Textbook of Interventional Cardiology Samir Kapadia, Derek Chew, Fernando Cura, Philippe L L’Allier, Marco Roffi, E Murat Tuzcu
Note: Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, t refer to tables, and fc refer to flowchart, respectively.
Abbott vascular devices 624f
Abciximab 31, 179, 386, 1459
controlled 356
Abdomen 846
Academic Research Consortium 236, 328, 354
Access-site infections 630
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education 1488
Acetyl salicylic acid 795
Acetylcholine 76, 83
Activated clotting time 43, 45, 69, 197, 322, 386, 1246
Adenosine 76, 78, 327
diphosphate 29, 30f, 42, 174
antagonists 175
induced hyperemia 1543
receptor 78
trial 79
triphosphate 34f, 176, 544
Adequate balloon positioning,
angiographic confirmation
Adjunctive antithrombotic therapy 66
Adjunctive coronary angiography 66
Adjunctive hemodynamic support 305
Adjunctive invasive diagnostic testing 1483
Adjunctive reperfusion therapy 18
Adult congenital interventions 1291
African American paradox 420
Air embolism 323
Akinetic myocardium 164
dehydrogenase 584
injection 1317, 1405
septal ablation 1042, 1312, 1314t, 1319, 1399, 1404, 1405
procedure 1400
Aldehyde dehydrogenase 583
Alfieri surgical technique 1056f
Alfimeprase 945
Allen's test 594
Ambiguous angiograms 525, 526
Ambulatory blood pressure
measurement 792
monitoring. 999, 1000
American Board of Internal Medicine 1487
American Board of Medical Specialties 147
American College of Cardiology 147, 152, 165, 287, 316, 318, 318t, 627, 1193, 1260, 1467, 1473, 1489
Foundation 530
American Diabetes Association 364
American Heart Association 152, 165, 287, 318, 530, 815, 1193, 1260
American Indian paradox 422
American Society of Anesthesiologists 828
American Society of
Anesthesiology 100102
Amlodipine 998
Amplatzer atrial septal occluder 1277
Amplatzer cardiac plug 1048f, 1340
Amplatzer cribriform
device 1277
septal occluder 1272
Amplatzer duct occluder device 1294
Amplatzer muscular ventricular septal defect 1283
Amplatzer patent foramen ovale 1043
occluder device 1277
Amplatzer septal occluder 1263
Amyloidosis 314, 1188
Analgesia 98
Anatomic defect localization 1324
Anatomic revascularization, complete 298
Anchor wire 1328
modified 1328
technique, modified 1329f
Anchoring hooks 831
Ancillary services 1493
Anemia 314, 342, 1439
general 98100
local 100, 956, 962f
complex 811
repair, small 837
reperfusion/growth, late 1006f
rupture 847
trial, acute 837
Aneurysmal aorta 842
Aneurysmal disease 880
Angina pectoris grading 1475
Angiogenesis 575, 576f, 578, 781
inhibitors 580
Angiogenetic sprouting 577f
Angiogenic growth factors 580
Angiogenic therapies 587
Angiogenin 580
Angiographic restenosis 234t
Angiographic stenosis, greater 1477t
Angiography 882, 975f, 980, 980f, 1016,1131, 1400, 1405
control 776f
intial 695f, 697f
preprocedural 797
AngioJet 903
Angioplasty 161, 535, 872
compared to medicine 3, 160
trials 161
complications 356
development of 139
equipment, early 140
in acute myocardial infarction 307f
primary 171
transferring for 172
versus thrombolysis, primary 172t
Angiopoietin-1 580
Angioseal hemostasis system 626f
Angiosoma 775
distributions 774f
Angiostatin 580
Angiotensin converting enzyme 826
inhibitors 165, 260, 826, 1439, 1443
Angiotensin-receptor blocker 260
Ankle brachial index 753, 755, 761f, 767, 769, 770, 907
Annuloplasty 1195
Annulus 1073, 1083, 1186
Antiangiogenic antithrombin III 580
Antibiotics 826
Anticoagulant 394
agents 41, 112
classification of 43
during PCI 116t
in catheterization laboratory 56t
therapy 6t
Antidiuretic hormone 91
Antigenicity 30
Antihypertensive drugs 826
Antihypertensive medication 420
course of 988t
agents 9, 164, 364
effect, duration of 30
therapy 195, 383, 393, 434fc, 484
discontinuation 236
duration of 23
for reduction 18
timing of 23
Antiproliferative drugs 437
Antithrombin III 43
Antithrombotic agent 41, 368
Antithrombotic regimen 6
Antithrombotic therapy 6, 173, 484, 597, 744
Anxiolysis, awake 99
Aorfix 832
Aorta 1072f, 1192f, 1261f
bifurcation stenosis, abdominal 746
calcified stenosis 1024f
coarctation of 769, 1291, 1297
distal 907f
stenosis, distal abdominal 746
stent trial, coarctation of 1296, 1299
Aortic anatomy 1168
Aortic aneurysm 841
abdominal 742, 823, 826, 828, 841, 890
classifications of abdominal 825
management of abdominal 827t
types of abdominal 825t
Aortic annular plane 1127f
Aortic annulus 1065, 1066f, 1166
dimensions 1126
Aortic arch 858, 1071
types of 858f
Aortic coverage 849
Aortic dissection 314, 329, 769
mimicking 640
Aortic endografting 837
Aortic insufficiency, hemodynamics of 1521f
Aortic isthmus atresia 1299
Aortic lesions, classification of 742t
Aortic neck anatomy 848
Aortic paravalvular leak 1112
closure 1329
Aortic pressure 1516f, 1519f, 1527f, 1536f
Aortic pseudoaneurysm closure 1042
Aortic regurgitation 1070f, 1154, 1520
severe chronic 1156f
Aortic root
anatomy 1126f, 1138, 1140f
angiography in left 1140f
assessment 1124
calcification 1129, 1130f
dimensions 1125
relationships of 1069
Aortic stenosis 1070f, 1148, 1161, 1219, 1237f, 1357, 1517, 1518f, 1528f
calcific 1150f
hemodynamics of 1519f, 1520f
combined mixed 1522f
low pressure gradient 1523f
severe 1139, 1415f, 1417f
Aortic transcatheter valves 1466
Aortic valve 1065, 1072f, 1169f, 1357, 1364f, 1518f
annulus 1075f
area, postprocedure 1161
calcification 1071
cartoon of 1067f
disease, treatment of 1468
junction of 1139f
leaflets 1168
replacement 1067, 1162, 1504
surgical 1161, 1345, 1501
stenosis, severe 729
Aortic transcatheter valve 1165
Aortic valvuloplasty, antegrade 1357
Aortocoronary graft 285
angiography 968f, 971f
angioplasty 934
disease 1026f
complex 742
obstructive disease 739
occlusive disease 905, 907f, 1022
treatment of 741t
percutaneous interventions 744t
stenting 905
Aorto-ostial lesions 253
Apixaban 57, 1459
Arrhythmias 314, 329, 1265, 1377, 1480t
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia 1381
Arteria lusoria 733
Arterial access 1431
Arterial hypertension 815
Arterial puncture 774, 1377
Arterial revascularization trial 370
Arteriogenesis 575
Arteriogenic therapies 587
Arteriovenous fistula 603, 627, 629
formation 618
Arteriovenous malformation 1042
Artery 520
angioplasty, lower extremity 929, 931t, 932t
anterior descending 299
basilar 1021f
below knee 916
anterior descending 654f
circumflex 273, 510, 512
posterior descending 1188
Artery-to-artery embolism of thrombus 856
Artifacts 524
Ascorbic acid 1442, 1443
Asian Indian paradox 406, 409
Aspiration catheters 941
and filters 467
Aspiration thrombectomy, primary 869, 871f
Aspirin 4, 6, 14, 16, 17, 48, 196, 260, 364, 383, 386, 393, 663f, 772, 795
Asymptomatic cardiac ischemia pilot trial 161
Ataxia 881
Atherectomy 477
angioplasty 779
optimally perform 480
use of rotational 535
Atheroemboli 381
Atheroembolic renal disease 381
Atheroembolism 314, 331
Atherosclerosis in diabetes 361
artery 520, 522
disease 260t
characteristics 495
types 522f
renal artery stenosis 794
Atherothrombotic embolization, distal 325
Atherothrombotic ischemic events 22, 22f
Atrial angiography, right 1143f
Atrial appendage
transcatheter closure of left 1056
Atrial fibrillation 1217, 1235, 1265, 1377
ablation 1357
Atrial hemodynamics 1514
Atrial myxoma 1188
Atrial pressure, right 1218
Atrial remodeling 1057
Atrial septal
aneurysm 1271, 1283
closure 1042f, 1257
transcatheter closure of 1042
hypertrophy 1283
multiple 1283
Atrial septum 1140
Atrial umbrella
left 1042f
right 1042f
Atrioventricular block 1162
Atrioventricular valve rim 1261
Axillary artery 1351
advance 1029f
angioplasty 535, 923, 943f, 1298
in vessels 926
of aortoiliac lesions 923
of femoropopliteal lesions 924
of infrapopliteal lesions 925
plain old 335, 480, 488, 919fc, 925
aortic valvuloplasty 1042, 1050, 1051, 1161, 1164
assisted tracking 597, 598
catheter 818, 1162
central lumen of 1400f
conventional 235
dilatation 776f, 860
with log 776f
exclusion 811
bare-metal stent 910
stent 905
in balloon 1297
inflation 1030f
long 982f
mitral valvotomy 1216t, 1218f, 1219f,1225f, 1226f, 1227t, 1233, 1233f, 1234f
techniques 1216t
noncompliant 250
occlusion of aorta 1416f
percutaneous transluminal
angioplasty in below-the-knee 775
coronary angioplasty era 4
valvuloplasty 1162
pericardiotomy 1042
positioning and inflation 1163
postdilatation 908f
pulmonary valvuloplasty 1049
recovery 337
rupture 903
scoring 235
valvotomy 1236f
valvuloplasty 1357
Barbiturates 102
Bare metal 335, 756
stent 4, 5, 17, 69, 196, 233, 288, 289, 298, 353, 369f, 433, 434, 535, 777, 916, 919
deployment 529, 535
Barlow's disease 1189
Basal septum, enhancement of 1405f
Basal stenosis resistance 551
Baseline angiogram 658, 661f, 1024, 1026, 1027
Belgian Netherlands stent study 144
angioplasty 775
arteries 1034f
stenting 916
treatment of 772
Benzodiazepines 102
Bezold-Jarisch reflex 329
Bicuspid aortic valve 1150
Bifurcation bad krozingen 219
Bifurcation devices 228
Bifurcation disease, left main 506, 721
Bifurcation lesion 217, 502, 526, 635, 719
classification of 218f
Bifurcation stenoses 550
Bifurcation stenting 657
Bioabsorbable stent
in below-the-knee lesions 778
technology 146
Biodegradable self-expandable stent 914
Biodegradable-polymer 444
drug release 440
drug-eluting stents 445t
Biolimus-eluting stents 447
Bioprosthetic valve 1324f
Bioresorbable scaffold 919
Bioresorbable vascular scaffold 375, 515, 531
Biovascular scaffold 325
Bisoprolol 998
Bispectral analysis 99
Bispectral index 103
Bivalirudin 8, 52, 120, 121, 197, 385, 386, 1459
Biventricular assist device 564
Bleeding 314, 561, 603, 627, 1447
Academic Research Consortium 1448, 1449t
active internal 948
avoidance strategies 396
complications 314
incidence 608
risk models 1451t
biochemistry 999, 1000
chemistry 792
cholesterol 418
examination, complete 999, 1000
pressure 556f
control 419, 794, 816
high 419
maintenance 815
measurement 988
measurement, course of 990t, 993t
monitoring 103, 860
uncontrolled high 1000
speckling 525f
sugar 423
vessel formation 579f
Body temperature 103
Bone marrow 584
mononuclear cells 583
autologous 782
Brachial artery 593, 620, 620f
loops, management of 598fc
perforation, management of 605fc
artery disease 876, 878
signs 876
symptoms 876
disease 878
intervention 884
Brachytherapy 235
Bradycardia 83, 1377
Broca's aphasia 1014f
Brockenbrough transseptal needle system 1357f
Bundle branch block, left 64, 173, 328, 1180
Bypass angioplasty revascularization investigation 142, 298, 370
Bypass graft 104
cannulation 601
Bypass surgery 156, 754
Cactus 219
Calcified lesion 243, 254
stenting of 253
Calcium 1218
antagonists 166
antagonists 166
blocker 76
scoring 567, 569
Calories 418
Calreticulin fragment 580
Canadian Cardiovascular Society 158, 260, 582, 1318
Classification System 1475
Cangrelor 33, 367
Capnography 103
Cappella sideguard 450
Captopril renography 792
Captopril test 792
Carbohydrates 418
Carcinoid disease 1242
allograft vasculopathy 526
catheter 695, 697
catheterization 623t, 627t, 1402, 1489, 1567, 1568
laboratory 97, 99f
laboratory, anesthesia in 97
setup 1280
causes 307f
complication 328, 847
computed tomography 567
cycle 1509
death 354, 355, 372
embolization 769
events 288
adverse 6, 354, 372, 1454
after stenting, prevention of major 6t
index, low 91
interventions, structural 1137
magnetic resonance 1147, 1311, 1380
imaging technique 1147
mass 1381
output 103
perforation 315
stem 585
surgery 278
tamponade 314, 330, 1528, 1534f
valves, anatomy of 1063
CardiApex 1354
Cardioband system 1207
CardioClose 1353
Cardiogenic shock 100, 307, 315, 317, 318, 356, 396, 555, 556, 564f, 640, 729, 1477
coronary for 356
persistent 730
treatment algorithm in 564fc
Cardiology, vasoactive agents in 91
Cardiomyopathy 1380t
Cardiopulmonary bypass 1319
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 65
Cardioseal septal occluder 1277
Cardiosphere-derived cells 584
Cardiothoracic surgery, emergent 338
angiography 741t
assessment 1124
complications 319
death 365
total 393
disease 351, 362, 401405, 412, 413t, 420f, 985
management 867
spectrum 404
events, adverse 485
function 99
mortality rate 403f
procedures optimization 1429
systems, advanced 141
testing 392
Carillon mitral contour system 1204f
Cariporide 179
Carotid angiogram
left 1020
right 1020
Carotid artery 863, 1352
external 860
internal 855, 868
intervention 855
left 846f
occlusion 857
revascularization 1555f
right 846f, 1020f
stenosis, critical left internal 611f
stenting 858, 858t
anatomic considerations 858
emergent 872
tandem internal 1012
Carotid endarterectomy 855, 857, 857t, 858
Carotid lesions 859
Carotid stenosis 856
measurement of 859f
Carotid stent 861t
indications for 857t
Carotid subclavian bypass graft 881
Cartilage-derived inhibitor 580
Catechol-O-methyltransferase 92
Catheter 817, 894f, 1099f
flushing 525f
manipulation 244
selection 244, 600
technique 1517t
thrombosis 50
angiography 792
therapy 889
thrombectomy 867
thrombolysis 891t
Catheterization and urgent intervention triage strategy, acute 1450
Catheterization laboratory, anesthesia in 133
Catheter-related trauma 951
Caval stent valves 1249
Celiac artery aneurysm 809
Celiac trunk stenting 1011f
deformation 718f, 726f
therapy 588
Cell-based therapy 583
Cerebellar artery, left posterior inferior 1020f
Cerebral artery 797
occlusion, right middle 1013f
trunk, superior middle 1015f
Cerebral hemorrhage 864
accident 314, 315, 365, 948
disease 260, 317, 401
discomfort 151
pain 151, 1377
classification of 1475
radiograph 1407f, 1409f
Chinese paradox 415
Chlamydia pneumoniae 825, 826
acyltransferase 536
embolization syndrome 331
lowering medication 420
profile, abnormal 1540
Chordae 1084, 1186
tendineae 1076
Chordal techniques 1200, 1201f
Chronic total occlusion 157, 158, 257, 260, 260t, 457, 460, 773, 801, 859
Cilostazol 773
Claudication symptoms, treatment of 754
Clonidine 998
Clopidogrel 7, 1618, 48, 196, 365, 386, 663f
for high atherothrombotic risk 18
in unstable angina 7, 16, 365
Coagulation cascade 42
Coil occlusion 1293
Collagen XVIII fragment 580
Compartment syndrome 603, 605, 951
Complete blood count 891
Computed tomography angiography 740
Congenital heart disease 101, 1042t, 1257
Congestive heart failure 316, 318, 332, 340, 1206, 1440, 1441, 1511f
Conscious sedation 98, 99, 956
Constrictive cardiac hemodynamics 1528
Constrictive pericarditis 1535t
Contralateral access 947f
Contralateral nerve palsy 857
Cordis randomized iliac stent project 745
Coronary angiogram 687, 689691, 716, 716f
Coronary angiography 119, 125f, 126f, 129f, 152, 152t, 274, 480, 644f, 648, 652, 724f, 1403, 1403f, 1483t
early 70
left 641f
right 641f
Coronary artery 61, 496f
acute 61
bypass graft 160, 164, 165t, 174, 273, 275, 276, 278, 285, 291, 315, 328, 362, 370, 374f, 530, 582, 584, 601, 1193, 1466, 1471, 1494f, 1504
bypass graft
emergency 313
surgery 38, 298, 306, 372, 373f, 375, 550, 1216
trial 288
bypass surgery 1472f
calcium 569
score 408
complications 314, 319
disease 16, 17, 151, 165, 194, 297, 316, 328, 335, 340, 352f, 361, 374f, 375, 391, 401, 403407, 412, 413, 417f, 420, 433, 530, 568, 1107, 1188, 1216, 1441, 1471, 1477, 1498, 1545
burden of 408t
complex 1468f
left main 507f, 526, 527
non-left main 527
dissection 533f
classification of 320f
fistula 1291, 1300, 1302f, 1377
left 635f, 639f, 1400f
anterior descending 504, 510, 512, 514
main 273, 275, 1168
open 24f
perforation 319
right 317, 337, 593, 636f, 640, 647, 654f, 1069, 1300, 1302f
stenosis, left main 274
vasospasm 322
Coronary atherectomy, directional 488
Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease 137
Coronary balloon occlusion 549
Coronary bifurcation 219
stenting 324
Coronary blood flow 543, 1539
measurements 1544
regulation 75
Coronary calcium score 1478
Coronary circulation 543
Coronary CT angiography 567, 569
Coronary cusp
right 1064, 1064f, 1081f
Coronary devices 434fc
Coronary dissection 314, 319, 463, 531
Coronary Doppler flow velocity 1543
Coronary endothelial function 83
Coronary events, acute 356
Coronary flow 1543
reserve 543, 545, 1540f, 1543, 1544f
reduction of 1540t
velocity 1543
Coronary guidewires 457
Coronary heart disease 1447
Coronary hemodynamics 1538
Coronary hyperemia 1542
Coronary intramural hematoma 314
Coronary lesions 153t
pathway of 162f
Coronary macrovasodilators 76
Coronary microcirculation injury 325
Coronary microvasodilators 78
Coronary occlusion risk 1129
Coronary ostia 1168
left 1131f
right 1131f
Coronary perforation 314, 320, 462
Coronary pressure tracings 1541f
Coronary pulse wave analysis 1542
Coronary revascularization 155
Coronary sinus 1117f, 1144f, 1204f
annuloplasty 1057
Coronary stenosis severity, functional 543
Coronary stents 25, 433, 917f
classification of 434
Coronary syndrome, acute 6, 13, 17, 23, 23f, 29, 36, 41, 78, 316, 328, 362, 365, 374f, 375, 383, 384, 392, 536, 548, 1448, 1477t, 1500, 1548, 1549
Coronary thrombosis 61, 323
Coronary vasoactive agents 75, 76t
Coronary vasodilation 543
Coronary vasodilators, mixed 81
Coronary vasodilatory reserve 1543
Coronary vasospasm 322, 1540
Crawford classification 842f
C-reactive protein 331
kinase 515
kinase–myocardial band 328
phosphokinase 219
Critically ill patients (emergency) 1235
Crush stenting 227
Crush strategy, step 227
Cryoplasty balloon angioplasty 779
Cryptogenic stroke 1272
Culotte stenting, steps of 226f
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate 6, 77, 78, 95
Cyclooxygenase 15
inhibition of 14
synthase 14f
Cyclopentyl triazolopyrimidine 15
Dabigatran 57
Dalteparin 43, 197
Debulking techniques 235
Deep sedation 98, 99
Deep vein thrombosis 341, 890
Deep venous disease 889
Degenerative mitral regurgitation 1188, 1194
type of 1189t
Dehydration 1439
Delivery systems 103
Depigmented scar 603
Dexmedetomidine 102
Diabetes 361, 412, 419, 422, 772, 779, 1439, 1540
comparing bare metal stents 369f
mellitus 260, 302, 316, 317, 325, 328, 332, 335, 340, 363f, 372, 372t, 375, 767, 768
prevalence of 361
Diabetic patient 878
complicated 688
Diagnostic angiogram 700f
Dialysis fistula, management of 899
Diastolic blood pressure 65
Diastolic mitral valve gradient 1530f
Dietary cholesterol intake 418
Diffuse coronary artery disease 524f
Diffuse disease 514f
Digital subtraction angiography 740, 771, 878
Dipyridamole 6
Direct annuloplasty 1057, 1205
Direct flow medical valve 1181
Direct thrombin inhibitors 8, 45, 50, 56, 111, 112, 114, 116, 173
function 50
structure 50
Directional atherectomy 477, 481, 483, 486
devices 479
Distal embolic protection devices 862t
Distal embolization 314, 325, 951
Diver catheter 473f
Dizziness 881
Dobutamine 92, 93, 95
Dopamine 92, 93
Dorsalis pedis artery access 963f
Double balloon technique 1222, 1237f
Double lumen accura balloon 1227f
Double orifice mitral valve 1188
Double-wire technique 337
Drug release, mechanisms of 438
Drug-coated balloon 235
Drug-eluting 756
balloon 336, 759, 773, 778, 801, 925
self-expandable stent 912
stent 4, 8, 17, 69, 182, 234, 237, 287, 288, 298, 353, 364, 375, 433, 434, 437, 485, 535, 758, 773, 801, 917, 919
deployment 529
second-generation 145, 646
Dual antiplatelet therapy 4, 13, 17, 327, 332, 433, 773
Dual balloon delivery system 799f
Duke treadmill score 1476
Durable polymer 442
drug release 439
drug-eluting stents 440, 441t
Dysarthria 881
Dysfunctional valve 1197f
Dyslipidemia 767, 768
Dysphagia 881
Dyspnea 876
Echo in catheter laboratory 640
Echocardiographic anatomy 1072, 1080, 1085, 1087
Echocardiography 1400, 1478
Edoxaban 57
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 881, 824, 1188, 1189
Ejection fraction 317, 584, 1441
Elastic membrane, external 522
Electrical-based sealing pads 626
Electrocardiogram 36, 999, 1000, 1166, 1315
Electroencephalogram 104
Electrophysiological heart disorders 101
Elinogrel 38
Embolic protection 291, 862
device 291, 856
distal 862
with filter devices, distal 468
with occlusive devices, distal 471
Embolism 769
Emory angioplasty versus surgery trial 141
Endeavor resolute zotarolimus-eluting stents 443
Endeavor zotarolimus-eluting stent 335, 440, 443
Endocardial closure devices 1334
Endocarditis 1242
classification 831
types of 835f
Endomyocardial biopsy 1371, 1377t, 1378, 1379f, 1380, 1380t
Endomyocardial fibrosis 1188, 1242
Endostatin 580
Endothelia 576f
Endothelial adrenergic system 84
Endothelial cells 77f, 576f
Endothelial dysfunction 83
Endothelial progenitor cells 444, 578
Endothelin 325
Endovalve-hermann prosthesis 1208f
Endovasculaire 838
abdominal aortic aneurysm repair 835
aneurysm management trial 836
aortic aneurysm repair 830t
repair 846, 1007
aneurysm 823
two-stage 1001
revascularization 793
stent grafts, infection of 831
strategy, intended 1023, 1027
technique 811, 884
therapy 879, 883
complications of 829
devices for 795
of aneurysms 835
of complex lesions 800t
options 868
techniques for 795
End-systolic pressure volume 1539f
End-tidal expiratory carbon dioxide 104
Eniporide 179
EnligHTN catheter system 817f
Enoxaparin 43, 52, 197
Ephedrine 100
Epicardial closure devices 1335
Epicardial lesions 1547
Epinephrine 92, 93
Eptifibatide 32, 386, 1459
Ergonovine 76, 82
Esophageal transesophageal echocardiogram 1324f
Ethnicity 401
Ethylene-co-vinyl acetate 439
European ambulance acute coronarysyndrome angiography 8
European carotid surgery trial 859
European Society of Anesthesiology 102
European Society of Cardiology 363, 375, 923, 1260
Everolimus-eluting stent 290, 324, 442, 447, 777
Excimer laser coronary atherectomy 253
Extracorporeal life support 555, 560, 561
complete 555
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 555
Extracorporeal therapies 1442
Extravascular compression 769
Eyebrow carina 503
Fat 418
Fatal bleeding rate 772
Favorable valve morphology 1107
Female sex 758
Femoral access 796, 800
antegrade 974, 975
management 617
Femoral arterial access 1402f
Femoral artery 618, 619f, 620, 628f, 629f, 735f
anterograde puncture technique for 621f
common 739, 742, 856, 905, 955
common 746
severe right superficial 610f
stenting trial 756
Femoral cannulation 957
Femoral closure devices 623
Femoral occlusive disease 1025
superficial 1025
Femoral randomized investigation 386
Femoral vein
access 1248
common 892f
left 892f
Femoropopliteal angioplasty 756, 934
Femoropopliteal disease 753, 925
anatomic classifications of 755t
Femoropopliteal occlusion, long 1027f
Femoropopliteal stenting 756, 909
Fentanyl 102
Fibrinogen 768
Fibrinolysis, local 943
Fibrinolytic agents 62
Fibrinolytic therapy 61, 64, 69t
complication of 66
for STEMI 61, 122, 124
Fibroblast growth factor 578, 781
family 580
Fibroelastic deficiency 1188, 1189
Fibromuscular dysplasia 769, 789, 801, 856
Fibronectin fragment 580
Fibrous skeleton of heart 1064
anatomical relationships 1064f
Figulla occlutech patent foramen ovale occluder 1277
Filipino paradox 418
Filterwire device. 293f
Final angiogram 1033f
left renal artery 987f, 996f
First-generation drug-eluting stents 145
Fluoroscopic anatomy 1071, 1078, 1084, 1086
lesion management in diabetics 685
stenosis, short 916f
Fondaparinux 8, 49, 114
Food and drug administration 4
Foramen ovalis 1098f
Forearm hematoma 605f
Frame fracture 1266
Gastroepiploic artery 811
Gastrointestinal bleeding 948
Gene therapy 783
growth factors for 576f
Giant cell 881
vasculitis 769
Glomerular filtration rate 317, 318, 570, 792, 1347
estimated 339, 795, 1440
Glycoprotein 7, 29, 32, 33, 45, 47, 52, 69, 177, 197, 327, 623
IIB/IIIA inhibitor 55
Goldblatt phenomenon 791
Gore septal occluder 1264
Graft thrombosis 769
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 580
Guardwire device 292f
Guidewire thermodilution blood flow technique 1543
Headache 881
block 1377
complete 1377
catheterization 1482
interventions, structural 1491
structural 101, 792, 1093, 1147
failure 68, 96, 260, 314, 584, 1203, 1380
chronic 96
hemodynamics 1511
interventions, structural 1058
surgery, open 1185
team 1465, 14671469
composition of 1466
future of 1469
role of 1466
transplant 1378, 1378t, 1380
valve dysfunction, hemodynamics of 1515
Helex device 1264
Helex septal occluder 1277
Hematoma 331, 603, 605, 620, 628
Hematopoietic stem cells 583
Hemianopsia 881
Hemodialysis 984, 1443
baseline 1386
monitoring, advanced 103
support, mechanical 555
Hemorrhage 951
Hemorrhagic stroke 340, 951
Hemostasis device 623t
Hemostasis strategy, type of 623
Hemostatic valve 796f
Heparin 8, 43, 56, 111, 112, 116
function 43
hexasaccharide fragment 580
induced thrombocytopenia 43
structure 43
Hepatic artery 808
aneurysm 808
common 808
Hepatocyte growth factor 580
Heterotopic caval stents 1249f
Hirudin 51
Hispanic paradox 418
Hollenhorst plaque 856
Homocysteine 768
Honolulu Heart Program 417
Horner's syndrome 1378
chorionic gonadotropin 580
coronary arteries 467
leukocyte antigen 1381
Hybrid 458
algorithm 269
procedures 743
repair 846
Hypercholesterolemia 325
Hyperemia 544
Hyperemic myocardial resistance 1544
Hyperglycemia, acute 325
Hyperlipidemia 260
Hyperperfusion syndrome 864
Hyperplasia, intimal 645f
Hypertension 260, 412, 415, 421, 767, 768, 816, 999, 1022, 1540
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 1188, 1311, 1363f
obstructive 94, 1311, 1525, 1527f, 1528f
Hypertrophy 1540
Hypotension 381, 1377, 1439
management of 863
Hypothermia, role of 873
Iatrogenic atrial septal defect 1120f
Iatrogenic injury 381
Iatrogenic promotion of thrombosis 42
Iliac artery 829
common 741, 742, 906
external 741, 742, 906, 971
internal 741
common 907f, 1024f
external 748f
occlusions, common 746
perforation, right external 749f
right common 894f
anatomy of 826
severe right common 609f
Iliac vein
compression syndrome 894f
left common 890f, 894f
right common 890f, 894f
disease 971f
segment, left 894f
vascular assessment 1133f
vasculature 1131
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 1555f
Infectious aortitis 826
Infective endocarditis 1188
Inflammatory disease 1188
Infrarenal abdominal aorta, distal 797
Infrarenal aorta to celiac artery 846f
Inoue balloon 1226
across valve orifice 1108
system 1223f
technique 1215, 1222, 1225f
Inoue mitral balloon valvuloplasty 1531f
In-stent restenosis 279, 314, 333, 335
Insulin 260
treated diabetes mellitus 373
Integrilin therapy 7
Interatrial septum 1221, 1221f, 1233
anatomy of 1095
Interferon inducible protein 580
Interleaflet fibrous triangle 1067
Intermittent claudication classifications 769t
International Atomic Energy Agency 1424
Intra-aortic balloon 555
counterpulsation 555
pump 316, 327, 330, 340, 555, 556, 558, 559f, 561, 653, 1440, 1441
hemodynamic effect of 556f
Intra-arterial nitroglycerin 323
Intra-atrial access, right 1248
echocardiography 1221
shunt 1157, 1512
evaluation 1482t
balloon inflation 1557
bolus 544
stenting 6
tissue plasminogen 323
hemorrhage 23f, 868
trauma 948
Intraluminal crossing devices 936
Intraluminal thrombus 842
Intraprocedural mortality 315
Intrarenal fenoldopam 1443
Intrathoracic blood volume 103
Intravascular ultrasound 144, 234, 274,290, 320, 519, 521f, 525, 527, 530, 533, 535, 893, 895, 1483
during coronary interventions 534
imaging 519, 525, 528
Intravenous fibrinolytic agents 62t
Invasive angiography 878
Invasive cardiac procedures 391
Invasive therapy, timing of 200
Ionizing radiations 1425
Ischemia 948, 1544
driven revascularization 35, 36, 37
global 794
in asymptomatic diabetics 362
Ischemia-guided strategy 194
Ischemic brain lesions 855
Ischemic cardiomyopathy 582
Ischemic complications, prevention of 7
Ischemic heart
disease 151, 580
failure, acute 100
Ischemic injury 325, 381
irreversible 948
Ischemic mitral regurgitation 1201
Ischemic muscle damage 782
Ischemic stroke 340
acute 867
Ischemic syndrome 8
management 7
Japanese paradox 417
Jenavalve technology 1178f
Jugular vein
access, right internal 1246, 1248
internal 1373
Juvenile mitral stenosis 1235
Kaplan-Meier analysis 1175f
Kawasaki's disease 706
Ketamine 102
disease, chronic 206, 304, 338, 340, 381, 384, 385, 571, 1437, 1439
failure 422
injury, acute 314, 316, 338, 1437, 1438, 1439t, 1440, 1441t, 1443t
classification 1438t
transplant 810f
King-mills umbrella 1042f, 1043f
Kissing balloon 1025f
inflation 222, 227
first 662f
lad-intermediate 704f
left main trunk 693f
postdilatation 908f
Kommerell diverticulum 880
Kussmaul's sign 1512f
Lacrosse system 1367f
Leaflets techniques 1195, 1202
Leg arteries, lower 945f
Leptin 580
absence of 1107
borderline 298
anatomical 527
functional 527
acute 942t
chronic 767
chronic classifications for 741
critical 740, 753, 767
lower 1023, 1026
occlusion 830
pad, classification of lower 769
salvage 918
symptom, etiology lower 769t
Lipoprotein 408
high-density 403
Low-molecular weight heparins 385
Lumen area, minimum 504
Lumen diameter
mean 335
minimal 237, 792
Lung disease, chronic 316318
Lutembacher's syndrome 1236
Magnetic resonance angiogram 890
Magnetic resonance angiography 740, 771, 843, 878, 1147
Mammalian target of rapamycin 438
Mammary artery
bilateral internal 370
internal 601
left internal 165
single internal 370
Mammary catheter, internal 958f
Mammary coronary graft, left 1015
Managing microvascular obstruction 79
Marfan's syndrome 824, 881, 1188
Matrix metalloproteinases 580, 825, 841
inhibitors 827
Medical management 368, 370, 754
Medication, course of 989t, 993t
Medtronic melody pulmonic valve 1051f
Medullary syndrome, lateral 881
Mehran's criteria 1440f
Mehran's risk score 1441
Melody valve 1244f
Melody valve-in-valve implantation 1244f
Mesenchymal stromal cells 585
Mesenteric artery
aneurysm, superior 809
superior 805, 846f, 1009f
Metalloproteinase inhibitors 580
Methoxy estradiol 580
Microcirculation injury 325
angina 392
disease 1540t
obstruction 328
Middle cerebral artery 868
occlusion 1012
distal 1014
Migraines 1273
Milrinone 92, 93, 95
Mini-invasive thoracotomy 582
implantation 1137
percutaneous therapy 1203
placement 1138f
Mitral annular calcification 1064, 1363f
Mitral annulus 1075f
anatomy of 1187f
posterior 1324f
Mitral commissurotomy 1215
Mitral interventions 1357
Mitral paravalvular leak 1111
closure 1326
Mitral regurgitation 1056, 1064, 1077f, 1078, 1154, 1188, 1189, 1189f, 1193, 1201f, 1216, 1225f, 1226f, 1233, 1233f, 1234, 1234f, 1351, 1469, 1526
absence of moderate to severe 1107
acute 1234f
causes of 1188t
chronic 1185
duration of 1189
functional 1187, 1193, 1203
mechanisms of 1187
severe 1533f
severity of 1190
Mitral stenosis 1077, 1077f, 1215, 1218f, 1221f, 1233f, 1237f, 1357
pathology of 1216f
severity 1218t
anatomy 1137
annular dilation 1188
annulus, calcification of 1188
apparatus 1186f
area 1216, 1217
balloon valvuloplasty 1530f
chordae 1076f
clefts 1188
complex, anatomy of 1185
disease 1185
treatment of 1468
fenestrations 1188
leaflets 1076f
prolapse 1188
regurgitation, chronic functional 1205
repair 1185
replacement 1233, 1357
stenosis 1251, 1526
Mitralign direct annuloplasty system 1205
Mitralign percutaneous annuloplasty 1205
Mitralign system 1206f
Molecular regulation of angiogenesis 577f
Molecular structure 30
Molecular weight 30
heparin, low 7, 43, 45, 113
Monoamine oxidase 92
Morganella morganii 688
Morphine 102
stratified for diabetes status 363f
thirty-day 315
Multidetector computed tomography 1065, 1347
Multifactorial causes of late stent thrombosis 237t
Multimodality fusion imaging 1141
Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome 564f
Multivalvar stenosis 1236
Multivessel coronary artery disease 1549f
Multivessel disease 548, 633, 638
management of 302, 372
Multivessel intervention 297, 306, 673
Muscarinic cholinergic agonist 76
Myocardial contrast echography guidance 1405
Myocardial damage during angioplasty 18
Myocardial distribution 1404f
Myocardial fibrosis 1148
Myocardial infarction 4, 5f, 14, 20f, 21f, 22f, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 52, 55, 173, 193, 199, 202, 204, 260, 277, 285, 291, 314, 315, 328, 328t, 332, 337, 356, 365, 366f, 372, 373f, 384, 402, 485, 488, 578, 1152, 1188, 1448, 1454, 1540, 1546f
acute 6, 8, 64, 79, 162f, 306, 391, 498, 555, 640, 1188, 1447, 1532
intervention, acute 733
management of acute 640
prevention of acute 80
rates 373f
silent 362
trial, acute 8
Myocardial ischemia 313, 328, 328t
acute 584
injury 325
Myocardial metabolism, abnormal 1540
Myocardial perforation 1377
Myocardial reperfusion injury 325
Myocyte hypertrophy 1148
Myxomatous degeneration 1188
N-acetylcysteine 339, 1442, 1443
Nadroparin 43
National Cardiovascular Data Registry 316318, 353, 392, 1447, 1457f, 1458f, 1553, 1557f
Native aortic valve 1162
Native tricuspid valve apparatus 1251
Nausea 881
Near-infrared spectroscopy 103, 104
Nephropathy trial 383
contrast-induced 313, 381
development of contrast-induced 382
Neuromuscular monitoring 103
Neurosurgery 948
Neutrophil count 325
New York Heart Association 317, 318, 1190, 1326, 1440
Newer oral anticoagulants 890
New-generation drug-eluting stents 442
Nickel allergy 1266
Nicorandil 76, 81
Nitinol 458
Nitrates 76, 166
Nitric oxide 76, 77f
donor 76
Nitroglycerin 864
Nitroprusside 76
Nonatherosclerotic conditions 392
Noncardiac death 275
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema 314
Noncardiovascular complications 338
Noncoronary artery bleeding 21f
Noncoronary cusp 1064, 1064f
Nonflip-tip technology 798
Nonhyperemic pressure-derived functional indexes 551
Noninvasive angiography 792
Nonpolymeric drug release 440
Non-Q-wave myocardial infarction 199
Nonrandomized data 1273
Nonresorbable stents 529
Non-ST elevation
acute coronary syndromes 36
myocardial infarction 17, 32, 33, 196, 199, 202, 651
Non-ST segment elevation
acute coronary syndrome 1454
myocardial infarction 315, 317, 327, 356, 391, 1448
Nordic stent technique study 220
Norepinephrine 92, 93
Normal cardiac anatomy 1064f
No-touch technique 797f
Novel generation bioresorbable scaffolds 513
Novel therapeutic agents 536
Novolimus-eluting stents 444, 448
Numeric revascularization, complete 298
Obesity 412, 419
waist circumference, abdominal 414
Observer's assessment of alertness 103
Obstructive disease 789
Optical coherence tomography 154, 335, 493, 507, 510, 512, 514, 719, 893, 1489
Optimal medical therapy 1500
anticoagulation 57
agents 15t
therapy 13, 25
Orbital atherectomy devices 477, 478, 481
Orthotopic heart transplant 1376
Orthotopic tricuspid valve stenting 1251
Osteogenesis imperfecta 1188, 1189
Ostial and bifurcation lesions 526
Ostial common iliac artery 746
Ostial coronary dissection 244
Ostial flared stent technology 798
Ostial left coronary artery stent positioning 246f
Ostial lesions 243, 526
Ostial right coronary artery stent 246f
Ostial stenosis of renal arteries 791f
Ostium secundum 1394f
P2Y12 inhibitors 365
P2Y12 receptor antagonists 384
P2YX receptor antagonists 14
balloon 336
stent 196, 289, 335, 368, 369f
Pain, abdominal 807f
Pancreaticoduodenal artery aneurysm 808
Papaverine 76, 80
Papillary muscle 1077, 1084, 1187, 1188
Par antagonists 15
Paracetamol 102
Parachute mitral valve abnormality 1188
Paraprosthetic mitral regurgitation 1330f
aortic regurgitation 1125, 1178
defect 1392f
posteromedial 1325f
leak 1150, 1165
severe 1391f
mitral leak 1390
mitral regurgitation 1324f
aortic valve regurgitation 1408
mitral regurgitation 1323, 1325f
Paravascular prosthetic mitral valve regurgitation, repair of 1406
anticoagulant agents 56
antiplatelet agents 29
Partial thromboplastin time 341
Patent ductus arteriosus 1041, 1042, 1157, 1291, 1292
transcatheter closure of 1044
Patent foramen ovale 1042, 1220, 1264,1271, 1272, 1357, 1499, 1512
closure 1096
devices 1277t
Patent foramen ovalis 1095
PCI-related vascular complications 330
Pentoxifylline acts 773
aortic percutaneous leak 1140f
assist devices 555
balloon angioplasty, first 13
balloon mitral
valvotomy 1215
valvuloplasty 1055, 1107, 1137
cardiovascular interventions 1423
closure of patent foramen ovale 1271
coronary intervention 3, 13, 14f, 32, 33, 41, 45, 47, 52, 55, 68, 69, 75, 91, 137, 152, 157, 193, 196, 197, 202, 217, 260, 273, 275, 278, 285, 297, 307, 313, 315, 317, 317t, 327, 328, 340, 342, 361, 364, 368, 372, 381, 384, 385, 391, 468, 497, 530, 535t, 558, 594, 698, 727, 1204, 1437, 1441, 1447, 1451, 1454, 1466, 1468f, 1471, 1472f, 1477, 1489, 1494f, 1495f, 1499, 1545, 1545f, 1549f, 1553, 1554f, 1557f
basis for multivessel 298
complications of 313
primary 8, 171, 395
procedure 314t
coronary revascularization 195
endovascular revascularization 753
interventions 146, 243
mitral balloon valvuloplasty 1532f, 1534f
paravalvular leak
closure 1137, 1326
repair 1332
patent foramen ovale closure 1274, 1280
pulmonary valve implantation 1042, 1050
repair of mitral insufficiency 1112
septal ablation 1311
sinus septal shortening system 1205f
technical aspects 207
technique 1391
therapies 1063
transluminal angioplasty 610f, 739, 905, 923
balloons 926
failed 919fc
transluminal coronary angioplasty 3, 137, 141, 199, 313, 391, 477
transluminal renal angioplasty 794
treatment of mitral regurgitation 1185
first 1053f
next generation 1054f
ventricular septal rupture 1143f
disease 1481t
tamponade 315
Pericatheter thrombosis 951
Peripheral administration 94
Peripheral arterial disease 923, 1034, 1036
lower extremity 909
management of 755
Peripheral arterial surgery 949
Peripheral artery 878
disease 739, 753, 767, 770
prevalence of 905
Peripheral balloons 923
Peripheral below-the-knee angioplasty 767
Peripheral interventions 737
Peripheral ischemia 314, 561
Peripheral stents 905
Peripheral transluminal angioplasty 770, 773, 789
Peripheral vascular
access 1168
complications 314
disease 260, 317, 318
interventions 607
Periprocedural administration 177
Periprocedural antithrombotic therapy 107
Periprocedural bivalirudin 117
Perivalvular prosthetic leak 1188
Permanent atrial fibrillation 1106f
Peroneal artery, severe lesion of 776f
Pharmacokinetics 111
of common anticoagulants 44t
Pharmacologic therapy 595
Pharmacological intervention, preprocedural 383
Pharmacological stress testing 639
Pharmacological thrombolysis 872
Phenylephrine 92, 93, 94, 100
Phosphodiesterase inhibitor 76
Placental growth factor 580
Plasmin 946
fragment 580
inhibitors 580
activation 41
aggregation, inhibition of 30f
derived endothelial cell growth factor 580
factor-4 580
function testing 1503
IIB/IIIA receptor with integrilin therapy 7
inhibition 14f, 20f, 21, 21f
kinetics of 30f
receptor inhibition 7
Pleotrophin 580
Plug-based sealing devices 624
Pneumothorax 1377
kidney disease 824
ovarian syndrome 1540
Polylactic-co-glycolic acid 585
Poly-l-lactic acid 146
biolimus-eluting stents 450
drug-eluting stents 448, 449t
paclitaxel-eluting stents 449
sirolimus-eluting stents 448
Polytetrafluoroethylene 322, 460, 743, 754, 828, 1264
expanded 828
Polyvinyl chloride 139
Popliteal aneurysm 769
Popliteal artery 620, 621f, 982f
stenting 756
Positive inotropes 95
Post-BAV management 1163
Postinfarct ventricular septal defect closure 1042
Post-percutaneous coronary intervention therapy 13
Post-premature ventricular contraction 1528
Post-thrombus aspiration 129f
Post-transcatheter aortic valve 1152f
Potential treatment algorithms 563
Prasugrel 17, 20, 176, 196, 366, 386
Prasugrel-thrombolysis 20f
Preangiogram 1016
Predilatation with NC balloons 702f
Prefibrinolytic therapy electrocardiogram 124f
Pregnancy 1235
Preinterventional angiogram 1034f, 1036f
Premere patent foramen ovale occluder 1277
Pressure half time 1217, 1218
Pressure loss across stenosis 1539
Pressure waveforms 1510
Pre-therapeutic screening process 1023, 1026
Prevent distal embolization 183t
Profunda femoral artery 957
Progenitor cells 585
Prolactin 16-KD fragment 580
Proliferin 580
Prominent eustachian valve 1283
Propofol 102
Prosthetic valvular disease 1481
Protease activated receptor 15
Prothrombin time 386
Proton pump inhibitors 25
Proximal circumflex artery 317
Proximal common iliac artery 797
Proximal embolic protection devices 862t
Proximal external iliac artery occlusions 746
Proximal isovelocity surface area 1218
Proximal location patency 918
Pseudoaneurysm 603, 627, 629, 1418f
Pseudolesions 464
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 881
Pulmonary artery 1088f, 1217
main 1156f, 1221
pressure 103
right 1295f
stenosis, left 1295f
systolic pressure 1192
capillary wedge 1529f
edema 1440
hypertension 1215, 1482t
severe 100
regurgitation 1086
stenosis 1049
vein 1145f
interventions 1357
procedures 1158
Pulmonic stenosis 1086
Pulmonic valve 1086, 1088f
regurgitation 1155
stenosis 1155
oximetry 103
volume recordings 754
Pulsed wave Doppler 1191
Puncture site 955
Puncture technique, antegrade 620
Puncture, antegrade 957
Purine nucleoside 76
Pursuit 7
Qualitative angiography 152
Quantification of myocardial fibrosis 1152
Quantitative coronary angiography 153, 522, 527, 1544
Quinolone 773
Radial access 959
Radial artery 596f, 605f, 606f, 620
access 1490
loops, management of 598fc
occlusion 597, 603, 606
perforation, management of 605fc
small caliber of 599f
spasm 603
classification of 604t
management of 597fc
Radial-brachial perforation, classification of 604t
Radiation-related complications 314
Radiation safety 1143
Radical neck surgery 857
Ranolazine 167
Rapamycin 145
Recatheterization, emergency 314
Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator 946
Recurrent ischemia 1540
Red blood cell 315
transfusions 315
Regurgitant fraction 1191
Regurgitant orifice area, effective 1191
Remifentanil 102
Renal artery 846f
aneurysm 805. 809
of both 986f, 995f
right 791f
inferior branch of 810f
left 799f, 1009f
stenosis 608f
obstruction, mechanical 989
perforation 801
recanalization, right 1010f
right 820, 1008f
stenosis 789, 799f
stenting of bilateral 994
stenting 984, 989
vasodilation 1442
Renal blush grade 793
Renal complication 381, 847
Renal denervation 381, 383, 815, 816
Renal disease 386t
end-stage 386
Renal dysfunction 384t, 385t
anticoagulation in 385
Renal failure 779
acute 697
chronic 695, 775
Renal frame counts 793
Renal function 794
course of 990t, 993t
trial 794
Renal Guard System 1441, 1443
Renal hormone 999, 1000
Renal insufficiency 30, 792
acute 314
Renal protection 305
Reperfusion injury 325
Residual stenosis 917f
Resolute zotarolimus-eluting stent 440
Respiratory complication 847
Restenosis 233, 290, 533
classification 233
of carotid endarterectomy 859
treatment of 706
Resting translesional index of stenosis severity 1542
Restrictive cardiac hemodynamics 1528
Reticuloendothelial system 45
Retinoids 580
Retrograde dissection 268
Retrograde puncture 774f
technique 618
Retrograde tibiopedal access 961
Retrograde transpopliteal arterial access 963
Retrograde wire crossing 267
Retroperitoneal bleeding 314, 315, 331
Retroperitoneal hemorrhage 628
Revascularization modality 741
Revascularization strategies 209, 372t
Revascularization, complete 298
Revascularization, surgical 780
Reverse crush 224, 224f
Rheolytic thrombectomy system 473f
Rheumatic fever 1215
Rheumatic heart disease 1188
Right heart catheterization 608
Right ventricular outflow tract 1156
Rivaroxaban 57, 1459
Robotic aortic surgery 824
Rotational atherectomy 477, 480, 484, 677
after 708f
before 708f
devices 477, 478, 481
Rupture of chordae 1188
Ruptured descending thoracic aortic aneurysm 850
Ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysms 850
Salbutamol 76
Salmonella 826
Saphenous vein graft 285, 288, 327, 328, 332, 340, 601
angioplasty 291
intervention 285, 291, 395
Saturated fat 418
Scleroderma 1188
Secundum atrial septal defect closure 1101
Segment elevation myocardial infarction 315
Seldinger's technique 860, 1355
Septal anatomy 1139
Septal aneurysm, large 1098f
Septal branch selection 1316, 1404
Septal defects, transcatheter closure of ventricular 1046
Septal perforator artery 1400f
Septal reduction techniques
advantages of 1319t
disadvantages of 1319t
SeptRx occluder 1277
Septum primum 1095
Septum secundum 1095
Sequential deployment technique 1328
Serum creatinine 985f, 988f, 994f, 998f
closure 314
occlusion 314, 324
Sideris buttoned device 1277
Silverhawk plaque excision system 479
Simultaneous coronary angiography 1143f
Simultaneous deployment technique 1327
Simultaneous kissing
stent techniques 225
stenting 225f
Sinotubular junction 10651168
Sinuses of valsalva 1065, 1067, 1067f
cypher stent, early-generation 440
stent 196, 332, 368, 369f, 440, 444, 485
Snare technique 337
Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions Lesion Classification System 318t
Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention 318
Society of Thoracic Surgeons 278, 1194
Society of Thoracic Surgery 370, 1559
bicarbonate 1443
nitroprusside 79
Solitary functioning kidney 794
Solysafe septal occluder 1277
Sones’ brachial cut-down technique 593
Spasm 903
Spasmolytic therapy 595
Spinal cord ischemia 845, 849
symptoms of 1011f
Splenic artery aneurysm 806
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection 392
Spontaneous echo contrast 1217
Spontaneous rupture of chordae 1188
Spontaneous ventilation 99
ST elevation myocardial infarction, management of 695
ST segment elevation myocardial infarction 327
Stable angina 152t, 633
chronic 1476t
Stable coronary
disease 362
syndromes 151
Stable ischemic heart disease 156, 278
Standard infusion catheter 891
Staphylococcus aureus 342
Staphylococcus lugdunensis 688
Starflex device 1277
Statins 167, 826
acute coronary syndrome 386
myocardial infarction 17, 24f, 31, 65, 68, 374f, 548, 695, 1490, 1494, 1502
Stem cell homing 586
Stenosis 1021f, 1546
of right common iliac artery 943f
severe 1107
Stent anticoagulation restenosis study 6
Stent choice 289
Stent crush technique 337
Stent deployment failure 314
Stent failure 682
Stent implantation 1298
complications 314, 332
Stent longitudinal deformation 314
Stent loss 314, 337
Stent placement in iliac artery 906t
Stent thrombosis 37, 120, 121, 233, 235, 236, 236t, 280, 314, 315, 328, 332, 354, 485, 531
acute 236
predictors of 236
timing of 236
Stent-graft, branched 1007
Stentriever thrombectomy 868
Stents, self-expanding 798, 906
Still's disease 1188
St. Jude medical portico valve 1181
Streptokinase 62
cardiomyopathy 392
testing 1475
Stridor 876
String sign 859
Stroke 21f, 314, 315, 339, 372, 373f, 412, 421, 867, 1177
acute 868
interventions, acute 867
ipsilateral 857
management algorithm of postprocedural 341fc
mortality rates 417f
treatment for posterior 883
Strut design 436
ST segment elevation myocardial infarction 8, 53, 61, 142, 171, 317, 355, 391, 498, 1447, 1451
Subaortic stenosis 1357
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 340
Subclavian artery 1016f
left 846f
stenting 879t, 881t
Subclavian stenosis
critical right 610f
left 876f, 1015
Subclavian tortuosity 733
Subclavian-vertebral steal syndrome 881
cellular tissue 769
granulomatous reaction 603
Subintimal angioplasty 1029
Subintimal recanalization 932
Subintimal technique 1028f
Subocclusive stenosis 686f
Suboptimal stent deployment 531
Sudden cardiac death 1311
Superficial femoral artery 754, 915t, 924, 957
stent fracture 910f
Supraventricular tachycardia 1377
Surgical myectomy 1318
Surgical repair, open 823
Sutura heartstitch suturing device 1277
Sweet spot 5
Symetis Acurate valve 1181
Sympathetic hormone 999, 1000
Sympathetic nervous system 815, 816
Symptomatic cardiac resynchronization therapy 1202
Symptomatic carotid stenosis 855
Syntax score 153
Synthetic chordae tendineae 1252
Systemic fenoldopam 1443
Systemic lupus erythematosus 1188
anterior motion 1077, 1311, 1313f
blood pressure 65, 340, 418
Tachyarrhythmias 314
Takayasu's disease 769
Takotsubo's cardiomyopathy 392
Tandemheart 560, 565
Target lesion
failure 354, 368
revascularization 14, 31, 52, 234, 316, 319, 364, 368, 485, 488, 912, 918
Taxus paclitaxel-eluting stents 440
Temporary endovascular bypass 869
Tenecteplase 64
Theophylline 1443
angiogenesis 585
decision 665
Thin-cap fibroatheroma 512, 524
Thoracic aorta 841, 968f
Thoracic aortic aneurysms 841
descending 841, 844, 846
Thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair 845
aortic aneurysm 842f, 843f, 845, 845f, 846f, 848, 848f, 1001, 1001f, 1007
device, branch 1003f
Thoracophrenolaparotomy, left 845f
Thoracotomy 1319
Thorax 846
Thrombectomy 104, 902, 941, 1010f
devices 182, 471
manual 472
mechanical 473
clotting time 58
receptor antagonist 22, 22f, 23
Thromboangiitis obliterans 769
Thromboaspiration 645f, 942
catheter, export 472f
Thrombocytopenia 96, 314, 342
Thrombolysis 171
for ischemia of lower extremity 949
in cerebral infarction 868
in myocardial infarction 22f, 48, 62, 79, 194, 313, 326, 499, 868
Thrombolytic infusion catheters 947t
Thrombolytic therapy 948t, 950t
complications to 951t
Thromboplastin time, activated partial 197
Thrombosis 769, 903
subacute 317
Thrombospondin 580
Thrombotic hemiplegia 855
Thromboxane 42, 325
Thrombus 859
containing lesion 801
extraction 207
formation 1235, 1265
in left external iliac vein 892f
left common femoral vein 892f
removal 468
removal/destruction, active 891t
Thyrocervical trunk 875
Tibial artery
anterior 944f, 962f, 976f, 977f
distal anterior 977f
posterior 776f, 916f, 917f, 962f
Tibial recanalization, anterior 1035
Tibio-peroneal trunk 944f
Ticagrelor 6, 17, 21, 176, 196, 367, 386
in catheterization laboratory 24f
Tirofiban 31, 1459
Tissue plasminogen activator 63, 199, 891
Tobacco 768
Toe-brachial index 753, 770
Torasemide 998
Tornus catheter 253
Torsades des pointes 545
Tortuosity of aorta-angle 826
Tracheostoma 857
Tracts-Horner's syndrome 881
Transaortic valve
pressure 1519f
replacement 741
Transapical left ventricular puncture 620
Transapical mitral valve 1210f
replacement 1207
Transatlantic intersociety consensus 739, 906
Transatrial intrapericardial tricuspid annuloplasty 1251
alcohol septal ablation 1529f
aortic valve 1167f
implantation 1064
next generation of 1178f
replacement, hemodynamics of 1519
mitral valve
implantation 1196t, 1207, 1208f
repair/implantation 1042
therapies 1057t
pulmonary valve replacement 1050
repair of aortic coarctation 1049
rigid annular rings 1253
therapy for mitral regurgitation 1056
tricuspid valve-in-valve implantation 1245t
valve therapy 1554, 1555
valve-in-valve therapy 1243
echocardiogram 1324, 1336, 1359, 1394, 1397, 1398, 1407f, 1502
echocardiography 97, 101, 1065, 1085f, 1093, 1097, 1138, 1192, 1217, 1217t, 1219t, 1221, 1233f, 1246, 1260, 1359
Transient ischemic attack 69, 856, 881,1217, 1273
Transmyocardial laser revascularization 587
Transradial access 593, 959
catheter 1220f
equipment 1355
left heart catheterization 1042
needle puncture 1282
for MitraClip procedure 1364f
screw 1367
system 1367f
Transthoracic echocardiogram 699f
two-dimensional 643
Transthoracic echocardiography 1065, 1148, 1190, 1217, 1218, 1221, 1225f, 1234f, 1316, 1394, 1397, 1399, 1409f
Traumatic rupture of chordae 1188
Treadmill test 770
Treating bifurcation lesion 502
Treovance device 834
Treponema pallidum 826
Trerotola percutaneous thrombectomy device 903
Tricinch procedure 1251
Tricuspid annulus 1083f
Tricuspid aortic valve, calcification of 1130f
Tricuspid balloon valvuloplasty 1042
Tricuspid regurgitation 1083, 1084, 1241, 1251, 1292f, 1377, 1378
etiologies of 1242t
severe 1515f
Tricuspid valve 1082, 1085f, 1353f
leaflets 1083f
regurgitation 1218, 1219, 1221
Triggers of angiogenesis 578
Tumor 1188
necrosis factor-α 580
Tumstatin 580
Turner's syndromes 824
Unfractionated heparin 4, 29, 4547, 52, 55, 113, 197, 385, 386, 744, 1452, 1454
Unstable angina 55, 193, 196, 199, 202, 333, 335
Unusual site hematoma 603
Urinary catheter 103
Urine albumin 999, 1000
Valsalva's maneuver 1097f, 1311
Valve 1107
anatomy, assessment of 1218
area calculations 1518
assessment of 1219
general orientation of 1063
replacement 1172
selection 1171
Valve-in-valve approaches 1185, 1209
Valvotomy by balloon 1233
Valvular disease 1148, 1481
Valvuloplasty 1172
Vascular closure device 396, 396, 1450, 1457f
Vascular complication 330, 603t, 627, 1180
Vascular death, endpoint of 21f
Vascular disease 317
Vascular endothelial growth factor 578, 580, 782
Vascular reactivity, abnormal 1540
Vasculitis syndromes 1540
Vasculogenesis 575
Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein 19
Vasospastic angina 82, 126
Vasostatin 580
Vasovagal reaction 1377
Vein graft
interventions 286, 288
lesions, locations of 291f
Vena cava
filters, inferior 889
inferior 889, 894f, 1084, 1221, 1249, 1261f, 1357
inferior 1261
posteroinferior 1261
posterosuperior 1261
superior 1261
superior 1220, 1220f, 1261f, 1358
Vena contracta 1192
Venous angioplasty 889, 893
Venous stenting 889, 893
Venovenous hemofiltration, continuous 1443
Ventricle, left 1191
Ventricular arrhythmia 314, 1377
Ventricular assist device, left 555, 561, 564, 564f
Ventricular dysfunction, left 303
Ventricular ejection fraction, left 332, 395, 583, 1153, 1162, 1190
Ventricular end-systolic diameter, left 1193
Ventricular hypertrophy, left 1296
Ventricular outflow tract, left 1064, 1125, 1165, 1186
Ventricular pacing, right 1188
Ventricular remodeling 1057
Ventricular septal defect 1042, 1044, 1157, 1158
Ventricular systolic function, left 263
Ventricular tachycardia 1377
Ventriculography, left 691
Verapamil 76, 81, 327
Vertebral angiogram
left 1020
right 1021, 1021f
Vertebral artery 875, 881, 882
disease 880
distal left 1020f
procedures 885
stenosis 883f
critical left 612f
stenting 883t
surgical treatment of 884
intervention 875, 884
mammary catheter 958f
ostial stent, right 1021
stenosis 1019
stent, distal right 1021
Vertebrobasilar symptoms 1019
Vessel occlusion 627, 629
Vessel rupture 903
Visceral artery aneurysm 805, 806
treatment of 805
Visual cortex within occipital lobe 881
K antagonists 56
Vomiting 881
Von Willebrand's factor 41
Vorapaxar 17
Warfarin 1459
reinfarction study 6
therapy 57
Wave Doppler, continuous 1191
Wire body 930
Wire caliber 929
Wire externalization 655f
Wire tip 458, 930
entrapment and fracture 463
Wire under fluoroscopic guidance 962f
Wire with loop, advance 1029f
Wiring technique 460
shaping wire 460
Women's ischemia syndrome evaluation 393
World Health Organization 406
Zenith flex 834
Zenith low profile 834
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

1Periprocedural Pharmacology
  • Chapter 1: Evolution of Periprocedural Pharmacotherapy in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
  • Chapter 2: Oral Antiplatelet Therapy for Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
  • Chapter 3: Parenteral Antiplatelet Agents
  • Chapter 4: Antithrombotics
  • Chapter 5: Fibrinolytic Therapy for STEMI
  • Chapter 6: Coronary Vasoactive Agents
  • Chapter 7: Vasoactive Agents in Cardiology
  • Chapter 8: Sedation and Anesthesia in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
  • Chapter 9: Clinical Cases

Evolution of Periprocedural Pharmacotherapy in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary InterventionCHAPTER 1

Dharam J Kumbhani,
Deepak L Bhatt
“What's past is prologue…”
William Shakespeare: The Tempest, Act 2, Scene I
The field of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has made tremendous strides over the past few decades. Over this time frame, there has been a constant and relentless evolution in the procedural equipment (wires, balloons, and stents) as well as the periprocedural pharmacotherapeutic armamentarium. A discussion of this evolution is germane not just for historical and academic purposes, but also because this dictates current practice patterns in this field in many ways.
The credit for the first selective angiogram goes to Dr Mason Sones from Cleveland Clinic, who accidentally injected 30 cc of contrast agent into a patient's right coronary artery.1 The first coronary balloon angioplasty in humans was performed by Dr Andreas Gruentzig in 1977 in Zurich, Switzerland, when he passed a prototype, fixed-wire balloon catheter across a severe lesion in the left anterior descending artery.2 Refinements in balloon angioplasty systems and coronary guidewires culminated in the Angioplasty Compared to MEdicine (ACME) trial, the first randomized study comparing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) with conventional medical therapy. Although procedural success rates were low (78.1%), patients undergoing balloon PTCA had better exercise tolerance and freedom from angina at 6 months.3
Metallic intracoronary stents were first implemented in the late 1980s for the emergency treatment of coronary dissection after angioplasty, but in the initial years were 4plagued by high rates of subacute closure (3–5%).1 Second-generation balloon-expandable stents were introduced toward the late 1990s, with varying amounts of cobalt, chromium, tantalum, or other metals, in addition to stainless steel, along with enhancements in strut design and delivery and deployment systems. The most popular intracoronary stent was the Palmaz–Schatz stainless steel stent, which was compared with balloon PTCA in the landmark BElgian NEtherlands STENT (BENESTENT) and Stent Restenosis Study (STRESS) trials.4,5 Both trials showed a marked reduction in restenosis and the need for a second revascularization procedure in the stent group. Intracoronary stents [also known as bare-metal stents (BMS)] soon became the predominant method of PCI, being used in > 90% of cases.
Although procedural success rates improved dramatically with stenting, restenosis remained a common problem. This was believed to be predominantly due to neointimal hyperplasia and matrix accumulation, and resulted in the development of drug-eluting stents (DES) with antiproliferative agents to reduce/mitigate restenosis. First-generation DES, sirolimus-eluting and paclitaxel-eluting (SES/PES) stents, significantly reduced target vessel revascularization and restenosis compared with BMS in pivotal trials,68 and were approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) in 2003 and 2004, respectively. By 2005, the use of DES skyrocketed, and accounted for 75–85% of all intracoronary stents placed in the United States.9 Concerns over very late (> 1 year) stent thrombosis with first-generation DES resulted in a label change by the USFDA in 200610,11; dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) was now recommended for a minimum of 12 months following DES implantation. This recommendation still stands today for all DES in the United States, including for second-generation DES such as everolimus-eluting and zotarolimus-eluting stents. These appear to have a lower risk of stent thrombosis,12 and have largely supplanted first-generation DES in clinical practice. Biodegradable or bioabsorbable stents are also sometimes referred to as third-generation DES, but are currently not available for clinical use in the United States.
Ischemia management is a key component of a PCI procedure. Our understanding of the coagulation cascade continues to improve, but there is a complex interplay between coagulative proteins, platelets, and cellular phospholipid membranes. Antiplatelet and antithrombotic agents remain the cornerstones for successful PCI, and have been used in various combinations from the outset.13,14
Balloon PTCA Era
The main agents used at that time were aspirin and unfractionated heparin (UFH).
Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, was synthetically formulated in the late 19th century, and primarily used for its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It was also the first widely used antiplatelet agent for the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke, based on its observed efficacy in sentinel trials conducted in the 1970s–1980s such as Second International Study of Infarct Survival (ISIS-2).15 In the early days of coronary intervention, especially during the era of balloon PTCA, restenosis was a common problem. This was believed to be a platelet-initiated event (due to accumulation of platelets on the de-endothelialized intima), and aspirin was routinely used in the periprocedural management of these patients. Aspirin remains one of the cornerstones of peri- and postprocedural therapy even today. Recently, the Clopidogrel Optimal Loading Dose Usage to Reduce Recurrent EveNTs/Optimal Antiplatelet Strategy for InterventionS-7 (CURRENT OASIS-7) trial suggested no benefit with high-dose aspirin (300–325 mg) over low-dose aspirin (75–100 mg).16
Unfractionated Heparin
It has been employed for anticoagulation from the early days of balloon angioplasty. The effect is dose-dependent, and active clotted time (ACT) monitoring in the cardiac catheterization laboratory during PCI is necessary because the required level of anticoagulation is beyond the range that can be measured using the activated partial thromboplastin time. In patients undergoing balloon PTCA, higher ACTs appeared to reduce the risk of abrupt closure and death or urgent revascularization.17
The dosing of UFH has undergone significant evolution during the history of PCI.18 Initial regimens involved high doses of UFH. For example, in the Bivalirudin Angioplasty trial comparing bivalirudin and UFH, the dose of UFH given was a 175 U/kg bolus followed by an infusion of 15 U/kg/h. Furthermore, if the ACT, a measure of antithrombin activity, was < 350 seconds, an additional 560 U/kg bolus was administered.19 In the BENESTENT trial, patients undergoing balloon PTCA alone received 10,000 U at the outset, followed by additional boluses as needed to keep the ACT > 350 seconds.4 Both weight-based and high-dose fixed regimens were also explored, with the weight-based regimens associated with shorter sheath dwell times.20 Bleeding and vascular complications were relatively high given the high ACT levels, but were considered a “necessary evil” given that ischemic complications were lowest when ACT was at least 300–350 seconds (Figs. 1.1A and B).21,22 With the advent of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor (GPI) agents (see below), ACT levels around 250 appeared to provide the “sweet spot” between ischemia protection and bleeding risk (Figs. 1.2A and B).
zoom view
Figs. 1.1A and B: Patients treated with unfractionated heparin alone.22 (A) Relationship between minimum active clotted time (ACT) and death, myocardial infarction (MI), or urgent revascularization at 7 days. (B) Relationship between maximum ACT and major or minor bleeding events at 7 days.
zoom view
Figs. 1.2A and B: Patients treated with unfractionated heparin and abciximab.22 (A) Relationship between minimum active clotted time (ACT) and death, myocardial infarction, or urgent revascularization at 7 days. (B) Relationship between maximum ACT and major or minor bleeding events at 7 days.
Bare-Metal Stents Era
This phase/era oversaw the largest incremental changes in peri- and postprocedural pharmacotherapy.
Dipyridamole was introduced towards the latter part of the balloon PTCA era, and became a mainstay during the early BMS era. Warfarin was routinely administered in 6addition to antiplatelet therapy, with a goal international normal ratio (INR) of 2.0–3.5, in addition to DAPT. Warfarin and dipyridamole were typically discontinued 1 month after angioplasty.
It has a number of different actions on platelets, and has been primarily used in patients with ischemic strokes in combination with aspirin.23 Its most important action is probably to inhibit the cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) phosphodiesterase V enzyme, thereby enhancing the antiplatelet effects of the nitric oxide/cGMP signaling pathway.24 It was the first agent to be studied as an adjunct to full-dose aspirin (which led to the concept of DAPT during the balloon PTCA era in the 1980s. It was administered both orally (pre- and postprocedural) and intravenously (periprocedural). It did not appear to reduce the risk of restenosis following balloon PTCA, but did reduce the risk of periprocedural MI.25 It was also believed to induce ischemic preconditioning, thereby protecting the left ventricle during prolonged balloon inflations, as was typical for angioplasty procedures at that time.26 It was DAPT the agent of choice in the BENESTENT and STRESS trials with the Palmaz–Schatz stent.4,5
Recognizing the central role of thrombin in the pathophysiology of acute coronary syndrome (ACS), early trials such as the Warfarin Reinfarction Study (WARIS) and Antithrombotic Therapy in Acute Coronary Syndromes (ATACS) reported that warfarin with a goal INR > 2.0 was beneficial in improving patient outcomes.27,28 Warfarin with aspirin appeared to be superior to aspirin alone in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI).29,30 Warfarin use was thus common at this time. Based on these data, when BMS were introduced, a concern for subacute thrombosis drove early adoption of warfarin in post-PCI patients. Typically, high-dose heparin was utilized during the procedure (as described above). Warfarin was started immediately after the removal of the sheath and overlapping intravenous UFH was continued postprocedure until the INR was in the desired therapeutic range for at least 36 hours. Warfarin therapy was generally recommended for 1–3 months post-PCI.
While the above regimen of DAPT plus heparin/warfarin was an improvement over earlier rates of ischemic complications and abrupt vessel closure following angioplasty, subacute thrombosis rates were still fairly high (~3.5%), access site complications were common (~13.5%), and hospital length of stay was long (8–9 days), mostly due to the need for prolonged anticoagulation.31 This led to the concept of a heparin-coated Palmaz–Schatz stent, which was tested in the BENESTENT-II trial.32,33 With this type of stent, the addition of heparin to the stent was felt to allow discontinuation of routine postprocedural warfarin, and a DAPT regimen consisting of aspirin and ticlopidine 250 mg twice daily was introduced. When possible, the latter was administered at least 72 hours prior to the angioplasty procedure. Although heparin-coated stents were FDA approved around 1995, they fell out of favor for clinical use. The routine use of warfarin was, however, no longer necessary with the advent of ticlopidine.
It was the first agent in a new class of antiplatelet agents called thienopyridines to be systematically tested. The late 1990s saw four landmark trials published with ticlopidine (Table 1.1), the results of which resulted in a paradigm shift away from using routine anticoagulation postprocedurally, and toward DAPT alone with aspirin and ticlopidine for patients undergoing coronary stent implantation.3438 Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) were lower with aspirin and ticlopidine, as were hemorrhagic and vascular complications compared with anticoagulation therapy. No differences were observed between the two regimens in the risk of restenosis at 6–12 months.
Table 1.1   Prevention of major cardiac events after stenting: ticlopidine compared with anticoagulant therapy.34
Number of patients
Population risk
Absolute risk reduction in cardiac events (%)
P value
< 0.05
(FANTASTIC: Full ANTicoagulation versus ASpirin and TIClopidine; MATTIS: Multicenter Aspirin and Ticlopidine Trial after Intracoronary Stenting; ISAR: Intracoronary Stenting and Antithrombotic Regimen; STARS: STent Anticoagulation Restenosis Study).
Also, the STARS trial further embellished the role of DAPT over aspirin monotherapy in this patient population (30-day stent thrombosis rates, 0.5% vs 2.7% for DAPT vs aspirin, respectively).38
Although a simplified DAPT regimen quickly became the standard of care for postprocedure management, intraprocedural ischemic complications remained an issue, despite the use of high doses of UFH (ACT goals 300–350 seconds). Patients presenting with ACS were frequently undergoing angioplasty on a background of aspirin and UFH alone. This resulted in the development of GPI for periprocedural anticoagulation, one of the most important advances in this field to date.
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors
They inhibit glycoprotein IIb/IIIa, a complex of integrin found on platelets.39 The activation of the integrin complex enables the binding of fibrinogen, platelet–platelet adhesion, and endothelial adherence. The first GPI to be developed was abciximab, which is a chimeric monoclonal-antibody Fab fragment (and thus also known as c7E3 Fab) developed by Dr Barry Coller, a hematologist with a special interest in Glanzmann thrombasthenia.40
In the Evaluation of c7E3 for the Prevention of Ischemic Complications (EPIC) trial (published in 1994), a bolus and infusion of abciximab at the time of angioplasty (and continued for 12 hours postprocedure) was superior to abciximab bolus alone and placebo for MACE at 30 days, including a reduction in nonfatal MI and need for urgent repeat revascularization in patients undergoing high-risk angioplasty; all patients received a background therapy of aspirin and UFH.41 Similar results were observed in the Evaluation of PTCA to Improve Long-term Outcome by ReoPro GPI IIb/IIIa receptor blockade (EPILOG) trial in patients undergoing elective PTCA.42 Finally, in the c7E3 Fab AntiPlatelet Therapy in Unstable Refractory Angina (CAPTURE) trial (published in 1997), upstream abciximab started as an infusion 18–24 hours prior to angioplasty in patients with unstable angina significantly reduced the risk of 30-day nonfatal MI compared with placebo, particularly in patients who were troponin positive, again on a background therapy of aspirin and heparin.43
While abciximab was a large molecule that bound irreversibly to the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor, other intravenous synthetic molecules such as lamifiban, tirofiban, and eptifibatide were smaller molecules with shorter half-lives and more rapid onset. Lamifiban was evaluated in the Platelet IIb/IIIa Antagonist for the Reduction of Acute coronary syndrome events in a Global Organization Network (PARAGON) A and B trials, but failed to show a clinical benefit and was thus not marketed clinically.44 In the Platelet Receptor Inhibition in Ischemic Syndrome Management in Patients Limited by Unstable Signs and Symptoms (PRISM-PLUS) trial, patients presenting with an ACS were randomized to receive tirofiban alone, tirofiban with UFH, or heparin alone; all patients received aspirin. The tirofiban alone arm had to be stopped early due to excess mortality. The combination of tirofiban and heparin significantly reduced 30-day ischemic endpoints compared with heparin alone.45 The Platelet glycoprotein IIB/IIIA in Unstable angina: Receptor Suppression Using Integrilin Therapy (PURSUIT) and Enhanced Suppression of the Platelet IIb/IIIa Receptor With Integrilin Therapy (ESPRIT) trials demonstrated similar efficacy of eptifibatide plus heparin over heparin alone.46,47 As a result of these trials, the addition of a GPI to UFH became the standard of care in patients undergoing angioplasty, especially for biomarker positive ACS. Eptifibatide is administered as a double bolus followed by infusion based on the design of the ESPRIT trial even today.47
The next important advance during this period was the introduction of another oral thienopyridine, clopidogrel.
Although ticlopidine helped reduce ischemic and bleeding complications compared with systemic anticoagulation, it was poorly tolerated. It also resulted in serious side effects such as neutropenia (~2%), bone marrow aplasia, and cholestatic jaundice.34 Clopidogrel was biochemically similar to ticlopidine, but did not appear to have the same side effect profile as ticlopidine. It was also more rapidly acting. Several clinical trials also demonstrated that, not only was clopidogrel better tolerated, but it also significantly reduced MACE rates compared with ticlopidine.48 By the turn of the century, clopidogrel had replaced ticlopidine as the adenosine diphosphate-receptor antagonist of choice in patients undergoing coronary stenting. The Clopidogrel in Unstable Angina to Prevent Recurrent Events (CURE) trial confirmed the superiority of clopidogrel plus aspirin over aspirin alone in patients presenting with an ACS, including in those undergoing PCI.49,50
Low Molecular Weight Heparins
These are selective inhibitors of factor Xa and typically have one third of the molecular weight of UFH. They are believed to produce a more consistent dose response 8compared with UFH. Enoxaparin has the most robust data of the available low molecular weight heparins for use in PCI, particularly based on the results of the SafeTy and Efficacy of Enoxaparin in PCI patients, an internationaL randomized Evaluation (STEEPLE) trial in patients undergoing elective PCI (enoxaparin superior to UFH for reducing the risk of bleeding).51
It is a synthetic pentasaccharide that selectively inhibits factor Xa, with a long half-life that permits once daily dosing. In the Organization for the Assessment of Strategies for Ischemic Syndromes -5 (OASIS-5) trial comparing fondaparinux to enoxaparin, fondaparinux significantly reduced bleeding events, but was associated with an unacceptably high risk of catheter-related thrombosis. This appeared to be mitigated by administration of concomitant UFH.52 It is, therefore, currently not indicated as stand-alone antithrombotic therapy in patients undergoing PCI.
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors
Hirudin, an extract from the medicinal leech, was known to be a potent inhibitor of clot-bound thrombin. It was tested as an alternative to UFH in the balloon PTCA era, and was felt to reduce immediate cardiovascular events, but not on longer term follow-up.53 It also appeared to increase bleeding events. Hirulog, a synthetic analog of hirudin, was similarly tested in patients undergoing balloon PTCA, in comparison with high-dose UFH.54 Ischemic complications were similar, but bleeding was significantly reduced with hirulog.19 Since hirulog was a bivalent hirudin analog (unlike univalent analogs such as lepirudin and desirudin), it was renamed as bivalirudin. It was initially developed and marketed by Biogen, Inc, Cambridge, MA as Hirudin. However, the rights for this drug were purchased by the Medicines Company in 1997, and it has been relabeled and marketed as Angiomax since then.
Since the use of UFH and GPI was the prevailing standard in many catheterization laboratories at this time, trials were designed to demonstrate the superiority of bivalirudin over this combination, with the use of GPI as a bail-out strategy. Randomized Evaluation in PCI Linking Angiomax to Reduced Clinical Events-2 (REPLACE-2) and Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage Strategy (ACUITY) both demonstrated a significant reduction in bleeding in favor of bivalirudin monotherapy over the combination of UFH/GPI, but ischemic endpoints were similar.55,56 Bailout GPI use was necessary in 7–9% of patients receiving bivalirudin monotherapy; clopidogrel pretreatment was administered in the vast majority of patients (> 80%).
Drug-Eluting Stents Era
The DES era saw further intensification of the bivalirudin versus UFH/GPI debate. While UFH/GPI was still the favored combination for high-risk PCI such as patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), the routine use of clopidogrel in patients undergoing PCI resulted in ambiguity about the continued role of GPI for patients undergoing PCI,57 especially elective PCI.58 In the Harmonizing Outcomes With Revascularization and Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction Trial (HORIZONS-AMI) trial of patients presenting with STEMI, bivalirudin monotherapy appeared to increase the risk of acute stent thrombosis, but bleeding was lower with bivalirudin, as was mortality.59
Nationally, the use of bivalirudin as the antithrombotic agent of choice for patients undergoing elective PCI increased from approximately 25% in 2005 to 45% in 2009, with a commensurate decrease in the use of UFH/GPI. Similarly, for patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes undergoing PCI, the use of bivalirudin increased from approximately 15% to 25% during this time period; the use of UFH/GPI decreased from > 40% to approximately 28% over the same time frame. However, for patients undergoing primary PCI (PPCI) for STEMI, UFH/GPI remained the preferred strategy, with a minimal decline in use between 2005 and 2009.60 These data are somewhat dated, however, but more recent trends in utilization are unknown.
An important evolution over the past couple of years has been the re-emergence of UFH as the primary anticoagulant for PCI procedures. There are many reasons for this including cost, but two of the important ones are increasing transradial access (minimizing access site bleeding) and the advent of potent oral antiplatelet agents (accompanied by a drop in the use of GPI). More recent data are somewhat conflicting. How Effective are Antithrombotic Therapies in Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (HEAT-PPCI) found similar rates of bleeding and lower rates of ischemic complications in patients undergoing PPCI with UFH compared with bivalirudin (81% transradial access, 14% GPI use overall).61 Other trials such as European Ambulance Acute Coronary Syndrome Angiography (EUROMAX), Bivalirudin in Acute Myocardial Infarction vs Heparin and GPI Plus Heparin Trial (BRIGHT), and Minimizing Adverse hemorrhagic events 9by TRansradial access site and systemic Implementation of angioX (MATRIX) continue to demonstrate a greater benefit on bleeding outcomes with bivalirudin compared with UFH for patients undergoing PPCI, although acute stent thrombosis rates appear higher with bivalirudin.6264 Whether a prolonged infusion of bivalirudin can decrease this rate of stent thrombosis in PPCI is being analyzed.
Newer Antiplatelet Agents
Multiple studies have demonstrated that some patients will have decreased or minimal platelet inhibition after clopidogrel therapy.65 They are known as clopidogrel “poor responders,” or as has having “clopidogrel resistance.” Such patients are known to have a higher risk of adverse events post-PCI.66 For patients presenting with an ACS event, and undergoing PCI, two newer agents have shown greater efficacy.67,68 Prasugrel is a thienopyridine like clopidogrel, but achieves more reliable and consistent P2Y12 inhibition.69 Ticagrelor is a reversible allosteric inhibitor of the P2Y12 receptor, biochemically distinct from the thienopyridines, and also appears to have stronger antiplatelet efficacy compared with clopidogrel.70 The use of these newer agents does not appear to mitigate the higher risk of stent thrombosis with bivalirudin during PPCI, though longer bivalirudin infusions might.62 Cangrelor is a rapidly acting intravenous P2Y12 receptor antagonist that showed promising results in mitigating intraprocedural thrombotic events, without a significant increase in bleeding complications in clinical trials.7175 In A Clinical Trial Comparing Cangrelor to Clopidogrel Standard Therapy in Subjects Who Require Percutaneous Coronary Intervention [PCI]) (CHAMPION-PHOENIX), in patients not pretreated with clopidogrel upstream, cangrelor significantly decreased ischemic events, including stent thrombosis, without a significant increase in transfusions. In a subgroup analysis of the CHAMPION-PHOENIX trial, cangrelor appeared to be superior to clopidogrel in reducing the risk of MI with a trend toward reduced stent thrombosis in patients undergoing PCI with bivalirudin as the primary anticoagulant; as such, the combination may be particularly attractive, assuming that the cost is not prohibitive.76 Cangrelor will likely have a role in the intraprocedural management of patients undergoing PCI in the future, pending approval by the US and European regulatory agencies.
Duration of DAPT Following PCI
Recommendations regarding the optimal duration of DAPT following PCI have undergone significant changes over the years. As discussed earlier, DAPT was typically prescribed for 1 month following BMS PCI. The landmark SIRolImUS-eluting balloon-expandable stent in the treatment of patients with de novo native coronary artery lesion study (SIRIUS) (SES) and Treatment of de novo coronary disease using a single pAclitaXel elUting Stent-IV (TAXUS-IV) (PES) trials mandated 3 and 6 months of DAPT post-PCI, respectively, and so the guidelines reflected this once these stents were approved. Concerns regarding very late stent thrombosis with first-generation DES resulted in a change in FDA labeling to a minimum of 12 months following PCI.10,77 More recently, trials have sought to modify the optimal duration of DAPT with second-generation DES to as short as 3 months on one end, and to as long as 30 months on the other.7881 Shorter durations may be a possibility in low-risk patients (non-ACS) and patients receiving a second-generation DES.78 Longer durations appear to reduce cardiovascular events, but increase bleeding, and possibly all-cause mortality in non-ACS patients.81 The optimal duration following second-generation DES PCI remains unknown, and it is likely that a “one-size-fits-all” strategy may be abandoned in favor of a tailored approach in the future, based on an individual patient's ischemic and bleeding risk.
The past two to three decades have seen monumental advances in the field of periprocedural pharmacotherapy. Hand-in-hand with the procedural advances, PCI has moved from an era where having a cardiac surgeon on standby and readily available was necessary before every angioplasty to an era now where even complex multivessel interventions can be safely done without immediate availability of CABG. The next few years will likely continue to see similar advances on multiple fronts in the PCI realm.82 On the periprocedural pharmacotherapy side, newer and more potent agents are actively being investigated, even as our knowledge and understanding of platelet and vascular biology continue to evolve. Platelet function testing and genetic testing might produce a paradigm shift in antiplatelet therapy, though currently these remain research topics. The promise of “personalized medicine” could conceivably be realized with the application of these tools, although admittedly still in their infancy and in need of rigorous evaluation through randomized clinical trials. High-risk subsets, such as those with diabetes mellitus, may especially benefit.83 Thus, in light of its glorious past, the future of this field appears especially bright.10
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