Endocrinology in Obstetrics & Gynecology Suvarna S Khadilkar
Chapter Notes

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  • 1. Hypothalamus
    • Bharti Maheshwari
  • 2. Pituitary Gland
    • Jasmine Lopez, Hilla S
  • 3. Pineal Gland
    • Suvarna Khadilkar, Vibha More
  • 4. Ovaries
    • Shobhana Mohandas
  • 5. Testies
    • Vinit Shah, Omar Akhtar
  • 6. Thyroid Gland
    • Sujata Misra
  • 7. Parathyroid Gland
    • Ranu Patni
  • 8. Adrenals and the Kidneys
    • Yashodhara Pradeep, Renu Singh
  • 9. Pancreas
    • Suvarna Khadilkar, Suman Kumari
  • 10. Human Skin and Adipose Tissue as Endocrine Units and Exercise Physiology
    • Suvarna Khadilkar, Sachin Naiknawre
  • 11. Placenta and Hormonal Changes in Normal Pregnancy
    • Sajana Gogineni, Prashanthi Vemulapalli
  • 12. Physiology of Lactation
    • Madhuri A Patel, Surekha Tayade, Amrita Singh


Bharti Maheshwari
The hypothalamus is a region of the brain composed of many small nuclei with diverse functions. It is located above the midbrain and below the thalamus. The hypothalamus makes up the ventral diencephalon. The diencephalon is an embryologic region of the vertebrate neural tube that gives rise to posterior forebrain structures. Various nuclei of the hypothalamus secrete and synthesize neurohormones, act as a conduit between the nervous and endocrine systems via the pituitary gland (hypophysis)which regulate homeostatic functions such as hunger, thirst, body temperature, and circadian rhythms.1
The hypothalamus occupies the ventral diencephalon (Fig. 1) and is composed of numerous fiber tracts and nuclei situated symmetrically about the third ventricle. In sagittal section, the hypothalamus is roughly diamond shaped; although its boundaries are not sharply demarcated, its perimeters can be correlated using neuroanatomic landmarks.2
Rostrally, the hypothalamus extends from the anterior commissure, lamina terminalis, and optic chiasma and caudally to the periaqueductal gray matter of the midbrain, approximated by (from ventral to dorsal) the mammillary bodies, interpeduncular fossa, and cerebral peduncles. See figures 2, and 3.
Structural Anatomy2
The nuclei of the hypothalamus (Fig. 4 and Table 1) are organized into the following three subdivisions:
  1. Anterior (or chiasmatic) region, which extends between the lamina terminalis and the anterior infundibular recess.
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    Fig.1: Diencephalon
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    Fig.2: Relations of hypothalamus
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    Fig.3: Sagittal section of the hypothalamus, with schematic boundary landmarksAbbreviations: AC: Anterior commissure; PC: posterior commissure; LT: lamina terminalis; OC: optic chiasm; MB: mammillary bodies; IS: infundibular stalk; TC: tuber cinereum; MT: mammillothalamic tract; PF: postcommissural fornix
  2. Median (or tuberal) region, which proceeds to the anterior column of the fornix
  3. Posterior (or mammillary) region, which stretches to the caudal mammillary bodies.
These subdivisions are derived primarily from the hypothalamic blood supply.
The anterior hypothalamus is supplied by branches of the anterior cerebral and anterior communicating arteries; the tuberal hypothalamus is supplied by the posterior communicating artery; and the mammillary region is supplied by the posterior communicating, posterior cerebral, and basilar arteries.
The outputs of the hypothalamus can be divided into two categories:
  1. Neural projections
  2. Endocrine hormones.
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    Fig.4: Nuclei of the hypothalamus
    Table 1   Details of hypothalamic nuclei
    Function 8
    Medial preoptic nucleus
    Regulates the release of gonadotropic hormones from the adenohypophysis
    Contains the sexually dimorphic nucleus, which releases GnRH, differential development between sexes is based upon in utero testosterone levels
    Supraoptic nucleus (SO)
    Vasopressin release
    Paraventricular nucleus (PV)
    Thyrotropin-releasing hormone release
    Corticotropin-releasing hormone release
    Oxytocin release
    Anterior hypothalamic nucleus (AH)
    Thyrotropin inhibition
    Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SC)
    Circadian rhythms
    Lateral preoptic nucleus
    Lateral nucleus (LT)
    Thirst and hunger
    Part of supraoptic nucleus (SO)
    Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DM)
    Blood Pressure
    Heart Rate
    GI stimulation
    Ventromedial nucleus (VM)
    Satiety Neuroendocrine control
    Arcuate nucleus (AR)
    Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)
    Lateral nucleus (LT)
    Thirst and hunger
    Lateral tuberal nuclei
    Mammillary nuclei (part of mammillary bodies) (MB)
    Posterior nucleus (PN)
    Increase blood pressure
    Pupillary dilation
    Vasopressin release
    Lateral nucleus (LT)
Neural Projections
  1. 6Most fiber systems of the hypothalamus run in two ways (bidirectional). Projections to areas caudal to the hypothalamus go through the medial forebrain bundle, the mammillotegmental tract and the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus.
  2. Projections to areas rostral to the hypothalamus are carried by the mammillothalamic tract, the fornix and terminal stria.
  3. Projections to areas of the sympathetic motor system (lateral horn spinal segments T1-L2/L3) are carried by the hypothalamospinal tract and they activate the sympathetic motor pathway.
Neuroendocrine Function
The hypothalamus has a central neuro-endocrine function mainly by its control of the anterior pituitary, which in turn regulates various endocrine glands and organs. Releasing hormones/factor are produced in hypothalamus nuclei then transported along axons to either the median eminence or the posterior pituitary, where they are stored and released as needed.5,7 Detailed account of various releasing hormones secreted by hypothalamus are given in Tables 2 and 3.
Hypothalamic-Adenohypophyseal (Anterior Pituitary) Axis
In the hypothalamic-adenohypophyseal axis, releasing hormones, also known as hypophysiotropic or hypothalamic hormones are released from the median eminence, into the hypophyseal portal system, which carries them to the anterior pituitary where they exert their regulatory functions on the secretion of adenohypopyseal hormones (Fig. 5).4,10
Table 2   Different hormones secreted by hypothalamus and its functions
Secreted hormone
Produced by
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (Prolactin-releasing hormone)
Parvocellular neuro-secretory cells of the paraventricular nucleus
Stimulates thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) release fromanterior pituitary (primarily)
Stimulates prolactin release from anterior pituitary
Corticotropin-releasing hormone
Parvocellular neurosecretory cells of the paraventricular nucleus
Stimulates adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release from anterior pituitary
Dopamine (Prolactin-inhibiting hormone)
Dopamine neurons of the arcuate nucleus
Inhibits prolactin release from anterior pituitary
Growth hormone-releasing hormone
Neuroendocrine neurons of the arcuate nucleus
Stimulates growth hormone (GH) release from anterior pituitary
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
Neuroendocrine cells of the preoptic area
Stimulates follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) release fromanterior pituitary
Stimulates luteinizing hormone (LH) release from anterior pituitary
Somatostatin12 (growth hormone-inhibiting hormone)
Neuroendocrine cells of the periventricular nucleus
Inhibits growth hormone (GH) release from anterior pituitary
Inhibits (moderately) thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) release from anterior pituitary
Table 3   Hormones secreted by posterior pituitary axis
Secreted hormone
Produced by
Magnocellular neurosecretory cells of the paraventricular nucleus and supraoptic nucleus
Uterine contraction
Lactation (letdown reflex)
Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone)
Magnocellular and parvocellular neurosecretory cells of the paraventricular nucleus, magnocellular cells in supraoptic nucleus
Increase in the permeability to water of the cells of distal tubule and collecting duct in the kidney and thus allows water reabsorption and excretion of concentrated urine
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Fig.5: Hypothalamo-pituitary unit
Hypothalamic-Neurohypophyseal (Posterior Pituitary) Axis
In the hypothalamic-neurohypophyseal axis, neurohypophysial hormones are released from the posterior pituitary, which is actually a prolongation of the hypothalamus, into the circulation.
Clinical Relevance
Hypothalamic-adenohypophyseal (Anterior Pituitary) Axis
The hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis (HPG axis) refers to the effects of the hypothala-mus, pituitary gland, and gonads as a 8whole because these glands often behave in cooperation (Fig. 6). This axis controls development, reproduction, and aging. Hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis (H-P-O axis) becomes fully active by the age of 13 to 14 years, before that hypothalamus remains dormant due to inhibitory effect of adrenal cortex and higher cortical centers.16-18 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) which is first described by schally and Guillemin in 1971 as decapeptide, is secreted by median eminence and arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus and released at nerve ending near tuber cinerium. It affects the release of FSH and LH from anterior pituitary. GnRH has very short half life 2 to 4 minutes so it is difficult to measure. It is released in pulsatile manner and its secretion varies in frequency and amplitude at different phases of menstrual cycle (Fig. 7 and table 4). Its frequency is one in 60 minutes in follicular phase which slows down to 1 in 180 minutes in luteal phase.
Action of GnRH depends on its mode of release. Its continuous release causes down regulation of ovarian functions resulting in suppression of gonadotropins while pul-satile secretion causes up regulation as in puberty. Hypothalamus is also controlled by higher cortical centers especially temporal lobe. Emotional stress disturbs menstrual cycle by affecting H-P-O axis. Epinephrine and estrogen stimulate whereas dopamine, serotonin, opioids and gonadotropins inhibit release of GnRH by hypothalamus.6,12
Hypothalamic Dysfunction
Disorders of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gona-dal axis are classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as:
  • WHO group I of ovulation disorders: Hypothalamic–pituitary failure.
  • WHO group II of ovulation disorders: Hypothalamic–pituitary dysfunction.
    WHO group II is the most common cause of ovulation disorders, and the most common causative member is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).11,13-15
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    Fig. 6: Hypothaamo-pituitary ovarian axis
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    Fig. 7: Releasing pattern of GnRH
    Table 4   LH pulses estimations of frequency and amplitudes: Indirect way of assessing GnRH pulses
    Pulse mean amptitude
    Pulse mean frequency
    Early follicular phase
    90 minutes
    Mid follicular phase
    05.0 IU/L
    Late follicular phase
    07.2 IU/L
    60-70 minutes
    Early luteal phase
    15.0 IU/L
    100 minutes
    Mid luteal phase
    12.2 IU/L
    Late luteal phase
    08.0 IU/L
    200 minutes
9Synthetic analogs of GnRH are available and given in:
  • Precocious puberty
  • Hirsuitism
  • Endometriosis
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Fibroid.
  • In vitro fertilization and prostatic cancer in males.11-14
Injuries or diseases affecting the hypothalamus may produce symptoms of pituitary dysfunction or diabetes insipidus; in the latter disorder, the absence of vasopressin, which promotes the reabsorption of water in the kidneys, induces the rapid loss of water from the body through frequent urination. Hypothalamic disease can also cause insomnia and fluctuations in body temperature.
The best-known variant of hypothalamic anatomy and function leads to Kallmann syndrome, a condition characterized by delayed or absent puberty and anosmia. Under normal circumstances, gonadotropin-releasing hormone–secreting neurons migrate to the hypothalamus (primarily the arcuate and paraventricular nuclei) from the olfactory placode during embryogenesis. Failure of this migration results in an absence of these hypothalamic neurons, with downstream effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, mediated by the anterior pituitary gland. Although this deficiency is not evident grossly, a diminution in paraventricular nucleus volume is microscopically evident.7-9
Numerous disease processes may impinge on the hypothalamus, causing secondary detriment of normal function. Tumors of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, or suprasellar region may impinge on nuclei and fiber tracts, disrupting the endocrine conduit between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland and globally modifying normal hormone concentrations. The optic chiasm is particularly susceptible to pressure from expanding tumors or inflammatory masses in the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland which result in visual defects or blindness. Systemic infiltrative disease may also affect the hypothalamus or pituitary, disrupting function and distorting anatomy.
Certain developmental disorders (Prader-Willi and Bardet-Biedl syndromes) are known to arise in part from disrupted hypothalamic function, but are not associated with aberrations in hypothalamic anatomy. The lateral hypothalamic nucleus is severely affected by Huntington disease, and neuronal loss in the area has even been posited as a marker for disease progression. Histologic changes of the mammillary nucleus occur with Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases, but no gross changes or microscopic cell loss have been observed. In females, the volume of the arcuate nucleus—a critical component of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis—is significantly increased in postmenopausal women, an effect recapitulated by pathophysiologic hypogonadal states. Genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities are two sources of HPG axis alteration. Single mutations usually lead to changes in binding ability of the hormone and receptor leading to inactivation or over activation. These mutations can occur in the genes coding for GnRH, LH, and FSH or their receptors.9,10
  • Hypothalamus is a very small but extremely important part of diencephalon, involved in mediation of endocrine, autonomic and behavioral functions.
  • It has 3 well defined areas—supraoptic, tuberal and mammilary region which are further divided in many regions and nuclei
  • Hypothalamus is connected to anterior lobe of pituitary through hypothalamo-portal vessels and with posterior lobe of pituitary by supraoptic and paraventricular nucleus.
  • It secretes many important hormones like GnRH, corticotropin releasing of hormone (CRH), prolactin inhibitory factor (PIF), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), growth hormone releasing hormone, melanocyte releasing hormone, vasopressin and oxytocin.
  • 10Hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis (also HPG axis) refers to the effects of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and gonads as a whole.
  • One of the most important functions of the HPG axis is to regulate reproduction by controlling the uterine and ovarian cycles. In females, the positive feedback loop between estrogen and luteinizing hormone helps to prepare the follicle in the ovary and the uterus for ovulation and implantation.
  • Hypothalamus also regulates homeostatic functions such as hunger, thirst, body temperature, and circadian rhythms.
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