General Surgical Emergencies S Devaji Rao
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table
compartment syndrome 78
disease 107
injuries 68
lump 137, 196
pain 129t, 166, 194
X-ray 11
Abnormal movements of fingers 10
Absence of abdominal pain 194
Accidental displacement of tube 280
burns of face 266f
peptic disease 192
Activated protein C 19
abdomen 124
abdominal pain 247
abscess leg 262f
amebic typhlitis 137
anal fissure 199
appendicitis 129, 134-136, 141, 154, 158t, 159
bacterial lymphadenitis of neck 254f
breast abscess 119, 119f
cecal diverticulitis 134
cholangitis 130, 143
cholecystitis 130, 132, 133, 140, 142, 151, 157
colitis 130, 132, 133
colonic diverticulitis 160
congestive dysmenorrhea 134
cystitis 134–137
dentoalveolar abscess 99, 100
distension of bladder 137
diverticulitis 134, 161f
edematous cholecystitis 141f
empyema thoracis 109
epididymo-orchitis 229
extradural hematoma 35
lymphangitis and lymphadenitis 255
scrotum 236, 236f
fissure in ano 200f
gastritis 132, 133
hemorrhagic pancreatitis 149
hepatitis 130, 132, 133
hyperacidity 130, 132, 133, 151
inflammation of diverticulum of large bowel 160
ischemia 211
obstruction 166
laryngeal disease 283
intussusception 170, 248
liver abscess 132, 133, 138
limb ischemia 209
lower abdominal pain 134, 137
lung abscess 115
lymphangitis 253, 253f
Meckel's diverticulitis 134, 137, 162
mediastinitis 105
adenitis 134, 136, 137, 157
lymphadenitis 159
odontogenic infections 99
pancreatitis 130, 132, 133, 143, 152f, 184
peptic ulcer 129
periapical abscess 99, 100
pericoronal abscess 99, 100
periodontal abscess 99, 100
pleuritis 106
prostatic abscess 221
prostatitis 221
pyogenic abscess 261
radiating pain 121
colic 184
failure 267
respiratory distress syndrome 21
retention of urine 214
inguinal lymphadenitis 256f
pyelonephritis 141
salpingitis 246
abscess 233
pain 223, 225
severe pain in scrotum 223
solitary cecal diverticulitis 164
subdural hematoma 35
appendicitis 155f
parotitis 102f
sialadenitis 101
thrombosis 209
torsion of ovarian cyst 245
typhlitis 137
ulcerative colitis 164
upper abdominal pain 130
urethritis 215, 220, 220f
viral and bacterial lymphadenitis 254
lymphadenitis of neck 254f
Adhesions of small bowel 178f
Adhesive tapes 286
Adrenaline 16, 20
Advantages of tracheostomy 280
Aggravating factors of abdominal pain 127t
Air in biliary system 169f
and cervical spine control 27
management and oxygen 20
Allergies 8
Ambu bag 279
Amebic liver abscess 138, 139f
Amenorrhea 135, 137
Amoxicillin 295
Anal pain 215
Anaphylactic shock 17, 19
Anatomy of
hernia 243f
hernial sac 242
Anemia 9
Angiodysplasia 192
cord syndrome 48
cranial fossa 36
and emergency surgery 294
prophylaxis 294
Anticholinergics 184
Antihistamine 20
hiatus 62
rupture with upper rib fractures 63f
Aphthous ulcers 9
Appendicectomy 135, 294
Appendicolith 158f
abscess 136, 138
colic 135
mass 158f
Application of pressure in left iliac fossa 155
Arrhythmias 64
blood gas analysis 11
trauma 209
Ascaris blocking pancreatic outflow 149
Aspiration 21
down tracheobronchial tree 115
pneumonia 113
right lung 114f
Association of fever 130, 193
Avulsion of nails by crush injury 94f
Base of
penis 189, 219f
skull 31
Basic surgical instruments 281
Battle's sign 32
Beck's triad 64
polyps 193
stricture of CBD 144f
tumors 192
hemothorax 60f
pulmonary contusion 62f
Biliary colic 130, 133
Black eye of head injuries 9
injuries 83t
neck hypertrophy 215
outlet obstruction 137
duodenal 196
hemorrhoids 204f
and CSF
otorrhea 32
rhinorrhea 32
gas analysis 21
loss 18
pressure 18
sugar 11, 273
tests 11
transfusion 19
color of central cyanosis 9
line of lead poisoning 9
Bluish discoloration 8
abdominal trauma with full bladder 83
injuries 61, 64, 65, 68, 72, 88
Boas's sign 141
Bone and joint injuries 96
Boutonnière deformity of little finger 95f
Brain injury 34
Breast 118
hematoma 118
Bronchiectasis 115
Bronchodilators 20
Brown-Sequard syndrome 48
Bruising over mastoid 32
Burning pain 125
Bypass surgery 149
Calculus in Wharton's duct 102f
Capsular tears 72
Capsule endoscopy 198
Carbuncle 262
colon 136
of head of pancreas 149
stomach 131, 132, 192
failure 107
monitoring 65
tamponade 28, 65, 277
Cardiogenic shock 17, 20
Catarrhal appendicitis 154
Cauda equina syndrome 120
Causes of
acute retention of urine 215t
gastrointestinal bleeding 191f
hematuria 216t
intestinal obstruction 166t
mechanical obstruction of biliary system 143f
paralytic ileus 184t
diverticulitis 137
malignancy 137
volvulus 180
Ceftriaxone 295
Cefuroxime 295
Cellulitis 99, 260
foot 261f
cord syndrome 48
venous pressure monitoring 15
fibroid 215
spine injuries 283
tenderness 137
Charcot's triad 143
Chemical inhalation injuries 283
Chest X-ray 11, 21
Chinese liver fluke 149
Cholangiocarcinoma 145f
Cholangitis 133
Choledochal cyst 133
Choledocholithiasis 133
appendicitis 135
constipation 203
duodenal ulcer 194
fissure 199
in ano 200f
Ciprofloxacin 295
Classification of
burn wounds 264t
hypovolemic shock 18t
Cleft palate 9
Clindamycin 295
and tension pneumothorax 58
blunt abdominal trauma 79
injuries 68
pneumothorax 55
Clot retention 215
Coagulation disorders 150
Coital injuries 90
Colicky pain 225
Collagen vascular disease 107
Collection of pus 138
in tunica vaginalis sac 231
Colocolic intussusception 171f
Colon cut-off sign 152f
diverticulitis 160
malignancy 135, 137, 194
malignancies 194
surgery 294
Combined renal and splenic injuries of automobile accident 74f
blood count 11, 292
cord injury 48
Complicated hernias 241
Complication of endotracheal intubation 280
depressed fractures 36
fractures 36
Compression fracture vertebra 47f
Concussion brain 34
malformation of articular processes 122
pyloric stenosis 250
Congestive dysmenorrhea 135
Conjunctiva for anemia 136, 194
Constipation 129
Contact lenses 32
pain 125
positive airways pressure 16
Control of hemorrhage 18
and lacerations of brain 34
of abdominal wall 68
of brain 35
Cord hemisection 48
Coronary arteries 278
Corrosive poisoning. 192
Cranial nerve lesions 9
Cricothyroid membrane 283
Cricothyroidotomy 282, 283
kit 283f
Crohn's disease 137, 199
CSF fistula 34, 39
Culex fatigans 255
Cullen's sign 151, 151f
Cut off sign 152
Cystic swelling 138
Cystoscopy 216
Cytomegalovirus 149
burns of forearm 266f
partial thickness burns 265f
Deformed joints of rheumatoid arthritis 10
Degenerative diseases of disk and facet joints 120
Dehydration 267
Delayed healing 268
Depressed fracture 36
of vault 36
Depression of left main stem bronchus 63
Description of renal pain 217f
Diabetes mellitus 137
Diabetic crisis 184
Diaphragmatic injuries 66
Diarrhea 129, 137
Diethylcarbamazine citrate 256
Difficult pelvic surgery 83
Diffuse axonal injury 34, 35
Dilated pelvicalyceal system 138
Direction of impact force 34
Displaced mandibular fracture 44f
aneurysm of thoracic aorta 213f
aortic aneurysm 212
gallbladder 132
neck veins 28
urinary bladder 136, 137
in cystitis 136
Distension of
jugular veins 64
large bowel 168f
Diverticulitis 192
of colon 161f
of sigmoid colon 162f
Diverticulosis 135
Dobutamine 16
Dopamine 16
Dopexamine 16
atresia 166
ulcer perforation 141
Duplication cyst in bowel wall 248
Dupuytren's contracture 10
Duration of hematemesis 193
Dysmenorrhea 135
Dyspnea 65
Edematous gallbladder of acute cholecystitis 142f
Electrical burns 266f
Electrolyte imbalance 267
Emergency surgical procedures 277
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 149
Endotracheal tubes 279
Enteric gram-negative bacilli 295
Epididymo-orchitis 223, 224
hernia 241
pain 130
tenderness 196
Epstein-Barr virus 149
injuries 65
varices 192, 196
Esophagoscopy 66
Exophthalmos of thyrotoxicosis 8
Extension of adjacent suppurative focus 115
Extensor tendon injuries 95
Extrusion of nucleus pulposus protrusion pressing nerve 121f
Eyelids 9
Facet joint disease 121
Facial injuries 41
Familial polyposis 194
Fatty necrosis 149
Fecal impaction 215
Female genital injuries 90
hydrocele left side 256f
leg 10
Fine needle aspiration cytology 118
Fissured fracture 36
Flail chest 32, 53
Flank tenderness 196
Flexor tendon injuries 96
Floating fracture 41
Floor of orbit 41
Flucloxacillin 295
Foreign bodies
in penile urethra 87
in respiratory tract 112
Fournier's gangrene 223, 224, 234, 235f
Fracture of
5th sacral vertebra 47f
anterior cranial fossa 37f
clavicles and ribs 32
condyle of mandible 44f
bone 38f
sinus 38f
laryngeal cartilage 28
long bones 29
lower ribs 51f
mandible 32, 42, 42f, 129
maxilla 41f
midfacial skeleton 41
orbital bones 45f
ramus of mandible 44f
skull 34, 36
pelvis 83
penis 237, 237f
rib 51f
sternum 55f
in micturition 129
of vomiting 128
Fulminating infections 99
Fungal infections 150
Gallstone ileus 168, 169f
Ganglion blockers 184
Gangrene of
acute ischemia of left lower limb 210f
fingertip following crush injury 94f
glans penis 87f
Gangrenous patches in acute lymphangitis 253f
lymphoma 192
polyps 192
ulcer 133, 196
volvulus 182
Gastrograffin swallow 66
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage 190
Genitalia 132, 189f, 219f
Gentamycin 295
Glasgow coma scale 10f, 31
cocci 295
rods 295
Gram-positive cocci 295
Grey Turner's sign 151, 151f
Groin hernia 241
Grossly dilated intrahepatic bile ducts 145f
Ground glass appearance of peritonitis 176f
Guerin's fracture 41
Gunshot injuries 88
Hand injuries 92
Hard palate and soft palate 9
Head injuries 34
Heart rate 18
Heberden's nodes of osteoarthrosis 8
Hematemesis 190, 192
Hematocele 230
Hematochezia 190, 192, 193
Hematoma 39, 257
of medial aspect of thigh 258f
Hematuria 129, 215
Hemophilus influenzae 74
Hemorrhage 32, 150
Hemorrhagic shock 7
Hemorrhoids 193, 203, 207
Hemothorax 56, 59
Hepatic failure 107, 193, 194
Hernia 241
surgery 294
dependency units 3
intestinal obstruction 129
transverse 42
Hirschsprung's disease 166
Hollow organs 68
Hospital acquired pneumonia 115
Hutchinson's teeth of congenital syphilis 9f
Hydrothorax 56
Hypercalcemia 149
Hypoglossal nerve palsy 9
Hypoglycemia 30
Hypokalemia 184
Hypoproteinemia 10, 107
Hypotension 19
Hypovolemia 30
Hypovolemic shock 17, 267
Hypoxia 30, 184
Hypoxic ischemic injury 35
Idiopathic scrotal edema 232
Ileocecal tuberculosis 137
Ileoileal intussusception 170f, 171f
left inguinal hernia 134
right inguinal hernia 134
Incisional hernia 241
Increased intracranial pressure 30
Indeterminable injuries 92
Infected burns wound 269f
Infection of pancreatic necrosis 150
Infective necrosis of pulp 99, 100
Infiltrate over cricothyroid membrane 284
appendix 158f
hemorrhoids 205f
Inflammatory bowel disease 193, 194, 196
Inguinoscrotal hernia 223
Injuries of
cranial nerves 34
duodenum 75
large intestine 77
liver 69
mesentery 74
myocardium 64
penile skin 86
small intestine 76
spinal cord 48
spleen 72
thoracic aorta 62
Intensive care units 3
herniation of small intestines 183f
rotation of small bowel 178f
colic 136
obstruction 167t, 182
strictures 177
Intra-abdominal sepsis 223
Intracranial hematomas 35
Intraperitoneal rupture 75
of urinary bladder 83f
Intrasplenic hematomas 72
Intravenous urography 216
Intubation of trachea 279
Intussusception 172f, 192, 207, 249f
of small bowel 172f
Ischemic disease 192, 193
Jaundice 131, 144
Joint injuries 96
vein catheterization 26
distension 64
pressure 10
Keloid formation 268
after burns 269f
Ketoacidosis 293
Klebsiella pneumoniae infections 113
Klein's sign 159
Koilonychia of iron-deficiency anemia 10
Laceration of
liver and perisplenic collection 52f, 73f
penis and scrotum with exposure of left testis 89f
Laceration penile skin 87f
bore tubes 285
intestinal obstruction 129
pericardial effusion 277
Laryngeal crepitus 28
Leaking aortic aneurysm 151, 223
hemothorax 60f
hypochondrial pain 130, 133
iliac fossa 134
lobar hepatomegaly 131, 132
lower abdominal 136
cyst 136, 137
malignancy 137
pneumothorax with fractures of ribs 58f
colic 130, 133
injury 80f
abdominal 131
quadrant 132
ureteric colic 134, 137
Leukemia 239
Leukocyte count 18
Leukocytosis in infective pathologies 133
Ligamentum arteriosum 62
Linear fracture 36
abscess 115
failure 194
function tests 11, 196, 273
injury with hemoperitoneum 71f
Local tenderness and obliteration of liver dullness 133
Location of pain 130, 224
bone fractures 29
common duct 149
Loss of aortic knob 63
Low intestinal obstruction 129
Lower limb revascularization surgery 294
Ludwig's angina 103, 104f
canal stenosis 121
degenerative disease 120
hernia 241
Lymphatic system 253
Magnetic resonance imaging 245
genital injuries 86
genitalia 223
growth of colon cause for intussusception 171f
tumors 192, 193
Mallory-Weiss tears 192
Marjolin's ulcer 268
chest wall 269f
Massive hemopnuemothorax 63
McBurney's point 155, 157, 163
Meatal stenosis 215
Meckel's diverticulum 162, 163f, 166, 248
Meconium ileus 166
Mediastinal emphysema 65f
Meningitis 39
Menstrual irregularities 137
adenitis 136
lymphadenitis 160f
Metabolic abnormalities of glucose 35
colonic malignancy 194
liver 133
Method of placing chest drain 287f
Metronidazole 295
Middle cranial fossa 36
Midgut volvulus 181
Migrating pain 126
Minitracheostomy 282
Mixed second and third degree burns 265f
Modified rule of nine for children 271f
Mottled yellow color of fluorosis 9
Mottling of ischemic limb 210f
Movements of chest 32
Mucocele gallbladder 133
Mucus plugging 284
organ failure 150
sclerosis 215
Murphy's sign 141
contusion 64
infarction 141, 151
injuries 64
puncture 278
Nail injury 93
Nasal bleed 44
intubation 49
in chest 67
insertion 290f
Nature of
injuries 25, 81
pain 125, 135, 224
vomitus 128
Nausea 157
Neck veins 60
enterocolitis 250
fasciitis 274
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 229
damage 93, 96
injuries 96
Neurogenic shock 17, 20
Nicotine staining of chronic smokers 10
Nontender hepatomegaly 133
Nonviable testis 226
Obliteration of liver dullness 136
hernia 132
inguinal hernia 183f
inguinoscrotal hernia 224
ureteric stone 138
Obstruction of airway 280
Obstructive appendicitis 154
Obturator hernia 241
Occult bleeding 190
Opaque abdomen 138
biliary surgery 294
injuries 68, 69
Operative injuries 72
pneumothorax 55, 58
Oral cavity 9, 99
Osteoarthritis 122
of posterior joints 122
Ovarian cyst torsion 138
Pain in
breast 118
right iliac fossa 137, 155
Palpable lump 196
Palpate cricothyroid membrane 284
abscess 150
calculi 153f
fistula 150
necrosis 150
pseudocyst 150
Panda's eyes 32
Paracolic abscess 138
Paralysis 210
Paralytic ileus 183
Paramyxovirus 149
Paraphimosis 234, 238, 239f
Paraumbilical hernia 241
Passage of blood stained stools 129
Passing nasogastric tube 287
Pathogenesis of foreign body obstruction in lower respiratory tract 112t
Pelvic inflammatory disease 134, 135, 137
injuries 61, 64, 65, 83
trauma 115
Percutaneous tracheostomy 280, 281
kit 281f
appendicitis 134
and diverticulitis 136, 138
with generalized peritonitis 136
bowel pathologies 174
cholecystitis 133
duodenal ulcer 130-132
peptic ulcer 151
ulcer 133
Periampullary carcinoma 193
Perianal hematoma 206, 206f
Pericardial aspiration 278f
kit 277
Perineal hernia 241
antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody 146
tap 289, 291f
Peritonitis 138
Periumbilical pain 157
Periurethral extravasation of urine 234
Plain X-ray abdomen 133, 138, 190
Pneumomediastinum 28, 65
Pneumonia 21
Pneumoperitoneum 176f
Pneumothorax 55, 278
in absence of rib fracture 65
Poikilothermia 210
Polyarteritis nodosa 149
Portal hypertension 194
Post hemorrhoidectomy 215
contracture 270f
of axillary fold 270f
of neck 269f
scarring resulting in
disability 270f
syndactyly 270f
Posterior cranial fossa 36
Postoperative ileus 184
brainstem injury 34, 35
brain injury 34
carcinoma in adults 69
sclerosing cholangitis 146
of rectum 207
rectum 208f
Prolapsed hemorrhoids 204f
Prominence of eyeballs 8
Prostatic surgery 83
Proximal colonic malignancy 196
Pseudokidney appearance 249
artery 21
catheterization 15
wedge pressure 21
contusion/laceration 61
embolism 107, 116
Pulsus paradoxus 64
Puncture wounds 72
Pyloric stenosis 166
Pyogenic liver abscess 138
Quantity of vomitus 128
colitis 192
enteritis 192
malignancy of GIT 194
perianal abscess 202f
Referred pain 126, 126f
Reflux esophagitis 192
Regions of abdomen 125f
Relieving factors of abdominal pain 128t
Removal of prosthesis 295
angle 217f
colic 217
failure 107, 150
function tests 273
injuries 79
stones 133
vascular trauma 79
failure 150
rate 18
Restoration of fluid volume 18
Retroperitoneal malignancy 184
Retroverted gravid uterus 215
Rib fractures 50
Richter's hernia 192
basal pleurisy 141
hematocele 231f
hypochondrial pain 130, 132
iliac fossa 134
abdominal 136
rib fractures 71f
cyst 136, 137
malignancy 137
pathology 157
pneumothorax 57, 111f
renal colic 130, 133
tension pneumothorax 58f
abdominal 131
quadrant 132
ureteric colic 134, 157
Road traffic accident 88
Rovsing's sign 155
Rupture of
lutein cyst 247
parenchyma 72
urethra 215
appendicitis 136
ectopic gestation 134-137
empyema of gallbladder 142f
Scalp injuries 34
Sciatic hernia 241
Sclera 9
Scleral hemorrhage 32
Sclerosing cholangitis 147f
abscess 223, 224, 234f
laceration 88
Second degree burns with blister formation 265f
Secondary brain injury 34, 35
Securing tapes 277, 281, 283
chest drain kit 288f
drains 285
technique 286
Selective arteriography 198
loop sign 152
pile 200
Septic shock 7, 17, 18
Septicemia 115
Serum electrolytes 273
acute respiratory distress syndrome 113
coagulopathy 289
midfacial trauma 282
respiratory distress 63
Severely swollen neck 103
Severity of acute pancreatitis 153
Sherren's triangle 155
Short duration 193
Sickle cell disease 239
Sigmoid volvulus 179, 180f
Signs of life-threatening thoracic conditions 28t
Silk sutures 286
Simple fractures 36
and subcutaneous tissues 257
damage 93
disinfectant 281, 283, 286
drapes 286
injuries 94, 96
Small children 283
Smooth tongue of vitamin B12 deficiency 9
Snake bite 149
Soft tissue injuries 29, 32
Solid organs 68
Sphincterotomy 145f
Spigelian hernia 241
anesthesia 215
injuries 48t
lesions and trauma 239
injury 184
Spine and spinal cord injuries 46
abscess 148, 148f
infarct 130, 133
injury with lower rib fracture 73f
Spondylolisthesis 122, 122f, 123
Spondylolysis 122
Spontaneous pneumothorax 110
Stages of prolapse of intervertebral disk 121f
Staphylococcus aureus 113, 259, 262, 295
drape 283
gowns and gloves 277
lubricant 279
Sternal fracture 54
Stone in gallbladder 142f
Streptococcus pyogenes 260
Stress ulcers 267
Subcapsular hematoma 72
Subconjunctival hemorrhage 43f, 44
Subcutaneous emphysema 28
Subdural hematoma 35, 38f
Subhyoid hemorrhage 32
Submandibular salivary gland abscess 102f
Subzygomatic fracture 42
Sudden onset pain 125
Sunken eyeballs 8
burns 265f
partial thickness burns 265f
Superior mediastinitis 106f
Suprazygomatic fracture 42
Surgery of urinary tract 229
Surgical emphysema 32
Swallowed foreign bodies 173
Swan-neck deformity 95f
Sympathetic dysfunction 184
Systemic lupus erythematosus 149
Tablet in bronchus 113f
Tachycardia 19, 60
Teicoplanin 295
Tendons injuries 96
Tension pneumothorax 28, 56, 57f
torsion 224
tumor 223
Thalassemia 239
Third degree hemorrhoids 204f
Thoracic injuries 50
Thoracotomy 65
Thorax 32, 105
Three chamber underwater drain 288f
Thrombosed and ulcerated pile masses 205f
Tidy injuries 92
Tityus trinitatis 149
Tongue for anemia 136, 194
Tooth in bronchus 113f
Torn annulus fibrosus with disk bulge 121f
Torsion of
appendages of testis 224f, 228
cyst of
left ovary 134
right ovary 134
hydatid of Morgagni 223
left ovary 136
ovarian cyst 246f
omentum 186
right ovary 136
testis 223, 226, 227f
gases 21
megacolon 165f
deviation 28
intubation 49
stenosis 280, 284
transection 283
Tracheoesophageal fistula 251, 252f, 284
amputation of
entire index finger 93f
tip of middle finger 93f
gangrene of
little finger 94f
middle finger 94f
orchitis 230
Treatment of
flail chest 54t
focus of sepsis 19
hypovolemic shock 18
Tremors of thyrotoxicosis 10
Trophic ulcers 10
Tubercular infection 159
Tuberculosis 107
Types of
drain 285
gastrointestinal hemorrhages 191
liver injuries 70f
pneumothorax 56f
Ulcerated perianal hematoma 206f
Ulcerative colitis 196
Ulcers 10
hernia 241
tenderness 196
Uncontrolled glycemic status 293
Untidy injuries 92
Upper GI malignancy 196
calculus 138
colic 134, 135, 189f, 218, 219f, 223
injuries 80, 81t
stone 138
catheterization 49
discharge of gonococcal urethritis 220f
fistula 84f
injuries 84
stenosis 215
stricture 215
Urethroscopy 220
bladder injuries 82
catheterization 26
Urine examination for infection 216
Urological injuries 79
Urticarial rash 19
Uterine fibroid 134, 136
Vaginal bleeding 90
Vancomycin 295
positions of appendix 156f
types of hernia 242f
injuries 34, 29, 94, 96
malformations 196
system 209
Ventilator associated pneumonia 280
Ventral hernia 241
Ventricular tachycardia 278
Vesical calculus 138
Viable testis 226
Visual acuity 32
Vocal cords 280
Volvulus 179
Vomiting 130
von Recklinghausen's disease 8
Wallace's rule of nine for adults 271f
Water and electrolyte loss 268
Wuchereria bancrofti 256f
Yellow discoloration 8
Zygomatic fracture 45f
Chapter Notes

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