Evolution of Surgical Techniques
Cataract surgery has been evolving at a very rapid way during the last decades, passing from extracapsular extraction to ultrasonic phacoemulsification, which has become progressively the standard method for cataract surgery around the world, because it affords less astigmatism induction, rapid astigmatism stabilization, less postoperative inflammation and less possibility of postoperative complications than extracapsular cataract extraction.
One of the latest crucial breakthroughs in phaco-emulsification has been to perform the phacoemulsification surgery through a microincision with a bimanual approach, using a sleeveless phaco tip. Co-axial MICS, as we know today, did not evolve directly from standard phacoemulsification, even that phacoemulsification was described since the early years as a coaxial procedure. Bi-axial technique was born from the idea of performing a less invasive technique in comparison to standard phacoemulsification; this idea leads to the creation of bimanual techniques, currently known as Bi-axial techniques. From this evolution of techniques leading by Biaxial procedures, the idea of performing the same through coaxial was started. Co-MICS is currently a byproduct of Bi-MICS, in particular for those surgeons that did not want to pass through the change process from coaxial to biaxial phaco, it means, the learning curve.
The idea of removing the crystalline lens through two microincisions has been proposed since 1985 by Dr. Steven Shearing, MD in Las Vegas USA, as he propounded the separation of ultrasound/aspiration and the irrigation hand piece; it means like the pars plana vitrectomy procedures.1,2 However, it was not until that independently Agarwal in India and Tsuneoka in Japan began that technique in 1998 and 1999, respectively, that it gained popularity. Although it is still practiced by a small percentage of the world's surgeons, authors hope that its benefits can be slowly understood.3,4
Agarwal coined the term “Phakonit” (as you will see in the chapter written by him in this textbook), which initially stood for phacoemulsification (phaco) performed with a needle opening (N) via an ultra small incision (I) with the sleeveless ultrasound tip (T). Originally, Agarwal described an incision as small as 0.9 mm, using a standard sleeveless Microtip. Although initially the theoretical possibility of a possible thermal burn was a concern, this fear was dispelled by several studies. Tsuneoka showed experimentally in a porcine eye that using a sleeveless ultrasound tip, the temperature of the cornea at the incision elevated only 8.4°C without developing thermal burns. In other experiments, Olson et al. demonstrated that clinically unusual parameters were necessary to produce a wound burn in bimanual phaco and moreover, when using “cold phaco” with a bare 19-gauge aspiration needle in human cadaver eyes, a wound burn could not be produced at the highest energy settings unless all flow into the eye and all aspiration were occluded. These settings are well beyond clinically applicable conditions.5-7 The authors' explanation is that it is difficult to completely occlude a linear stab incision with a metal circular instrument, unlike the situation in standard coaxial phaco, where a flexible irrigation sleeve fills the wound and reduces the flow around the sleeve, particularly in a tight wound.
The sleeveless phaco needle has been a terrible fear for many surgeons to move from coaxial to biaxial phacoemulsification.
The combinations of a tight wound, filled by a flexible irrigation sleeve, and complete occlusion of aspiration, and therefore complete blockage of irrigation results in a wound burn. So in fact, the risk of thermal burn may be less in phakonit than in coaxial phaco.
Agarwal initially reported 305 eyes that underwent the technique successfully.3,6,7,9 He had the assistant continuously 4pouring cooled balanced salt solution (BSS®) over the phaco needle. The original incision had to be enlarged in order to implant the intraocular lens (IOL). No one case of thermal wound occurred. Tsuneoka and coauthors also initially reported 637 cases that underwent cataract surgery through a 1.4 mm incision without a case of thermal burn.4 Likewise the authors of this chapter, working in different surgical centers and for almost a decade of performing all our cataract surgeries under this basis, have not found any single case of corneal wound burn in our patients.
Around the world several other surgeons, including the author of this chapter, have reported their results using bimanual microincision surgery with different phaco machines.
Jorge Alió coined the term Microincision Cataract Surgery (MICS), as you will be able to see in this textbook in the chapter written by him. At that time he reported good visual performance of two available IOLs, which may be implanted through microincisions. In a prospective randomized consecutive case series, he reported that microincision cataract surgery significantly lowered mean phacoemulsification time, mean total phacoemulsification percent, mean effective phaco time and surgically induced astigmatism when compared with coaxial phacoemulsification. Howard Fine has highlighted the advantages of maintaining a more stable intraocular environment during lens removal,1 as you also will be able to read in the chapter written by him in this textbook. This advantage may be especially important in high myopia, patients who are at a greater risk for retinal detachment following lens extraction or high hyperopes with shallow anterior chamber, decreasing the possibility of an expulsive hemorrhage.
In 2002, Olson was the first to use a 0.8 mm phaco needle and a 21-gauge irrigating chopper in bimanual cataract surgery and called this technique microphaco.
These techniques of performing phacoemulsification through incisions around 1.0–1.5 mm have been spreading around the world. Other names given to these techniques are bimanual phacoemulsification and sleeveless phaco.2,5,8 Recently, Agarwal reported the microphakonit, a similar technique, but using a 0.7 mm needle and a 0.7 mm irrigating chopper through a sub 1 mm incision. Many chapters in this textbook, including one written by Agarwal himself, talk about the performance of 700 micron cataract surgery, currently the smaller possible incision size for lens removal.
Currently definitions describe that standard coaxial phacoemulsification can be performed through a 2.8–3.2 mm incision. Other techniques that use smaller incisions include micro-coaxial phacoemulsification, which uses a 1.8–2.2 mm incision, and biaxial MICS, which uses a 1.2–1.4 mm incision. In micro-coaxial phacoemulsification, irrigation, aspiration and phacoemulsification are performed with the same instrument (phaco handpiece), used in standard coaxial phacoemulsification. The only difference between the two techniques is the smaller main incision in micro-coaxial phacoemulsification, which is the result of the development of the phaco tip sleeves. In biaxial MICS, however, the irrigation and phacoemulsification aspiration steps are separate; an irrigation chopper is used for irrigation and a sleeveless phaco tip for aspiration and phacoemulsification. Micro-biaxial (or bimanual microphacoemulsification) is named to biaxial techniques performed through 700 micron instrumentation.
Going from a 0.9 mm phaco needle to a 0.7 mm needle diminished the aspiration flow rate, the holding power and in general the efficiency of the tip. So in order to have a feasible procedure, a modified 30 degree tip was developed by MicroSurgical Technology Inc. (MST) Redmond, USA, with thinner walls, allowing for an increased inner diameter thereby increasing efficiency close to that of a 0.9 mm tip. Agarwal uses his end-opening sharp irrigating chopper and gas forced infusion, initially he employed an external air pump9 and then the anterior vented gas forced infusion (AVGFI) system of the Alcon's Accurus equipment,8 with the infusion pump preset to 100 mm Hg. Authors have already published results with a phakonit technique through 1.2–1.5 mm, using the 20 gauge Microtip, or 19 gauge Standard or MicroFlow® tips. Now Surgeons have available a specially designed 0.7 mm Nanotip (MST), which allows them to perform the surgery through 0.8 mm incision. Because of the good results of these techniques, authors are using it in all their adult and pediatric cataract patients.
When microincisional techniques were born in a biaxial approach, some kind of skepticism by the side of the coaxial surgeons, the fear of corneal thermal burns and the need to avoid the learning curve from coaxial to biaxial, encouraged the industry to the micro-coaxial techniques, leading the creation of smaller phaco tips and smaller phaco sleeves. It has become part of the history of cataract surgery the communication (an electronic mail) from Prof. A Akahoshi from Japan, to the Alcon engineers, asking for new micro-coaxial instrumentation (tips and sleeves) based upon the growing enthusiasm of the cataract surgeons over biaxial techniques; the idea was to make smaller incisions in the very well known, ‘coaxial mode'. Formany surgeons this way microcoaxial technique was born. So all the new instrumentations, the new softwares, the new 5machines, the new methods of IOL implantation and the new models of IOLs that were born for micro-coaxial (and that are described in this textbook) were born from this inquiry of the coaxial surgeons based upon the new biaxial techniques. This is why authors can say that Co-MICS is a byproduct of Bi-MICS, created by a group of surgeons and the industry, for those surgeons that do not desire to go upon the hill of the learning curve of biaxial.
Current Terminology
For the purposes of this book, the authors are going to standardize in a didactic mode all the names given to these cataract removal technologies. It is currently a hard work to match all the names that these techniques have received through the years and for many authors. Authors of this chapter are not pretending to establish a worldwide accepted terminology; this is what practitioners were able to find and the way they are going to understand each other during the lecture of this book. Maybe new terminology in the future can help us to establish better criteria and an improvement in our knowledge of these techniques.
Authors are agreeing with the reports of Arshinoff and Grabow,10,11 regarding the term biaxial and coaxial to describe the differences between both methods of phacoemulsification performed at this time, according to the axis of the incoming fluid to the eye. Arshinoff wrote these words in the article of Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (Volume 31, Issue 4, Page 646, April 2005) as follows:
“The point is that all these terms are meaningless, except that they may sound good, unless you think about it. None of them differentiates the procedure under discussion from coaxial phaco. However “biaxial phaco” clearly refers to the fundamental difference in the procedure separating it from coaxial phaco. Biaxial makes no specific reference to incision size, which undoubtedly changes over time; does not imply lack of dexterity of coaxial surgeons; and is not a mixed, obscure acronym. Biaxial is simply what is different from coaxial in biaxial phaco. The rest is left to innovators of the future.”
- Coaxial Cataract Surgery (CACS): Cataract surgery performed with three functions in one hand; irrigation, aspiration and some additional form of energy to remove the lens [e.g. ultrasonic power (linear or torsional), water force (AquaLase®), laser power…]. An additional side port incision can be used in some cases.
- Micro-coaxial Cataract Surgery (MCACS): Variation of the CACS performed through one incision of less than 2.2 mm. An additional side port incision can be used in some cases.
- Biaxial Cataract Surgery (BACS): Cataract surgery performed through two incisions with a division of functions between right and left hands. Irrigation and aspiration are used separately with instruments that are able to allow surgical manipulation inside the eye through incisions of 1.5 mm or less. The additional source of energy to remove the lens is used in the same hand that the aspiration.
- Micro-biaxial Cataract Surgery (MBACS): Variation of BACS where the incisions are lesser than 1.0 mm.
- Passive Infusion (PI): Irrigation inside the eye during the cataract surgery obtained only by the force of gravity.
- Forced Infusion (FI): Irrigation inside the eye during the cataract surgery created in an active mode by an air pump.
- Internal Forced Infusion (IFI): Variation of FI where the air pump is integrated to the machine that the surgeon is working with for the cataract extraction.
- External Forced Infusion (EFI): Variation of FI where the air pump is a separate equipment of the machine that the surgeon is working with for the cataract extraction.
- Coaxial Phacoaspiration: Variation of CACS where the only energy for lens extraction is aspiration (vacuum).
- Biaxial Phacoaspiration: Variation of BACS where the only energy for lens extraction is aspiration (vacuum).
- Micro-coaxial Phacoaspiration: Variation of MCACS where the only energy for lens extraction is aspiration (vacuum).
- Micro-biaxial Phacoaspiration: Variation of MBACS where the only energy for lens extraction is aspiration (vacuum).
- Biaxial Refractive Lens Exchange: Clear lens extraction for refractive purposes performed with BACS techniques.
- Micro-biaxial Refractive Lens Exchange: Clear lens extraction for refractive purposes performed with MBACS techniques.
- Bimanual: Term apply to the use of both hands for cataract extraction. Once BACS was named Bimanual Cataract Surgery, but a bimanual approach can be seen in CACS and in BACS.
- Sleeveless: Term applies to a cataract surgery performed with a nude phaco tip. It has the same application when the sleeve is cut; in both ways the sleeve is not going through the incision.
- Phakonit: Term coined by Amar Agarwal where the cataract surgery is in a biaxial mode and the incisions are smaller than that required by coaxial phacoemulsification by eliminating the sleeve that covers the phaco needle (or by cutting it). Thus the wound size in phakonit reduces to 0.9 mm.
- Microphakonit: Term coined by Amar Agarwal, and consists of a phakonit performed with instrumentation of 0.7 mm (irrigating cannulas, irrigating choppers, aspiration cannulas and phaco needle). It is the smaller size of lens extraction until the writing of this book.
- Microincision Cataract Surgery (MICS): Term coined by Jorge Alió that consists in the cataract surgery (lens removal) through sub 2 mm incisions aiming to reduce surgical trauma, surgical induced astigmatism and corneal aberrations.
- Bimanual Microincisional Surgery: Term applied sometimes for BACS.
- Microphaco: Term applied sometimes for BACS.
- Bimanual Phacoemulsification: Term applied some-times to BACS.
- Bimanual Microincision Phaco: Term applied some-times to BACS.
- Ultra small-incision Phaco: Term applied sometimes to BACS.
- Fine IH, Hoffman RS, Packer M. Optimizing refractive lens exchange with bimanual microincision phacoemulsification. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2004;30(3):550–4.
- Cavallini GM, Campi L, Masini C, et al. Bimanual microphacoemulsification versus coaxial miniphaco-emulsification: prospective study. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2007;33(3):387–92.
- Agarwal A. Bimanual Phaco. Mastering the Phakonit/MICS Technique. Slack Inc.; New Jersey: 2004.
- Tsuneoka H, Hayama A, Takahama M. Ultrasmall-incision bimanual phacoemulsification and AcrySof SA30AL Implantation through a 2.2 mm Incision. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2003;29(6):1070–6.
- Kurz S, Krummenauer F, Gabriel P, et al. Biaxial microincision versus coaxial small-incision clear cornea cataract surgery. Ophthalmology. 2006;113(10):1818–26.
- Agarwal A. Microphakonit surgery performed with 0.7-mm tip. Ocular Surgery News Europe/Asia-Pacific Edition; 2005.
- Prakash DP. Cutting phaco sleeve permits ultra-small incision surgery. Ocular Surgery News Europe/Asia-Pacific Edition; 2003.
- Arturo Pérez-Arteaga. Accurus forced infusion good for MICS, surgeon says. Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition; 2003.
- Amar Agarwal. Gas-forced infusion: A solution for surge. Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition; 2006.
- Arshinoff SA. Biaxial phacoemulsification. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2005;31(4):646.
- Grabow HB. Biaxial phacoemulsification. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2006;32(4):547–8.