- • Burden of Cervical Cancer
- • Natural History and Control Options
- • Screening Tests and Programs for Cervical Neoplasia
- • New Paradigms in Cervical Screening
- • Accuracy of Cervical Screening Tests
- – Cytology
- – Visual Screening with Acetic Acid (VIA)
- – Visual Inspection with Lugol's Iodine (Vili)
- – Hpv Testing
- • Routine Screening Programs in Developing Countries
- • Evidence for Incidence and Mortality Reduction following Noncytology Screening Tests in Developing Countries
- • Efficacy, Safety and Acceptability of Field Based Treatments for Cin in Developing Countries
- • Cost-Effective Screening Approaches in Low-Resource Settings
- • Clinical Early Diagnosis
Cervical cancer is a leading cause of morbidity, mortality and premature death among middle-aged women in many developing countries. Although prevention, early detection and treatment have all proven to be effective in controlling cervical cancer, these are yet to be fully applied and utilized in developing countries, leading to a great disparity in risk and suffering as compared to developed nations.
Cervical cancer accounted for an estimated 530,000 newly diagnosed cases, and 275,000 deaths worldwide in the year 2008, four-fifths of which occurred in the low- and medium-resource countries.1 The estimated new cervical cancer cases and deaths in different regions of the world are given in Table 1.1.1 It is quite likely that the burden of disease in several countries is underestimated given the inadequacy of diagnostic and treatment services and cancer information systems. There is more than twenty-fold difference between the highest and lowest incidence rates of cervical cancer worldwide.1,2 In many developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Central and South America, South Asia and South-East Asia, annual age-standardized incidence rates of cervix cancer exceed 25 per 100,000 women; the rates are lower than 7 per 100,000 women in middle-eastern crescent and lower than 10 per 100,000 women in most developed countries. Estimated age-adjusted cervical cancer mortality rates reach 10 per 100,000 women in most developing countries, with rates exceeding 25 per 100,000 in East African countries as opposed to 3 per 100,000 in most developed countries.1 The high mortality is due to advanced clinical stage at presentation and to the fact that a substantial proportion of patients does not avail of or complete prescribed courses of treatment due to deficiencies in treatment availability, accessibility and affordability in many developing countries3 (Table 1.1).
Although sufficient knowledge and experience now exists to initiate, expand or reorganize programs to reduce the burden of cervical cancer, prevention and early detection initiatives have unfortunately not received due attention and continue to be neglected in most developing countries.4
Cervical cancer is caused by persistent infection with one or more of the oncogenic types of human papillomaviruses (HPV).4 The peak risk of HPV infection is soon after the onset of sexual activity, usually between the ages of 14 and 20 years. In most infected women, HPV infection usually resolves spontaneously, but it may persist in a proportion of infected women leading to the occurrence, persistence and progression of precancerous lesions such as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), particularly CIN 3 and adenocarcinoma in situ in some women. If untreated, these precursor lesions may progress to invasive cervical cancer over a period of 5-15 years. While early detection of occult, asymptomatic precancerous lesions by screening and their effective treatment leads to the prevention of invasive cervical cancer and premature death from it, prevention of oncogenic HPV infection by vaccination provides an important emerging avenue for cervical cancer prevention. Early clinical diagnosis constitutes a third approach to disease control where the emphasis is on rapid identification of early stages of invasive cancer and offering effective treatment. The lack of effective screening programs and the high prevalence of oncogenic HPV infection (>10% in women aged 30 years or more) are primarily responsible for the high burden of cervical cancer in many developing countries.3,5,6 We review the current status and future prospects for controlling cervical cancer by screening in developing countries in this chapter. The opportunities emerging from recent research on screening and the potential difficulties, challenges and possible solutions to overcome these obstacles in the context of developing countries are also briefly discussed.
The objective of cervical screening is to prevent the occurrence of and death from invasive cervical cancer by detecting and treating women with high-grade CIN 2 and 3 lesions. Screening is the most time tested method to prevent cervical cancer and offers the greatest immediate potential to reduce cervical cancer burden throughout the world. The effectiveness of screening is evaluated by the extent of reduction in cervical cancer incidence and mortality following screening. Screening tests such as conventional cytology, liquid-based cytology, visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), visual inspection with Lugol's iodine (VILI) and HPV testing have a high accuracy of identifying women with CIN as well as early, asymptomatic, preclinical invasive cancer, if these tests are carried out with quality assurance and by well trained providers. Effective outpatient treatment methods for precancerous lesions include cryotherapy, electrocoagulation, laser ablation, loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), laser conization and cold knife conization. Colposcopy is a useful diagnostic tool to triage women with positive tests, to assess the nature and extent of lesions and to direct biopsies. Treatment of lesions are usually carried out under colposcopy control in many clinical settings.
Screening may be organized in a systematic manner with centralized, scheduled screening invitations at regular intervals to a well-defined target population, with well-established algorithms for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care of screen-positive subjects and with an information system for the monitoring and evaluating the program. Examples of successful organized cervical screening programs exist in countries like Finland, Netherlands, UK, etc. Screening may be provided in an unorganized or unsystematic fashion in which screening tests are prescribed when clients themselves request 5testing or the tests are prescribed coincidentally during routine health care interactions for other reasons by clients. Screening programs are unorganized in many developed countries such the US, France, Germany, Japan, etc. The critical components of successful cervical screening programs are high coverage of target women with accurate, quality assured screening tests and of screen-positive women with diagnostic investigations, of women with confirmed cervical neoplasia with treatment and follow-up care. These are most cost-effectively met with in organized screening programs. Organized screening with systematic call, recall, follow-up and surveillance systems have shown the greatest effect, while using fewer resources than unorganized programs.
Organized and effective population-based cervical cancer screening programs have not yet been implemented in most developing countries due to several barriers, such as competing healthcare priorities, shrinking public health resources and widespread poverty, despite the high burden of cervical cancer.7 Many developing countries have no or limited facilities for screening or treatment of both precancerous lesions and invasive cancer; primary healthcare facilities, where cervical screening should be located, are limited, underresourced, understaffed and overstretched. Needless to say, cancer diagnostic, treatment and palliative care services are even more limited in many countries.
For instance, colposcopy, cryotherapy or LEEP facilities and radiotherapy services are not widely available in more than 30 African countries. In India, the country with the largest burden of cervical cancer in the world, there are no organized or unorganized screening programs; less than 1.5 million sporadic cervical smears are estimated to be taken annually throughout the country in opportunistic settings and there is practically no public demand for cervical screening. Colposcopy and treatment facilities for precancerous lesions are not available in most of India and doctors and gynecologists generally are not used to providing cervical screening. Establishing quality-assured cytology screening programs with national coverage is beyond the capacity and resources in many developing countries, in view of the infrastructure for testing, trained personnel for reading, quality assurance and the organization required. As compared to other public health problems, there is very little awareness and advocacy existing for cervical cancer screening and control, with almost nonexistent public demand, in most developing countries.
Screening in developed countries involves repeated rounds at yearly (e.g. Germany, USA) or three-yearly (e.g. France, Norway) or five-yearly (Finland, UK) intervals involving sexually active women across a wide age range beginning from early twenties to late sixties. The conventional diagnostic and treatment algorithms following a positive cytology screening test in western and other healthcare settings include three visits for colposcopy, diagnostic confirmation and treatment. Such regimes are not feasible and multiple visits following screening will result in substantial nonparticipation by women in developing countries for various reasons.
In recent years, new paradigms have been proposed, with the objective to maximize participation of target women in screening and treatment and to improve cost-effectiveness and efficiency.8 These include aiming for a single lifetime screening targeted to women aged 30-59 or 30-49 years9,10 with emphasis on covering a large proportion of target women with a highly sensitive test, a ‘single visit approach’ following positive screen when colposcopy, directed biopsies and treatment with cryotherapy or LEEP are provided in the same sitting9–11 and a single visit ‘screen and treat’ approach when screen-positive women without evidence of invasive cancer are treated with cryotherapy in the same screening session, without diagnostic procedures such as colposcopy and biopsy.11–14 Screening tests such as visual tests (VIA and VILI) provide immediate results making the single visit approach much more feasible.
Conventional cytology is the most widely used and evaluated cervical screening test. It is the current workhorse in screening programs throughout the world. The substantial reductions in cervical cancer burden in developed countries followed large scale cytology screening since the 1950s. The strengths and deficiencies of cytology have become much evident with long experience with this remarkable screening test.
In routine screening settings, the sensitivity of cytology varies very widely: the sensitivity of a single cytology smear to detect CIN 2 and 3 lesions ranged from 47-62% and the specificity from 60-95% in reviews of several studies.6,15–17 In recent years, the accuracy of cervical cytology has been evaluated in several cross-sectional studies, in comparison with other cervical screening tests, in developing countries; the sensitivity varied from 31-78% and the specificity 91-96% for detecting CIN 2-3 lesions in these studies, when cytology positivity was defined at the ASCUS cut off level (Table 1.2).18 The accuracy of cytology at different thresholds of positivity in a pooled analysis of cross-sectional studies in India involving more than 22,600 women is given in Table 1.3 and the corresponding ROC curves are shown in Figure 1.1.19 Cytology in these studies were carried out in established cytology laboratories in Mumbai, Kolkata, Trivandrum and Jaipur, and the accuracy was good as indicated by the area under ROC curve between 0.8 and 0.9.6
Fig. 1.1: Pooled data from five cross-sectional studies in India:19 ROC curve on the accuracy of cytology at different cut-off points
The optimum accuracy is achieved when cytology is scored positive at atypical cells of uncertain significance (ASCUS) threshold.
In liquid based cytology (LBC), cervical cells preserved in a liquid medium are processed to provide a uniform thin layer of cervical cells without debris on the glass slide. The advantages of LBC include a more representative and complete transfer of cervical cells from the sampling device to the slide and improved microscopic readability. Cell suspension remaining after the preparation of the smear is suitable for additional testing procedures such as HPV testing. It is a more expensive test than conventional cytology and requires additional instrumentation to prepare the smears. It is not feasible to implement LBC in many low-resource settings. In many developed countries, LBC is increasingly used and the screening program in UK has switched over to LBC.
In a recently published Italian randomized trial involving 45,100 women comparing the performance of conventional cytology and LBC, there was no significant difference in sensitivity between the two for detection of CIN 2 or worse lesions.; more positive results were found leading to a lower positive predictive value, although a large reduction in unsatisfactory smears was evident.20
The challenges and resources required to organize cytology screening and the apparent limited impact of such programs in several Latin American countries have prompted the search for and evaluation of alternative screening tests and paradigms that require one or two visits to complete the screening and diagnosis/treatment processes8 as well as the reorganization of existing programs and more effective utilization of resources in some countries.3,21
Cut-off point | Sensitivity* (%) | Specificity* (%) |
ASCUS and above | 0.67 | 0.92 |
LSIL and above | 0.61 | 0.95 |
HSIL and above | 0.50 | 0.99 |
*For CIN 2 or worse lesions. |
Visual Screening with Acetic Acid (VIA)
Visual inspection after application of 3-5% acetic acid (VIA), also known as direct visual inspection (DVI), or as acetic acid test (AAT), is the most widely studied visual screening test.
VIA involves naked eye inspection of the cervix, using a bright torch light or a halogen focus lamp, 1 minute after the application of 3-5% acetic acid using a cotton swab or a spray.22 A positive test is characterized by well-defined acetowhite areas close to the squamocolumnar junction (SCJ) or to the external os or the entire cervix or a cervical growth turning acetowhite (Fig. 1.2).22 It is a simple, affordable test that can be rapidly taught to providers such as primary health workers, nurses and doctors, and gives immediate results to permit a ‘single visit’ approach for diagnosis and treatment.11 Providers can be rapidly taught VIA in short training courses of 4-10 days with the help of manuals and hands-on training.22,23 Quality assurance procedures for VIA are yet to be standardized. Assuring consistent high performance can be challenging under field conditions and requires constant monitoring and frequent re-training of test providers. The useful quality assurance procedures include use of 5% freshly prepared acetic acid on daily basis, periodic re-training of providers and reproducibility studies and monitoring the following process measures regularly: test positivity rates between 7-12%, positive predictive value for any grade of CIN not less than 20%, positive predictive value for CIN 2-3 lesions not less than 10%, and inter-observer agreement exceeding 70%.
The sensitivity of VIA to detect CIN 2 and 3 lesions and invasive cervical cancer varied from 37 to 95% and the specificity varied from 49 to 97% in several cross-sectional studies in developing countries (Table 1.2).18,24
8When conventional cytology was concurrently evaluated in these studies, the sensitivity of VIA was found to be higher than or similar to that of cytology, but had lower specificity.18 The results from a multicenter Indian cross-sectional studies in given in Table 1.4. It is a fair assessment that the reported sensitivities for VIA in most studies are likely to be overestimates. The wide range in accuracy parameters of VIA in different studies underscore the subjective nature of the test as well as the range in the validity, completeness and accuracy of the reference standard established in different studies. A high correlation with colposcopy and VIA may result in overestimation of VIA sensitivity in studies relying on colposcopically directed biopsy to establish the final diagnosis.25 When the criterion standard was changed from colposcopically directed biopsy, random biopsy, plus ECC to colposcopically directed biopsy in a study in China, the sensitivity of VIA for CIN 2 or worse increased from 75.9 to 85.5%.25 It appears that a quality assured single VIA has an average sensitivity around 60% and specificity around 85% to detect high-grade CIN in study settings. Low level of magnification has shown that low-level magnification does not improve the test performance of naked eye visualization after acetic acid application.18
Visual Inspection with Lugol's Iodine (VILI)
Visual inspection with Lugol's iodine (VILI) involves naked eye examination of the cervix, to identify mustard-yellow lesions in the transformation zone of the cervix, after application of Lugol's iodine. The results are reported immediately after application of iodine. A positive result is based on the appearance of definite mustard-yellow area on the cervix close to the SCJ or the os or on a cervical growth22 (Fig. 1.3). VILI has been investigated in fewer studies than VIA. The sensitivity of VILI varied between 44-92% and specificity between 75-85% in cross-sectional studies in India, Africa and Latin America (Table 1.2).18,26–28 It seems that concurrent use of both VIA and VILI is advisable when individual women seek screening or early diagnostic services.
HPV Testing
HPV testing is the most objective and reproducible of all currently available cervical screening tests. The sensitivity of HPV testing in detecting CIN 2 and 3 lesions varied from 66-100% and the specificity varied from 62-96% in cross-sectional studies in developing countries (Table 1.2).6,17,29 In most studies it had a higher sensitivity, but lower specificity, than cytology in detecting high-grade lesions. The sensitivity of HPV testing when specimens have been taken and/or analyzed in developing country settings has generally been lower than that where the entire specimen chain (collection/testing) was completed in a developed country.6,29 A consistently higher sensitivity for high-grade CIN was demonstrated for HPV testing in North American and European studies (pooled average 98%), whereas the sensitivity in India and Zimbabwe was lower (range 50-88%).29 A certain amount of bias in reference diagnosis due to the use of colposcopic biopsy based gold standard for final diagnosis cannot be ruled out for this discrepancy. In recently reported randomized trials from Sweden, the Netherlands and Canada, HPV testing has greater sensitivity for the detection of CIN as compared with Pap testing.30–32 Although self-sampling for HPV DNA testing seems to be a potentially promising for use in underresourced areas or for women who are reluctant to participate in screening programs, further definitive research is needed to provide a solid evidence base to inform the use of self-sampling.33
In low-resource settings, where repeated testing of women at risk for cervical neoplasia may not be feasible, HPV testing may provide an objective method of identifying and investing the limited resources on women at risk for disease. However, it is currently more expensive (20-30 US$) than other screening tests and requires sophisticated laboratory infrastructure including testing equipment, storage facilities for samples and trained technicians. These requirements make HPV testing nonviable in developing countries. Further developments in terms of less expensive testing and less sophistication in infrastructure and equipment requirements are essential to make HPV testing feasible in low-resource settings.
Efforts are now underway to develop simple, affordable, rapid and accurate HPV testing methods for use in low- and medium-resource settings and it is expected that a rapid HPV test, giving results in 3 hours, at affordable costs will be available for use soon.
Cytology screening has been largely responsible for the substantial decline in cervical cancer incidence and mortality in developed countries of Europe, North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand by early detection and effective treatment of cervical precancerous lesions in the last 5 decades.3,6,11 Cytology screening is yet to be effectively implemented in many developing countries in South and East Asia. Only Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand in Asia have mass cytology screening for cervical cancer in Asia. More than 60% of the women between 30 and 60 years have received at least a single round of screening in these countries with the exception of Thailand. Colposcopy and treatment (LEEP, laser, cryotherapy) services for CIN are more extensively available in these countries than elsewhere in Asia. Cervical cancer incidence rates have declined in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Mass cytology screening programs do not exist anywhere in mainland Africa, although South Africa has plans to introduce a cytology screening program, it is yet to be realized on a large scale. Although cytology screening is widespread in Mauritius, screen-positive women are seldom diagnosed and treated, with the net effect of no appreciable impact on disease burden over the last three decades.
Largescale cytology screening was introduced in many Latin American countries: nationally in Cuba, Costa Rica, Chile and Uruguay and regionally in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela and Bolivia in the sixties and seventies. However, these programs suffered from 10a combination of suboptimal cytology testing, lack of quality assurance, poor coverage of women at risk, and inadequate follow-up of screen-positive women with diagnosis and treatment and consequently had very little impact on disease burden for several years after their introduction.4,5 While poor quality cytology is a reflection of several challenges in providing quality assured testing, the lack of coverage for diagnosis and treatment is related to the inadequate health care infrastructure, human resources and program logistics for delivery of results, diagnosis and treatment.
It is estimated that more than 20 million cytology smears are currently taken annually in the entire Latin American region. Cervical cancer incidence and death rates have declined following the reorganization of the cytology screening programs in Costa Rica, Chile and Uruguay; efforts are on-going to reorganize programs in Brazil, Mexico, Panama and other countries.
Although a large amount of accuracy and reproducibility data are available for visual and HPV tests, these alone will not make sufficient case for their efficacy in preventing cervical cancer and for their introduction in routine mass screening programs. Accuracy studies will always be viewed in the context of the uncertainties on the reference standard investigations and completeness and validity of final reference diagnoses. Moreover, high accuracy of a given test to detect CIN need not automatically indicate a lowered incidence and mortality as the tests may miss real precursors progressing to invasive cancer. In other words, a high accuracy is not a surrogate for efficacy for reducing disease burden. For these reasons, it is important to generate evidence from randomized controlled trials, if incidence and mortality reductions will follow if these new tests are implemented in screening programs as compared to standard cytology screening or no screening which is the case in many countries. Cost-effectiveness data will further contribute to public health decisions on implementing alternative tests to cytology. We will briefly review the evidence base for visual and HPV tests from randomized controlled trials in developing countries.
A randomized controlled trial in South Africa involving around 6000 women reported on the safety and efficacy of VIA screening or HPV testing, followed by cryotherapy, in reducing the prevalence of CIN 2 and 3 lesions as compared to a delayed evaluation (‘control’) group.13 At 6 months from treatment, CIN 2 and advanced lesions was diagnosed in 0.8% of the women in the HPV testing group and 2.2% in the VIA group compared with 3.6% in the delayed evaluation group (P<.001 and P = .02 for the HPV and VIA groups, respectively). The respective cumulative prevalence rates at 12 months were 1.2% in the HPV testing group, 2.9% in the VIA group and 5.4% in the control group. It was concluded that both screen-and-treat approaches are safe and result in a lower prevalence of high-grade cervical cancer precursor lesions compared with delayed evaluation at both 6 and 12 months.
The efficacy and effectiveness of VIA screening in reducing cervical cancer incidence and mortality are being addressed in randomized controlled trials in India.9,10 The impact of screening by a single round of visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), cytology, or HPV testing on cervical cancer incidence and mortality was investigated in a cluster randomized controlled trial in Osmanabad District, India, where 52 clusters, with a total of 142,701 women aged 30-59 years in India, were randomized into 4 arms for a single round of screening by trained midwives with either VIA, cytology, HPV testing or to a control group.9 Of the eligible women, 72-74% were screened. Test positivity rates were 14.0% for VIA, 7.0% for cytology, and 10.3% for HPV. The detection rate of CIN 2-3 lesions was similar in all intervention arms (0.7% for VIA, 1.0% for cytology and 0.9% for HPV testing) (p = 0.06). Over 85% of women with high-grade lesions received treatment. The study populations are currently followed up for cervical cancer incidence and mortality and more updated results are expected in 2008.
In another controlled trial in India, of the 114 study clusters in Dindigul district, 57 were randomized to a single round of VIA by trained nurses, and 57 to a control group.10 Of the 49,311 eligible women aged 30-59 years in the VIA group, 31,343 (63.6%) were screened during 2000-2003; 30,958 women in the control group received routine care. Screen-positive women had colposcopy, directed biopsies and, where appropriate, cryotherapy by nurses during the screening visit. Those with larger lesions or invasive cancers were referred for appropriate investigations and treatment. Of the 3088 (9.9%) screened positive, 3052 had colposcopy and 2539 biopsy. Of the 1874 women with precancerous lesions in the intervention group, 72% received treatment. During 2000-2006, there were 167 cervical cancer cases and 83 cervical cancer deaths in the intervention group, compared with 158 cases and 92 deaths and in the control group, indicating a 25% reduction in cancer incidence and a 35% reduction in cancer mortality among the targeted women in the intervention group (Table 1.5).10 The greatest reduction in incidence and mortality rates were observed for the 30-39 year age group.
The impact of screening by a single round of visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), cytology, or HPV testing on cervical cancer incidence and mortality was investigated in a cluster randomized controlled trial involving 132,000 women aged 30-59 years in 52 clusters in Osmanabad District, India.9 Women were randomized to four groups of 13 clusters each (with 32,000-34,000 women in each group) to receive a single round of VIA screening or quality assured cytology or HPV testing using hybrid capture 2 test or existing routine care, which is no screening.11
After 8 years from the beginning of screening, women in the HPV group experienced a significant 53% reduction in the incidence rate of stage II or worse stages of invasive cervical cancer (hazard ratio 0.47 [95% CI: 0.32-0.69]) and a significant 48% reduction in cervical cancer mortality (hazard ratio 0.52 [95% CI 0.33-0.83]) compared to those in the control group.9 The reduction in cervical cancer mortality observed in the cytology (hazard ratio 0.89 [95% CI: 0.62-1.27]) and in the VIA (hazard ratio: 0.86% [95% CI: 0.60-1.25]) groups as compared to the control group did not reach statistical significance. During the 8-year follow-up period, 8 of the 24,380 HPV-negative women developed cervical cancer as opposed to 22 of 23,762 Pap smear negative and 25 of 23,032 VIA-negative women, indicating that HPV testing more accurately identified women at risk for developing cervical cancer and it is a more effective screening test than Pap smear or VIA.
HPV testing is currently more expensive (20-40 USD) than other cervical screening tests and requires sophisticated laboratory infrastructure for processing the cervical cells and thus is not feasible in many developing countries. Further developments in terms of more rapid, affordable and simple tests are essential to make HPV testing feasible in low-resource settings. A simple, user-friendly affordable, faster (results within 3 hours) and accurate HPV test (careHPV test) suitable for use in low-resource settings has now been evaluated in China and was found to have similar accuracy as that of HC II, significantly higher sensitivity than VIA (90.2% vs.41.4%), but lower specificity (84.2% vs. 94.5%).34 It is expected to be commercially available in 2011. The availability of rapid, affordable and simple HPV tests is an essential prerequisite for the widespread use of such screening.
Cryotherapy provided by nurses in field conditions in India, Thailand and South Africa has been safe, acceptable and effective.12–14,35 In a study involving 1879 women treated, adapting ‘see and treat’ procedure involving VIA screening, colposcopy, directed biopsy and double-freeze cryotherapy by trained nurses in a single -visit in field clinics supervised by a doctor, four-fifths of the women with CIN were cured; cure rates were 81.4% (752/924) for women with CIN 1; 71.4% (55/77) for CIN 2 and 68.0% (17/25) for CIN 3 cases.30 Minor side-effects and complications were documented in less than 3% of women. In a screening trial in Osmanabad district, 94% of 574 women with CIN treated with cryotherapy by nurses were cured; cure rates were 96.4% (451/468) for women with CIN 1; 82.1% for CIN 2 and 3 lesions (55/67 and 32/39, respectively); minor side-effects and complications were documented in 5.2% of women.36 Of the 488 women with CIN treated with LEEP in a screening trial in Osmanabad district, India, cure rates were 98.1% (253/258) for women with CIN 1; 93.6% (103/110) for CIN 2 and 85.0% (102/120) for CIN 3; minor side-effects and complications were documented in 12.1% of women in this study.37 LEEP provided by newly trained doctors in this field screening study was associated with similar cure rates and complications reported in the gynecological literature.38,39 In Kerala, India, of the 283 evaluable women with CIN treated with LEEP, 248 (87.6%) had no evidence of CIN at follow-up; cure rates were 93.0% (145/156) for women with CIN 1; 85.5% (71/83) for CIN 2 and 72.7% (32/44) for CIN 3. Minor side-effects were documented in 34 (12.0%) and complications in 5 (1.8%) of women.40 These experiences are similar to the results reported from developed countries where these procedures were carried out by experienced doctors.38,39
The cost-effectiveness of a variety of cervical-cancer screening strategies in India, Kenya, Peru, South Africa, and Thailand, were assessed using computer-based models.41 Outcomes included the lifetime risk of cancer, years of life saved, lifetime costs, and cost-effectiveness ratios (cost per year of life saved). 12The most cost-effective strategies were those that required the fewest visits, resulting in improved follow-up testing and treatment. Screening women once in their lifetime, at the age of 35 years, with a one-visit or two-visit screening strategy involving visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid or HPV testing in cervical cell samples, reduced the lifetime risk of cancer by approximately 25 to 36 percent, and cost less than 500 dollars per year of life saved. Relative risk of cancer declined by an additional 40 percent with two screenings (at 35 and 40 years of age), resulting in a cost per year of life saved that was less than each country's per capita gross domestic product–a very cost-effective result, according to the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. These results indicate that cervical-cancer screening strategies incorporating visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid or DNA testing for HPV in one or two clinical visits are cost-effective alternatives to cytology screening programs in resource-poor settings.
Clinical early diagnosis differs from screening in the sense that the emphasis is rapid identification and prompt reporting of symptoms to health professionals whose onus is to diagnose disease early in symptomatic women and offer appropriate treatment to prevent death due to disease. Education and awareness are critical for the success of this approach. Programs focused on achieving earlier diagnosis of symptomatic disease offer great potential with minor investment to reduce the burden of disease in settings where mass screening is not feasible. Clinical early diagnosis has been responsible for the reduction in mortality from cervical cancer achieved in developed countries before cervical screening programs were introduced.42,43 However, diagnostic and treatment facilities should be in place if clinical early diagnosis has to work. Unfortunately, this is not the case in several sub-Saharan African countries, some countries in Central Asia and some Asian and Latin American countries. Thus, considerable investments in cancer health care infrastructure and human resources must be made in these countries for clinical early diagnosis and screening to become a reality in these countries.
Cervical cancer reflects striking global health inequity, resulting in deaths of women in their most productive years, with a devastating effect on the society at large. It is the largest single cause of years of life lost to cancer in the developing world. Fortunately, we have a large evidence and experience base now to implement screening programs based on cytology, visual screening tests or HPV testing and such an action has the potential for profound public health benefit if appropriate screening policies are implemented at the right earnest. It is time to focus attention on putting in place the important programmatic components related education, participation, good quality testing, diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care and evaluation.
To screen successfully in low-resource settings the following requirements must be met:
- Urgent investments are made to improve infrastructure for screening, diagnosis and treatment and trained human resources
- Screening, diagnosis and treatment provided on-site, in clinics accessible to the majority of eligible, target women
- An affordable, low cost/low technology screening test that can lead to immediate treatment of abnormalities
- Wide coverage of at risk women
- Appropriate educational efforts directed towards health workers and women to ensure correct implementation and high participation
- A built-in mechanism for evaluation of the program
Delaying investments in screening in poor countries mean that many women will continue to miss opportunities for preventing cervical cancer for several decades to come. While HPV vaccination provides the hope for the future, screening provides the means for the present. We also emphasize that practicing physicians and nurses can contribute to a cascading effect of early detection and prevention of cervical cancer in developing countries with no facilities for HPV testing or for cytology and in situations where the population cannot afford the above if they offer at least a single round of visual screening services to women aged 30-50 years reporting clinical care. In places where HPV testing is available and affordable to populations, this may be the preferred way of screening women given its higher efficacy than cytology and VIA screening. A negative HPV test in women aged 30 years and above will imply a high negative predictive value for cervical neoplasia for several years.9 The availability of more simple, feasible, affordable and rapid HPV tests in the near future34 should facilitate widespread use of HPV testing as the primary screening test in many regions of the world.
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