Handbook of Pharmacology for Nursing Students Keshab Raj Paudel
Abstinence 141
Abuse liability 186
Acarbose 132
Acetylcholine 17
nalidixic 33
nicotinic 57
Acyclovir 34
Adrenaline 59
antimicrobial 33
general anesthetic 176
local anesthetic 173
oxidizing 24, 51
Alcohol 87
Aldehyde 51
Allopurinol 66
Alprazolam 178
Amikacin 47
Aminoglycosides 33
Aminophylline 72
Amiodarone 112
Amitriptyline 180
Amoxicillin 145
Amphetamine 170
Amphotericin B 66
Ampicillin 42
Antacids 17
5-HT3 156
angiotensin 101
Anthelmintics 161
Antibiotics 24
β-lactam 33
broad spectrum 34
classification 33
narrow spectrum 34
Antidepressants 24
Antiemetic 86
H1 156
H2 154
Antiprotozoal 34
Antiseptics 50
Artemisinin 65
Aspirin 17
Atenolol 100
Atovaquone 64
Atropine 3, 53
Atropine methonitrate 168
antidepressants 180
neuroleptics 182
Azapirone 179
Bactericidal 34
Bacteriostatic 34
Barbiturates 178
Benzalkonium chloride 52
Benzocaine 173
Benzodiazepines 177
Benzyl benzoate 52
Betamethasone 133
Bisacodyl 158
Bisoprolol 108
α-adrenergic 101
β-adrenergic 100
calcium channel 100
Na++ channel 113
Bronchodilators 77
Bupivacaine 173
Buspirone 178
Butyrophenones 182
cAMP 71
Captopril 100
Carbamates 166
Carbamazepine 25
Carbaryl 166
Carbimazole 136
Cardiac glycoside 108
Celecoxib 89
Cephalosporins 44
Chemotherapy 1
Chloramphenicol 4
Chlordiazepoxide 178
Chlorhexidine 51
Chlorine dioxide 51
Chlorophores 51
Chloroquine 14
Chlorpromazine 2
Chlorpropamide 132
Cholinesterase 17
Cinnarizine 85
Ciprofloxacin 40
Clarithromycin 49
Clorgyline 180
Clozapine 182
Cocaine 172
Codeine 27, 28
Colchicine 94
Colloidal bismuth subcitrate 155
barrier method 141
cervical cap 141
cervical diaphragm 141
condoms (male and female) 141
copper T 143
hormonal 143
IUD (intrauterine device) 143
lactation amenorrhea method 141
oral (combine, phasic, mini, postcoital/emergency) pills 144
outer course 141
spermicidal 141
Corticosteroids 74
Cortisone 93
Cresol 51
Crotamiton 52
Cyclizine 86
Cyclooxygenase 17
Cycloserin 33
Cyclosporine 93
Dapsone 196
nitrobenzene 33
polyene 33
Desflurane 177
Desipramine 180
Dexamethasone 133
Dextropropoxyphene 184
Diacetylmorphine (heroin) 184
Diaminopyrimidine 33
Diatriazoate 137
Diazepam 95
Diclofenac 89
Dicyclomine 164
Digoxin 14
Diloxanide furoate 159
Diltiazem 200
Dimenhydrinate 86
Disinfectants 50
Dissociative anesthesia 177
Diuretics 100
Dobutamine 108
Dopamine 204
Doxycycline 147
D-penicillamine 92
abuse 157
adrenergic 170
antiadrenergic 170
antianginal 104
antiarrhythmic 111
anticholinergic 168
antiepileptic 184
antifungal 189
anti H. pylori 155
antimalarial 64
antitubercular 75
antiviral 193
brand name 2
chemical name 1
cholinergic 166
definition 9
dependence 105
disease modifying 92
generic name 2
nomenclature 1
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory 89
routes of administration 7
ulcer healing 155
used in peptic ulcer 154
Dyflos 166
Ectoparasiticides 52
Enalapril 100
Enflurane 165
Enprostil 154
Erythromycin 49, 165
Esmolol 115
Ethambutol (E) 79
Ether 177
Ethionamide 80
Ethosuximide 184
Ethyl alcohol 17
Etidocaine 173
Etomidate 177
Famotidine 83
Fentanyl 177
Flumazenil 178
Fluoroquinolones 40
Fluoxetine 180
Food/drug poisoning 158
Formaldehyde 50
Furosemide 203
Gametocides 64
Gentamicin 25
Germicide 51
Glibenclamide 132
Glicazide 132
Glimepiride 132
Glipizide 132
Glutaraldehyde 51
Glyceryl trinitrate 106
Gold 92
Granisetron 156
Halofantrine 64
Haloperidol 123
Halothane 165
Hydrochlorothiazide 100
Hydrocortisone 73
Hydrogen peroxide 51
Hydroxyzine 85
Hyoscine 156
Hypnotic 177
Ibuprofen 28
Idiosyncrasy 2
Imidazole derivatives 33
Imipramine 18
Immunosuppressants 93
Indomethacin 17
α-glucosidase 132
angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) 100
anion 136
cell wall synthesis 33
DNA gyrase 34
DNA synthesis 34
NA + 5-HT reuptake 180
predominantly NA reuptake 180
proton pump 154
selective serotonin reuptake 180
Inotropes 108
Insulin 130
analogues 131
aspart 131
detemir 131
glargine 131
glulisine 131
isophane 131
lispro 131
NPH (neutral protamine hagedron) 131
protamine zinc 131
regular (soluble) 131
ultralente 131
zinc suspension or lente 131
Iodides of Na and K 137
Iodine 137
Iodophores 51
Iohexol 137
Ipratropium bromide 72
Isoflurane 177
Isoniazide 79
Isoprenaline 112
Isopropyl alcohol 51
Isosorbide dinitrate 105
Ispaghula husk 157
Itraconazole 192
Ivermectin 164
Kanamycin 47
Ketamine 177
Ketoconazole 191
Ketorolac 89
Lactulose 158
Lansoprazole 155
Lidocaine/lignocaine 174
Lindane (gamma benzene hexachloride, BHC) 52
Liothyronine (T3) 136
Liotrix 136
Liquid paraffin 158
Lorazepam 177
Losartan 100
L-thyroxine (T4) 136
Lugol's iodine (5% iodine in 10% KI) 137
Macrolides 4
Malathion 166
Mebendazole 161
Mefloquine 64
Mepacrine 64
Mepivacaine 173
Mercurial antiseptics 51
Mercurochrome 51
Metformin 132
Methacholine 166
Methadone 184
Methamphetamine 170
Methimazole 136
Methotrexate 165
Methylcellulose 157
Methylprednisolone 208
Methylxanthines 73
Metoclopramide 22
Metoprolol 105
Metronidazole 148
Mexiletine 25
Mg salts—MgSO4 and Mg(OH)2 158
Miconazole 191
Midazolam 177
Miglitol 132
Moclobemide 180
Morphine 184
Naproxen 89
Na+ salts—Sulfate and phosphate 158
Nateglinide 132
Natural opium alkaloids 184
Neostigmine 17
Neuroleptics 156
Niclosamide 34
Nifedipine 100
Nitrates 104
Nitroimidazole 33
Nitromersol 51
Nitrous oxide 177
Norfloxacin 120
Olanzapine 182
Omeprazole 26
Opiates 184
Opioid analgesics 184
Oxazepam 178
Oxytetracycline 33
Pantoprazole 154
Paracetamol 165
Paramethasone 133
Parathion 166
Penicillin G 34
Penicillins 33
Perchlorates (ClO–4) 136
Permethrin 52
Pertechnetate (TcO–4) 136
Pethidine 19
affinity 17
chemical action 17
enzymes 17
intrinsic activity 18
physical action 17
receptor 17
Pharmacogenetics 2
absorption 13
bioavailability 13
bioequivalent 14
biologically inequivalent 14
biotransformation 15
blood brain barrier 29
distribution 16
excretion 16
kinetics of elimination 16
metabolism 22
oral route 52
parenteral routes 9
topical route 8, 13, 52
Pharmacology 133
Pharmacotherapeutics 1
Pharmacovigilance 2
Pharmacy 1
Phenobarbitone 25
Phenolphthalein 158
Phenols 50
Phenothiazines 182
Phentolamine 101
Phenytoin 183
Physostigmine 17
Pilocarpine 166
Pioglitazone 132
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 158
Polymixin 4
Potassium permanganate 6
Povidone iodine 51
Pralidoxime 167
Prazosin 101
Prednisolone 208
Prescription writing
abbreviations 9
components 11
definition 9
example 11
inscription 11
signature 11
subscription 11
superscription 11
Prilocaine 173, 174
Primaquine 35
Principles of antimicrobial chemotherapy 35
Probenecid 94
Procainamide 111
Procaine 147
Proguanil 64
Promethazine 156
Propofol 177
Propoxur 166
Propranolol 179
Propylthiouracil 136
Prostaglandin analogs 154
Purgative 157
Pyrazinamide (Z) 78
Pyrentel pamoate 161
Pyrimethamine 33
Quinolones 36
Radioactive iodine (131I) 137
Ranitidine 83
Jarisch-Herxheimer 43
phase I 15
phase II 15
adrenergic 100
cholinergic 163, 180
muscarinic 73, 167
nicotinic 95
Repaglinide 132
Reversible inhibitors of MAO-A (RIMS) 180
Rifampin (R) 82
Risperidone 182
Rofecoxib 89
Rosiglitazone 132
Roxatidine 154
Salmeterol 170
Schizonticides 64
Sedatives 177
antihistaminic 179
Semisynthetic opiates 184
Senna 158
Sertraline 180
Sevoflurane 177
Silver nitrate 51
Sodium valproate 180
Sotalol 112
Spironolactone 100
Sterilization 142
Streptomycin (S) 82
Sucralfate 155
Sulfadiazine 33
Sulfasalazine 36
Sulfinpyrazone 94
Sulfonamides 36
Sulfonylureas 132
Superinfections 34
Sympathomimetics 73
Synthetic opioids 184
Terbutaline 72
Tetracaine 173
Tetracycline 46
Theophylline 24
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) 24
Thiacetazone 79
Thiazolidinediones 132
Thiocyanates (SCN–) 136
Thiopentone sodium 177
Thiothixene 182
Thioxanthenes 182
Tincture iodine 51
Tinidazole 149
Tiotropium bromide 168
Tolbutamide 37
Toxicology 1
Tramadol 184
Trazodone 180
Triamcinolone 133
Triclosan 51
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) 180
Trimethoprim 33
Valdecoxib 89
Valsartan 100
Vancomycin 25
Venlafaxine 180
Verapamil 114
WHO-ORS formula 160
Zidovudine 148
Zinc-calamine lotion 51
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Basic ConceptsCHAPTER 1

  • Pharmacology—It is a science of drugs; interaction of exogenously administered chemical molecules with specific molecules of living system which results in modulation of biologic function.
  • Pharmacokinetics—What the body does to the drug.
  • Pharmacodynamics—What the drug does to the body.
  • Drug—Drug is any substance or product that is used or is intended to be used to modify or explore physiological systems or pathological states for the benefit of the recipient. (WHO 1966).
  • Pharmacotherapeutics—Application of pharmacodynamic information together with knowledge of the disease for its prevention, mitigation and cure.
  • Clinical pharmacology—Scientific study of drug in man; pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic investigation in healthy volunteers and in patients.
  • Chemotherapy—Treatment of systemic infection and malignancy with specific drugs.
  • Pharmacy—It is a science of compounding and dispensing drugs or preparing suitable forms for administration of drugs.
  • Toxicology—Study of poisonous effects of drugs and other chemical with emphasis on detection, prevention and treatment.
  • Drug nomenclature—3 names. These are:
    • Chemical name—It describes the substance chemically, e.g. para-aminophenol derivative.2
    • Nonproprietary name—This is accepted by competent scientific body; uniform; generic name, e.g. paracetamol.
    • Brand name—Name assigned by the manufacturing company; trade name, e.g. cetamol, paracet, cemol, cetanil.
  • Pharmacogenetics—Drug responses that are governed by heredity.
    Idiosyncrasy—Inherited abnormal responses to drugs mediated by single gene; increased, deceased and bizarre responses to drugs.
  • Pharmacovigilance—Observation of safety, efficacy and quality control of drug after it becomes available in the market.
  • Pharmacopeia—An authorized book containing formulas and information that provide standard for preparation and dispension of drugs.
  • Synthetic
  • Plant source
    • Alkaloids
    • Glycosides
    • Oils (essential oils, fixed oils, mineral oils)
    • Gums
    • Tannins
    • Resins
  • Animal source
  • Microbiological source
  • Mineral source
  • Genetically engineered drugs.
  • Synthesized in the laboratory.
  • Quality can be better controlled.
  • Process is easier and cheaper.
  • Chemical structure of prototype drug can be modified in search of better, safer and more potent drug.
  • For example aspirin, paracetamol, phenytoin, chlorpromazine, amphetamine, etc.3
Plant sources
  • Alkaloids
    • Nitrogenous heterocylic bases derived from plants. For example atropine from Atropa belladonna, quinine from cinchona bark, morphine from papaver somniferum, reserpine from Rauwolfia serpentina, nicotine from tobacco leaves.
    • The names of all alkaloids usually end with ‘ne’.
  • Glycosides
    • Sugar-O-Nonsugar (sugar portion → responsible for pharmacokinetic property, nonsugar → responsible for pharmacodynamic property).
    • Plant products in which sugar moiety is joined to nonsugar moiety with a ether linkage.
    • Sugar moiety → glucose = glucoside; sugar moiety → aminosugar = aminoglycoside.
    • For example digoxin (digitalis purpurea), ouabain (stroph-anthus gratus), aminoglycosides (source: micro-organisms).
  • Oils
    • Essential oils (or volatile oils)—Obtained from leaves or flower petals by stem distillation; stem volatile. Used as carminatives, astringent in mouthwashes, as flavoring agent. For example eucalyptus oil, clove oil, peppermint oil, etc.
    • Fixed oils—Nonvolatile. For example ground nut-oil, coconut oil and olive oil.
    • Mineral oils—Mostly petroleum products; maily used as vehicles for preparation of ointments. For example hard and soft paraffin, as purgative-laxative, e.g. liquid paraffin.
  • Gums
    • Colloidal exudates of plants. They either swell, or dissolve or form adhesive mucilage in water.
    • It is used as emulsifying or suspending agents, e.g. gum acacia and gum tragacanth.
  • Tannins
    • Nonnitrogenous phenolic derivatives from plant source.
    • It is used as astringent, e.g. tinct.catachu.4
  • Resins
    • Polymers of volatile oil and are insoluble in water. For example shellac (in enteric coating), tolu balsam (as expec-torant).
Animal sources
  • Hormones, vitamins, vaccines, sera.
  • For example insulin, vit B12, thyroxin, etc.
Microbiological sources
  • Fungi—Penicillin, griseofulvin, cephalosporin.
  • Bacteria—Polymixin B, aztreonam, bacitracin, colistin.
  • Actinomycetes—Aminoglycosides, macrolides, tetracycline, chloramphenicol.
Mineral source
  • Ferrous sulfate (in anemia), magnesium sulfate (as purgative), aluminium hydroxide and sodium bicarbonate (as antacid), radioactive iodine I131 for the diagnosis treatment of thyrotoxicosis, etc.
Genetically engineered drugs (Fig. 1.1)
  • Molecular biology, recombinant DNA technology, DNA alteration, gene splicing, etc.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.1: Formation of genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccine
  • Hepatitis B vaccine, insulin.5
  • Formulation
    • It is a recipe by which a drug is prepared. It contains the list of active ingredients and the other substances, like excipients, vehicles, flavoring agents and preservatives, with the amounts contained therein.
  • Dosage form
    • It is the form in which the formulation can be administered to the patient. For example capsules, tablets, syrup, etc.
  • Excipients
    • Pharmacologically inert substances which are added to the pharmaceutical preparation either to add bulk to the drug used in extremely small amount or to mask the unpleasant taste. For example lactose, calcium lactate, starch, etc.
  • Vehicle
    • Substance which is used to dissolve or suspend the drugs, in a pharmaceutical preparation. For example gum acacia, petroleum jelly, etc.
Dosage forms can be classified as—
  • Solid dosage forms:
    • Powders
    • Granules
    • Tablets
      • Ordinary, sugar coated, film-coated, enteric coated, long (retard), pellets, lozenges.
    • Capsules
      • Spansules.6
Solution—It is a dosage form of a medicine that contains solute in a solvent. It is of three types:
Percentage solutions
  • Weight in volume (W/V) solution—It means number of grams of the substance in 100 ml of the solution.
  • Volume in volume (V/V) solutions—It means number of ml of the substance in 100 ml of the solution.
  • Weight in weight (W/W) solution—It means number of grams of the substance in 100 gm of the solution.
Molar solutions
  • One molar solution is obtained by dissolving one gram molecular weight of a substance in one liter of the solution.
  • The quantity of the solid present in one molar solution is dependent on the volume of the solution. 100 ml of the solution contains 100 mmol of the solid and 10 ml will contain 10 mmol.
Solution expressed in the ratio
  • Solution may also be expressed as number of grams of solid in 1000 ml. A 1 in 1000 solution contains 1 gm of the solid in 1000 ml of the solution.
  • Calculate the quantity of sodium chloride present in 200 ml of half normal saline. Ans: 0.9 gm.
    [Normal saline—0.9% NaCl; Half normal—0.45% → 100 ml contains 0.45 gm and 200 ml – 0.9 gm].
  • Calculate the quantity of potassium permanganate present in 50 ml of potassium permanganate solution 1 in 1000 and give instruction for preparing 1 in 10,000 solutions to be used as a gargle. Ans: 50 mg and water to be added is 450 ml.
    [1000 ml contains 1 gm (1000 mg). So 50 ml contains 50 mg. Now, N1V1 = N2V2; 1/1000 × 50 = 1/10 000 × V2; V2 = 500 ml. 7So 450 ml should be added to the original solution. Hint— strength has beed reduced by 10 times, so 10 times dilution is required, i.e. 50 × 10 = 500 ml, so 450 ml water should be added].
  • 0.5 ml of 1 in 1000 solution of adrenaline is given sub-cutaneously in the treatment of an acute of asthma. What is the exact quantity of the adrenaline present in 0.5 ml? Ans: 0.5 mg.
    [100 ml solution contains 1 gm (1000 mg) adrenaline. So 0.5 ml → 0.5 mg].
  • Calculate the amount of pilocarpine required to prepare 10 ml of 1% eyedrops. Ans: 100 mg.
    [1% → 100 ml contains 1 gm (1000 mg). So in 10 ml, 100 mg is required].
  • How many mmol of sodium bicarbonate are there in 100 ml of 8.4% solution? (The molecular weight of sodium bicarbonate is 84). Ans: 100 mmol.
    [8.4% → 100 ml contains 8.4 gm. Similarly, 1000 ml contains 84 gm. Note 84 is the mol wt of sodium bicarbonate. So this solution is in 1M concentration. 100 ml contains 100 mmol (as 1000 ml contains 1000 mmol)].
  • If 1 ml of 1:200 solutions is diluted to 5 ml, what is the strength of resultant solution? Ans:1:1000.
    [Note five times dilution, i.e. five times reduction in the strength or alternatively N1V1 = N2V2 can be applied].
Factors affecting selection of route—
  1. Physical and chemical properties
  2. Site of action.
  3. Effects of digestive juices/first pass metabolism.
  4. Rapidity of the response.
  5. Accuracy of the dosage.
  6. Condition of the patient.8
zoom view
Fig. 1.2: Classification different routes of drug administration
Local routes
  1. Topical (Fig. 1.2)
Skin—Ointment, cream, lotion, powder, spray.
Mucous membranes
    1. Mouth/pharynx—Lozenges, mouthwashes, gargles
    2. Eyes, ear, nose—Drops, ointments, nasal spray
    3. Bronchi and lungs—Aerosols
    4. Urethra—Jellys, bougies
    5. Vagina—Pessaries, vaginal tablets
    6. Anal canal—Suppositories.
  1. Deeper tissues
  2. Arterial
    Contrast media in angiography.
Systemic routes
  1. Oral
    • Commonest, safer
    • More convenient, noninvasive
    • Painless.
    • Slow onset of action, first pass metabolism9
    • Unpalatable drugs, gasric irritation
    • Unco-operative, unconscious, vomiting patients, e.g. tablets, capsules, syrups.
  2. Sublingual or buccal, e.g. nitroglycerine.
  3. Rectal, e.g. diazepam.
  4. Cutaneous
    • Transdermal therapeutic systems, e.g. insulin, testosterone.
  5. Inhalational, e.g. volatile liquids and gases.
  6. Nasal, e.g. desmopressin.
  7. Parenteral
    • Faster action, no gastric irritation
    • Unconscious patients
    • Liver is bypassed.
    • Costlier, invasive and painful
    • Self-administration is difficult
    • Local tissue injury.
Parenteral routes
  1. Subcutaneous (SC)
  2. Intramuscular (IM)
  3. Intravenous (IV)
  4. Intradermal.
Main differences in local and systemic routes: Local routes—Direct application of the medicine, no/minimal systemic absorption, less side effects, safer route. Systemic routes—Drug reaches to the systemic circulation (hence the name systemic) then only to the site of action, more side effects.
  • Definition: A prescription is physician's written instructions to a pharmacist to supply drugs in a particular form to a patient. It includes directions to the pharmacist regarding the preparation and to the patient regarding the use of the medicament.10
  • The actual writing of a prescription order, if possible, should be done in the presence of the patient.
    This tends to impress upon the patient that the order is being written for his particular illness and increases his confidence in the physician.
  • One should write without hesitation and with a degree of determination, concentration and clarity indicative of the fact that the writer is perfectly acquainted with what he is doing.
  • Erasing, crossing and tearing of a prescription order in the presence of the patient and the poor procedure psychologi-cally and should be avoided.
  • The prescription order should be laid aside for a few minutes, and then read before affixing one's signature.
  • This is important because errors do occur, especially if talkative patients or relatives have distracted the physician.
A prescription → consists of 4 parts
  1. Superscription
  2. Inscription
  3. Subscription
  4. Signature.
  • RX—Recipe, take thou
  • The sign RX is deemed to be an invocation to Jupiter—The God of healing.
  • Ingredients and the quantity
  • The quantities of ingredients → should be in metric system.
  • Directions to the dispenser as to the quantity to be dispensed.
  • (Signature—let it be labeled) consists the directions to the patient.
    This part of the prescription declares:
  • The method of administration.11
  • The dose (if the remedy is for internal use).
  • The time of administration or application.
  • The vehicle of administration or the means of application.
  • The part of the body to which the remedy is to be applied (if the remedy is for external use).
  • The patient's names, age, sex and address; the particulars may be written at the top. Date also should be written at the top.
  • The prescriber's signature, name and date.
Components of prescription
  1. Physician and patient related
    1. Doctor's name
    2. Professional degree
    3. Medical counsil registration number
    4. Doctor's address and phone number
    5. Patient's name
    6. Patient's address
    7. Diagnosis
    8. The symbol RX
    9. Refill information
    10. Prescriber's signature.
  2. Drug related
    1. Dosage form
    2. Appropriate drug
    3. Strength of drug
    4. Quantity to be dispensed
    5. Direction for use.
  • The importance of giving clear written instructions to the patient or attendant regarding administration of drugs cannot be overlooked.
  • The more the attention given to this, the more will be the patient's compliance with the treatment.
Some of the common Latin terms used in prescribing and dispensing are given below with their English equivalents.
  • Recipe
  • Bis in die
  • Ter in die
  • Quarter in die
  • Nocte
  • Hora Somni
  • Ante Cibos
  • Post Cibos
  • Postprandial sugar
  • Statim
  • Capsula
  • Si opus sit
  • Pro re nata
  • Per oral
Take thou
Twice a day
Thrice a day
Four times a day
At night
At night
Before food
After food
Blood sugar after food
A capsule
If needed
As required
By mouth
Dextrose 5% in
Over the counter
Per rectum
The following points should be followed while writing prescriptions:
  • The same language should be used throughout preferably English.
  • Each ingredient's name shall have a separate line.13
  • Each line begins with a capital.
  • “Ditto” marks and “formulas” are not permissible.
  • Be explicit in the directions given to the patient, as well as simple. No technical terms or abbreviations to be used here.
  • Never sign a prescription or let it go out of your hands without carefully revising it.
Pharmacon—Drug, kinesis—movement; what the body does to the drugs; study of movement of drug molecules inside the body.
Processes: ADME
  1. Absorption
  2. Distribution
  3. Metabolism (Biotransformation)
  4. Excretion.
Movement of drug from its site of administration into circulation.
Factors affecting absorption
  • Aqueous solubility
  • Concentration
  • Area of absorbing surface
  • Vascularity
  • Route of administration:
    • Oral
    • SC/IM
    • Topical.
Fraction of administered dose of a drug that reaches the systemic circulation in the unchanged form.14
  • 100% for IV route
  • < 100% for other routes
    Incomplete absorption
    First pass metabolism
    Local binding of a drug.
Bioequivalent—Two brand preparations of same medicine having more or less same blood levels (bioavailability).
Biologically inequivalent—Two brand preparations of same medicine having significantly different blood levels (bioavailability).
Chemically equivalent—Two brand product with same amount of medicine. For example two paracetamol preparations with 500 mg.
Therapeutic equivalence—Same clinical effects of different medicines of different therapeutic groups. For example lowering of blood pressure by same value with diuretics and beta blockers.
Depends on:
  • Lipid-solubility— ↑ solubility → more distribution.
  • Ionization— ↑ ionization → less distribution.
  • Plasma protein binding (PPB)—more PPB → less distri-bution.
Apparent volume of distribution
The volume that would accommodate all the drug in the body, if the concentration of a drug throughout the body was the same as in plasma.
  • Penetration into brain—Lipid-soluble medicines.
  • Passage across placenta—Lipid-soluble medicines; at high concentration any drug can cross.
  • Plasma protein binding—More PPB, less volume of distribution.
  • Tissue storage—Some drugs are deposited in tissues and have high volume of distribution.
  • Skeletal muscle/heart/kidney—Digoxin
    • Liver—Chloroquine15
    • Retina—Chloroquine
    • Bone and teeth—Tetracycline
    • Adipose tissue—Thiopentone.
Metabolism (Biotransformation)
  • Chemical alteration of the drug in the body.
  • Lipid-soluble (nonpolar) drugs → lipid-insoluble (polar)—This is the main function or aim of drug biotransformation.
  • Metabolism may result in:
    • Inactivation
    • Activation of inactive drug—Known as prodrug, e.g. L-dopa (inactive) → dopamine (active) used in parkinsonism.
  • Two types of reactions:
    • Phase I/nonsynthetic reactions—Metabolites may be active or inactive.
    • Phase II/synthetic/conjugation reactions—Metabolite is inactive.
  • Metabolizing enzymes:
    • Microsomal—Cytochrome p450 enzymes, glucuronyl transferase.
    • Nonmicrosomal—Esterases, amidases, acetyltransferase, pseudocholinesterase.
  • Enzyme induction—More synthesis of microsomal enzymes → faster drug metabolism → decreased efficacy.
  • Enzyme inhibition—Drug metabolism is inhibited → more chance of drug toxicity.
  • First pass metabolism—Metabolism of drugs in the gastrointestinal mucosa and/or liver on the way to systemic circulation after absorption—Hence the name first pass as this is the first pass through hepatic tissues.
    Oral route— ↓ bioavailability (due to first pass metabolism)
    Liver disease— ↓ first pass metabolism.
Passage out of systemically absorbed drugs and their metabolites:
  • Urine, e.g. many drugs
  • Feces, e.g. erythromycin, oral contraceptives
  • Exhaled air, e.g. alcohol16
  • Saliva and sweat, e.g. rifampin
  • Milk, e.g. alcohol, amoxicillin.
  • Renal excretion:
    • Glomerular filtration
    • Tubular reabsorption
    • Tubular secretion.
  • Kinetics of elimination:
    • Fundamental pharmacokinetic parameters
    • Bioavailability
    • Volume of distribution
    • Clearance.
  • Clearance—It is the theoretical volume of plasma from which the drug is completely removed in unit time.
  • First order kinetics:
    Rate of elimination is directly proportional to the drug concentration. Constant fraction of the drug is eliminated.
  • Zero order kinetics:
    Rate of elimination remains constant irrespective of drug concentration. A constant amount of the drug is eliminated.
  • Plasma half-life (t½):
    It is time taken for the plasma concentration of a drug to be reduced to half of its original value.
    For first order kinetics, 4–5 plasma half lives are required for nearly complete elimination:
    1 t½—50% eliminated
    2 t½—75% (50 + 25) eliminated
    3 t½—87.5% (50 + 25 + 12.5) eliminated
    4 t½—93.75% (50 + 25 + 12.5 + 6.25) eliminated.
  • Loading dose—To attain therapeutic concentration.
  • Maintenance dose—To balance the rate of elimination.17
Pharmacon—Drug, dynamis—Power; study of the power (effects, response) of drugs; this is the study of what drug does to the body. Mechanism of action, receptors, enzymes, agonism, antagonism, drug interactions, etc. come under pharmacodynamics.
Mechanism of drug actions
  1. Physical action
    Mass of drug—Bulk laxatives
    Adsorptive property—Charcoal
    Osmotic activity—Mannitol
    Radiopacity—Contrast media (barium sulfate).
  2. Chemical action
    Antacids [e.g. Al(OH)3] neutralize gastric HCl.
  3. Through enzymes
    Adrenaline →↑ adenyl cyclase
    1. Nonspecific—Ethyl alcohol, phenol
    2. Specific
      1. Competitive—Physostigmine and neostigmine compete with acetylcholine for cholinesterase.
      2. Noncompetitive—Aspirin, indomethacin → cyclo-oxygenase.
  4. Through receptors
    • Receptor—It is a specific macromolecular component of the cell which binds and interacts with drug molecule.
    • Agonist—It activates receptor to produce an effect; brings about the conformational change.
    • Antagonist—It prevents the action of agonist on a receptor.
    • Inverse agonist—It activates a receptor to produce an effect opposite to that of agonist.
    • Partial agonist—It activates a receptor to produce submaximal effect.
    • Ligand—It is a drug molecule that binds to a receptor molecule.
    • Affinity—It is the ability of the drug to combine with a receptor.18
Intrinsic activity (IA)
  • It is ability of drug to activate, i.e. to induce conformational change in the receptor after its binding to the receptor.
  • Agonist-affinity + IA (IA = 1).
  • Competitive antagonist-affinity; no intrinsic activity, IA = 0.
  • Partial agonist-affinity + submaximal IA (IA between 0 – 1).
  • Inverse agonist-affinity + IA with minus sign {IA between 0 to (–1)}.
Signal transduction mechanisms and drug action
  • Amplification, integration and transduction of drug receptor interaction as signal.
  • Translation of receptor activation into functional response.
4 major mechanisms
  1. G-protein coupled receptors (metabotropic):
    • Adenylcyclase/cAMP pathway.
    • Phospholipase c/IP3-DAG pathway.
    • Ion channel regulation (Na+, k+, Ca++).
  2. Receptors with intrinsic ion channels (ionotropic):
    Receptors enclose selective ion channels for Na+,K+, Ca++ or Cl cholinergic nicotinic receptors, GABAA receptor.
  3. Enzymatic receptors—Receptor tyrosine kinase → insulin receptors.
  4. Intracellular receptors:
    Receptors regulating gene expression—Steroid receptors.
    Receptor regulation:
    Up regulation, down regulation, desensitization.
Functions of receptors
  1. To propagate regulatory signals
  2. To amplify the signal
  3. To integrate various extracellular and intracellular regulatory signal
  4. To help maintain the homeostasis.
Therapeutic window phenomenon
Optimal therapeutic effect is observed only in a narrow range of plasma drug concentration, e.g. imipramine—50–150 ng/ml, clonidine—0.2–2 ng/ml.19
Drug potency and efficacy
Drug potency
It is the amount of drug to produce a response; relative, e.g. 10 mg morphine = 100 mg of pethidine.
Drug efficacy
  • Maximum response that can be produced by a drug, e.g. morphine is more efficacious than aspirin.
Therapeutic index
This is the measurement for safety of a drug, i.e. this gives the idea about how safe is the drug.
Therapeutic index (TI) = median lethal dose (LD50)/median effective dose (ED50)
↑ TI → safer is the drug
Therapeutic range → range between the dose which produces minimal therapeutic effect and the dose which produces acceptable adverse effects.
Drug dose and response curve (DRC)
It is the curve plotted against plasma drug concentration and its clinical effects. It mainly helps to find out and compare potency, efficacy and selectivity for different actions of many drugs (Figs 1.3 to 1.5).
zoom view
Fig. 1.3: Drug A (curve is more left) is more potent than drugs B and C. Drugs A and D are equipotent, but A is more efficacious than D (position of curve is same, but peak is more for A than for D). Drugs A and B are equally efficacious (both have same peaks)
zoom view
Fig. 1.4: Therapeutic range
zoom view
Fig. 1.5: Salbutamol is more selective for bronchodilation (curve A) than cardiac stimulation (curve D); isoprenaline shows bronchodilation and cardiac stimulation at the same dose (no selectivity for two effects because gap between curves B and C is very less)
Drug interactions—Combined effects of drugs
  1. Synergism—Additive and supra-additive (potentiation).
  2. Antagonism—Physical, chemical, physiological (functional), receptor.
1. Synergism
Action of one drug is increased or facilitated by other drug
  1. Additive—Effect of drugs A + B = effect of drug A + effect of drug B, e.g. aspirin + paracetamol.
  2. Supra-additive—Effect of drugs A + B > effect of drug A + effect of drugs B; effect of drugs A + B.
2. Antagonism
Action of one drug is inhibited by other:
Effect of drugs A + B < effect of drug A + effect of drug B
  1. Physical—For example charcoal adsorbs alkaloids and prevents absorption (used in alkaloid poisoning).
  2. Chemical—Two drugs react and form an inactive product, e.g. KMnO4 oxidizes alkaloids (used for gastric lavage in alkaloid poisoning) thiopentone sodium + succinylcholine.
  3. Physiological/functional
    • Different receptors/mechanisms → opposite effects on the same physiological effect, e.g. histamine and adrenaline on bronchial muscle and BP. Glucagon and insulin on blood sugar level.
  4. Receptor
    • Antagonist interferes with binding of agonist
    • Antagonist inhibits the action of agonist.
  • The maximum response can be obtained by increasing the dose of agonist → surmountable antagonism, e.g. morphine and naloxane.
  • Maximum response can't be obtained → insurmountable antagonism, e.g. diazepam and bicuculline.22
  1. Body size
    Individual dose= BW9(kg) / 70 × average adult dose
    Individual dose= BSA(m2) / 1.7 × average adult dose.
  2. Age
    • Young's formula
    • Child dose = age/age+ 12 × adult dose
    • Dilling's formula
    • Child dose = age/12 × adult dose
    • Infant, adult, old.
  3. Sex
    • Ketoconazole, metoclopramide → gynecomastia
    • Pregnancy, menstruation, lactation
    • Female sex hormones, male sex hormones.
  4. Species and race
    • β-blockers are less effective in blacks.
  5. Genetics
    • Rates of drug metabolism; target organ sensitivity (4–6 fold variation in doses).
  1. Route of administration
    • MgSO4, oral-purgative, local application-anti-inflamma-tory, IV—CNS depressant.
  2. Environmental factors and time of administration
    • Presence of food; morning administration of cortico-steroids; exposure to insecticides, charcoal broiled meet, tobacco smoke.
  3. Psychological factor
    • Placebo—Inert substance which may produce response through psychological effect.
  4. Pathological states
    • Liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease.
  5. Tolerance
    • Natural
    • Acquired
    • Cross tolerance
    • Pharmacokinetic
    • Pharmacodynamic
    • Antimicrobial drug resistance.23
zoom view
Fig. 1.6: Classification of pharmacodynamic effects of a drug
Types of adverse drug reaction (Fig. 1.6)
  • Side effects—Observed even with therapeutic dose
    • Mild and manageable.
  • Secondary effects—Indirect consequences of main pharma-codynamic action
    • Superinfection by antibiotics
    • Weakening of host defense after glucocorticoids.
  • Toxic effects—Exaggerated side effects and may occur due to
    • Overdose/prolong use
    • For example heparin (bleeding), barbiturate (coma), sulfonamide (crystalluria/glomerulonephritis), gentamicin (nephrotoxicity).
Unexpected undesirable/type B adverse drug reaction:
  • Arise unexpectedly, even in therapeutic dose
    • Immunological/pharmacogenetically mediated/idiosyncratic reaction.
  • Types
    • Drug allergy—Resultant of the interaction of drug/ metabolite/nondrug element24
    • Genetically determined
    • G6PD deficiency
    • Atypical pseudocholinesterase.
  • Idiosyncratic reaction.
Idiosyncratic reactions and the offending drugs
Idiosyncratic reaction
Offending drugs
Hemolytic anemia
Oxidizing agents, e.g. 8-aminoquinolines, sulfonamides
Acute porphyria
A large number of CNS-active drugs and some antimicrobial agents
Malignant hyperthermia
Halothane, suxamethonium
It is measurement of serum drug concentration of medicaments to obtain optimal plasma drug concentration and benefit to the patient with minimal toxic adverse effects. For the most drugs TDM is not necessary. TDM is important, if the drug has narrow therapeutic index (more toxic). Indications for TDM:
  1. To prevent the serious consequences of over or under dosing.
  2. To prevent the toxicity and to monitor the plasma concentration of the drugs having narrow therapeutic index.
  3. To prevent drug interactions.
  4. To check the patient compliance, especially in psychiatric patients.
Drugs which are commonly measured by TDM
Cardioactive drug—Digoxin
Antiseizure drugs—Phenytoin, phenobarbital
Antibiotics—Amikacin, gentamicin, vancomycin
Protease inhibitors—Indinavir, ritonavir
Immunosuppressants—Cyclosporine, tacrolimus
Tricyclic antidepressants—Amitriptyline
Mood stabilizer—Lithium
Timing of specimen collection: This is the single most important factor in TDM. Steady-state concentration must be reached 25before TDM begins (at steady-state, rate of administration = rate of elimination). Generally, after five and half plasma half-lives steady-state is obtained. Blood sample is usually drawn at peak or trough state. Sample is taken at peak state for drugs given through IV route or if the patient has signs of toxicity shortly after use. However, for majority of drugs the blood sample is drawn at trough, i.e. just before next dose.
Therapeutic range (mg/l) of drugs which are commonly monitored
Sodium valproate—50–100
Gentamicin, tobramycin, netilmicin—2–5
Lithium—0.6–1.2 mmol/l.
Information required for interpretations
  1. Time of blood sample collection in relation to last dose
  2. Duration of treatment with current dose
  3. Dosing schedule
  4. Age and gender of the patient
  5. Other drug therapy, if any
  6. Relevant disease states
  7. Reasons for the request, e.g. lack of effect, routine monitoring, susceptible toxicity, etc.
TDM is not required in following conditions
  1. Drugs with high therapeutic index, e.g. vitamins, penicillins, cephalosporins, etc.26
  2. Medicines with irreversible action or long duration of action (hit and run medicines)—MAO inhibitors, omeprazole, organophosphates, corticosteroids.
  3. Medicines with easily measurable clinical effects—Anti-hypertensives, diuretics, hypoglycemic, etc.
  4. In case of prodrugs—L-dopa.
  • It can be defined as those drugs or medicines that satisfy health care needs of the majority of population; these should therefore be available at all times, inadequate amounts and in appropriate dosage forms.
  • It also known as essential medicines.
  • Each country may have its own list depending upon the health care needs of the population.
  • For example paracetamol, amoxicillin, oral rehydration solution, antitubercular drugs, oral iron preparations, folic acid, oral contraceptive pills, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical companies → “me-too drugs”.
  • Therapeutic “jungle”.
  • Only a handful of drugs → enough for most ailments.
  • WHO published 1st model list in 1977; latest at 2011—17th essential medicines list (EML), EML does not mean that the medicines outside it are not useful.
Criteria for selection of essential drugs
  • Should meet the needs of majority.
  • Medicine must meet the prescribed standard of quality, bioavailability and shelf life.
  • In case of more than one drug, priority should be given to that drug which has been thoroughly investigated.
  • Most favorable pharmacokinetic data.
  • Cost: Benefit ratio.
  • Preferably a single drug compound.
  • Should be in generic name.
  • Wider availability27
  • Substantial savings without affecting health care needs
  • Improvement in drug dispensing and patient compliance
  • Help planners and policy makers.
The process of rational treatment
  • Step 1: Define the patient's problem
  • Step 2: Specify the therapeutic objective
    • What do you want to achieve with the treatment?
  • Step 3: Verify the suitability of your P-treatment (P-drug)
    • Check effectiveness and safety
  • Step 4: Start the treatment
  • Step 5: Give information, instructions and warnings
  • Step 6: Monitor (and stop?) treatment.
Example: Patient 1
  • A 52-year-old taxidriver complains of a sore throat and cough which started two weeks earlier with a cold. He has stopped sneezing but still has a dry cough, especially at night. The patient is a heavy smoker who has often been advised to stop. Further history and examination reveal nothing special, apart from a throat inflammation. The doctor advises the patient to stop smoking, and writes a prescription for codeine tablets 15 mg, 1 tablet 3 times daily for 3 days.
  1. Define the patient's problem
    • Sore throat and dry cough after a cold.
  2. Specify therapeutic objective
    • Continuous irritation of the mucous membranes is the most likely cause of the cough.
    • The first therapeutic objective is therefore to stop this irritation by suppressing the cough, to enable the membranes to recover.
  3. Verify the suitability of your P-treatment (P-drug)- SANE
    • Choose your P-treatment on the basis of efficacy, safety, suitability and cost.
    • Need—Smoking and traffic fumes.
    • Codeine, noscapine, pholcodine, dextromethorphan.28
    • Sedative antihistamines → diphenhydramine
    • Codeine → P-drug for dry cough
    • Adults → 30–60 mg 3–4 times daily.
  4. Start the treatment
    Tablet codeine 15 mg tid PO for 3 days, dispense 9 tablets.
  5. Give information, instructions and warnings
    • It works within 2–3 hours.
    • It may cause constipation, and that it will make him sleepy if he takes too much of it or drinks any alcohol.
    • It should be advised to come back if the cough does not go within one week, or if unacceptable side effects occur.
    • Avoid alcohol, smoking, traffic fumes.
  6. Monitor (and stop?) treatment
    • If the patient does not return, he is probably better.
    • If there is no improvement and he does come back, there are three possible reasons:
      1. The treatment was not effective.
      2. The treatment was not safe, e.g. because of unacceptable side effects.
      3. The treatment was not convenient.
  • If the patient's symptoms continue, we will need to consider whether the diagnosis, treatment, adherence to treatment and the monitoring procedure were all correct.
  • In fact the whole process starts again.
  • Chronic diseases—Never ending process.
  • Beneficial—Synergism is obtained. For example, paracetamol and ibuprofen combination in analgesia, aminoglycosides and penicillins in infective endocarditis, penicillins and probenecid in gram-positive bacterial infections.
  • Adverse—Not wanted. Enzyme indicers may inhibt the efficacy of other medicines, when CNS depressants are used together → more CNS depression, when two nephro/ototoxic medicines are used → more toxicity, paracetamol+ chronic alcoholism → hepatotoxicity.29
  • Pharmacokinetic—Interaction at the level of ADME.
    • Absorption—Milk, antacids + iron → complex formation → less absorption.
    • Distribution—Sulfonamides displace bilirubin in neonates → may cause kernicterus (unconjugated bilirubin easily crosses blood brain barrier → deposition of bilirubin in brain tissues).
    • Metabolism—Enzyme inducers (rifampin, phenytoin and carbamazepine inhibit the efficacy of oral contraceptive pills).
    • Excretion—Penicillin and probenecid (probenecid inhibits the tubular secretion of penicillins and cephalosporins and prolongs duration of action).
  • Pharmacodynamic—Interaction at the level of receptors. Alcohol + diazepam (both these drugs are CNS depressants. So if taken together → greater degree of CNS depression, e.g. sedation).
  • Chemotherapy for infections
  • Cancer chemotherapy.
Depends on 3 main factors
  1. Type of cancer
  2. Stage of cancer
  3. Goal of the treatment
    • Curative
    • Palliative
    • Adjunctive.
Treatment modality
  • Chemotherapy
  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Hormonal therapy
  • Combined modality approach/multimodality approach.30
Classification of anticancer drugs
  1. Cytotoxic drugs
    1. Cell cycle specific
      Antimetabolites: Methotrexate (folate antagonist); azathioprine, fludarabine, mercaptopurine (purine antagonist); cytarabine, fluorouracil (pyrimidine antagonist).
      Antitumor antibiotics: Bleomycin, mitoxantrone.
      Taxanes: Paclitaxel.
      Vinca alkaloids: Vinblastine, vincristine.
      Epipodophyllotoxin: Etoposide.
      Camptothecin analogue: Topotecan, irinotecan.
    2. Cell cycle nonspecific
      Alkylating agents: Cyclophosphamide, busulfan, carmustine.
      Anthracyclines: Daunorubicin, doxorubicin.
    3. Miscellaneous—Hydroxyurea, L-asparginase, cisplatin, carboplatin.
  2. Drugs altering hormonal environment
    5-α reductase inhibitor—Finasteride.
  3. Tyrosine protein kinase inhibitor—Imatinib.
  4. Growth factor receptor inhibitor—Cetuximab.
  5. Aromatase inhibitor—Letrozole, anastrozole.
  6. Selective estrogen receptor down regulator—Fulvestrant.
Mechanism of actions
Alkylating agents
  • Transfer alkyl group to cellular macromolecules esp. DNA
  • Cell cycle nonspecific (act on both dividing and resting cells).
  • Competitively inhibit utilization of normal substrate and get incorporated themselves producing dysfunctional macro-molecules.31
Vinca alkaloids
  • Mitotic inhibitors.
  • Bind to microtubular protein—‘tubulin’ and prevent polymerization → failure of chromosomes to move apart during mitosis.
Antitumor antibiotics
  • Break DNA strands and interfere with DNA function.
Taxane (paclitaxel)
  • Enhances polymerization of tubulin → abnormal arrays/bundles of microtubules are produced.
Epipodophyllotoxins (etoposide)
  • Inhibits DNA topoisomerase II.
Campothecin analogues (topotecan and irinotecan)
  • Inhibits DNA topoisomerase I.
  • Not cytotoxic.
  • Modify the growth of hormone dependant tumors.
Toxic effects of cytotoxic anticancer drugs
  1. Bone marrow
    • Neutropenia, lymphocytopenia— ↑ infections
    • Thrombocytopenia— ↑ bleeding tendency
    • Aplastic anemia—Fatigue, lethargy.
  2. Epithelial linings
    • Oral—Stomatitis, oral ulcers.
    • GIT—Gastric ulcers, bleeding, nausea and vomiting.
    • Skin—Alopecia, dermatitis.
  3. Reproductive function
    • Oligozoospermia—Male infertility.
    • ↓ ovulation, amenorrhea—Female infertility.
  4. Pregnancy
    • Abortion/fetal death.
    • Teratogenesis.32
  5. Carcinogenicity
    • Secondary cancers (leukemia, lymphomas).
  6. Hyperuricemia
    • Gout (due to ↑ cell destruction →↑ purine metabolism →↑ uric acid).
  7. Neurotoxicity
    • Peripheral neuropathies, e. g. cisplatin.
  8. Nephrotoxicity
    • Cisplatin, ifosfamide and methotrexate.
  9. Hemorrhagic cystitis
    • Cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide (acrolin–toxic metabolite causes bladder irritation and damage → bleeding episodes); mesna – for protection.
  10. Hepatotoxicity
    • Asparginase, cytarabine, mercaptopurine, thioguanine and methotrexate.
    • Jaundice, hepatitis and elevation of liver transaminase enzymes.
  11. Cardiotoxicity
    • Daunorubicin and doxorubicin.
    • Dexrazoxane—Cardioprotectant and is given with above drugs.
  12. Hypersensitivity reactions
    • Asparaginase, carboplatin, cisplatin.
  13. Tumorlysis syndrome (TLS)
    • In leukemias and lymphomas, due to spontaneous lysis and release of intracellular content such as K+, PO4 and uric acid.
    • Preventive measures—Adequate hydration, alkalinization of urine and administration of allopurinol.
Methods to reduce toxicity
  1. Toxicity blocking drugs
    • Methotrexate—Folinic acid
    • Antiemetic—Ondansetron.
  2. Control of hyperuricemia
    • Allopurinol, alkalinization, plenty of fluids.33
  3. Pulse therapy
    • Gap of 2–3 weeks interval → normal cells recover; malignant cells recover more slowly.
  4. Topical administration
    • Skin, buccal mucosa, vagina.
  5. Platelet/granulocyte transfusion.
  6. Bone marrow transplantation.
Substances produced by micro-organisms which inhibit/kill other micro-organism at very low concentrations.
Antimicrobial agents
Both natural and synthetic compound that inhibit/kill micro-organisms.
Chemical structure
  • Sulfonamides and related drugs—Sulfadiazine, dapsone
  • Diaminopyrimidine—Trimethoprim, pyrimethamine
  • Quinolone—Nalidixic acid, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin
  • β-lactam antibiotics—Penicillins, cephalosporins
  • Tetracycline—Oxytetracycline, doxicycline
  • Nitrobenzene derivative—Chloramphenicol
  • Aminoglycosides—Streptomycin, gentamicin
  • Macrolides—Erythromycin
  • Nitroimidazole—Metronidazole
  • Polyene derivatives—Amphotericin B
  • Imidazole derivatives—Ketoconazole, miconazole.
Mechanism of actions
  • Cell wall synthesis inhibitors—Penicillin, cephalosporins, cycloserin, vancomycine34
  • Leakage from cell membrane—Polymyxin, amphotericin B
  • Protein synthesis inhibitors—Tetracyclines, chloramphe-nicol, erythromycin
  • Misreading of mRNA code and affecting permeability—Aminoglycosides
  • DNA gyrase inhibitors—Fluoroquinolones
  • Interfere with DNA function—Metronidazole
  • DNA synthesis inhibitors—Acyclovir, zidovudine
  • Interfere intermediary metabolism—Sulfonamides.
Type of organism against which primarily active
  • Antibacterial—Penicillins, aminoglycoside
  • Antifungal—Ketoconazole, itraconazole
  • Antiviral—Zidovudine, acyclovir
  • Antiprotozoal—Chloroquine, metronidazole
  • Anthelmintic—Mebendazole, pyrentel, niclosamide.
Spectrum of activity
  • Narrow spectrum—Penicillin G, streptomycin
  • Broad spectrum—Tetracycline, chloramphenicol.
Type of actions
  • Bacteriostatic—Sulfonamides, tetracycline, chloramphenicol
  • Bactericidal—Penicillin, aminoglycosides.
Antibiotics obtained from
  • Fungi—Penicillin, cephalosprin
  • Bacteria—Polymixin B, colistin
  • Actinomycetes—Aminoglycoside, macrolides, tetracyclines.
Problems with use of AMAs
  • Toxicity—Gastric irritation, diarrhea, ototoxicity, nephro-toxicity
  • Hypersensitivity reactions
  • Drug resistance
  • Superinfections (suprainfections)—Broad spectrum antibio-tics; Candida, Clostridium difficile (clindamycin, tetracycline, etc.)35
  • Nutritional deficiency
    • Vit B complex, vit K.
  • Masking of an infection
    • Single dose of penicillin to cure gonorrhea (may mask syphilis).
Principles of antimicrobial chemotherapy
Patient-related factors
  • Age—Tetracycline (children)—Tooth discoloration, chloram-phenicol (in newborn)—Gray baby syndrome; sulfonamides kernicterus; aminoglycosides—Deafness.
  • Renal and hepatic function
    • Renal failure—Aminoglycoside, cephalosporine, vanco-mycin, amphotericine B
    • Hepatic disease—Erythromycin estolate, pyrazinamide, tetracycline, etc.
  • Local factors—Pus, anerobic environment
  • Drug allergy
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Genetic factors—G6PD deficient-hemolysis, primaquine, sulfonamides, etc.
  • Impaired host defense.
Organism-related factor
  • Clinical diagnosis.
Drug factors
  • Spectrum of activity
  • Type of activity
  • Relative toxicity
  • Route of administration
  • Evidence of clinical efficacy
  • Cost.36
  • First antimicrobial agents
  • Domagk—Prontosil.
  • Derivatives of sulfanilamide (para-amino-benzene sulfona-mide)
  • Sulfonamide N—Solubility, potency and pharmacokinetic property
  • Free amino group in para (N4) position → antibacterial activity.
  • Short acting (4–8 hrs)
    • Sulfadiazine.
  • Intermediate acting (8–12 hrs)
    • Sulfamethoxypyrazine, sulfamoxole.
  • Long acting (approx 7 days)
    • Sulfadoxine, sulfamethoxypyrazine.
  • Special purpose sulfonamide
    • Sulfacetamide sodium, sulfasalazine, mafenide, silver sulfa-diazine.
Antibacterial spectrum
  • Primarily bacteriostatic against gram-positive and gram- negative organisms.
  • Streptococcus pyogenes, Haemophilus influenzae, H. ducreyi, Calymmatobacterium granulomatis, Vibrio cholerae.
  • Chlamydia, actinomyces, nocardia, toxoplasma.
Mechanism of action
  • Woods and Fildes (1940)—Sulfonamide being structural analogue of PABA inhibits bacterial folate synthetase → folic acid is not formed.37
Evidence in favor
  • PABA—Antagonizes the effect
  • Only those microbes synthesizing PABA are susceptible
  • Pus—Purine, thymidine and PABA—Decrease the action.
Gonococci, pneumococci, Staphylococcus aureus, meningo-cocci, E. coli, Shigella.
Resistant mutant may
  • produce increased amounts of PABA
  • decreased affinity for folate synthetase
  • adopt an alternative pathways in folate metabolism.
  • Rapid and complete absorption from GIT
  • PPB (10–95%)
  • Widely distributed, cross BBB and palcenta
  • Metabolism → in liver, nonmicrosomal, acetylation at N4
  • Excretion—Glomerular filtration, less soluble in acidic urine → crystalluria.
Adverse drug reaction
Relatively common
  • Nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain
  • Crystalluria
  • Hypersensitivity reactions
  • Hepatitis
  • Topical use is not permitted → contact dermatitis; ocular use is permitted
  • Hemolysis in G6PD deficiency
  • Kernicterus.
  • It may displace phenytion, tolbutamide, warfarin, metho-trexate from protein binding → toxicity may occur.38
  • Systemic therapy as monotherapy—Rare now.
  • Suppressive therapy—Chronic UTI, streptococcal pharyngitis.
  • Combined with trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole—P. carinii and nocardiasis.
  • Combined with pyrimethamine, sulfadoxine—Malaria.
  • Sulfacetamide sodium—Ocular preparation.
  • Topical silver sulfadiazine or mafenide—It is used to prevent infection on burn dressing.
Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole → cotrimoxazole (1969).
  • Diaminopyrimidine ralated to antimalarial drug—Selectively inhibits bacterial dihydrofolate reductase (DHFRase)
  • > 50,000 times higher affinity for bacterial DHFRase
  • Wide distribution, crosses BBB and placenta
  • Partly metabolized in liver excreted in urine.
  • Sequential block in folate metabolism—Bactericidal.
  • Both have t½ ~10 hrs; optimal synergism in most bacteria; MIC of each agent may be reduced by 3–6 times.
  • Dose ratio 1:5 (trimethoprim: sulfamethoxazole).
  • Plasma concentration ratio 1:20.
  • Resistance—Slow to develop compared to either drug; mostly through mutational or plasmid mediated acquisition of a DHFRase having low affinity.
Adverse drug reactions
  • Nausea, vomiting, stomatitis.
  • Folate deficiency—Megaloblastic anemia.
  • Patient with renal disease—Uremia.
  • In AIDS patients with pneumocystis carinii infection—Bone marrow depression.
  • Elderly—Bone marrow depression.39
  • UTI
  • RTI (both upper and lower)
  • Typhoid
  • Bacterial diarrhea and dysentery
  • Chancroid
  • Granuloma inguinale
  • Pneumocystis carinii.
  • UTI
  • Prostitis.
  • Synthetic compounds.
  • Primarily active against gram-negative bacteria.
  • Newer fluorinated compounds—Also inhibits gram-positive bacteria.
  • Nalidixic acid (1960).
  • Fluorinated compounds—High potency, expanded spectrum, slow development of resistance, better tissue penetration and good tolerability.
Nalidixic acid
  • Active against E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Shigella but not pseudomonas
  • Inhibits bacterial DNA gyrase—Bactericidal
  • Resistance develop rapidly
  • High concentration in urine (20–50 times higher than plasma) → lethal to common urinary pathogens.
Adverse drug reaction
Relatively infrequent
  • GI upset and rashes
  • Neurological toxicity—Vertigo, visual disturbances, seizures
  • Parkinsonism like symptoms
  • Phototoxicity
  • G6PD deficiency—Hemolysis.40
  • As urinary antiseptic (nitrofurantoin should not be used with nalidixic acid concurrently—antagonism may occur).
  • In diarrhea by Proteus, E. coli, Shigella, Salmonella (specially in ampicillin resistant Shigella enteritis).
  • Quinolone antimicrobials having one or more fluorine subs-titutions.
  • First generation (1 fluoro substitution in 1980s).
  • Norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, pefloxacin.
  • Second generation (2 fluoro substitutions in 1990s).
  • Lomefloxacin, sparfloxacin, levofloxacin, gatifloxacin, moxi-floxacin.
Mechanism of actions
  • Inhibit DNA gyrase (two subunits A and B; A-nicking and resealing of DNA, B-introducing negative supercoiling); have higher affinity for A subunit.
  • Recent studies → gram-positive bacteria → topoisomerase IV which nicks and separates daughter nuclei strands after DNA replication; greater affinity of fluoroquinolones for this enzyme → higher potency against gram-positive organism.
Mechanism of resistances
  • Chromosomal mutation producing a DNA gyrase or topoisomerase IV with reduced affinity for FQs.
  • Reduced permeability or increased efflux mechanism of these drugs across bacterial membranes.
Ciprofloxacin (prototype)
  • Most potent first generation agent.
  • Most susceptible organisms → gram-negative bacilli including Enterobacteriaceae and Neisseria.41
  • Rapidly absorbed from GIT, food delays the absorption.
  • High tissue penetrability → high concentration in lung, sputum, muscle, bone, prostate and phagocytes.
  • Excreted primarily in urine, both by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion; urinary and biliary concentration is 10–50 times higher than in plasma.
Adverse drug reactions
  • Good safety; 10% patients; withdrawal in 1.5%.
  • Gastrointestinal—Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, bad taste.
  • CNS—Dizziness, headache, anxiety, impairment of concen-tration and dexterity.
  • Skin/hypersensitivity.
  • Tendonitis and tendon rupture.
  • ↑ levels of theophylline, caffeine and warfarin by ciprofloxacin → toxicity may occur
  • NSAID may enhance the CNS toxicity
  • Antacids, sucralfate, iron salts reduce gastric absorption.
  • UTI—Both uncomplicated and complicated (3 days regimen)
  • Gonorrhea—Single 500 mg dose (~ 100% cure)
  • Chancroid—500 mg BD for 3 days
  • Bacterial gastroenteritis
  • Typhoid—Ciprofloxacin is the drug of choice; 500–750 mg BD for 10 days; for typhoid carriers 750 mg for 2–4 weeks
  • Bone, soft tissues, gynecological and wound infections
  • Respiratory tract infections—Not the primary drug
  • Tuberculosis in combination therapy
  • Gram-negative septicemia
  • Meningitis.
  • Conjunctivitis by gram-negative bacteria.42
  • β-lactam antibiotic.
  • First discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1929.
  • First used clinically in 1941.
  • Other β-lactam compounds are:
    • Cephalosporins
    • Carbapenems
    • Monobactams.
Mechanism of actions
  • Interferes with bacterial cell wall synthesis
  • Transpeptidase enzyme is inhibited
  • Penicillin binding proteins
  • Cell wall deficient structures that swell and burst → bacterial lysis.
  1. Penicillins (PnG).
  2. Acid resistant penicillin (PnV).
  3. Penicillinase resistant penicillins:
    Nafcillin    Cloxacillin
    Methicillin   Dicloxacillin
  4. Extended spectrum penicillins:
    • Aminopenicillins—Ampicillin, amoxicillin, bacampicillin.
    • Carboxypenicillins—Carbenicillin, ticarcillin.
    • Ureidopenicillins—Piperacillin, mezlocillin.
    • Mecillinam.
      Bacterial resistance:
  • Due to one of the four general mechanisms:
    • Inactivation by penicillinase/β-lactamase.
    • Modification of target PBPs.
    • Impaired penetration of drug to target PBPs (located deeper under lipoprotein barrier).
    • The presence of an efflux pump.43
Adverse effects
  • Local irritancy and direct toxicity:
    • Pain at IM injection site
    • Nausea on oral ingestion
    • Thrombophlebitis of injected vein
    • Bleeding.
  • Hypersensitivity (1–10%):
    • Anaphylaxis—Rare (1–4/10,000)
    • Prevention—History, scratch test or intradermal test.
  • Superinfections
  • Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction:
    • Penicillin injected in syphilitic patient may produce fever, chills, myalgia
    • Sudden release of spirochetal lytic products.
Uses of penicillin G
  1. Streptococcal infections (SABE—Subacute bacterial endocarditis)
  2. Pneumococcal infections
  3. Meningococcal infections
  4. Syphilis
  5. Diphtheria
  6. Tetanus and gas gangrene
  7. Prophylactic uses:
    1. Rheumatic fever
    2. Gonorrhea or syphilis
    3. Bacterial endocarditis
    4. Surgical infections.
Uses of amoxicillin
  • UTI, RTI, meningitis, gonorrhea
  • Typhoid
  • Bacillary dysentery—Shigella
  • Cholecystitis
  • SABE
  • Septicemia and mixed infections.
Adverse drug reactions—Diarrhea, incomplete absorption, and rashes.44
Mechanism of action
  • Bind to cephalosporin binding proteins → inhibition of transpeptidation process → formation of imperfect cell wall → lysis of bacteria (bactericidal).
  • Classified as:
    • First generation (1960s)
    • Second generation (1970s)
    • Third generation (1980s)
    • Fourth generation (1997–1998).
First generation cephalosporins
  • Oral
    • Cephalexin, cephadroxil, cephadrine.
  • Parenteral
    • Cefazolin, cephalothin, cefadroxil.
  • UTI
  • Staphylococcal infections (cellulitis or soft tissue abscess)
  • Cefazolin—It is the drug of choice in surgical prophylaxis (because of better tissue penetration).
Second generation cephalosporins
  • Oral
    • Cefaclor, cefuroxime axetil.
  • Parenteral
    • Cefuroxime, cefotetan, cefamandole, cefoxitin.
  • Peritonitis (cefoxitin and cefotetan—more active against anaerobes).
  • Respiratory tract infections (cefaclor—more active than first generation).
  • Community acquired pneumonia.
  • Gonorrhea (PPNG)—Single dose IM.
  • Meningitis.
Third generation cephalosporins
  • Oral
    • Cefixime, cefpodoxime proxetil, cefdinir, ceftibuten.45
  • Parenteral
    • Ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, ceftizoxime, moxalactum.
  • Ceftriaxone
    • Meningitis
    • Gonorrhea and chancroid
    • Community acquired pneumonia
    • Complicated UTIs, abdominal sepsis, septicemia
    • Multidrug resistant typhoid fever.
Fourth generation cephalosporins
  • Parenteral
    • Cefpirome and cefepime.
Adverse effects
  • Hypersensitivity reactions—Fever, skin rash, eosinophilia, angioedema.
  • Cross sensitivity with penicillins.
  • Superinfection—Pseudomembranous colitis and diarrhea (third generation).
  • Bleeding—Cefamandole, cefoperazone, cefotetan (hypoprothrombinemia and destruction of vit K producing colonic bacteria).
  • Local irritation after IM injection.
  • Inhibits gram-positive bacterial cell wall synthesis by complexing with D-alanyl-D-alanine portion of the terminal end of peptidoglycan pentapeptide.
  • MRSA infections.
  • Orally in pseudomembranous colitis (if metronidazole is ineffective); IV route only.
Adverse drug reaction
  • Red neck syndrome—Chills, fever, intense flushing (due to histamine release), ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, eosinophilia.46
  • Group I—Tetracycline, chlortetracycline
  • Group II—Demeclocycline, methacycline
  • Group III—Doxycycline, minocycline.
Mechanism of action
  • Inhibit protein synthesis by binding to 30S ribosomes.
Adverse drug reactions
  • Epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Liver damage
  • Kidney damage
  • Phototoxicity
  • Discoloration of teeth (if used during pregnancy or in child-hood)
  • Hypersensitivity reactions
  • Superinfection (pseudomembranous colitis).
Precautions and contraindications
  • Pregnancy, during lactation and in children
  • Renal disease, hepatitis.
  • Veneral diseases—Lymphogranuloma venereum, granuloma inguinale
  • Atypical pneumonia by Mycoplasma pneumoniae
  • Cholera
  • Brucellosis
  • Plague
  • Relapsing fever/rickettsial infections.47
Mechanism of action
  • Binds with 50S ribosome → inhibit protein synthesis
  • High dose → inhibit mammalian protein synthesis
Bone marrow suppression.
Adverse drug reactions
  • Bone marrow suppression
    • Aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia.
  • Hypersensitivity reaction
    • Rashes, fever.
  • Irritative effects
    • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Superinfections.
  • Gray baby syndrome
    • Baby stops feeding, becomes hypnotic and hypothermic; vomiting, distended abdomen, irregular respiration, grayish appearance.
    • Due to inability of newborn to metabolize and excrete chloramphenicol.
  • Enteric fever
    • Ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, cotrimoxazole, ampicillin/amoxicillin
  • H. influenzae meningitis
  • Anaerobic infection—Bacteroides fragilis
  • Intraocular infections
  • Brucellosis, cholera, rickettsial and chlamydial infections.
Systemic agents—
  • Streptomycin
  • Gentamicin
  • Kanamycin
  • Tobramicin
  • Amikacin.48
Local agents
  • Neomycin
  • Framycetin.
  • Highly water-soluble; highly ionized
  • Not absorbed when given orally
  • Bactericidal
  • Active in alkaline medium; interfere with bacterial protein synthesis
  • Narrow margin of safety
  • Primarily active against aerobic gram-negative bacilli.
Mechanism of actions
  • Bactericidal
  • Streptomycin bind to 30S ribosome, but other agents also bind to additional site on 50S ribosome and 30S–50S interface as well.
Drug resistance
  • Synthesis of drug inactivating enzymes
  • Mutation of ribosomal proteins
  • Reduced efficiency of transport mechanism.
Toxic effects
  • Ototoxicity
  • Nephrotoxicity
  • Neuromuscular blockade.
Precautions and interactions
  • Pregnancy—Contraindication (ototoxicity)
  • Avoid concurrent use of other ototoxic and nephrotoxic drugs
  • Old age; kidney diseases
  • Use of muscle relaxants
  • Do not mix with other drugs in the same syringe or infusion bottle.49
  • Tuberculosis
  • Subacute bacterial endocarditis
  • Plague
  • Tularemia.
  • Respiratory infections
  • Pseudomonas, Proteus or Klebsiella infections, burns, UTI, middle ear infections, septicemia
  • Meningitis (by gram-negative bacteria)
  • Subacute bacterial endocarditis.
  • Infected wound, ulcers, burns.
Orally for
  • Preparation of bowel surgery
  • Hepatic coma.
  • Erythromycin
  • Roxithromycin
  • Clarithromycin
  • Azithromycin.
Mechanism of actions
  • Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding to 50S ribosome
  • Mostly gram-positive and few gram-negative bacteria are inhibited
  • Static at low concentration and cidal at higher concentration.
Adverse drug reactions
  • Gastrointestinal—Epigastric pain, diarrhea50
  • Reversible hearing impairment (at high dose)
  • Hypersensitivity reactions—Rashes
  • Hepatitis with cholestatic jaundice (resembling viral hepatitis—Erythromycin estolate)
  • Uses.
As a first choice drug
  • Atypical pneumonia by mycoplasma
  • Whooping cough
  • Chancroid.
As an alternative to penicillin
  • Streptococcal pharyngitis, tonsillits and most respiratory infections
  • Diphtheria
  • Syphilis and gonorrhea.
As a second choice drug
  • Campylobacter enteritis
  • Legionnaires’ pneumonia
  • Chlamydia trachomatis
  • Penicillin resistant staphylococcal infections.
Newer drugs—Roxithromycin, clarithromycin and azithromycin
  • Similar to erythromycin except
    • Newer drugs are more potent, effective and safer
    • These have longer duration of action and less gastric irritation.
  • Disinfectants are those chemical substances which are used to destroy or inhibit the growth of pathogenic vegetative bacteria (not their spores) on inanimate (nonliving) surfaces such as glass wares or surgical instruments.
  • For example formaldehyde, phenols, ethyl alcohol, soaps, etc.
  • Antiseptics are those chemical substances which are used to destroy pathogenic bacteria (not the spores) on animate surfaces such as skin and mucous membranes.51
  • Chlorhexidine, listerine, povidone iodine, etc.
  • Differences between disinfectants and antiseptics seems to be small and overlapping.
  • Some antiseptics in higher concentration may work as disinfectants.
  • Similarly, some disinfectants in lower concentration may serve as antiseptics.
  • Sterilization—It is a process of killing all living organisms including spores, viruses and fungi.
  • Germicide—Antiseptic and disinfectant.
A good antiseptic/disinfectant should be
  • Chemically stable.
  • Cheap.
  • Nonstaining with acceptable color and odor.
  • Cidal not only static.
  • Active against all pathogens—Bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa.
  • Able to spread through organic films.
  • Active even in presence of blood, pus exudates and excreta.
  • Classification.
1. Which act by precipitating (coagulating) bacterial proteins
  • Aldehyde—Formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde
  • Phenols—Phenol in 57% ethanol, cresol, triclosan
  • Alcohol—Ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol
  • Heavy metal salts—Silver nitrate, zinc-calamine lotion.
2. Which act by complexing with sulfhydryl (SH) group of bacterial enzymes
  • Mercurial antiseptics—Mercurochrome, nitromersol.
3. Which act by oxidizing the sulfhydryl (SH) groups of bacterial enzymes
  • Chlorophores—Chlorine dioxide, sodium hypochlorite
  • Iodophores—Povidone iodine, tincture iodine
  • Oxidizing agents—Hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate.52
4. Which alter properties of bacterial cell wall
  • Chlorhexidine, cetylpuridinium chloride, benzalkonium chloride.
Topical route
  • Against lice (pediculus) and mite (sarcoptes/acarus scabiei)
  • Permethrin—Drug of choice
  • Lindane (gamma benzene hexachloride, BHC)
  • Benzyl benzoate—Contraindicated in children
  • Crotamiton—Second choice; may be preferred in child.
Oral route
  • Ivermectin—This is only drug which can be administered via oral route.
Poisoning is the state produced by introduction of a poison into the body. Symptoms of poisoning vary widely from agent to agent. Specific treatment of poisoning depends upon the type of the poisoning agent. However some general principles are presented here:
General measures
  1. To prevent further exposure or absorption of the poison: Remove the victim from the poisoning source. Sometimes, contaminated clothing has to be removed (in case of organophosphorus poisoning), contaminated skin should be washed with soap and water thoroughly. Patient should be moved to the fresh air. Except in corrosive poisoning, patient is made to vomit to prevent further absorption. Some adsorbents like activated charcoal, tannic acid and magnesium oxide can be administered. In some heavy metal poisoning, chelating agents can be administered through nasogastric tube to help prevent the further absorption.
  2. To increase the rate of elimination: Forced dieresis is carried out. Sometimes either alkalinization or acidification of urine 53may also help increase the excretion of poison depending upon the type of agent.
Supportive measures
These are adopted to maintain the airway, breathing and circulation (ABC). Airway should be checked and cleaned if any obstruction is present. Respiration, blood pressure, heart rate should be checked. Oxygen inhalation, fluid and electrolyte balance, proper maintenance and monitoring of blood pressure should be carried out at regular intervals.
Specific antidotes
In case known poisoning by the known agent and if the antidote or antagonist is available, it is administered as soon as possible to reverse the toxic effects. For example, the followings are some specific antidotes:
  • Organophosphorus poisoning—Atropine
  • Morphine poisoning—Naloxone
  • Benzodiazepine—Flumazenil
  • Atropine (belladonna poisoning)—Physostigmine
Early type of mushroom poisoning/muscarine type/choliner-gic type—Atropine.
Other measures
If the situation is not improving from above measures and if there is still some hope for the recovery by filtering out the poisonous agent, hemodialysis can be performed.
Chelating agents
  • Dimercaprol
  • Dimercaptosuccinic acid (succimer)
  • Disodium edetate
  • Calcium disodium edetate
  • Penicillamine
  • Desferrioxamine
  • Deferiprone.
Dimercaprol (BAL—British anti-Lewisite)
  • Oily, pungent smelling viscous liquid
  • It is used in As, Hg, Bi, Ni, Cu poisonings
  • SH group binds with the metals54
  • Contraindication in Fe and Cd poisoning
  • IM route.
Dimercaptosuccinic acid (succimer)
  • Similar to BAL
  • Water-soluble, orally effective
  • In As, Hg and Pb poisonings
  • Disodium edetate (Na2EDTA)
    • Potent chelator of calcium
    • Slow IV infusion
    • In hypercalcemia.
Calcium disodium edetate (Ca Na2EDTA)
  • In Pb, Zn, Cd, Mn, Cu, radioactive materials
  • Ionized
  • IV (IM is painful).
  • Degradation product of penicillin
  • Strong Cu chelation (Wilson's disease–1956)
  • In Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn
  • D-isomer
  • Orally before (1hr) or after food (2hrs).
  • Ferrioxamine → Iron containing, actinomycetes
  • Fe removal → desferrioxamine → high affinity for Fe (1 gm → 85 mg elemental Fe)
  • Acute iron poisoning
  • Parenteral route.
  • Orally active iron chelator.55
Fat-soluble vitamins—Vit A, D, E, K may cause cumulative toxicity.
Water-soluble vitamines—Vit B complex, C—not stored, no/minimal toxicity.
Vitamin A
Visual cycle—opsin + 11-cis retinal (Vit A) → Rhodopsin—dim light → opsin + all transretinal (this breakdown of rhodopsin generates visual nerve impulse and person is capable of dark adaptation, can see in dim light. So in deficiency state rhodopsin synthesis is compromised and person may suffer from night blindness).
Epithelium—Proliferation, ↑ mucous secretion, ↓ keratinization (vit A ointment can be used as keratinolytic in hyperkeratinized condition).
Reproductive and immunological function—Vit A is required for proper functioning.
  • Dryness of eye (xerosis)
  • Bitot's spot—Triangular shiny gray spots in conjunctiva
  • Keratomalacia—Softening of cornea
  • Night blindness—Complete blindness (due to permanent damage to the rods)
  • Phrynoderma—Dry rough skin with papules
  • Hyperkeratinization
  • Infertility
  • Growth retardation.
  • As prophylaxis
  • Treatment of deficient state
  • In skin diseases—Acne, psoriasis, ichthyosis.56
Vitamin E
Antioxidant—It prevents oxidative damage to the cells and biological membranes (other antioxidants-β carotene, vit C, cystein, methionine, selenium and chromenols).
Deficiency state—No specific condition.
As an antioxidant agent.
Vitamin D and K
Vitamin D and K have been explained in their respective sections—Endocrine and blood section (See Calcification and Bone Turnover: Parathormone, vit D and Calcitonin for vit D, page no. 150, and Drugs Affecting Coagulation and Bleeding for vit K, page no. 66).
Water-soluble vitamins are vit B complex and vit C.
Thiamine (vit B1, aneurine)
Active form—Thiamine pyrophosphate acts as a coenzyme in carbohydrate metabolism, decarboxylation of ketoacids and hexose monophosphate shunt (synthetic thiamine antagonists—Pyrithiamine and oxythiamine).
  • Dry beriberi—Neurological symptoms (main features)— Polyneuritis, numbness, muscular weakness, ‘wrist drop’, ‘foot drop’, paralysis of limbs.
  • Wet beriberi—Cardiovascular symptoms (main features)—Palpitation, breathlessness, CHF, anasarca (whole body edema).
  • As prophylaxis
  • In beriberi
  • In acute alcoholic intoxication—It is given with glucose, also in chronic alcoholism to treat Wernicke's encephalopathy and Korsakoff's psychosis
  • In neurological and cardiovascular disorders.57
Niacin (vit B3)
Niacin—Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide.
Nicotinic acid → nicotinamide → it is a component of NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) its phosphate NADP → involved in oxidation-reduction reactions.
Nicotinic acid → vasodilator and hypolipidemic agent, can be used in peripheral vascular disease and in hyperlipidemia.
Pellagra—Disease of 3 D's—Dermatitis (sunburn like), diarrhea, dementia (with hallucinations and insomnia).
  • In prophylaxis.
  • Treatment of pellagra.
  • In Hartnup's disease (tryptophan transport is impaired) and carcinoid syndrome (tryptophan is used to produce 5-HT)-niacin supplement (inside the body tryptophan is converted into nicotinic acid, 60 mg tryptophan = 1 mg nicotinic acid).
Pyridoxine (vit B6)
  • Active form—Pyridoxal phosphate—Coenzyme for transaminases and decarboxylases.
  • Antitubercular drug isoniazid inhibits the generation of pyridoxal phosphate may produce pyridoxine deficiency → peripheral neuritis.
  • Hydralazine, cycloserine and penicillamine interfere with pyridoxine utilization → deficiency state.
  • Peripheral neuritis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Glossitis
  • Confusion
  • Growth retardation
  • Decrease in seizure threshold.58
  • Prophylaxis in alcoholics, with isoniazid therapy.
  • In drug induced deficiency state (isoniazid, hydralazine, cycloserine and penicillamine).
(Vit B12 has been dealt in blood section. So please refer to the Hematinics used in anemia, page no. 62).
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
  • Antioxidant.
  • Involved in hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues of protocollagen → required for formation and stabilization of collagen triple helix (so vit C deficiency there is inherent collagen defect →↑ capillary fragility → more prone to hemorrhage and decreased wound healing).
  • Conversion of folic acid → folinic acid.
  • Biosynthesis of adrenal steroids, catecholamines, oxytocin and vasopressin.
Scurvy—Swollen and bleeding gums, subcutaneous and subperiosteal hemorrhages, growth retardation, anemia.
  • Prophylaxis
  • Treatment of scurvy
  • Postoperatively to enhance wound healing
  • In anemia increases iron absorption
  • To acidify urine.
Vaccines and antisera
Vaccines and antisera → enhance body's immunity power.
Vaccines (contain antigens-either whole organism or part of it, live or killed or attenuated) are involved in active immunity (body produces antibodies), prophylactic.
Antisera and immunoglobulins impart passive immunity (already formed antibodies are injected to the body), curative.59
Vaccines, antisera and immunoglobulins have potential risk of anaphylaxis. So adrenaline (1:1000), glucocorticoids and antihistamines should be in hand before administration.
Classification of vaccines
Killed vaccines (inactivated)
  • Typhoid-paratyphoid
  • Cholera
  • Whooping cough (pertussis)
  • Meningococcal
  • Plague
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b.
  • Poliomyelitis inactivated (IPV, Salk)
  • Rabies
  • Influenza
  • Hepatitis A and B.
Live attenuated vaccines
  • Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG).
  • Poliomyelitis oral alive (OPV, Sabin)
  • Mumps
  • Measles
  • Rubella
  • Varicella.
Toxoids—Bacterial exotoxins with antigenicity
  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria.
Combined vaccines
  • DPT—Diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus
  • MMR—Measles-mumps-rubella
  • DPT + hepatitis B+ Haemophilus influenzae type b.60
Immunization schedule
Time of administration
Name of vaccine
At Birth
BCG + OPV (1st dose) + Hepatitis B (after 12–24 hrs)
At 6 weeks
DPT + OPV + Hepatitis B
At 10, 14 weeks
At 6 months
Hepatitis B
At 9 months
At 15–18 months
DPT + MMR + OPV (booster dose)
At 4–5 years
OPV (booster dose), Typhoid-paratyphoid
At 10 years
At 16 years
For pregnant females
At 16–24 weeks of pregnancy
TT (1st dose)
At 24–34 weeks of pregnancy
TT (2nd dose)
Antisera and immunoglobulins
Antisera—Purified horse serum with specific antibodies, high risk of anaphylaxis.
Immunoglobulins—Purified human gammaglobulins → nonspecific or specific (hyperimmune) against an antigen, low risk of anaphylaxis.
Horse antisera
  • Tetanus antitoxin—Prophylaxis when nonimmunized person gets highly contaminated and risky wounds with high risk of tetanus, human globulin is preferred.
  • Gas gangrene antitoxin given for the prophylaxis and therapy of gas gangrene.
  • Diphtheria antitoxin given in clinical diphtheria.
  • Antirabies serum given in suspected exposure along with rabies vaccine.
  • Antisnake venom polyvalent given to neutralize Cobra venom, Russell's viper venom, Sawscaled viper venom and Krait venom.61
Human immunoglobulins
  • Normal human gammaglobulin prophylaxis for hepatitis A and B, measles, mumps, poliomyelitis.
  • Anti-D immunoglobulin human IgG against Rh (D), used for prevention of postpartum/postabortion formation of antibodies in Rho (D) negative women → prevents Rh hemolytic disease in future offspring.
  • Tetanus immunoglobulin is given for prophylaxis when nonimmunized person gets highly contaminated and risky wounds with high risk of tetanus.
  • Rabies immunoglobulin given in suspected exposure along with rabies vaccine.
  • Hepatitis B immunoglobulin given in persons exposed to hepatitis B positive blood or blood products.
Note: If anaphylaxis occurs, adrenaline (1:1000), glucocorticoids and antihistamines should be given.