Clinical Approach to Pediatric Neurology: For Postgraduate Students and Practicing Pediatricians Piyush Gupta, Jaya Shankar Kaushik
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t to table.
Abetalipoproteinemia 250, 251, 253, 254, 257
previous 272
recurrent 162
Abscess 62, 313, 393
epidural 306, 307
Acanthamoeba 103
Accessory nerve 6
Accommodation reflex 33
Aceruloplasminemia 236, 344
Acetazolamide 251, 366
Acetylcholine 123f
Acetylcholinesterase deficiency 207
mitochondrial 275
organic 275, 283
propionic 236
Acid-fast bacilli 104f
Acidosis 369
Acne 369
Activated protein C resistance 401
Acute arterial ischemic stroke
causes of 401b
etiology of 402t
Acute ataxia 244247, 247t, 248fc, 255
causes of 245b
diagnosis of 245t
Acute encephalitis syndrome 382
Acute flaccid myelitis 314
Acute flaccid paralysis 313, 322, 322t
causes of 313t, 314t
Acute inflammatory demyelinating
neuropathy 320
polyneuropathy 6, 313, 322
criteria for 321
Acute motor axonal neuropathy 313, 320
criteria for 321
Acute motor sensory axonal
neuropathy 313, 320
polyneuropathy 7
Acute seizure 364
management of 372
Acute stroke 411t
management of 405
Acute vascular stroke, medical management of 399
Adductor angle 281
Adenovirus 426, 428
Adrenoleukodystrophy 187189, 250, 257, 348
Adrenomyeloneuropathy 252
Aggressive behavior 421
Airway, stabilization of 149
Albumin, serum 257
Alexander disease 188, 189, 250, 348, 351
Alleles 112
for X chromosomes 112
Allopregnanolone 376
Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid receptors 377
Alpha-fetoprotein 252, 256, 354
serum 257
Alproate 363
Altered sensorium 148, 150, 245, 276
history of 150
stage of 19fc
American Academy of Neurology 223, 268
American Epilepsy Society Guidelines 373375
Amikacin 382
Aminoacidopathies 162
Amphotericin B 392
Ampicillin 382
Anemia 152, 170, 264
Anesthesia 315
Aneurysm, suprasellar 33
Angelman syndrome 116
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 426
Anisotropy 63
dorsiflexion 281
foot orthosis 417
Anterior spinal artery 14f
occlusion 307
syndrome 305
Anthropometric parameters 298
Anthropometry 205, 277, 289, 328, 336, 348
Antibiotic 386
therapy 382t
Antiepileptic drugs 80, 245, 363, 363t, 366t, 369t, 370, 371, 375, 377, 380
choice of 364, 367, 368t
first-line 364t
prescription, general principles of 368
prophylactic 396
second-line 365t
therapy, duration of 370
tips on use of 370
Antiganglioside antibody 321
Antihistaminics 245
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody 163
Antinuclear antibody 163
Antiphospholipid antibody 401
Antisense oligonucleotide 427
Antistreptolysin 239
Anti-thyroid peroxidase 311
Antitubercular therapy 384
Antitubercular treatment 293
Aphasia 348
expressive 20
nominal 21
postictal 136
receptive 20
types of 21fc
Apparent diffusion coefficient 378f, 405f
Aqueduct of Sylvius 101
Arachnoid cyst 160, 267f
Areflexia 186, 244, 245, 253, 320
Argyll-Robertson pupil 34
Arnold-Chiari malformation 360
Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency 345
Arterial dissection 402
Arterial ischemic stroke, vasculopathy-related 413
Arthralgia 151, 389
Arylsulfatase enzyme, deficiency of 182
Ashworth grading of tone, modified 281
Asperger syndrome 216
Aspergillosis 392
history of 276
perinatal 172f, 276, 283
Aspirin 412
Astrocytes 5, 103
Astrocytoma 250
Asynergia 245
Ataxia 195, 236, 243245, 251, 252, 254, 256, 265, 295, 320, 342, 344, 347
causes of 249
chronic progressive 349
diagnosis of 243
drug-induced 246
etiology of 251
hereditary 250
history of 347
labyrinthine 244
nonprogressive 250, 255
progressive 250, 250b, 255
recurrent 245b
telangiectasia 176f, 236, 250252, 254, 265, 347
unilateral 244
vestibular 243, 243t
Athetosis 25, 231, 282, 287
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 169, 216, 223, 224b, 236
Auditory nerve 87f
Autism 216, 217
comprehensive evaluation of 221
diagnosis of 221
diagnostic observation schedule 217
infantile 216
spectrum disorder 216, 217, 217fc, 218b, 218t, 220, 223, 414, 423t
diagnosis of 169, 216
medical treatment of 422
Autonomic nervous system 3, 38, 39, 287
Autosomal dominant inheritance 250
Autosomal recessive inheritance 250
Axonal neuropathy 320
Axonal polyneuropathy 6, 186, 320, 320t
Axons 4
Back pain 101
Baclofen 418
intrathecal 417
Bacterial meningitis 103, 382t
diagnosis of 105
Ballismus 25, 231, 282
Barbiturates 397
Barrington's nucleus 124, 125
Basal ganglia 16, 48
anatomy of 16f
involvement 241
motor circuit 17f
Basic motor nerve conduction 92f
Basilar migraine 245, 246, 264
Becker disease 204
Becker muscular dystrophy 204, 211, 332, 340
Behavior 275, 343
changes 369
disruptive 421
Behçet disease 284
Bell's palsy 5
Benedict syndrome 15
Benzodiazepines 363, 364, 366, 370, 374
Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis 245, 246, 248, 321, 322
Bile alcohol 257
Binet-Kamat intelligence scale 421
Biopsy sample, processing of 107
Biotin 251
Biotinidase deficiency 251
Bladder 342
emptying 124
voiding reflex 125f
function, normal 124
involvement 308, 318
history of 287
neurogenic 126f
retention 315
spastic 306
sphincter dyssynergia 127
Blastomyces dermatitidis 391
Blastomycosis 284
diathesis 288
history of 44
intracranial 152, 289
per vaginam 272
cortical 302
supports, psychogenic 90
brain barrier 101, 102, 393
gas analysis 162
pressure 158, 277, 394f
normal 411
samples 115
Body mass index 336
Body righting reflex 416
Bony deformities 278
Borrelia burgdorferi 388
Borreliosis 284, 307, 313, 386
Botulism 313, 314, 317
Bowel habits 275
Bowel incontinence 306
Bradycardia 149, 395
Brain 22, 38
abscess 101, 151, 285, 288, 385
development of 385
treatment of 386t
blood supply of 27
computed tomography of 54, 160, 395f, 409f
death 20
disorders, degenerative 184, 185t
floats 101
fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images of 410f
hypoxic-ischemic 41, 105, 378, 378f, 404
traumatic 393
magnetic resonance imaging of 59, 60f, 161, 249f, 266, 403f
malignancy, primary 284
normal myelination of 64
sequences 190f
tumor 245, 250, 254
venous drainage of 28, 29f
Brain-injured child syndrome 223
Brainstem 12, 27, 52, 187, 237
blood supply of 14f
encephalitis 245, 313
evoked auditory
potentials 86, 87f, 88
response audiometry 247
reflex 290
syndromes 15t, 27
tumor 286
Breath-holding spells 140
Breathing 149
apneustic 157
ataxic 157
bluster 157
Brivaracetam 363, 366
Brown-Sequard syndrome 11
Brucellosis 284
Buccal midazolam 374
Bulbar dysarthria 22
Bulbar muscle involvement 334
Burst suppression 78, 139
Café-au-lait macules 177, 298, 359
multiple 175f
Calcium channels 366
Calf heads on trophy sign 338, 338f
Calpainopathy 211, 214, 332
Canavan disease 188, 189, 250, 348, 351
Candida 103, 392
Capillary refill time 277
Carbamazepine 363370
dioxide, partial pressure of 411
monoxide 151
Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 356
Carnitine deficiency 204
Carotid artery, internal 402
Carries auditory fibers 26
Carries visual fibers 26
Cataract 176, 254
Catastrophic epilepsy 133
syndrome 137
Cat-scratch disease 387
Cauda equina 8, 8f
syndrome 11
Caveolin 108
Cefotaxime 382, 386
Ceftriaxone 382, 386
Cell bodies 3, 5, 38
collection of 6
Cell membranes 115
Central nervous system 3, 7, 49, 163, 186, 235, 288, 296, 358, 377, 381, 388f, 389t, 392t, 401
components of 7f
examination 279, 337
lymphoma 391
pathology 415
sparing of 52
vasculitis 292, 402
aplasia 250
anterior inferior 14f
posterior inferior 14f
astrocytoma 250
ataxia 185, 243, 243t, 255
acute 245
causes of early-onset 252b
postinfectious 248
progressive 350
atrophy 241
dysarthria 348
dysfunction 254
clinical features of 244
hemangioblastoma 250
hemispheres 14
hemorrhage 245
signs 45, 185, 282
syndrome 255, 344
system 287, 292
vermis 244
Cerebellitis 248
acute 249f
postinfectious 245
Cerebellum 14
action tremors of 347
anatomy of 15f
Cerebral arteriopathy, focal 402
Cerebral artery 164f
anterior 26, 27, 29, 402
posterior 14f, 27
Cerebral blood flow 394f
Cerebral cortex 23f
blood supply of 29f
language in 20f
Cerebral creatinine deficiency 421
Cerebral dysgenesis 182
Cerebral edema 393, 395f
types of 393, 393t
Cerebral hemisphere 403f
Cerebral herniation 393
risk of 101
Cerebral malaria 152, 289
Cerebral palsy 175, 183, 271, 272, 272t, 274, 323, 414, 414t, 415f, 418t, 420t
dyskinetic 272, 279b, 280b
early signs of 274
management of 414
diplegic 272
quadriplegic 272
Cerebral perfusion pressure 393
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis 313, 393, 412
Cerebrospinal fluid 30, 54, 57, 101103, 104f, 105t, 237, 241, 248, 284, 293, 311, 320, 358, 381f, 382, 388, 391
bacteriology 103
biochemistry 102
cytology 102
examination 320
flow of 30f
glucose 103
Gram stain of 103f
immunoglobulin 104
volume 393
Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis 187, 196, 251, 252, 254, 256
Cerebrovascular diseases 377
Cerebrum 17
white matter tracts of 23
lymphadenopathy 288
vascular disorder 259
Chandipura virus 390
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 202
Chenodeoxycholic acid 251
Cherry red spot 176
Chest infection, recurrent 204
breathing 157
respiration 394
Chiari malformation 250
Chikungunya virus 389
Childhood autism rating scale 217, 221
Chloride channelopathy 204
Cholesterol, serum 257
Choline acetyltransferase 207
Chorea 231, 236t, 254, 282, 287
benign hereditary 236
Choreoathetoid movement 236, 275
Choreoathetosis 184, 203, 222, 231, 344
Chorioamnionitis 272
Chorionic villus sampling 121
Chorioretinitis 176
Choroid epithelial cells 102
Choroid plexus 101
papilloma 393
Chromosomal disorders 112, 170, 218, 323
Chromosomal microarray 114, 118, 119fc, 120
Chromosome 116f
Chronic ataxia 250, 250b, 251t, 254, 254t, 255, 256f
clinical features of 251f
laboratory investigations for 256
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating
neuropathy 201
polyneuropathy 432
Chronic meningitis 284
causes of 284t
Cingulate gyrus 37, 135
Cingulated cortex 38fc
Circadian rhythm 38
Circle of Willis 27, 28f
Clinically isolated syndrome 249
Clobazam 363
Clonazepam 363
Clonic movement, unilateral 136
Clonidine 421
Cloxacillin 386
Coccidioides immitis 391
Cochlear nucleus 87f
Cockayne syndrome 65, 176
Coenzyme Q 251
deficiency 251
Cognitive impairment 254, 335, 369
Colchicine 115
Cold 346
stimulus headache 259
Coma 19, 148
management of 149t
Common stroke mimics, clinical features of 400t
Communication problem 414
Comparative genomic hybridization 178
Compression, post-traumatic 307
Compressive myelopathy 307
causes of 307t
Congenita myotonia 433
Congestion, conjunctival 388
Conner's rating scale 221
Consciousness 18, 286b, 290t, 298, 378
state of 159
Constipation 306
management of 360
Continuous electroencephalography monitoring, indications of 376b
Contractures 326, 414
management of 417
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography 144, 293
Conus medullaris 7, 8f
Conversion reaction 245, 246
Copper histidine 421
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 172
Cortical involvement 25, 48, 297
Cortical malformation 323
Cortical myoclonus 237
Cortical ribbon sign 72f
Corticobulbar tract 4, 4f, 14, 25
Corticospinal tract 4, 4f, 14, 26, 48
Corticosteroids 429
Costello syndrome 356
Cough 346
headache 259
Cranial nerve 3, 6b, 13, 15, 156, 252, 279, 286, 290, 290b, 300, 306, 337
deficits 176
examination 299
fiber 13t
types of 13t
functions 44
history of 150
involvement 296, 318
pairs of 3
palsy 235, 245
assessment of 349
ipsilateral 48
Cranial neuropathy 320, 388
Cranial vascular disorder 259
Craniosynostosis 171f
Cranium, disorder of 259
Creatine phosphokinase 330, 345
Cri du chat syndrome 172, 177
Cryptococcosis 392
Cushing triad 395
Cyanosis, central 152
Cyclophosphamide 431
Cyst, subcortical 187, 188
Cysticercosis 284
Cytochrome oxidase 108
Cytomegalovirus 55, 104, 284, 313, 382, 383
encephalitis 383
infection, congenital 355
Dandy-Walker malformation 250
Decerebration 149
Deep tendon reflex 22, 158, 199, 243, 255, 291, 308, 318, 320, 339
Deep venous thrombosis, prevention of 411
Deficit hyperactivity disorder 221
Deflazacort 429
Dehydration 302
Demyelination 295
Dengue 151, 289
encephalopathy 389
virus 389
Dentato-rubro-pallido-luysial atrophy 237, 253
Depigmented nevi 177
Depressed nasal bridge 172f
Depressive disorder 227
Dermatomyositis 204
juvenile 431
contraction 124
hyporeflexia 125
muscle 123
relaxation 124
Diabetes mellitus 254
gestational 170
Dialeptic seizures 136, 275
Diamond sign 338
Diarrhea 302
Diazepam 374, 418
intravenous 374
Diencephalic lesion 394
Diencephalon 15
Differential leukocyte count 105
Diffusion tensor imaging 63
Diffusion-weighted imaging 378f, 405f, 409f
Digital subtraction angiography 164, 405
Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid 423
Dimercaptosuccinic acid 423
Diphtheria 387
Diplegic gait 275b
Diplopia 203, 316
Distal foot weakness 334
Distal internal carotid artery 70f
Distal lower limb weakness 202, 325
Distal symmetrical polyneuropathy 387
Distant vision 347
Diurnal fluctuation 335
Dog bite mark 318
Doll's eye
reflex 155
response 153
Doose syndrome 82, 139
Dopa-responsive dystonia 195, 237, 253, 344
Dorsal column sensation 305
Dorsal root ganglion 94
Down syndrome 112, 115, 115f, 171, 173f, 177
Dravet syndrome 78, 139, 366
abuse 226
ingestion 245
rash 369
screening 247
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 19f, 109, 112, 202, 205, 211, 332, 339f, 425, 429t
treatment of 426t, 430
Dysarthria 243, 245, 347
ataxic 22
spastic 22, 348
types of 22, 22t
Dysautonomia 320
Dyscalculia 227
Dysdiadochokinesia 14, 245, 349
Dyselectrolytemia 151
Dysferlin 108
Dysferlinopathy 212, 214, 332
Dysgraphia 227
Dyskinesia 48, 176, 230
paroxysmal 141, 345
exercise-induced 234
kinesigenic 234
nonkinesigenic 234
Dyslexia 227
Dysmetria 14, 245
ocular 37
Dysmyelination 187
Dysphonia 253
Dystonia 25, 48, 141, 176, 184, 185, 203, 231, 237, 254, 281t, 282, 287, 344346, 348, 349
history of 344
management of 418
myoclonus syndrome 237
paroxysmal 233
Dystrophin 108, 425, 426
Dystrophinopathy 108, 333, 334, 336, 338
facioscapulohumeral 104, 332, 333, 337f
infantile neuroaxonal 323
Ear 186
lobule 86
Eczema 177
cytotoxic 61, 393
interstitial 393
pulmonary 397
vasogenic 393
Electroclinical syndrome 137
Electroconvulsive therapy 376
Electroencephalogram 145, 247
Electroencephalography 75, 82, 161, 241, 320, 370, 373
abuses of 80t
interpretation 76
principle of 75
Electromyography 97, 213, 248, 321, 331, 431
role of 331
Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy 202, 204, 206, 332, 333
Empty delta sign 166
Encephalitis 382, 393, 400
disseminated 235
viral 382, 383t
autoimmune 151
enteroviral 286
Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated 51, 73f, 149, 165f, 249, 313, 400, 404, 410f
Encephalopathy 148, 168fc, 301, 382
febrile 162t
toxic 151
causes of 148, 148t
epileptic 76, 78t, 137, 139t
hepatic 288, 289, 393
hypoxic-ischemic 393
mitochondrial 302, 401
myoclonic 245, 254
progressive 182, 349
sign of 274
syndrome, posterior reversible 152
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy 353, 384
deficiency disorders 182
failure, disorder of 183
Enterovirus 162, 307, 382
Enzyme replacement therapy 421
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 104f, 388, 391
Ependymal cells 5
Ependymoma 250
Epigastric sensation 144
Epilepsy 76, 131, 133t, 136, 143, 170, 254, 414
benign 133
childhood absence 138
diagnosis of 79, 137
etiology of 137
focal 86, 135b, 136, 366
frontal lobe 135
absence 77, 84f, 138, 367, 368
myoclonic 76, 77, 138, 367, 368
long-term management of 367
mesial temporal lobe 135
migrating partial 139
misdiagnosis of 140
neocortical temporal lobe 135
occipital lobe 76
pediatric 80t
progressive myoclonic 183, 185, 192t, 237, 237t, 349, 350
rolandic 85f, 367
structural 137
syndrome 132, 144
types of 136, 143, 144
Epileptic spasm 137, 363
Epileptic syndromes 77t, 138t
Epileptiform discharges 84f, 192f
abnormal 76
Episodic ataxia 249, 250t, 255
type 1 234, 245, 246, 250, 251
type 2 234, 245, 250, 251
Episodic syndromes 259
Epithelial cells 101
Epstein-Barr virus 248, 264, 311, 382
Erythema 356
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 163
Escherichia coli 103, 381
Eslicarbazepine 363, 366
Esotropia 35
Ethosuximide 363, 364, 366
Ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid 322
Exotropia 35
Extensor plantars 349
Extensor spasm 137
Extraneural signs 176
Extraocular muscle
innervation 33
involvement 334, 349
weakness 203
Extrapyramidal dysarthria 22, 275, 348
Extrapyramidal syndrome 349, 350
Extrapyramidal tracts 25
Eye 186
contact 219
disorder of 259
movement 36f, 37
abnormal 36
assessment of 153
extraocular 155f
horizontal 35
interpretation of 155
monocular 33
pursuit 35
saccadic 35
supranuclear control of 35, 35t
types of abnormal 37t
vertical 35
Eyelids 153
Ezogabine 363, 366
angiofibroma 174f
dysmorphism 172f
Factor V Leiden deficiency 401
Failure to thrive 414
Fasciculations 99, 327
gracilis 9
medial longitudinal 155, 156f
distribution, abnormal 254
pads, subcutaneous 175f
Fatty acid oxidation
defect 204
disorder 196, 197
Fear memory 38
Feeding 275
difficulties, management of 419
Felbamate 366
alcohol syndrome 172
growth, monitoring of 272
Fever 149, 235, 284, 346, 389
high-grade 388
maternal 354
viral hemorrhagic 289
Fiber neuropathy 94
Fidgety appearance 233
Field of vision, difficulty in 297
Filum terminale 8, 8f
Fine motor skills 278
Flaccid bladder 306
Flexor spasm 137
Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery 410f
Fluorescent in situ hybridization 115, 120, 178
Fluoxetine 421
Focal epilepsy, drug-resistant 363
Focal neurological deficit 410f
Foot, pes cavus deformity of 199
Foramen of Magendie 101
Fosphenytoin 375
Foville syndrome 299
Fragile X syndrome 114, 170172, 173f, 177
Friedreich ataxia 195, 206, 250252, 254, 255, 347
differential diagnosis of 252b
Fructose intolerance, hereditary 196
Fungal infection 391, 392
F-wave response, basis of 95f
Gabapentin 363, 366, 432
Gadolinium 59
Gait 254, 275, 300, 307, 338
hemiplegic 275b
stamping 206
Galactosemia 182
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 107, 363, 366
pathway 366
Gangliosidosis 236, 257, 348
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 204, 218, 323, 336, 348, 419
Gate crashers 400
Gaucher disease 191, 346, 349
addition therapy 428
therapy, vector-mediated 428
Genetic disease 236, 237
Gilliam autism rating scale 221
Glasgow coma
scale 152, 153t
scores 290
Glaucoma 176, 226, 347
Glial fibrillary acidic protein 103
Glioma 82
Gliosis 407f
Global hypoxic injury 55f
Globus pallidus externa 17f
Glossopharyngeal nerve 6
Glutamate blockers 366
Glutaric aciduria 197, 236
Gluten-sensitive enteropathy 247
Glycogen 108
storage disorder 210
Glycosylation, congenital disorders of 173, 175f, 183, 254
Gnathostoma 102
Gomori trichrome stain 213
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 38
Gottron papule 431
Gower sign 202, 338, 339f
Gratification 141
Gross motor
functional classification system 282, 283, 331, 335
skills 278
Guanosine triphosphate 237
Guillain-Barré syndrome 5, 6, 103, 106, 204, 244, 245, 248, 264, 307, 313, 314, 319, 319t, 322, 389, 431, 432
H1N1 389
encephalitis 383
Haemophilus influenzae type B
Hair 186
abnormality 177
loss, transient 369
Hallervorden-Spatz disease 195
Halofuginone 430
Hartnup disease 245, 247, 250252, 254, 257
Hashimoto disease 249
Hashimoto encephalitis 376
and scalp hematoma 289
trauma 289
Headache 43, 150, 245, 258, 265t, 266b
acute 261fc, 267f
bluster 259
childhood 260b
daily 258
tension-type 268
diagnosis of 258
diary 260, 262f
evaluation 265t
exercise 259
external pressure 259
hypnic 259
new daily persistent 264
nummular 259
primary 258260, 264
recurrent 261
secondary 258, 259, 264
severe 388
tension-type 258, 259, 263
thunderclap 259, 266
types of 258, 259
Hearing 275, 343
impairment 414
loss 177
disease 226
congenital 151
failure, acute 397
rate 277
Heliotrope rash 421
Hemangioblastoma 250
Hematoma 245, 313, 393
Hematuria 44
Hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia epilepsy syndrome 404
continua 259
paroxysmal 259
Hemiparesis 176, 235, 287
contralateral 48
sudden onset of 301
Hemiplegia 166, 295
acute 295
causes of 295b
Hemiplegic cerebral palsy, early sign of 274
Hemispheric structural pathology 167f
Hemoglobin 102
Hemorrhage 62, 103
chronic subdural 288
intraventricular 358, 399
spontaneous intraparenchymal 399
subacute 59
subarachnoid 267, 399
subdural 151
Hemorrhagic stroke 106, 298, 399401
causes of 401b
Hepatic diseases 226
Hepatomegaly 205
Hepatosplenomegaly 346
encephalitis 162
simplex 307
infection 55
virus 104, 311, 382, 389
Hexosaminidase, fibroblast activity of 257
Higher mental function 275, 279, 290, 290b, 298, 318, 337
history of 306
orthosis 417
sign 339
girdle weakness 334
subluxation 278
Hippocampal atrophy 145f
Histoplasma capsulatum 391
Histoplasmosis 284, 392
Hodgkin's disease 251
Hodgkin's lymphoma 102
Holmes-Adie pupil 34
Homeostasis, disorder of 259
Homovanillic acid 106, 345
urinary excretion of 247
Horn cell
anterior 5, 313, 323, 327
pathology 200
Horner syndrome 34, 157, 299
Human cell 112
Human cerebral cortex 24f
Human genome 116
Human herpes virus 382
Human immunodeficiency virus 182, 284, 377
encephalopathy 288, 391
Huntington chorea 114, 195
Huntington disease 194, 344
childhood onset 236
Hydranencephaly 351
Hydrocephalus 351, 352, 356, 359, 360, 384, 393
acquired 351
causes of 352
clinical signs of 355
congenital 351, 352f
nonsyndromic 358
postmeningitis-acquired 354
Hydromyelia 356
Hydroxyindoleacetic acid 106, 345
Hydroxytryptophan 106
Hyperactive child syndrome 223
Hyperactive stretch reflexes 415
Hyperacusis 177
Hyperammonemia 369
Hypercarbia 394
Hyperdense 54
Hyperekplexia 141, 230
Hyperglycinemia, nonketotic 236
Hyperkinetic impulse disorder 223
Hypernatremia 160
Hyperreflexia 71, 349, 415
Hypertension 149, 394, 395
Hypertonia 71, 414
Hypertonic saline 396, 397
Hypertropia 35
Hyperventilation 76, 160, 396
Hypocalcemia 131
Hypodense 54
Hypoglycemia 131, 149
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis 313, 317, 322
Hypomyelination 65
Hyponatremia 160, 369
Hyporeflexia 186, 191f, 245
Hypotension 394
intracranial 102
postural 315
Hypothalamus 38
controls sleep 39
Hypothyroidism, congenital 173f, 421
Hypotonia 186, 191f, 199, 200, 215, 243, 245, 323, 326, 369
central 199
peripheral 199, 199t, 205
Hypotropia 35
Hypoxia 394
Hypoxic damage 46
Hypsarrhythmia, classical 83f
Ichthyosis 254
Idebenone 251, 430
Immunoglobulin, intravenous 322, 391, 431, 431f, 432
In vitro fertilization 272
Incontinentia pigmenti 174
bacterial 388t
opportunistic 391
viral 389, 389t, 390
encephalopathy 389
virus 389
Infusion syndrome, propofol-related 376
Intellectual disability 169, 169b, 170, 172f, 174t, 175, 176f, 177t, 178, 179t, 216, 335, 414, 420t, 421t
causes of 172t, 421
etiology of 170, 170t
management of 420
ocular signs in 176t
severity of 170b
International Classification of Headache Disorders 258, 259t, 268
International League Against Epilepsy 131, 368t, 372
Intoxication disorder 182, 183
Intracranial disorder, nonvascular 259
Intracranial hypertension, idiopathic 264
Intracranial pressure 101, 168, 245, 248, 259, 286, 293, 393
management of raised 393
monitoring 395
normal 411
Intracranial space-occupying lesion 245, 392, 393
Iron deficiency anemia 298
Isovaleric academia 183, 196
Japanese encephalitis 162, 313
virus 313, 382, 390, 391
Jaundice 152
history of 44, 151
neonatal 46
Jerky eye movements 203
Joint pain 235
Jonathan mink approach to movement disorder 229
Joubert syndrome 250
Kawasaki disease 245
Kayser-Fleischer ring 194, 195f, 236, 240
Kearns-Sayre syndrome 176, 206, 254, 348
Kernicterus 46
Ketogenic diet 251, 376
Klinefelter syndrome 115
Kluver-Bucy syndrome 37
Knee-ankle-foot orthosis 417
Krabbe disease 188, 189, 250, 343
Labial sounds 21
Labyrinthine righting reflex 416
Labyrinthitis 245, 246
Lacosamide 363, 366, 370
Lactate and glucose-lactate tolerance 257
Lactic acid 248
Lactic acidosis 302, 401
Lafora body 111
disease 191, 192, 237, 241, 346
L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency 346
Lamotrigine 363, 365, 366, 368, 369
Landau righting reflex 416
Landau-Kleffner syndrome 80, 82, 139, 222, 222t, 223
Language 20
deterioration 369
Laryngeal dystonia 230
Latency 91
Latent tuberculosis, chest X-ray for 311
encephalopathy 288
neuropathy 307
poisoning 322
Learning disabilities 227
Leber's optic neuropathy 250
Leigh disease 188, 401
Leigh syndrome 236
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome 78, 82, 83f, 139, 363, 366368
Leprosy 387
Leptomeninges 7
Leptospira 388
Leptospirosis 162, 284, 289, 388
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 187, 236
localization of 244
types of 309
Leukemia 251, 284, 307
Leukodystrophy 187, 187t, 188, 236, 250
encountered 189t
hypomyelinating 188
megalencephalic 187
metachromatic 187, 188, 189, 193f, 236, 250, 252
Leukoencephalopathy 187
megalencephalic 188
mitochondrial 400
progressive multifocal 187, 391
posterior reversible 166f, 400, 404, 410f
reversible posterior 295
Levetiracetam 363367, 369, 375
Lhermitte sign 309
Lidocaine 101
Light reflex 33
ataxia 243, 244
dystonia, unilateral 136
muscular dystrophy 202, 204, 211, 332
myasthenia 211
Limbic system 37
anatomy of 37f
Linezolid 382
Lipid storage
abnormality 108
defect 204
Lipoprotein 257, 401
Lisinopril 426
Listeriosis 284
Liver function test 345
Lorazepam 364, 374
intranasal 374
intravenous 374
Low phenylalanine diet 421
Low-amplitude chorea 233
Low-density lipoprotein 257
Lower limb 280
weakness 202
Lower motor neuron 4, 4f, 186, 305, 324
lesion 26t
weakness 243
Low-molecular weight heparin 407, 410, 412, 413
Lumbar lordosis, exaggerated 206
Lumbar puncture 101, 247, 267
Lumbosacral spinal level 126
Lupus anticoagulant 401
Lyme disease 162, 387, 388
Lymphoma 251, 307
Lysosomal storage
disease 250
disorder 183, 346
Machado-Joseph disease 250
Macrocephaly 351
Macular pathology 347
Magnesium 423
Magnetic resonance venography 64
Malaise 389
Malar flush 177
Malaria, complicated 289
Malignancy, epidural 307
Malin intelligence scale 421
Mantoux test 311
Manual ability classification system 282, 283
Maple syrup urine disease 182, 183, 197, 245, 247, 250, 257
Marcus-Gunn pupil 34
Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome 254
McArdle disease 208, 214, 313, 335
McEwan sign 282
Measles 151, 285, 288390
encephalitis, acute 162
Meckel-Gruber syndrome 356
Median nerve, stimulation of 91f
Medulloblastoma 250
Megalencephaly 351
broad classification of 352fc
causes of 356
Meningeal irritation 150
Meningeal signs 45, 288, 292, 301
Meninges 31
Meningitis 46, 105t, 131, 381, 393
acute bacterial 381f
diagnosis of 105
neonatal 46
tuberculous 286
viral 103
Meningococcemia 151, 289
Meningoencephalitis 370
chronic 292
tubercular 292
Meningomyelocele 358
closure of 359
Menkes disease 421
Menstrual disturbances 369
Mental disorder, manual of 216, 224b
Meropenem 382
Metabolic disorders 163, 218, 250
Metabolism, inborn errors of 106, 180, 275
Metformin 426
Methylmalonic academia 183, 197, 236
Methylphenidate 421
Methylprednisolone 322
Methyl-tetra-hydro-folate reductase 401
Metronidazole 386
Mexiletine 433
Microdystrophin 426
Microglial cells 5
Micturition, neural control of 123f
Midazolam 364, 374, 375
intramuscular 374
intranasal 374
Midbrain, blood supply of 13
Middle cerebral artery 21, 29, 64, 402
Migraine 245, 259, 261, 263, 263b, 295
chronic 259
complications of 259
hemiplegic 264, 400
ophthalmoplegic 264
types of 261
Millard-Gubler syndrome 299
Miller-Dieker syndrome 116, 179
syndrome 244246, 248, 255, 313, 321
variant 318, 322
Mini-mental status examination 337
Mitochondria 109f, 213
Mitochondrial disorder 160, 165f, 187, 188, 194, 204, 234, 236, 250, 254, 257, 298, 348
Miyoshi myopathy 338
Molecular genetic testing 257
Mongolian spot, excessive 177
Monogenic disorders 218
Mononeuritis multiplex 6, 387
Mononeuropathy 6
Moro reflex 278, 279
Motor axonal neuropathy 97f
electrophysiological criteria for 321b
Motor cortex 22
Motor deficits, history of 274
Motor function 44
gene 112
Motor homunculus 23f
Motor impairment 414
Motor involvement, history of 150
Motor movement, stereotyped 220
Motor nerve conduction study 91, 93f
Motor neuron disease 4, 199
Motor sensory neuropathy
early-onset hereditary 323
hereditary 200
Motor system 342
assessment of 349
examination 280, 291, 300, 328, 337
history of 326
involvement 287
Motor unit
components of 6f
potentials 98
recruitment 99
Movement 230, 239
abnormal 43, 292, 301, 342
awareness of 233
disorder 163, 229, 231233, 233t, 236, 236t, 237t, 238b, 242, 282, 282b, 342
diagnosis of 229
hyperkinetic 242
hypokinetic 242
paroxysmal 234t
types of 16, 242
Moyamoya disease 164, 402
Mucolipidosis 356
Mucopolysaccharidosis 348, 356, 421
Mucormycosis 392
Multiple sclerosis 87, 182, 187, 245, 246, 307
Multiplex ligation probe
amplification 113, 120
analysis 179
Mumps 284, 390
infection 354
Muscle 313, 323, 327
biopsy 107, 108t, 211, 213
current relevance of 110
procedure of 107
role of 210
site of 107
bulk of 308, 337
diseases 199
enlargement of group of 335
fibers 108t
involvement 415
pain 204, 335
power 308
history of 287
specific kinase 430
spontaneous activity of 99
tone 308
abnormal 414
wasting of 206, 335
weakness 200, 203, 206, 245, 414
Muscular dystrophy 201t, 332, 332t, 338
congenital 110, 187, 201, 207, 209, 323, 327, 335
nonsyndromic congenital 330
Musculoskeletal examination 282
Myalgia 388
Myasthenia 5, 313, 319
congenital 200, 208
gravis 200, 206, 316
juvenile 430, 431, 431f
Myasthenic crises 314, 316, 322
Myasthenic syndrome, congenital 201, 207, 209, 323, 330
Myasthenic syndromes 199
Mycobacterium 103
leprae 388
tuberculosis 104
Mycophenolate mofetil 431, 431f
Mycoplasma 248, 307, 311, 400
infection 386, 388
pneumoniae infection 388
abnormal 187
basic protein 103
Myelinated brain 60
acute transverse 313315, 319, 386, 389
transverse 305, 307, 311, 322
Myelopathy, infective 307
Myoclonic epilepsy
benign 138
early 78, 139
with ragged red fiber 237, 241, 346, 349
Myoclonus 231, 237, 254, 275, 282, 287, 346
classification of 237b
history of 346
ocular 37
peripheral 237
rhythmic 233
Myokymia 213, 326
Myopathy 200, 326, 347
centronuclear 207
congenital 110, 201, 206, 209, 323, 326, 327, 329, 330
critical illness 313
inflammatory 326
metabolic 208, 210, 323, 326
mitochondrial 109, 208, 210, 213, 326, 327, 330
treatment of 424
Myositis 387
viral 5, 313, 314
Myostatin pathway inhibitor 430
Myotilin 108
Myotonia 99, 204, 208, 326, 433
Myotonic disorders 433
Myotonic dystrophy 110, 110f
congenital 109, 207209, 323, 327, 330
Nausea 245
Near vision 347
disorder of 259
extensor weakness 325, 334
flexor weakness 325, 334
righting reflex 416
stiffness, history of 150
Neisseria meningitidis 381
Neonatal encephalopathy 273
history of 276
Neonatal seizure 46, 273
benign 77, 138
familial 77, 138
history of 276
Neoplasms 62
Nephrotic syndrome 410f
Nerve 6, 327
biopsy 110
cells 5
conduction study 90, 97b, 100, 213, 319
parameters of 93f
fiber 4
palsy 71
peripheral 199, 313
Nervous system
general organization of 3
organization of 3f
treatment of infections of 381
Neural pathway 31
Neural tube defect
clinical signs of 356
postnatal management of 359
Neuritis, traumatic 313, 314
Neuroacanthocytosis 345, 346
Neuroacanthosis 236
Neuroblastoma syndrome 245
Neurocutaneous syndromes 174t
Neurocysticercosis 41, 82, 137, 168, 307, 370, 384, 385, 385fc, 393
radiological appearance of 385t
Neurodegenerative diseases 186t, 349t
Neurodegenerative disorder 182184, 185t, 342
classification of 184t
Neurofibromatosis 174, 356, 359
Neuroglial cells 5
Neurometabolic disorders 182, 196f, 197f, 236t, 283, 323
classification of 183t
Neuromuscular care 207b
Neuromuscular disease 7, 212
Neuromuscular disorders 200b, 204t
Neuromuscular junction 5, 313, 323
Neuromuscular transmission disorder 199, 200
Neuromyelitis optica 187, 246, 307, 308, 313
Neuron 3
structure of 4f
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 90, 184, 187, 189, 191, 192, 241, 346
Neuronopathy 199, 326
Neurons specific enolase 103, 105
Neuropathy 199, 200, 326
acute ataxic 321
congenital hypomyelinating 199, 323
demyelinating 320
treatment of 424
Neurotransmitter disorder 345
Nicotinamide 251
adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase 108
staining, normal 109f
Niemann-Pick disease 236, 250, 252
Nipah virus 162, 390
Nitrazepam 363
Nitric oxide 426
Nitrofurantoin 264
N-methyl-D-aspartate 168, 366, 376, 377
receptor 148
Nocardiosis 284
Nodes of Ranvier 5
Noncompressive myelopathy 307
causes of 307t
Noncontrast computed tomography 266
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 284
Nonorganic blindness supports 90
Nonpolio enterovirus 313, 389
Nonprogressive disorder 414
Noonan syndrome 356
Noradrenaline 123f
Normoglycemia 411
Normothermia 411
Nucleic acid amplification test 383
Nucleotide polymorphism 116
Nucleus 3
Nystagmus 176, 191f, 243, 245, 349
downbeat 253
Occupational therapy 420
Oculogyric crises 141
Oculomotor apraxia 236, 252, 254, 265, 347
Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy 334
Ohtahara syndrome 78, 82, 82f, 139
Oligodendrocyte 5, 103
Oligohidrosis 369
Oliguria 44
Olivopontocerebellar degeneration 250
Omega-3 fatty acid 423
One and half syndrome 36
Onuf's nucleus 124
Ophthalmoplegia 35, 202, 206, 207, 244, 245, 253, 320
internuclear 36
Opsoclonus 37, 245
myoclonus ataxia syndrome 245, 247249
atrophy 33
chiasma 13, 32, 33
nerve 13, 32, 299
lesion 32
neuritis 299, 306, 347
tract 32
lesion 33
Organelle disorder 182, 183
Organophosphorous poisoning 313
Oromandibular dyskinesia 345, 348
Oromotor dyskinesia 275, 348
Ortho methyl dopa 106
ailments, management of 360
deformity 207
Osmotic demyelination syndrome 397
Osteoporosis 369
Otitis media, chronic suppurative 151, 288
Oxcarbazepine 363, 365369
Oxygen saturation 411
normal 411
Pachymeninges 7
neuropathic 12
nociceptive 12
radicular 12
Palatal tremor 253
Pallor 298
Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration 237, 345, 349
Papilledema 149, 254
Papillitis 299
Paracrystalline 213
Paradoxical reaction 384
Paralysis, periodic 204
Paramedian pontine reticular formation 155
Paramyotonia congenita 433
Paraplegia 304
spastic 358
traumatic 305
Parapontine reticular formation 35
Parasomnias 141
Parasympathetic system 123, 124
Parenchyma 54
Paresthesia 315, 316
Parkinson disease, juvenile 344
Paroxysmal disorders 131
Patent foramen ovale 412
Pediatric stroke 412t
diagnosis of 402
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease 65, 188, 189, 236, 250
Pelvic nerve 125
Pelvic-girdle weakness 212
Pendular knee jerk 245, 349
Penicillin 381
Pentose phosphate pathway 183
Perampanel 363, 366
Perinatal torch sequelae 283
Periodic acid-Schiff 108, 237
Periodic interictal epileptiform discharges 85f
Peripheral auditory nerve damage 88
Peripheral nerve root lesion, proximal 94
Peripheral nervous system 3, 5, 186, 391
Peripheral neuropathy 185
clinical evidence of 255
infective causes of 387
Peroneal nerve 93f
Peroxisomal disorders 250
Personality disorder 227
Pervasive developmental disorder 216
Petechiae 289
Pharyngo-cervico-brachial variant 313, 316, 322
Phenobarbitone 363, 364, 366, 368, 369, 375
high-dose 376
intravenous 374
Phenylketonuria 182, 183, 218, 283, 421
Phenytoin 170, 264, 363, 364, 366370, 375, 433
anticonvulsant like 245
toxicity 245
Phonophobia 262
Phoria 35
Phosphodiesterase 426
Photophobia 263
Photosensitivity 235
Physiotherapy, principles of 416
Phytanic acid 257
serum 257
Pinpoint pupil 157
Pituitary gland, tumors of 33
Plasma exchange therapy 432, 433
Pleocytosis 102
Pneumococcal antigen 104f
Poliomyelitis 5, 313, 316, 319, 391
acute 313, 314
Polycystic ovarian disease 371
risk of 369
Polydipsia, history of 151
Polymerase chain reaction 120, 293, 383, 388
Polymerase gamma 377
Polymyositis 313, 387
Polyneuritis cranialis 322
variant 313, 316
Polyneuropathy 6, 321
critical illness 314
demyelinating 6, 320, 320t, 321b, 387
postdiphtheritic 314
Polyradiculoneuropathy 317, 318, 387
Polyuria, history of 151
Pompe disease 50, 50t, 199, 201, 209, 211, 323
Pompe myopathy 330
Pontine micturition center 12, 124
Pontine tegmentum 154
Popliteal angle 281
acute intermittent 314
exacerbation of 369
Port-wine stain 174f
Posterior column sensation 255
Posture 289b
and gait 280b
Postvaricella arteriopathy 400
Postvaricella vasculopathy 298
Potassium channel opener 366
Pott's spine 307
Power 291
assessment 328, 339
examination 281
Prader-Willi syndrome 116, 323
Prednisolone 429
Pre-eclampsia 170
Pregabalin 366
Primary headache 258260, 264
clinical features of 260t
Procainamide 433
Progressive dystonia, differential diagnosis of 195t
Prominent ears 172f, 173f
Propofol 375, 376
Pseudoataxia 245
Pseudoparalysis, hypokalemic 314
Pseudo-tumor cerebri 267
Psychiatric disorder 259
Ptosis 202, 203, 207, 306, 316
Pudendal nerve stopped firing 124
Pupil, abnormalities of 34t
Pupillary reflex, assessment of 156
Pure cerebellar signs, clinical phenotype of 255
Pure pyramidal syndrome 350
Pure sensory ataxic variant 313
Pyogenic meningitis 292
Pyomyositis 387
Pyramidal syndrome 344
Pyridostigmine 430
Pyridoxine 423
Pyruvate dehydrogenase 248, 251
deficiency 197, 245, 250
QT syndrome 141
Quadrantanopia 302
Quadriparesis, spastic 277
Quinine 433
Rabies 313, 314, 317, 390
Raised intracranial pressure 296, 395f, 396398, 409f
benign 264
causes of 393b
clinical signs of 394
features of 355
history of 288
Ramsay-Hunt syndrome 250
anterior 8
posterior 8
Rash 235, 346, 354, 389
history of 151
pellagra like 254
Rasmussen encephalitis 295, 404
Rectal diazepam 374
Red blood cells 102
eye movement 154
myoclonus 346
neonatal 415
normal 156
ocular 33
oculocephalic 153, 155, 156f
optical righting 416
pathological 414
primitive 279
Refractory status epilepticus 375, 378f, 409f
etiology of 377t
new-onset 377
Refsum disease 195, 250, 252254, 257
Rehabilitation, components of 416
Renal stones 369
Respiration, types of 157, 157t
Respiratory failure 205
Respiratory pattern
abnormal 149, 394, 395
assessment of 157
Respiratory problems 414
Respiratory rate 158, 277
Respiratory weakness 315
Retigabine 363, 366
Retinal detachment 347
Retinal migraine 264
Retinitis pigmentosa 176, 254
Rett syndrome 216, 231
Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction 391
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program 383
Reye syndrome 393
development of 151
Rhabdomyolysis syndrome 389
Rickettsia 151
Rickettsial infection 288, 289
Rigid spine syndrome 206
Risperidone 421
Rituximab 431
Romberg sign 243, 244, 252, 255
positive 245
Rotavirus 162
Rubella 55
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome 172
Rubrospinal tract 9
Rufinamide 363, 366, 369
Sagittal sinus thrombosis 406f
drooling of 419
management of drooling of 419
Salla disease 65
Sandifer syndrome 140, 230
Sarcoglycanopathy 214, 332, 340
Sarcoidosis 284
Sarcolemma 108
Scapular winging 337f
Scapuloperoneal weakness 202
Scarf sign 281
Schizophrenia 216
Sclerosis, mesial temporal 71f, 145f
Sea blue histiocytes 257
Secondary headache 258, 259, 264
Sedation 369
Sedative drugs 151
Seizures 131, 132, 140, 144, 150, 176, 233, 253, 275, 276, 343, 367
classification of 133fc, 144
febrile 142
partial 133
epileptic 77t, 131, 138t
etiology of 143
febrile 142, 142t, 143b, 366
focal onset 132, 135, 150, 275, 366, 367
frequency of 76
frontal lobe 135
generalized 132, 367
history of 140b
hyperkinetic 136
management of 411
migrating partial 78
migratory focal 78
multiple episodes of 359
myoclonic 176f
occipital lobe 136
parietal lobe 136
partial 133
post-traumatic 370
rolandic 85
semiology 135, 136t
febrile 142
partial 133
temporal lobe 136
types of 81, 132, 134t, 143, 145
Selective dorsal rhizotomy 417
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor 421, 422
Selenoprotein 207
Sella turcica 32
lack of 305
loss of 414
Sensorineural hearing loss 254
Sensorium 152, 288
assessment of 152
worsening of 395
Sensory 343
ataxia 243, 243t, 244, 255
cortex 22
dermatomal levels 10f
dermatome 10, 10t
examination 308
fibers 90, 125
signals of 125
function 44
disorders 170
ganglion 6
homunculus 22
involvement, history of 306
action potential 90
conduction study 93, 94f
neurons 4
stimuli 220
system 45, 287, 292, 301
examination 282, 318, 329
Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase 160
Shagreen patch 174f
Shawl sign 431
Shock, electric 138
Short stature 254
Short tau inversion recovery 61
Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks 259, 264
atrophy of muscles of 337f
weakness 208, 334
Shuddering spells 141, 230
Sialidosis 237, 252
Sickle cell anemia 298
Sildenafil 426
Silver chloride 75
Single nucleotide polymorphism 117f, 119f
Single-gene disorder 113, 170
Sjögren syndrome 284
Sjögren-Larson syndrome 173, 348
Skin 186
biopsy 111
examination of 172
Skull and spine examination 282, 292
Sleep 275
and behavioral problems, management of 419
problems 419
Slow saccades 253
Smooth muscle 123
Snakebite 313
mark 318
Social communication
disorder 221, 222
questionnaire 217
channel 366
channelopathy 204
valproate 367, 369, 375
Soft tissue image 58f
Somatic system 123
Somatosensory evoked potentials 90, 237
Somnolence 19, 369
Sotos syndrome 356
Spasmus nutans 141, 230
Spastic diplegia 279b, 280
Spastic paraparesis, hereditary 307
Spasticity 176, 281t, 342, 344, 349, 415
management of 417
Special senses 31
Specific learning disorders 227
Speech 21, 275, 279, 279b, 299, 343
difficulty in 348
disturbance 297
expressive motor component of 20
involvement 235
problem 414
stereotyped 219
Spinal cord 6, 7, 7f, 38, 125, 187
ascending tracts of 9f, 9t
cross section of 8, 8f
descending tracts of 9f, 9t
involvement 48
lesion 126
segments of 6f
subacute combined degeneration of 254
tumors 305
Spinal dermatome 10
Spinal epidural abscess 305
Spinal muscular atrophy 50, 199, 201, 211, 307, 323, 327, 330, 340, 424
Spinal myoclonus 237
Spinal nerve 8, 9t
Spinal subarachnoid space 101
magnetic resonance imaging of 311, 321
tubercular 305
Spinocerebellar ataxia 196, 253, 253t, 254, 345
infantile onset 252
Spinocerebellar atrophy 254, 257
Spinocerebellar tract 9
Spinothalamic tract 8, 9, 11
lateral 9
Squint 35
latent 35
paralytic 35
Staphylococcus aureus 381, 386, 387
State of consciousness, interpretation of 152t
Status dystonicus, management of 418
Status epilepticus 82, 372, 373, 374t, 375t, 380, 408f
classification of 372
electrical 368
febrile 142
management of 372, 373, 375t, 379fc
nonconvulsive 80, 161, 373
severity scoring 378, 378t
taxonomical classification of 373t
Stem cell transplantation 428
Stereotactic aspiration 386
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 369, 370
Stillbirths 272
Stiripentol 363, 366
Storage disorders 182, 236
Strabismus 35
Straight sinus 65f
Streptococcus pneumoniae 381
Stroke 302, 393, 399, 399t, 401, 402, 413
arterial ischemic 295, 399, 400, 401, 404f, 405f, 412
embolic 400
etiology of 400
ischemic 399
mimics 400
posterior circulation 245, 246
right posterior circulation 163f
types of 400
vascular 295, 401, 403f
venous 295
Stupor 19
Sturge-Weber syndrome 55, 143, 174, 174f, 298
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis 85f, 103, 106, 182, 191, 233, 237, 346
Subarachnoid space, benign enlargement of 351
Substance abuse 227, 259
Substantia nigra 16
compacta 17f
reticulata 17f
Succinate dehydrogenase 108, 109f
Superficial reflexes 291, 308
Superficial skeletal muscle 214
Super-refractory status epilepticus 376
mechanisms for 377
Sural nerve
sensory response, normal 95f
sparing 320
Sweating, excessive 315
Synapse 4
Syncope 141
cardiogenic 141
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion 381
Syndromic chromosomal disorders 323
Syndromic megalencephaly 351
Syntaxin gene mutation 252
Syphilis 284
congenital 388
Systemic lupus erythematosus 284
Tachycardia 205, 298
Tachypnea 205, 298
Tacrolimus 431
Taenia solium 102
Talipes equinovarus, congenital 357
Tay-Sachs disease 185, 348
late onset 252
Telangiectasia 254
ocular 176f
Tetanus 272
Tetrabenazine 418
Tetracycline 264
Thalamus, anterior 38fc
Therapeutic drug monitoring 371
Thiopentone 375
Thoracic-lumbar-sacral orthosis 417
Thrombectomy, mechanical 413
Thrombolysis 407
Thyroid-stimulating hormone 311
Thyroxine 421
Tiagabine 366
Tic 230, 232, 282
bite mark 317, 318
Tick paralysis 314, 319
Tizanidine 418
Tocopherol transfer protein gene 253
Todd's paralysis 295, 297
Tone assessment 280, 328
choreoathetoid movement of 275
fasciculation 206
Tonic deviation 155
Tonic-clonic movements 140
Tonic-clonic seizure 150
generalized 139, 275
Topiramate 363, 365369
TORCH infection 46
Torticollis, benign paroxysmal 141, 230
Total creatine phosphokinase 330
Total leukocyte count 105
Tourette syndrome 241
Toxoplasmosis 284
Transcortical motor aphasia 20
Transient ischemic attack, recurrent 412
Trauma 46, 245
Tremors 230, 232, 233, 253, 282
benign essential 241
Trichinella spiralis 387
Trigeminal autonomic cephalgia 259
Trisomy 21 112, 115
Trochlear nerve 6
Tropia 35
Truncal ataxia 203, 243, 244
Truncal weakness 203, 296, 325, 334
Tubercular bacilli 383
Tubercular meningitis 284, 293t, 383
antitubercular drug treatment for 383b
complications of 384
diagnosis of 160f
drug treatment of 383
Tuberculoma 41, 69f, 385
radiological appearance of 385t
Tuberculosis 284, 386
Tuberous sclerosis 55, 174, 174f
Tumors 313, 393
supratentorial 250
Turner syndrome 115
Ullrich muscular dystrophy 326, 328
Unverricht disease 237
disease 191, 192, 241
syndrome 346
Upper limb 280
function 282
weakness 203
proximal 325
Upper motor neuron 4, 4f, 25, 26t, 39, 287, 296, 305
type bladder 126
weakness 243
Urea cycle disorder 182, 162, 197
Urinary bladder, neural control of 123
Urinary frequency 369
Urinary incontinence 310
Urinary odor, abnormal 223
Urine amino acids 257
Urological problems, management of 360
Valley sign 338, 338f
Valparin 170
Valproate 363, 366
Valproic acid 364
Vancomycin 382, 386
Vanillylmandelic acid 247
Vanishing white matter
disease 187, 189
disorder 250
Varicella zoster 307, 313
virus 382, 389
Vascular malformation 393
Vasculitis 401
tubercular 384
Vasculopathy 413
Vein of Galen 29
Venous sinus thrombosis 65f, 151
Ventricular drainage, external 384
Vertebral artery 27
Vertical supranuclear gaze palsy 176
Vertigo 243
benign paroxysmal 245
Very low-density lipoprotein 257
Vestibular dysfunction 246
Vestibular-ocular reflex 154
Vestibulocochlear nerve 6
Vigabatrin 363, 365, 366, 368, 369
Vineland Social Maturity Scale 421
Vision 275, 343
difficulty, history of 347
impairment 414
loss 44
Visual field defects 369
Visual pathway 32
Visual problems 170
Visual stimulus 88
Visual-evoked potential tests 88, 100
B12 255
deficiency 11, 307, 349
B6 423
C 423
D deficiency 264
E 251
deficiency 195, 251, 252, 254256, 307, 347
level 257
supplementation 253
K deficiency 151
Voltage-gated potassium channel 148
Vomiting 150, 245, 254, 302, 369
von Hippel-Lindau disease 250
Waddling gait 206
Walker-Warburg syndrome 356
Walking, difficulty in 347
Warfarin 170, 412
Weakness 305
asymmetrical 334
bulbar 203
episodic 203, 204
extent of 296, 305, 315, 325, 334
facial 203, 334
intermittent 203
neuromuscular 7, 199, 200
onset of 296, 305, 315
patterns of 201, 215, 316, 332
progression of 296, 296b, 305, 315
prominent neck extensor 202
proximal hip-girdle 208, 325
quadriceps 325
quadriparetic 342
symmetry of 315
Weber syndrome 15
Weight gain 369, 370
Weight loss 370
West syndrome 78, 82, 84, 139, 367, 368
diagnosis of 132
West-Nile virus 162, 389
White cerebellar sign 55f, 404
White matter
abnormalities 187t
degenerative disease 343
William syndrome 113, 116, 172, 173, 179
Wilson disease 195, 195f, 236, 250, 344, 349
Wobbly gait 43
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy 348
X-linked inheritance 250
Ziehl-Neelsen stain 103, 104f, 383
Zika virus 389
Zonisamide 363, 365, 368, 369
Chapter Notes

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