Clinical Nursing Procedures: The Art of Nursing Practice Annamma Jacob, Rekha R, Jadhav Sonali Tarachand
Abdominal paracentesis 462
ACLS algorithm 393
dosage 394
medications 394
Administering subcutaneous injection 281
articles 281
procedure 281
Administering enema 208
administration of evacuant enema 211
cleansing/evacuant enema 208
fluid amount and tube insertion length agewise 213
paediatric variations 213
procedure 209
special considerations 213
Administering intradermal injection 284
articles 284
procedure 284
purposes 284
Administering intramuscular injection 286
acceptable sites for infants and children 288
articles 286
paediatric variations 288
procedure 286
special consideration 288
special points 289
Administering bolus medications through intravenous route 290
articles 290
disadvantages 290
procedure 290
purposes 290
special considerations 292
Administering metered dose inhalation 301
after care of the patient 303
articles 301
procedure 301
purposes 301
special consideration 303
Administering nasal drops 298
articles 298
general instructions 298
paediatric variation 300
procedure 298
purposes 298
unexpected outcomes 300
Administering nasogastric/orogastric tube feed for children 642
Administering of an intravenous infusion 255
articles required 255
procedure 255
purposes 255
Administering oral medication 270
articles required 270
contraindications 270
paediatric variations 274
procedure 270
purpose 270
special considerations 273
Administering oxygen by mask method 227
articles 227
procedure 227
purposes 227
special considerations 228
Administering oxygen using oxygen tent 229
advantages 229
articles 229
description 229
disadvantages 229
procedure 229
special considerations 230
Administering rectal suppositories 304
articles 304
contraindications 304
paediatric variations 305
procedure 304
purposes 304
special consideration 305
Administering steam inhalation 231
articles 231
procedure 231
purposes 231
special points 233
Administration of medication through nasogastric tube 308
articles required 308
procedure 308
purpose 308
special considerations 309
Administration of nasogastric tube feeding 180
articles 180
indications 180
procedure 180
purposes 180
special considerations 182
Administration of total parenteral nutrition 187
articles 188
methods of parenteral nutrition 187
procedure 188
purposes 187
Admission of a patient in hospital 58
articles 58
procedure 58
purposes 58
Admission procedure 526
Admitting a client to labour room 563
Admitting a patient in psychiatric unit 526
aims of admission procedure 526
procedure 526
types of admissions 526
Albumin 24
Amniocentesis 559
Antenatal abdominal examination 545
Antenatal exercises 550
Anthropometric measurements 659
Anthropometry 645
Application of an ice cap 114
articles 114
contraindications 114
procedure 114
purposes 114
special considerations 115
Application of cold compress 116
articles 116
procedure 116
purposes 116
Application of hot water bag 111
articles 111
contraindications 111
procedure 111
purposes 111
special considerations 113
Applying a condom catheter 192
articles 192
indication 192
procedure 192
purposes 192
special considerations 194
Applying bandages 323
articles 323
principles of bandaging 323
purposes 323
types of bandages 323
Applying binders 332
articles 332, 333, 334
procedure 332, 333, 334
purposes 334
types of binders 332
Applying mask and sterile gown 511
articles required 511
procedures 511
purposes 511
Applying restraints 164
articles 164
procedure 164
special considerations 167
Applying topical medications 310
articles required 310
procedure 310
purposes 310
Arterial puncture 398
Assessing respiration 10
articles 10
normal respiratory rate agewise 10
paediatric variations 10
procedure 10
purposes 10
Assessment of consciousness using Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 484
articles 484
procedure 484
purposes 484
Assessment of oxygen saturation using pulse oximeter 234
description 234
indications 234
procedure 234
purposes 234
special considerations 236
Assessment of pulse 6
articles 6
normal pulse rate for infants and children 9
paediatric variations 9
procedure 8
purposes 6
special points 9
Assisting patient to sitting position 134
procedure 134
purposes 134
Assisting in abdominal paracentesis 462
articles 463
paracentesis 462
procedure 463
purposes 463
Assisting in exchange transfusion 628
Assisting in insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device (copper-T) 602
Assisting in oral hygiene for a conscious patient 78
articles 78
indications 78
paediatric variations 80
procedure 78
purposes 78
Assisting the patient with the use of an incentive spirometer 237
articles 237
indications 237
procedure 238
purposes 237
special consideration 239
types 237
Assisting with an amniocentesis 559
Assisting with application of plaster of paris (POP) 336
articles 336
procedure 336
purposes 336
Assisting with application of skin traction 318
additional articles 318
articles 318
guidelines for use of traction 320
procedure 320
purposes 318
special considerations 322
types of traction 318
Assisting with application of slings 315
articles 315
procedure 315
purposes 315
types of slings 315
Assisting with application of splints 313
articles 313
procedure 313
purposes 313
Assisting with arterial puncture 398
articles 398
normal values 400
procedure 398
purposes 398
Assisting with bone marrow aspiration and biopsy 493
articles 493
complications 495
contraindication 493
paediatric variation 496
postprocedural care 495
procedure 494
purposes 493
special consideration 495
Assisting with breastfeeding 621
Assisting with bronchoscopy 415
complications 416
postprocedure care 416
procedure 415
purposes 415
special consideration 416
Assisting with computerized axial tomography scan 489
contraindications 489
follow-up care 490
procedure 489
purposes 489
special considerations 490
Assisting with crutch walking 345
follow-up activities 350
preparatory exercises 345
procedure 346
teaching strategies 351
Assisting with dilatation and curettage procedure 591
Assisting with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) 469
articles 469
complications 471
postprocedural care 470
procedure 469
purposes 469
special considerations 471
Assisting with endoscopic sclerotherapy 447
articles 447
contraindications 447
postprocedural care 448
procedure 447
purposes 447
Assisting with endotracheal intubation 417
articles 417
complications 417
indications 417
procedure 418
purposes 417
special considerations 420
Assisting with forceps delivery 585
Assisting with hypnosis therapy 540
contraindications 540
drawbacks of hypnotism 541
effects of hypnosis 541
factors involved in hypnosis 541
indications 540
objectives 540
precautions to be followed 541
procedure 540
Assisting with induction of labour 565
Assisting with insertion of central venous catheter 406
contraindications 406
geriatric variation 408
pediatric variation 408
procedure 407
purposes 406
Assisting with insertion of Sengstaken-blakemore tube/balloon tamponade 449
articles 449
procedure 449
purpose 449
special considerations 451
Assisting with insulin subcoma therapy 542
contraindications 542
indications 542
procedure 542
Assisting with intravenous pyelography (IVP) 473
contraindications 473
postprocedure care 474
procedure 473
purposes 473
Assisting with liver biopsy 466
articles 466
postprocedure care 467
procedure 467
purpose 466
types of biopsy 466
Assisting with lumbar puncture 486
articles 486
complications 488
contraindications 486
procedure 486
purposes 486
special considerations 488
Assisting with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan 491
contraindications 491
procedure 491
purposes 491
special considerations 492
Assisting with narcoanalysis/abreactive therapy 543
articles 543
contraindications 543
indications 543
procedure 543
purposes 543
Assisting with obtaining a Papanicolaou smear 46
articles needed 46
methods of obtaining Pap (Papanicolaou) smear 46
procedure 46
purposes 46
special considerations 48
Assisting with postoperative exercises 519
exercises include 519
special considerations 524
Assisting with removal of chest drainage tubes 440
articles 440
follow-up activities 441
procedure 440
special consideration 441
Assisting with renal biopsy 475
articles 476
contraindications 476
other articles 476
postprocedural care 477
procedure 476
purposes 475
Assisting with the use of a urinal 191
articles 191
procedure 191
special consideration 191
Assisting with thoracentesis 434
articles 434
procedure 434
purposes 434
Assisting with tracheostomy 421
articles 421
postprocedural care 422
procedure 422
purposes 421
Assisting with upper gastrointestinal endoscopy 444
articles 445
complications 446
indications 444
postprocedural care 445
procedures 445
purposes 444
Assisting with use of bedpan 206
articles 206
procedure 206
purposes 206
types 206
Assisting with ventouse extraction 589
Assisting with walking using walker and cane 342
cane walking 343
procedure 343
special considerations 344
walker 342
Automated external defibrillator 391
Baby bath/tub bath 674
Back massage 106
Bag techniques at home 657
Balloon tamponade 449
Bandages 323
Bandaging 323
Barium enema 456
Barium studies 454
Bathing a newborn 632
Bathing a patient in bed 84
articles 84
procedure 84
purposes 84
special considerations 86
Bed shampoo 94
Bedpan 206
Benedict’s solution 22
Binders 332
Biomedical waste 154
Biopsy 466, 493
Bladder irrigation 204
Blood pressure 11
Blood transfusion reactions and nursing management 265
procedure 265
Body fluids spills 156
Body mechanics 126
Body temperature 2
Bone marrow aspiration 493
Bowel wash 215
Breastfeeding 621
Breast self-examination 52
Bronchoscopy 415
Burn wounds 357
Cane walking 343
Cannula method 224
Cardiac bed 76
Cardiac catheterisation 374
Cardiac life support 389
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 384, 650
articles 650
indications 650
meaning 650
procedure 650
Care of baby undergoing phototherapy 624
Care of body after death 122
articles 122
procedure 122
purposes 122
releasing body 124
Care of newborn in incubator (Isolette) 626
Catheter care 200
Central venous catheter 406, 413
Central venous pressure (CVP) 410
Central venous tubing 414
Cerebral angiography 403
Changing intravenous container, tubing and dressing 259
articles 259
procedure 259
purposes 259
Changing dressing at central venous catheter insertion site 413
articles 413
procedure 413
Changing central venous tubing 414
articles 414
procedure 414
Checking height and weight of a patient 15
articles 15
procedure 15
purposes 15
special considerations 16
Checking specific gravity of urine 20
articles 20
procedure 20
purposes 20
special consideration 21
Checking temperature at home 667
articles 667
principles of the thermometer technique 667
procedure 667
Checking weight and height 661
equipment 661
measuring height 661
principles for checking weight 661
procedure 661, 662
special points 662
Chemical convulsive therapy 537
Chest drainage tubes 440
Chest physiotherapy 241
Chiatric unit 527
Cleansing/evacuant enema 208
Cleft lip 640
Cleft palate 640
Cold compress 116
Cold sponge 120
Collecting blood for peripheral smear 43, 670
articles 43, 670
procedure 43, 670
purposes 43, 670
Collecting blood for routine examination 35
articles 35
procedure 35
purposes 35
Collecting stool specimen for culture 30
articles 30
procedure 30
purpose 30
special considerations 30
Collecting stool specimen for routine examination 28
articles 28
procedure 28
purpose 28
Collecting throat swab for culture 31
articles 31
procedure 31
purpose 31
Collecting urine specimen for routine examination 17
articles 17
procedure 17
purpose 17
special considerations 18
Collecting urine specimen for culture 25
articles 25
procedure 25
purposes 25
special considerations 26
Collecting wound swab for culture 32
articles 32
procedure 32
purpose 32
Collection of 24
hours urine 27
articles 27
procedure 27
purposes 27
Collection of blood for culture 41
articles 41
procedure 41
special considerations 42
Collection of specimens for laboratory investigations 665
articles 665
principles 665
procedure 665
special consideration 666
Collection of sputum for culture 45
equipments 45
procedure 45
special consideration 45
Colonic lavage 215
Colonoscopy 458
Colostomy care 218
Colostomy irrigation 222
Computerized axial tomography scan 489
Condom catheter 192
Conducting a domiciliary delivery 677
articles needed 677
contraindications 677
procedure 678
Conducting a general preoperative assessment and checklist 501
Conducting a normal vaginal delivery 572
Conducting process recording 531
format for process recording 531
general guidelines 531
purposes 531
Connecting and changing intercostal drainage (ICD) bottles 436
articles 436
indications 436
meaning 436
procedure 436
purpose 436
special considerations 438
Crutch walking 345
Cystoscopy 478
Defibrillators 389
Digital subtraction angiography 401
Dilatation and curettage procedure 591
Discharge of a patient from hospital 61
article 61
general principles 61
procedure 61
special considerations 62
Discharging a patient from psychiatric unit 527
procedure 527
Discontinuing an intravenous infusion 261
articles 261
procedure 261
Administration of blood (blood transfusion) 262
articles 262
procedure 262
purposes 262
special considerations 264
Disinfection of blood and body fluids spills 156
articles 156
points to be remembered when selecting the disinfectant 158
procedure 156
purposes 156
Domiciliary delivery 677
Draping patient 510
Draping trolley 509
Dressing burns wound 356
articles 356
procedure 357
purposes 356
topical antimicrobial agents used for burn wounds 357
types of wound dressing 356
Dressing wound at home 672
articles 672
principles 672
procedure 672
purposes 672
Drug administration 269
Ear irrigation 101
Electrocardiogram 367
Electroconvulsive therapy 533
Electroencephalography 482
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 469
Endoscopic sclerotherapy 447
Endotracheal intubation 417
Endotracheal/tracheal suctioning 427
Enema 208
Estimation of hemoglobin at home using haemoglobinometer 668
articles 668
Estimation of hemoglobin level using hemoglobin testing paper 669
articles 669
procedure 669
purpose 669
special points 669
Exercises 597
Exercise endpoint 372
Exercise stress test 370
Explanation 454
Eye care 97
Eye irrigation 99
Feeding helpless patient 173
articles 173
procedure 173
purpose 173
special considerations 174
Feeding infants 640
cleft lip 640
cleft palate 640
Feeding through a gastrostomy/jejunostomy tube 183
articles 183
procedure 183
purpose 183
special considerations 185
Flushing a central venous catheter 409
articles 409
geriatric variation 409
paediatric variation 409
procedure 409
Forceps delivery 585
Fowler’s position 144
Gastric lavage 452
Gastric suctioning 442
Gastrostomy 183
Genital care 90
Geriatric variation 408
Giving a baby bath/tub bath 674
articles 674
procedure 674
special note 674
Giving a cold sponge 120
articles 120
contraindication 120
procedure 120
purpose 120
Giving a lap/leg bath 675
articles required 675
procedure 675
purposes 675
Giving a tepid sponge 118
articles 118
procedure 118
purpose 118
Giving sponge bath for a newborn 635
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 484
Glucometer 38
Glucose 23
Growth assessment for children (anthropometry) 645
Haemoglobinometer 668
Hair removal 503
Hair wash 94
Handwashing at home 656
Height 661
Heimlich manoeuvre 395, 654
adult 395
children 654
Hemoglobin testing paper 669
Hot water bag 111
Hygienic perineal care 90
Hypnosis therapy 540
Hypnotism 541
Ice cap 114
Indoklon 538
Indwelling urinary catheter 202
Inserting medication into vagina 306
articles 306
procedure 306
purposes 306
Insertion of a nasogastric tube 175
articles 175
procedure 175
purposes 175
special consideration 178
Instilling medication into ear 293
articles 293
contraindication 293
paediatric variations 294
procedure 293
purposes 293
special considerations 294
Instilling medication into eyes 295
articles 295
paediatric variations 297
procedure 295
purposes 295
Insulin subcoma therapy 542
Intercostal drainage (ICD) bottles 436
Intradermal injection 284
Intramuscular injection 286
Intrauterine contraceptive device (copper-T) 602
Intravenous infusion 255
Intravenous pyelography (IVP) 473
Jejunostomy tube 183
KUB X-ray 472
Laboratory investigations 665
Labour room 563
Lap/leg bath 675
Lateral/side lying position 147
Lithotomy position 149
Liver biopsy 466
Logrolling patient 131
procedure 131
purpose 131
technique 131
Lumbar puncture 486
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan 491
Mask 227, 511
Measuring blood for glucose level using glucometer 38
articles 38
procedure 38
special considerations 40
Measuring body temperature 2
articles 2
common methods 2
contraindications 2
indications 2
normal temperature in children 5
paediatric variations 5
preparation of child 5
procedure 3
purposes 2
special points 5
Measuring central venous pressure (CVP) 410
articles 410
geriatric variation 411
paediatric variation 411
procedure 410
Measuring intake and output 49
articles 49
procedure 49
purposes 49
special considerations 51
Measuring involution of uterus 595
Medical handwashing 150
Medications 394
Mental status examination (MSE) 528
Metered dose inhalation 301
Monitoring blood pressure 11
articles 11
normal BP range–agewise 14
paediatric variations 14
procedure 11
purposes 11
special precautions 13
Moving a patient up in bed 128
procedure 128
purposes 128
Nail and foot care 87
Narcoanalysis/abreactive therapy 543
Nasal drops 298
Nasogastric tube 175, 180
Nebulization therapy 249
Neonatal resuscitation 616
Newborn assessment 608
Newborn care 606
Nonstress test (NST) 552
Normal BP range–agewise 14
Normal diet 171
Normal pulse rate for infants and children 9
Normal respiratory rate agewise 10
Normal temperature in children 5
Normal values 400
Nosocomial infections 159
Nursing considerations 392
Open/unoccupied bed 65
Oral care 81
Oral hygiene 78
Oral medication 270
Orogastric tube feed 642
Oropharyngeal sunctioning 431
Orthopneic position 145
Oxygen saturation 234
Oxygen tent 229
Oxygen therapy—cannula method 224
articles 224
procedure 224
purposes 224
special precautions 226
Oxytocin challenge test 555
Pacemaker implantation 377
Palpation 545
Pap (Papanicolaou) smear 46
Paracentesis 462
Parenteral nutrition 187
Patient education 382
Patient’s rights 269
Pediatric variation 408
Performing bladder irrigation 204
articles 204
procedure 204
purposes 204
Performing a bowel wash/colonic lavage 215
articles 216
contraindications 215
procedure 216
purposes 215
solutions used 215
special consideration 217
temperature of the solution 215
Performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation 384
articles 384
indications 384
objective of CPR 384
procedure 384
sequence of BLS 384
when to stop CPR 387
Performing a gastric lavage or stomach wash 452
articles 452
procedure 452
purposes 452
solutions used 452
Performing a Heimlich manoeuvre (adult) 395
procedure 395
purposes 395
special considerations 397
Performing newborn assessment 608
Performing nonstress test (NST) 552
Performing surgical scrub 498
articles 498
procedure 498
purposes 498
sepcial consideration 500
Performing a urinary catheterization 195
articles 195
procedure 196
types 195
Performing a venipuncture for intravenous therapy 251
articles used 251
contraindications 251
paediatric variations 254
procedure 251
purposes 251
Performing wound dressing 353
articles 353
procedure 353
purposes 353
special consideration 355
Performing an antenatal abdominal examination and palpation 545
Performing an examination of placenta 578
Performing oxytocin challenge test 555
Performing and suturing episiotomy 581
Performing bag techniques at home 657
principles 657
procedure 658
supplies and equipment 657
Performing catheter care 200
Performing chest physiotherapy 241
articles 241
contraindications 241
indications 241
paediatric variations 243
procedure 241
purpose 241
special considerations 243
Performing colostomy care 218
articles 218
procedure 218
purposes 218
special considerations 220
Performing colostomy irrigation 222
articles 222
procedure 222
purposes 222
Performing defibrillation and advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) 389
articles 390
automated external defibrillator 391
complications 392
indications 389
nursing considerations 392
procedure 390
purpose 389
types of defibrillators 389
Performing ear irrigation 101
articles 101
procedure 101
purposes 101
solutions used 101
Performing endotracheal/tracheal suctioning 427
additional articles 428
articles 427
procedure 428
purposes 427
special considerations 430
Performing eye care 97
articles 97
procedure 97
purposes 97
Performing eye irrigation 99
articles needed 99
procedure 99
purposes 99
Performing gastric suctioning 442
articles 442
procedure 442
purposes 442
special considerations 443
Performing handwashing at home 656
articles 656
purposes 656
procedure 656
Performing Heimlich manoeuvre for children 654
procedure 654
Performing medical handwashing 150
articles 150
indications 150
procedure 150
purposes 150
Performing mental status examination (MSE) 528
format for mental status examination (MSE) 528
general instructions 528
purposes 528
Performing nail and foot care 87
articles 87
procedure 87
purposes 87
Performing nebulization therapy 249
articles 249
procedure 249
purposes 249
Performing neonatal resuscitation 616
Performing oral care for an unconscious patient 81
articles 81
procedure 81
purposes 81
Performing oropharyngeal suctioning 431
articles 431
procedure 431
purposes 431
special consideration 432
Performing postural drainage 245
articles 245
contraindications 245
paediatric variations 248
positions for draining different areas of lungs 245
procedure 246
special considerations 248
Performing skin preparation for surgery 503
articles 503
methods of hair removal 503
procedure 503
purposes 503
special consideration 507
Performing sterile gloving 513
articles required 513
procedure (donning of gloves) 513
purposes 513
Performing urine analysis 663
articles 663
principles 663
procedure 663
purpose 663
Performing vaginal examination for a patient in labour 569
Performing wound irrigation 362
articles 362
procedure 362
purposes 362
special considerations 364
Perineal care 593
Peripheral smear 43, 670
Permanent pacemakers 380
pH 19
Phototherapy 624
Pinsite care in skeletal traction 341
articles 341
procedure 341
Placenta 578
Plaster of Paris 336
Policies for segregation and disposal of biomedical waste 154
Policies on drug administration 269
current practice 269
patient’s rights 269
Positioning and restraining children for procedures 168
preparation of child and parents 168
Positioning of patient in bed 144
articles 144
general principles in positioning 144
purposes 144
Fowler’s position 144
lateral/side lying position 147
lithotomy position 149
orthopneic position 145
prone position 146
Sim’s position/semi-prone position 148
supine position/dorsal recumbent/back lying 146
Trendelenburg position 149
Positioning patients for surgery 515
articles 516
factors that determine position 515
guidelines for positioning a patient on the operation table 515
purposes 515
special considerations 518
Postoperative bed 74
Postoperative exercises 519
Postural drainage 245
Practicing principles of body mechanics 126
advantages/benefits 126
factors affecting body alignment and activity 127
procedure 126
Preparation for and assisting with cerebral angiography 403
complications 404
postprocedural care 404
procedure 403
purposes 403
Preparation for and assisting with digital subtraction angiography 401
indications 401
interfering factors 401
postprocedural care 402
procedures 401
special considerations 402
Preparation for KUB X-ray 472
contraindication 472
purposes 472
Preparation for skull and spine X-ray 480
procedure 481
purposes 480
Preparation for ultrasonography 465
meaning 465
Preparation of patient and assisting with barium enema 456
contraindications 456
indications 456
procedure 456
purpose 456
Preparation of patient and assisting with barium studies (upper GI series) 454
explanation 454
procedure 455
purposes 454
Preparation of patient and assisting with cardiac catheterisation 374
articles 374
contraindications 374
procedure 375
purposes 374
special considerations 376
Preparation of patient and assisting with colonoscopy 458
articles 458
general instruction 458
postprocedure care 459
procedure 458
purposes 458
special consideration 459
Preparation of patient and assisting with cystoscopy 478
articles 478
complications 479
postprocedural care 479
preprocedural preparation 478
procedure 479
purposes 478
Preparation of patient and assisting with electroencephalography (EEG) 482
postprocedure care 482
procedure: the procedure is performed in a special unit 482
purposes 482
Preparation of patient and assisting with exercise stress test 370
contraindications and precautions 370
exercise endpoint 372
indications 370
procedure 371
protocols 372
treatment of adverse reactions 373
Preparation of patient and assisting with pacemaker implantation 377
classification of pacemakers 377
complications 382
patient education 382
postprocedure care 381
preparation of the patient for permanent pacemaker insertion 381
procedure 378, 381
recording 382
special consideration 382
types of permanent pacemakers 380
Preparation of patient and assisting with proctoscopy 460
articles 460
contraindications 460
possible complications 461
procedure 460
purposes 460
special considerations 461
Preparatory exercises 345
Preparing a cardiac bed 76
articles 76
procedure 76
purposes 76
Preparing a postoperative bed 74
articles 74
procedure 74
purposes 74
Preparing prenatal patient for ultrasound examination 557
Preparing occupied bed 70
articles 70
procedure 70
purposes 70
special points 73
Preparing open/unoccupied bed 65
articles 65
procedure 65
purposes 65
special considerations 69
Preparing an operation theater trolley and patient before surgery 508
articles 508
procedure 508
purposes 508
special points 508
Preparing patient and assisting with chemical convulsive therapy 537
advantages of using Indoklon 538
after care of the client 538
contraindications 537
indications 537
preparation of the patient 537
procedure 537
side effects of indoklon and management 539
Preparing patient and assisting with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 533
articles 533
complications 535
contraindications 533
indications 533
procedure 533
special consideration 536
Preprocedural preparation 478
Prevention of nosocomial infections 159
measures to prevent nosocomial infections 160
Process recording 531
Proctoscopy 460
Prone position 146
Protocol for sample collection of blood 33
Providing bed shampoo/hair wash 94
articles 94
contraindications 94
procedure 95
purposes 94
special considerations 96
Providing back massage 106
articles 106
contraindications 106
procedure 106
purposes 106
special considerations 108
Providing genital care/hygienic perineal care 90
articles 90
indications 90
procedure 90
purposes 90
Providing immediate newborn care 606
Providing perineal care 593
Providing range of motion exercises 140
general guidelines 140
procedure 140
purposes 140
special points 143
Providing sitz bath 109
articles 109
contraindications 109
indications 109
procedure 109
purposes 109
special consideration 110
Providing tracheostomy care 423
equipment 424
procedure 424
purposes 423
special considerations 426
Psychiatric unit 526
Pulse 6
Pulse oximeter 234
Range of motion exercises 140
Reagent strip 23
Recording 382
Recording an electrocardiogram (ECG) 367
articles 367
procedure 367
purposes 367
special considerations 369
Rectal suppositories 304
Removal of sutures and staples 359
articles 359
procedure 359
special considerations 361
specific instructions for staple removal 360
Removing an indwelling urinary catheter 202
articles 202
procedure 202
purposes 202
special considerations 203
Renal biopsy 475
Respiration 10
Routine examination 28
Semi-prone position 148
Sengstaken-blakemore tube 449
Serving normal diet 171
articles 171
procedure 171
purposes 171
Sim’s position 148
Sitz bath 109
Skeletal traction 341
Skin traction 318
Skull and spine X-ray 480
Slings 315
special considerations 29, 60, 172, 297, 340
special considerations 60, 340
types 336
Spirometer 237
Splints 313
Sputum for culture 45
Staple removal 360
Steam inhalation 231
Sterile gloving 513
Sterile gown 511
Sterile technique 509
draping patient 510
draping trolley 509
Stomach wash 452
Subcutaneous injection 281
Supine position/dorsal recumbent/back lying 146
Surgery 503, 515
Surgical scrub 498
Sutures and staples 359
Suturing an episiotomy 581
Taking anthropometric measurements 659
articles 659
procedure 659
purpose 659
special points 660
Tape 23
Teaching antenatal exercises 550
Teaching breast self-examination (BSE) 52
articles 52
procedure 52
special considerations 54
Teaching postnatal exercises 597
Teaching strategies 351
Teaching testicular self–examination (TSE) 55
procedure 55
special considerations 56
Temperature at home 667
Tepid sponge 118
Testicular self–examination (TSE) 55
Testing urine for albumin 24
articles 24
procedure 24
Testing urine for glucose (reagent strip or tape) 23
articles 23
procedure 23
special consideration 23
Testing urine for glucose (Benedict’s solution) 22
articles 22
procedure 22
purpose 22
Testing urine for pH 19
articles 19
procedure 19
purpose 19
Thermometer technique 667
Thoracentesis 434
Throat swab 31
Topical antimicrobial agents 357
Topical medications 310
Total parenteral nutrition 187
Tracheostomy 421, 423
Traction 318
Transfer of a patient from unit to unit and hospital to hospital 63
articles 63
procedure 63
purposes 63
Transferring a patient between a bed and a stretcher 137
articles 137
procedure 137
purposes 137
variation 138
Transferring a patient from bed to chair 135
procedure 135
purposes 135
Transfusion 628
Trendelenburg position 149
Turning a patient to lateral or prone position 130
purposes 130
procedure 130
special consideration 130
Ultrasonography 465
Ultrasound examination 557
Unexpected outcomes 300
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy 444
Upper GI series 454
Urinary catheterization 195
Urine analysis 663
Use of comfort devices 103
purposes 103
Uterus 595
Vaginal delivery 572
Vaginal examination 569
Venipuncture 251
Venous catheter 409
Ventouse extraction 589
Walker and cane 342
Weighing a newborn 638
Withdrawing or preparing medications from vial and ampoule 275
articles 275
description 275
procedure 275
special considerations 279
Wound at home 672
Wound dressing 353, 356, 362
Wound swab for culture 32
Chapter Notes

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