformations 528
Ventral diverticulum 231
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt 69
Verebrovascular disease 65
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency 50
Vertigo 35, 46, 51, 53, 65
benign paroxysmal 512, 517
positional 39, 40, 516
central 35
peripheral 35
rule out central 46
treatment 43
Vestibular apparatus, embryology of 510
Vestibular artery, posterior 38
Vestibular compensation and rehabilitation 523
Vestibular disorders 510
pediatric 514
Vestibular dysfunction, toxicity induced 515
Vestibular evoked myogenic potential 43, 46, 47, 513
test 73
Vestibular nerve, inferior 37
Vestibular schwannoma 27, 48
Vestibular system
anatomy of 35
physiology of 35
Vestibular testing 46, 54, 513, 522
Vestibulocollic reflex 38
Vestibulo-ocular reflex 38, 513
Videofluoroscopic swallow study 199
Videonystagmography 55, 513
Videostroboscopy 183
Vincristine 533
Visual disturbances 512
Visual reinforcement audiometry 402
Vital signs 65
A, excessive 247
C 143
deficiency 249
excessive 247
E 106
Vocal cord
fixation 291
paralysis 504
Vocal fold
abduction of 179
adduction of 179, 180
cyst 185
granuloma 185
injection 188
lateralization 505
lengthening of 179
lesions, benign 184
nodules 184
paralysis 194
unilateral 186
polyp 184
tension of 179
Vocal hematoma 185
Vocal hygiene 187
Vocal ligament 181
Vocal paresis 183
handicap index 183
production, physiology of 181
rehabilitation after total laryngectomy 296
therapy 187
von Hippel-Lindau disease 536
von Langenbeck repair 429
V-Y pushback 428
Waldeyer's ring 439
Wallenberg's syndrome 50
Warthin's ducts 257
Warthin's tumor 264
Weber test 23
Wegener's granulomatosis 20, 88, 225
Weight loss 191, 193
Weight reduction surgery 69
Wilson's disease 259
Wisconsin sleep cohort study 162
Wolff-Chaikoff effect 236
World Health Organization's Classification of Nasopharynx Squamous Cell Carcinoma 309
acute 99
cultures 105
delayed 99
healing 99, 103
abnormal 103
cascade, normal 101f
physiology of 100
nonhealing 99, 103
vacuum-assisted closure 105
Xerostomia 194, 195, 259
Young's procedure 365
Zenker's diverticulum 193
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 247
Zona pellucida 422
Z-plasty 272
Zygoma 150
Zygomatic arch 253
Zygomatic sphenoid suture 150
Zygomaticofrontal suture 150
Zygomaticomaxillary buttress 145, 146f
Zygomaticomaxillary complex 149
fracture 150
Zygomaticotemporal suture 150
Chapter Notes

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ENT Essentials
ENT Essentials
Editors Elina M Toskala MD PhD MBA Professor Department of Otolaryngology— Head and Neck Surgery Thomas Jefferson UniversityPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, USA David W Kennedy MD FACS FRCSI Professor Department of Otorhinolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Foreword Michael J Ruckenstein MD MSc FACS
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ENT Essentials
First Edition: 2020
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Garrett, Kirin, Paavali and Aurora
Contributors Foreword
Why should I read this book?
Otolaryngology is a confusing medical specialty. Even its name is confusing! Officially, it goes by the long and somewhat convoluted names of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery or the even longer Otorhinolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery. Colloquially, we are known as Ear, Nose and Throat doctors or ENTs for short. Because we are a regional subspecialty, we are involved in the treatment of disease processes in multiple different organ systems. Although we are surgeons, we treat many medical disorders. In order to do this, we use a variety of tools, including small, subspecialized endoscopes to access areas of the body not normally accessible on physical exam. Is it any wonder that our colleagues are often a bit mystified about what we do and how we do it?
Conservative estimates indicate that 10–20% of visits to a primary care physician result from ear, nose, and throat disorders. Yet medical students typically obtain a maximum of a 1 week of exposure to otolaryngology during their medical training. Many medical schools do not even offer that level of experience. Residency training programs for primary care physicians most often do not include any formal rotations in otolaryngology. For those students who do rotate on our services, and for Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioners who work in our clinics, a concise, up-to-date, practical text on our specialty, has, until now, been lacking.
The editors have assembled an outstanding team of authors to create this symptom-based text. This approach provides a very readable and practical book that can be read cover to cover or referred to for help with specific clinical complaints. It is appropriate reading for medical students, junior residents, and mid-level providers who are seeking more in-depth knowledge typically provided in more basic, introductory texts. It should also serve as a valuable, readily available online reference that can be accessed from the clinic. The format of this text allows for rapid acquisition of material that is directly of interest to targeted readers. Particularly exciting are the case examples that are provided in the accompanying ‘app’ that offer an excellent interactive case review in the specified topics. I applaud the editors for providing all of us interested in medical education with a text that we can refer our students to with great enthusiasm!
Michael J Ruckenstein MD MSc FACS
Professor and Vice Chairman
Residency Program Director
Department of Otorhinolaryngology—
Head and Neck Surgery
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
The goal for this book is to create a symptom-based up-to-date text which can be easily referenced either electronically or in hard copy by students performing an elective in the specialty and residents at an early point in their residency, and mid-level providers who are specializing in otolaryngology. Further, the book aims to provide an easy symptom-based reference for those familiar with the specialty, but faced with a problem outside of their usual field of practice. Using a symptom-based format, the book significantly builds upon what is available as a basic text from the Academy, Primary Care Otolaryngology. ENT Essentials, available both in print and electronically, incorporates an interactive case-based app, and utilizes this wherever appropriate. This book is divided into sections based upon on regional anatomy; The Ear, The Face, The Nose, The Larynx, The Head and Neck, with additional section on Sleep Medicine and Pediatric ENT.
The chapters themselves are based on patient symptomatology and take the reader through the relevant physical examination, diagnosis and treatment utilizing these symptoms. The book incorporates images, cases and apps. Written by a broad spectrum of subspecialty academic authors each of whom are well recognized within their respective fields the text provides a wealth of basic knowledge. To ensure that the chapters are truly relevant to problems faced by students and residents, many senior authors also worked with residents closer to this point of their training. We believe that this first edition will fulfill an important niche within the otolaryngology educational pathway and sincerely hope that it will be helpful to those pursuing a career within the specialty.
Elina M Toskala MD PhD MBA
David W Kennedy MD FACS FRCSI
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the authors for their untiring work on this project. Like most books the creation took more time than anticipated and they have worked with us to create a book that we believe should be truly beneficial to medical students and residents starting within the field. We would also like to thank Mr Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Group President), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director–Content Strategy) and Kritika Dua (Senior Development Editor) of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India for their work, especially for creating the app for the different illustrative cases.