Human Physiology NM Muthayya
Chapter Notes

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Energy Balance and Regulation of Food Intake8

    • Clinical Aspects
All living cells show a continuous series of chemical changes (metabolic activity) by means of which energy is made available for the organism. The energy is liberated by the oxidation of food materials. A major fraction of this energy appears as heat which utilised for maintaining body temperature, at the level above that of environment. A small fraction of energy is used for doing work. This may be:
  1. Mechanical work like movements and contraction of the heart.
  2. Osmotic work like secretion of more concentrated urine.
  3. Electrical work like generation of action potentials.
  4. Chemical work like synthesis of glycogen from glucose.
  5. Biological work—a part of the energy is used for maintaining their own structure and reproducing themselves.
The energy balance is maintained by adjusting energy intake and energy output in their various forms. The intake of energy is in the form of food and oxygen as by the reactions of these two inside the body energy is liberated. The output of energy is by loss of heat to the environment and by doing work.
If the caloric content of the food ingested is less than the energy output that is if the balance is negative-endogenous stores are utilised, glycogen, body proteins and fats are catabolised and the individual loses weight. I
If the caloric value of the food intake exceeds energy output due to heat and work, the energy balance is said to be positive and the energy is stored in the form of adipose tissues and the individual gains weight. Body weight is an index of energy balance. In obese people there are only two ways to loose weight-one by increasing the energy expenditure, two by decreasing the food intake. Maintenance of energy balance is effected by adjustments of four important variables.
  1. Food intake
  2. Stored energy
  3. Work and
  4. Heat production.
Of these food intake compensates for the changes in other variables. The food intake is regulated so as to adjust expenditure of energy. This also brings a long term regulation of reserves closely related to the body weight.
The normal diet should contain adequate amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, salts and vitamins in suitable proportions, in order to provide the energy requirements for metabolic activity, tissue growth and tissue repair. During menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and illness the individual needs extra energy. Growing children also need more energy. The food also should be cooked, tasty and attractive.
Energy available in each type of food
4 Cal/gram
4 Cal/gram
9 Cal/gram
An average normal diet should contain proteins 100G (400 Cal). Fats 100 G (900 Cal) and carbohydrates 400 G (1600 Cal). Total Cal 3000. There are wide variations in individual energy requirements. The average daily energy expenditure in majority of people is 2400–4000 Cal for men, 1700–2900 Cal for women.183
Factors Influencing Energy Expenditure
Physical Activity: This is the most important factor. Sedentary workers need less energy. Mental activity involves no expenditure of energy. Manual workers need more energy.
Age: Growing children from 1–19 years need more energy for growth and physical development. With advanced age BMR falls. Energy requirement becomes less.
Body size and weight: BMR is directly proportional to body size and weight.
Climate: During cold climates one has more energy expenditure. During a hot climate, there is less expenditure.
Inadequate caloric intake due to under nutrition and starvation leads to wasting of body with marked loss of adipose tissue and muscle.
Proteins: Proteins are an indispensable constituent of the diet because it is the only source for amino acids including the essential amino acids which cannot be synthesized in the body.
Amino acids are used for tissue growth, for milk proteins formation, to maintain the structure of every tissue cell including its enzymes, for the exocrine and endocrine secretions to maintain the normal plasma concentration. The minimum protein intake of the adult must contain the enough of each essential amino acid to make up their loss.
The proteins of animal origin closely resemble those of human tissue. These are called proteins of high biological value and they are knows as first class proteins.
The proteins of vegetable origin cannot be used so economically for tissue growth and repair. Hence these proteins are called proteins of low biological value. And they are also known as second class proteins.
The amount of fat consumed varies depending upon the economic status, occupation and other general habits. Fats are the major source for energy production and for the vitamins A and D absorption.
Carbohydrates provide more than 50% of energy requirement. In our food the carbohydrates contribute the quantity. This is the cheap and easily available form the food. The carbohydrates intake should be sufficient to prevent the need for protein break down to provide energy.
Minerals and ions
NaCl: Daily requirement 1–2 G. The average intake is 8–10 G/day sources, salt, milk and vegetables.
Calcium: 0.9–1 G/day - source - milk and fortified bread.
Phosphate: 0.88 G/day.
Magnesium 200–400 mg/day: Source - in cereals and vegetables.
Iron not less than 12 mg/day.
Copper + Cobalt, Zinc - trace.
Iodine _ trace - derived from water, milk and as impurity with salt.
Vitamins: Fruits and vegetables provide enough Vit C.
Milk, milk products, fats, meat and eggs provide enough Vit A and D.
Hunger, appetite and satiety determine food intake.
Hunger and Appetite
Eating is a voluntary act and the regulation of food intake is accomplished by conscious sensations which indicate either that the food is needed or that enough food has been consumed. The sensations that cause food to be taken are described as hunger and appetite. The hunger is a complex sensation evoked by depletion of body nutrient stores and there is a physical need for food. There is craving for food and this is associated with number of objective sensations-hunger contraction, hunger pain or pangs. In addition the hungry person becomes more tense and restless. Hunger is desire to eat.
Appetite: On the other hand is a psychic or emotional desire to eat, Often the desire for a specific food. The appetite helps the individual to choose the quality of food he likes.
Satiety: Cessation of eating is also a voluntary act and is induced by sensation called satiety. This is caused by 184repletion of body nutrient stores signifying lack of desire to eat or to be precise a desire not to eat. This is opposite of hunger. Satiety usually results from a filling meal.
Hunger and satiety mechanisms are inborn and dependent on the inherent organisation of the central nervous system, whereas appetite is an acquired and dependent on past pleasurable experience.
Theories regarding the origin of sensation of hunger
  1. Peripheral theory of hunger.
  2. Central theory of hunger.
  3. General theory of hunger.
Peripheral Theory of Hunger
According to this theory the hunger is a sensation of peripheral origin and stomach is the seat of hunger phenomenon and feelings. The hunger contractions contribute to the hunger state.
Central Theory: According to this theory the hunger is a central phenomenon. It is postulated that a higher center in the hypothalamus which is sensitive to the depletion of energy reserves.
General Theory: According to this view the hunger is a sensation of “general origin”. The hunger and regulation of food-intake are central nervous system phenomenon influenced by starvation, state of blood and by various other afferent impulses from certain body structures.
Regulation of Food-Intake
As a result of number of studies it becomes clear that the regulation of food intake is a central phenomenon in which hypothalamus plays a major and decisive role. The central mechanism in the hypothalamus regulating food intake is divided into two portions.
  1. Feeding centre - lateral hypothalamic area.
  2. Satiety centre - in the medial hypothalamus.
Feeding centre is located in the extreme lateral portion of the lateral hypothalamus at the same rostro-caudal plane, as the ventromedial nucleus. Stimulation of this area causes hyperphagia accompanied by effects such as licking, swallowing, chewing and eating automatism. Bilateral lesions of these areas produce complete aphagia and death.
Satiety centre (Brobeck and B.K. Anand) is located in the medial hypothalamus region just lateral to ventro median nucleus. Stimulation of this area produces a decrease in food intake. Bilateral lesion produces hyperphagia and obesity. This produces its effects by inhibitory influences and control the feeding activity and feeding reflexes through brain stem reticular formation, cranial nerve nuclei and spinal cord. With an urge to eat, the animal manifests hyperactivity as restlessness, locomotion, searching, etc. A satiated animal normally does not move about.
Food serves as stimulus for these reflexes and awareness of food brought about through any sensory means, initiate the feeding reflexes. Reticular formation plays a role in exploratory, food-seeking behaviour of the animal. The hypothalamic activity is influenced by limbic system and neocortex.
Limbic structures in the frontal lobe and temporal lobe, modify food intake through a discriminative mechanism. This they termed appetite, while primitive urge of “hunger” they attributed to hypothalamic level. The role of emotions in relation to food is of some interest. Thus Bruch has emphasised that, what we eat, when we eat and how we eat are the functions of the limbic system.
Leptin is a hormone of the adipose tissues. Leptin receptors are located in satiety centre. By its influence it causes satiety and loss of food intake. Deficiency of this hormone leads to hyperphagia and weight gain.
Signals for the Regulating Mechanism
Various suggestions have been put forward regarding the nature of change or changes produced, as a result of feeding, which signal to the regulating mechanism that further feeding should be stopped. The important ones are:
  1. The specific dynamic action of food - Thermostatic hypothesis.
  2. The availability and utilisation of glucose from body fluids-glucostatic hypothesis.
  3. Concentration of circulating metabolites influenced by fat depots in the body—The lipostatic hypothesis.
  4. The concentration of serum amino acids.
  5. Sensations from digestive tracts associated with eating, swallowing and presence of food in the stomach and intestine.
  6. The water concentration or shifts of water among the compartments within the body—Hydrostatic or osmotic hypothesis.
Thermostatic Regulation of Food Intake
The important factor in the regulation of food intake is not its energy value of food but the amount of extra heat released in its assimilation. This extra-heat is called the specific dynamic action (SDA) of food, signals the hypothalamic mechanisms and thus adjust the total quantity of food eaten. The principal factor in satiety is the stress imposed upon the body by SDA. There is a rise in the skin temperature after a meal and this rise is interpreted as being a mechanism for getting rid of some extra heat. The cutaneous vasodilatation and satiety are inter-related. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that food intake is high in cold than in a warm environment. In fever, food intake is minimised, i.e. the satiety is complete at this stage. Fats have low satiety value and proteins with high SDA have highest satiety value. This mechanism has some effect on the immediate regulation of food intake and this has no effect on the long term regulation.
Glucostatic Regulation of Food Intake
There are glucoreceptors in the satiety centre of the hypothalamus and they are sensitive to changes in the blood glucose level. Hyperglycaemia increases the activity of the satiety centre leading to satiety and hypoglycaemia inhibits satiety centre and food intake is increased. This is also a short term emergency mechanism not operating in the physiological normal range.
The Lipostatic Regulation of Food Intake
This is based on the fact that the amount of endogenous fats mobilised daily is proportional to the size of fat depot in the body. The hypothalamic regions are sensitive to varying concentrations of circulating metabolites. This is a long term mechanism of body reserves. As the quantity of adipose tissue increases, the rate of feeding decreases. The long term average concentration of unesterified fatty acids in the blood is directly proportional to the quantity of the adipose tissue in the body. The concentration of unesterified fatty acids causes a negative feedback regulatory effect on feeding.
Regulation of Serum Amino Acids
There is a reciprocal relationship between the amino acid concentration and appetite.
Signals from gastrointestinal tract.
Gastric distension increase the activity of the satiety centre.
Hydrostatic and Osmotic Factor in the Regulation of Food Intake
Drinking is associated with eating. The tendency to drink water when the food is eaten is attributed to the stimulus of dehydration on withdrawal of water from the body in secretion of digestive juice. The osmotic demands of digestion and digestion of food may be one of the signals of satiety.
Role of Hormones and Drugs
Insulin, glucagon and cortisone may play some role in the regulation of food intake. Amphetamine depresses appetite probably by acting on the higher mechanisms in the frontal lobe. Sympathomimetic drugs produce anorexic effects. Atropine depresses both water and food intake.
Anorexia Nervosa
This clinical syndrome anorexia nervosa is due to overactivity of the satiety centres. Since this region also influences the gonadotrophins secretion by the adenohypophysis, this disease is associated with endocrine dysfunction-lack of sexual interests and functional amenorrhoea in females.
Obesity is caused by excess food intake over energy output. Number of factors contribute for obesity. Genetic factors-obesity run in families. Psychogenic factor the most common psychogenic factor is the prevalent idea that one should eat three times a day with full meal. Overfeeding of the children by parents during infancy make them continue the same food habits throughout their life. Hypothalamic abnormalities-over activity of feeding centres or lesions in the appetite center leads to over eating and obesity.
Less food intake and increase in expenditure of energy, exercise will reduce obesity.
When more than 20% of body weight in men and 25% of body weight in women is due to fat, the obesity becomes an obvious feature. The normal values of fat are 12–18% in men and 18–24% in women.
Quetelet Index is the body weight in Kgs divided by the square of the height in meters, e.g. (80/1.8=24). The normal value for this index is 20–25 kg/m2.
Adenosine A, receptor hyperactivity inhibits lipolysis and increases insulin sensitivity of adipose tissues and 186cause obesity. Obesity is the predisposing factor for cardio vascular diseases, hypertension, gall bladder diseases, and mammary cancer.
Types of Obesity
  1. Primary type where obesity cannot be attributed to any endocrinological disease or lesions in the hypothalamus. The cause is mostly genetic and the genetic factor accounts for about 25–40% of the cases. The human obesity is not linked to any specific gene defects. So far 20 genes on 12 different chromosomes are implicated but not confirmed. The following suggestions have been proposed regarding the genetic link with obesity.
    1. Possible obesity genes encoding metabolic enzymes which lead to insulin resistance. This lead to less utilisation of glucose and subsequent synthesis and accumulation of fats in the adipose tissue. Due to insulin insensitivity neoglucogenesis in the liver is enhanced and subsequent synthesis of fats leading to obesity.
    2. Economical gene hypothesis: 1. According to this theory the individual adapts themselves to dietary energy deficit. In course of time such individuals are genetically conditioned to deficit of food energy. When there is excess availability turned to economic use of energy, the excess energy is converted into body fat and obesity develops. Genetic disease associated with obesity are - Prader - Willi syndrome, Laurence - Beidlmoon syndrome, Cohen syndrome and Carpenter syndrome.
  2. Secondary Obesity: In this type II, the obesity occurs due to some endocrinological disorder or CNS disease involving food intake centres in the hypothalamus.
    1. Hyper activity of the feeding centres or lesion in the satiety centres will lead to obesity.
    2. Several endocrines disorders are associated with obesity. e.g. Cushing syndrome, Non-insulin dependent diabetes, Turner's syndrome, Male hypogonadism.
    3. Leptin is a hormone of the adipose tissue. Leptin receptors are located in the satiety centre and by its influence it cause satiety and less food intake. Deficiency of this hormone causes hyperphagia leading to obesity.
    4. Ghrelin is a peptide hormone secreted by the stomach. It increases food intake by its action on the feeding centre. It also increases growth hormone secretion. The blood level of Ghrelin is low in obese people and increased during fasting. The site of action of this hormone is the arcuate neucleus of hypothalamus.
More details regarding ghrelin: (Kojima, Masayasu, and Kenji Kangawa Ghrelin: structure and Function. Physical Rev 85:2005) Small synthetic molecules called growth hormone secretagogues (GHSs) stimulate the release of growth hormone (GH) from the pituitary. They act through the GHS-R, a G protein coupled receptor, whose ligand has only beend discovered recently. Ghrelin is a peptide hormone in which the third amino acid, usually a serine but in some species a theronine, is modified by a fatty acid; this modification is essential for ghrelin's activity. The discovery of ghrelin indicates that the release of GH from the pituitary might be regulated not only by hypothalamic GH-releasing hormone, but also by ghrelin derived from the stomach. In addition, ghrelin stimulates appetite by acting on the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus, a region known to control food intake. Ghrelin is orexigenic; it is secreted from the stomach and circulates in the bloodstream under fasting condition, indicating that it transmits a hunger signal from the periphery to the central nervous system. Taking into account all these activities, ghrelin plays important roles for maintaining GH release and energy homeostasis in vertebrates.
Sites of ghrelin secretion: The main source is stomach. Ghrelin containing cells are abundent in the fundus than in the pylorus. It is also secreted from pancreas.
Ghrelin Receptor
Ghrelin receptor, or GHS-R is a typical GPCR with seven trnasmembrane domains (7-TM). Two distinct ghrelin receptor cDNAs have been isolated. The first, GHS-R type 1a and another GHS-R cDNA, type 1b
Ghrelin receptor distribution
Ghrelin receptor mRNA is prominently expressed in the arcuate (ARC) and ventromedical nuclei (VMN) and in the hippocampus. The ghrelin receptor is highly sensitive to GH.
The existence of ghrelin and its receptor in the hippocampus, a region that is associated with learning and memory, suggests the role of ghrelin in memrory formation.
Function of Ghrelin
GH-Releasing Activity
Ghrelin is a multifaceted peptide hormone. Ghrelin acts in the GHS-R, increaing intracellular Ca++ concentration via IP3 to stimulate GH release. The GH-releasing activity of ghrelin is imilar to that of GHRH. It is two to three times powerful than GHRH.187
Ghrelin stimulates GH release primarily from pituitary cells, which indicates that ghrelin can act directly on the pituitary. However, the involvement of the hypothalamus in ghrelin-mediated stimulation of GH release has been strongly suggested.
Appetite Regulation
Ghrelin is a potent appetite stimulant.
Ghrelin containing neurons are found in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, a region involved in appetite regulation. This localization suggests a role of ghrelin in controlling food intake.
Leptin produced in adipose tissues is an appetite suppressor whereas the ghrelin is an potent appetite stimulant.
The hypothalamic arcuate nucleus is the main site of ghrelin's activity in the central nervous system. This also a target site for leptin an appetite suppressor.
Gatrointenstinal function: It increases gastric acid secretion, gastric movement and turnover of gastric and intenstinal mucosa.
Cardiovascular Function
It increases the cardiac output and lowers the blood pressure without changing the heart rate. This effect is not due to its direct action on the circulated system but through its action on the nucleus on the solitary tract. Ghrelin inhibits apoptosis of cardiomysosites and endothelial cells.
Ghrelin and Insulin Secretion
The role of ghrelin on insulin secretion is unsettled.
Regulation of Ghrelin Secretion
The most important factor for the regulation of ghrelin is feeding. Plasma ghrelin concentration is increaed when fastning and decreased after food intake.
Clinical Application of Ghrelin
Estimation of ghrelin level in the blood may be useful for the diagnosis and treatment of GH deficiency and associated diseases.
It may be useful for the treatment of eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa.
May be useful in the treatment of postoperative gastric ileus and in the treatment of ethanol induced gastric ulcers.
It may be useful in the treatment chronic heart failure.
Ghrelin improves cardiac structure and function
Other potential clinical applications of ghrelin are in osteoporosis, aging and catabolic states including those seen in postoperative patients and in AIDS and cancer associated wasting syndromes.
  1. Obesity and adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase (ATLA). There are several types of lipases in our body. ATLA is one type. Triglycerides are hydrolysed to fatty acids by ATLA and these fatty acids get incorporated into the adipocytes. When there is more secretion of this enzyme obesity is caused.
  2. Obesity and Brown Fat:
    The Brown fat content is very much less in normal adults. Brown fat activates and promotes heat production and gives rise to reduction of body fat despite its meagre amount. When the brown fat content become very much less or nil, obesity develops. β3 - adrenoreceptors present in the brown adipose tissue regulates lipolysis and energy expenditure. In human new borns some brown fat is seen in the nape of the neck. This provides energy to the new born at short notice and helps thermoregulation.
Mitochondria of brown adiposytes provide a unique machinary that promotes uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation from ATP synthesis. Thus promotes heat production and expenditure of energy. A protein called uncoupling protein I (UCPI) is present in the mitochondria. This is responsible for uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. Brown adiposytes show β3 adrenergic receptors. Sympathetic stimulation increases heat production via these receptors. Binding of these receptors with adrenaline activates the UCP − 1. Exposure to cold, stress, over feeding will stimulate uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and thyroid hormones are implicated in this mechanism.188
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