Chief Editor
S Rajasekaran PhD
Chairman and Head Department of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Spine Surgery Ganga Hospital Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Adjunct Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University
Associate Editors
Anil K Jain
Ajoy P Shetty
Rishi M Kanna
Alexander R Vaccaro
Published by
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Spinal Infections and Trauma
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5Dedicated to
the pursuit of
“Safe Spine Surgery”
the theme of
Association of Spine Surgeons of India
- Abhay Nene
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- PD Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Centre
- Mahim, Mumbai
- Maharashtra, India
- Abhishek Srivastava
- Senior Resident
- Department of Orthopaedics
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- Ansari Nagar, New Delhi
- Ajay Krishnan
- Spine Surgeon
- Stavya Spine Hospital and Research Institute
- Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
- Ajoy P Shetty
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- Ganga Hospital
- Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
- Amol Rege
- Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Centre
- Erandawane, Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Anand Agarwal
- Adjunct Prestigious University Professor
- University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
- Director of Neuro Spine Research Queen
- Mary University of London UK
- Consultant Orthopaedic and Spine Surgeon
- Anil K Jain
- Professor
- Department of Orthopaedics
- University College of Medical Sciences and Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital
- Delhi, India
- Ankur Nanda
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- Indian Spinal Injuries Centre
- Vasant Kunj, Sector-C, New Delhi, India
- Arvind G Kulkarni
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- Department of Orthopaedics
- Bombay Hospital and Medical Research Centre
- Marine Lines, Mumbai
- Maharashtra, India
- Arvind Bhave
- Professor
- Department of Orthopaedics
- Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College
- Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Hon. Spine Surgeon and Spinal Endoscopist
- Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Erandawana, Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Bhave Hospital, Parvati Industrial Estate
- Pune-Satara Road, Pune
- Maharashtra, India
- Arvind Jayaswal
- Professor
- Department of Orthopaedics
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, India
- Ashish D Diwan
- Chief of Spine Service
- Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- St George Hospital
- Director Bone Biology
- Orthopaedic Research Institute
- Senior Lecturer
- St George Clinical School
- University of New South Wales
- Hon Associate Professor
- Faculty of Engineering and IT University of Sydney
- Ashok K Shyam
- Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Chief Researcher
- Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
- Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Ashutosh Sabnis
- Spine Associate
- PD Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Centre
- Mahim, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Bharat R Dave
- Spine Surgeon
- Stavya Spine Hospital and Research Institute
- Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
- Honorary Spine Surgeon, VS Hosptial
- Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad
- Gujarat, India
- Bibhudendu Mohapatra
- Fellow Spine Service
- St George Hospital Campus
- University of New South Wales
- Darshan Gautam
- Spine Fellow
- Indian Spinal Injuries Centre
- Vasant Kunj, Sector-C, New Delhi, India
- Devarati Khurjekar
- Assistant Lecturer
- BJ Medical College
- Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Dilip K Sengupta
- Assistant Professor
- Department of Orthopedics
- Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
- Lebanon, NH
- E Subbian
- Assistant Professor
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Christian Medical College and Hospital
- Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
- Gabriel David Sundararaj
- Professor and Head
- Spinal Disorder Surgery Unit
- Department of Orthopaedics
- Christian Medical College and Hospital
- Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
- Gautam Prasad
- Associate Spine consultant
- The Spine Foundation
- Lilavati Hospital and Research Center and Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai
- Maharashtra, India
- Gautam Zaveri
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- Jaslok and Fortis Hospitals
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Associate Professor of Orthopaedics
- DY Patil Medical College
- Ghatkopar (E)
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Gomatam R Vijay Kumar
- Consultant Neurosurgeon
- Institute of Neurosciences, Kolkata
- AMRI Hospital Salt Lake, Kolkata
- West Bengal, India
- Gopala Krishnaiah T
- Assistant Professor
- Narayana Medical College and Hospital
- Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Greg Etherington
- Director of Deformity, Spine Service
- St George Hospital Campus
- Conjoint Lecturer
- University of New South Wales
- Gururaj Sangondimath
- Spine Fellow
- Indian Spinal Injuries Centre
- Vasant Kunj, Sector-C, New Delhi, India
- Harsh Priyadarshi
- Fellow, Spine Service
- St George Hospital Campus
- University of New South Wales
- Harvinder Singh Chhabra
- Chief of Spine Service and Medical
- Director
- Indian Spinal Injuries Centre
- Vasant Kunj, Sector-C
- New Delhi, India
- Henry Prakash
- Associate Professor
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Christian Medical College and Hospital
- Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
- Hiroshi Kuroki
- Associate Professor
- Research Engineering Center for Orthopaedic Research Excellence (E-CORE)
- Departments of Bioengineering and Orthopaedic Surgery
- Colleges of Engineering and Medicine
- University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
- J Naresh Babu
- Director
- Mallika Spine Centre
- Hyderabad, AP, India
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- Sunshine Hospitals and Medicity Hospital
- Hyderabad, AP, India
- John Yeh
- Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant
- Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon
- St. Bartholomew's and The Royal London
- Hospitals Queen Mary University of London
- Department of Neurosurgery The Royal
- London Hospital Whitechapel London E1 1BB
- Joy Sarojini Michael
- Professor
- Department of Microbiology
- Christian Medical College and Hospital
- Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
- Kamran Farooque
- Associate Professor
- Department of Orthopaedics
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, India
- Kapil Mohan
- Spine Fellow
- PD Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Centre
- Mahim, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Ketan S Khurjekar
- Chief, Spine Surgery Service
- Sancheti Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
- Pune, Maharashtra, India
- Kshitij Chaudhary
- Assistant Professor
- King Edward Memorial Hospital
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Kshitij Kumar M Agrawal
- Tutor
- Department of Orthopedics KEM Hospital
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- K Sriram
- Senior Consultant, Kanchi Kamakoti
- Childs Trust Hospital, Chennai, Tamil
- Nadu, India
- Senior Orthopedic Surgeon, St Isabel's
- Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
- Consultant, Apollo Specialty Hospital
- Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
- K Venkatesh
- Associate Professor
- Department of Spinal Disorders Surgery
- Christian Medical College
- Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
- KV Menon
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- Lakeshore Hospital
- Cochin, Kerala, India
- Mallikarjun
- Clinical Fellow (Spine)
- Whitechapel
- Royal London Hospital
- Mathew Varghese
- Head, Department of Orthopaedics
- St Stephen's Hospital, Tis Hazari
- Delhi, India
- Mihir Bapat
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- Kokilaben Dhirubai Ambani Hospital
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Mohit Arora
- Clinical Physiotherapist and Clinical
- Research Associate
- Indian Spinal Injuries Centre, Vasant
- Kunj, Sector-C, New Delhi, India
- Nishit Patel
- Spine Fellow
- Indian Spinal Injuries Centre
- Vasant Kunj, Sector-C, New Delhi, India
- Pradip S Nemade
- Assistant Professor
- Department of Orthopedics KEM Hospital
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Pranay Bhushan
- Senior Resident
- Department of Orthopaedics
- St Stephen's Hospital, Tis Hazari
- Delhi, India
- Premik Nagad
- Spine Fellow
- PD Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Centre
- Mahim, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Raghava D Mulukutla
- Consultant Orthopaedic and spine surgeon
- Udai Clinic Orthopaedic centre and Apollo Health city
- Hyderabad, AP, India
- Rajagopalan
- Professor
- Department of Orthopaedics
- St Johns Medical College
- Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
- Ram Chaddha
- Professor
- Department of Orthopaedics
- KJ Somaiya Medical College
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- Lilavati, Fortis
- Guru Nanak Hospitals, Mumbai
- Maharashtra, India
- Ramesh Dalwai
- Specialist Registrar, Spine Surgery
- Lakeshore Hospital
- Cochin, Kerala, India
- Rishi M Kanna
- Senior Registrar
- Department of Spine Surgery
- Ganga Hospital
- Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
- Robert Pflugmacher
- Consultant Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon
- Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
- University Medical School and Hospital of Bonn
- Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25
- Bonn Germany
- R Amritanand
- Associate Professor
- Spinal Disorder Surgery Unit
- Department of Orthopaedics
- Christian Medical College and Hospital
- Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
- Rushama Tandon
- Orthopedic and Spine Surgeon
- Northern Railway Central Hospital
- New Delhi, India
- Sajan K Hegde
- Consultant Spine Surgeon and Head
- Department of Orthopaedics
- Apollo Hospitals, 21, Greams Road
- Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
- Sameer Kalkotwar
- Assistant Professor
- NKP Salve Medical College and Lata
- Mangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur
- Maharashtra, India
- Samir Dalvie
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- PD Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Center, Mumbai
- Maharashtra, India
- Saumyajit Basu
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- Park Clinic, Kolkata
- West Bengal, India
- Saurabh Jain
- Senior Registrar
- University College of Medical Sciences and Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital
- Delhi, India
- S Danaviah
- Research Scientist
- Africa Centre
- University of Kwazulu-Natal
- Durban
- S Govender
- Professor and Head
- Department of Orthopaedics and Spinal Surgery
- King George V Hospital
- University of Kwazulu-Natal
- Durban
- Shankar Acharya
- Senior Consultant Orthopaedic and Spine Surgeon
- Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
- Sant Parmanand Hopital
- New Delhi, India
- Chairman, AO Spine India
- Vice-President, Delhi Spine Society
- Shekhar Bhojraj
- Consultant Spine surgeon, Lilavati Hospital and Research Center and Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Shwetabh
- Senior Resident
- Department of Orthopaedics
- Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India
- Siddharth M Shah
- Registrar
- Department of Orthopaedics
- Bombay Hospital and Medical Research
- Centre, Marine Lines
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- SM Tuli
- Ex-Director
- Institute of Medical Sciences
- Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
- UP, India
- Sonia Sandhu
- Assistant Attending Neurologist
- Department of Neurology
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- 1275 York Avenue, New York
- S Rajasekaran
- Chairman and Head
- Department of Orthopaedics, Trauma
- and Spine Surgery
- Ganga Hospital
- Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
- SS Patil
- Spine Fellow
- PD Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Mumbai
- Maharashtra, India
- Subbiah M
- Spine Fellow
- Ganga Hospital
- Coimbatore
- Tamil Nadu, India
- Sudhir K Srivastava
- Professor and Unit Head, Chief of Spinal Services Department of Orthopedics
- KEM Hospital, Mumbai
- Maharashtra, India
- Sunil K Bhosale
- Assistant Professor
- Department of Orthopedics KEM
- Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Suyra Prakash Rao V
- Consultant Spine surgeon
- Kamineni Hospitals, King Koti
- Abids, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Swapnil Keny
- Consultant, Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon
- Bombay Hospital, Mumbai
- Maharashtra, India
- Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics
- Sir JJ Group of Hospitals and Grant
- Medical College, Mumbai
- Maharashtra, India
- Tarak Patel
- Senior Spine Fellow
- The Spine Foundation
- Lilavati Hospital and Research Center and Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai
- Maharashtra, India
- Thomas J Kishen
- Fellow Spine Service
- St George Hospital Campus
- Research Fellow
- Orthopaedic Research Institute
- St George Hospital
- Conjoint Lecturer
- University of New South Wales
- Uday M Pawar
- Associate Spine Surgeon
- PD Hinduja National Hospital
- Veer Savarkar marg, Mumbai
- Maharashtra, India
- Upendra BN
- Senior Research Associate
- Department of Orthopaedics
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, India
- Vijay K Goel
- Distinguished University Professor
- Endowed Chair and McMaster-Gardner
- Professor of Orthopaedic Bioengineering
- Co-Director, Engineering Center for
- Orthopaedic Research Excellence (E-CORE)
- Departments of Bioengineering and Orthopaedic Surgery
- Colleges of Engineering and Medicine
- University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
- Vijay Kamath
- Senior Registrar
- Department of Spine Surgery
- Ganga Hospital
- Coimabtore, Tamil Nadu, India
- Vikas Tandon
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- Indian Spinal Injuries Centre
- Vasant Kunj, Sector-C
- New Delhi, India
- Vilas P Kanikdaley
- Professor
- Department of Radiology
- Navodaya Medical College
- Raichur, Karnataka, India
- Vinod Laheri
- Emeritus Professor
- King Edward Memorial Hospital
- Mumbai
- Maharashtra, India
- Vivek Mittal
- Spine Fellow
- Indian Spinal Injuries Centre
- Vasant Kunj, Sector-C
- New Delhi, India
- VT Ingalhalikar
- Ex-Professor of Orthopaedics
- LTM Medical College
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Head of Department-Spine Unit
- Jupiter Hospital
- Thane, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Yogesh K Pithwa
- Consultant Spine Surgeon
- HOSMAT Institute for Spinal Problems
- HOSMAT Hospital, Bengaluru
- Karnataka, India
In the past twenty years, the field of spinal surgery has expanded greatly, and no where is this more easily seen than in the areas of infection and trauma. While there has been a recent surge in the literature being published in this arena, the abundance of information occasionally makes the treatment of these patients less clear. Additionally, the management of these difficult patients is often on an emergent or urgent basis, leaving very little time for extensive literature reviews. Therefore, there is a real need for a concise, complete, and up-to-date reference on this topic. No where in the world is the experience with the management of spinal infections more abundant than that witnessed by the authors of the textbook Spinal Infections and Trauma, by Chief Editor S. Rajasekaran. The chapter selections and contributors have among themselves treated a myriad of complex spinal infections and traumatic injuries not seen with any degree of regularity or severity in the vast majority of tertiary referral centers throughout the world.
S Rajasekaran and the team of authors in conjunction with the Association of Spine Surgeons of India have attempted to answer all of our questions on the evaluation and management of these complex problems in one concise textbook. They ought to be congratulated on their ability to produce such a book, and in doing so, they have provided us with a reference which is easily readable and should be a part of every spine surgeons’ library!
Alexander R Vaccaro md, phd
Professor of Orthopaedics and Neurosurgery
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
925 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107-4216
The global burdens of spinal problems requiring surgery is on the increase. While there is no such thing as a simple spine surgery operation, management of neglected trauma and complex infections is particularly challenging and prone to complications. These problems still present in huge numbers to the practicing spinal surgeons in many parts of the world. Much of the current spine literature come from the western world and do not elaborate on the management of these challenging issues. As a result, there is a knowledge gap on the current and best methods to treat and manage these difficult problems. The members of the Association of Spine Surgeons of India have a huge area of expertise in this field which has not been adequately documented. This book is a compilation of the experience of ASSI members and is being published in commemoration of the Silver Jubilee Year of the Association. It is a matter of pride for us that all lead authors of the book are members of ASSI.
The book will serve as a reference and much information is available in the 60 chapters which have been contributed by 88 authors. Apart from surgical techniques, adequate emphasis has been laid on clinical features, value of modern diagnostic facilities and appropriate drug therapy. The success of treatment depends on all the above and it is our sincere belief that this book will help achieve the goal of safe spine surgery.
I thank my associate editors Anil Jain, Ajoy P Shetty, Rishi M Kanna and all the authors for their very valuable contributions. I also thank Ms Chetna Malhotra and all the staff of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi for their total support. Without their tolerance and acceptance for many late submissions and numerous requests for revisions, publications of this book would not have been possible.
Lastly, I would like to thank the members of ASSI for giving me the privilege of editing and compiling this book. It is an honor which I fondly cherish.
S Rajasekaran