Essentials of Computer for Nurses J Selvasekaran
A sample of powerPoint design templates 265
Abacus 35
Align 251
align left 251
align right 251
center 251
justify 251
Animation schemes 257
Atansoft–Berry computer 38
electronic delay storage automatic calculator 39
electronic discrete variable automatic 39
electronic numeric integrate and calculator 39
universal automatic computer 39
Autocontent wizard 262
Autocorrect options 253
Barcode 53
Bottom margin 175
Bulletin for the experimental treatment of AIDS 20
Color/gray scale 247
Communication signals 111
analog signals 111
digital signals 111
Compare and merge workbooks 224
Computer algorithms 72
computer algorithms and logic 72
Computer concepts 33
characteristics of computers 33
accuracy 34
automatic 33
diligence 34
no feelings 34
no IQ 34
power of remembering 34
speed 33
versality 34
development of computers 34
historical development 34
Computer generations 39
fifth generation 42
first generation 40
fourth generation 41
second generation 40
third generation 40
Computer language levels 73
assembly language 74
high level language 74
machine language 74
Computer networking 105
goals 105
types 106
intranet 108
local area network – LAN 106
metropolitan area network – MAN 107
wide area network –WAN 107
uses 106
Computers in nursing 3
community health nursing 4
multispeciality clinics/hospitals 3
Conference on data system language (CODASYL) 151
Custom animation 257
Customize 195, 253
Data base objects in access 156
forms 156
macros 157
modules 157
pages 157
queries 156
reports 157
tables 156
Data confidentiality, privacy and security 4
computer literacy 5
computerized classification system 7
nurse role 5
patient classification and staffing requirement 6
scheduling with computers 7
administrative application 8
employee information 7
nurse assessment 8
nursing care plan 8
patient information 7
Data menu 226
Data security and secrete data structure 104
external security 104
internal security 104
access control 104
cryptography 104
user authentication 104
Database 100
data capturing (recording) 101
data manipulating 101
data processing 101
database management 102
database management system (DBMS) 102
hierarchical database management system (HDBMS) 102
network database management system (NDBMS) 102
relational database management system (RDBMS) 102
managing output results 101
Database file/table 160
create a table by entering data 161
create a table by using wizard 160
create a table in design view 160
Database functions 231
Database management system 149
advantages 149
components 150
data 150
end-user 150
hardware 150
software 150
disadvantages 150
major services 150
data display 150
data integrity 150
data maintenance 150
data manipulation 150
DBMS models 150
Datacenter edition 95
Date and time functions 232
Design templates tab 265
Digitizer 54
DOS (disk operating system) 66
history of MS-DOS 66
system files 67
version of DOS 67
loading of DOS into the computer's memory 67
booting 67
DOS commands 68
external commands 69
internal commands 68
Edit menu 179
Electronic cards 54
Electronic mail 117
E-mail addresses 117
history 117
Electronics for computing 38
Employee table with records 165
Engineering functions 234
Enterprise edition 95
Excel functions 231
Exercise on table relationships 165
Export 158
External functions 233
Field properties 167
general 167
caption 167
decimal places 167
default value 167
field size 167
format 167
indexed 167
input mask 167
required 167
validation rule 167
validation text 167
File management system 78
file organization 78
direct files 79
index sequential files 79
sequential files 78
file types 78
backup file 78
master file 78
output file 78
report file 78
transaction file 78
file utilities 79
copying 79
maintenance 79
merging 79
printing 79
searching 79
sorting 79
File menu 174
margins tab 175
new 174
open 174
page setup 175
save 174
save as 174
save as web page 174
search 175
versions 175
web page preview 175
File transmission protocol (FTP) 118
advantage of the internet 119
archie 119
cable modem 120
disadvantages of using internet 119
internet television 120
modems 119
Financial functions 234
Flow chart 72
principles 73
use 72
Format menu 185
Forms 103
Formula auditing 226
evaluate formula 226
formula auditing mode 226
remove all arrows 226
show auditing toolbar 226
show watch window 226
trace dependents 226
trace error 226
trace precedents 226
Get external data 158
Group and outline 228
auto outline 228
clear outline 228
group 228
hide detail 228
settings 228
show detail 228
ungroup 228
Header/footer tab 210
Help menu 199
about microsoft program 199
activate product 199
detect and repair 199
office assistant 199
office on the web 199
show or hide the office assistant 199
wordperfect help 199
Hierarchical database management system (HDBMS) 151
Holerith's punched card 37
Home server 96
Hospital information/management system 29
advantage 32
department information system 31
admission and discharge – transfer 31
emergency care 31
food service 31
laboratory 31
maintenance service 31
medical records 31
pharmacy 31
radiology 32
HIS approaches 30
centralized system 30
decentralized system 30
individual department system 30
Import external data 228
data range properties 229
edit query 228
import data 228
new database query 228
new web query 228
Import or link tables 158
Information functions 235
Input and output devices 49
functions 49
electronic pen 51
joystick 50
keyboard 49
mouse 49
scan 52
touch screen 51
track ball 51
optical character recognition 53
barcode 53
magnetic-ink character recognition 54
optical mark reader 53
Insert menu 183
autotext 184
break 184
comment 184
data and time 184
field 184
page numbers 184
symbol 184
web component 184
Internet 115
hardware requirements for internet 116
history 115
use of internet 116
Internet searching 125
proxy 125
anonymous proxy 127
circumventor 127
intercepting proxy 126
open proxy 126
reverse proxy 126
split proxy 126
SSI proxy 126
web proxy 125
Learning 124 teaching material 125
Logical functions 235
Mak I computer (193744) 38
Many-to-many relationship 165
Margins 175
bottom margin 175
gutter 176
gutter position 176
landscape 176
left margin 175
orientation 176
portrait 176
right margin 175
top margin 175
Master 246
handout master 247
slide master 246
Maths and trigonometry functions 237
Microsoft excel 204
advantage 204
disadvantage 204
file menu 207
close 207
new 207
open 207
save 207
save as 207
save as web page 207
save workspace 208
search 208
web page preview 208
key features 205
error prevention and recovery 206
everyday tasks 205
formulas and formatting 205
importing data 205
language specific features 206
web documents and web sites 206
worksheet and workbook formatting 205
Microsoft powerPoint 240
key features 240
error prevention and recovery 241
importing data 240
language specific features 241
presentation broadcasting 241
security 241
web documents and web sites 241
Milestone of internet 115
Monitor 56
CRT monitor 56
flat-panel monitor 56
MS-access 153
about access database 154
access database files 155
key features 153
MS-word 171
key features 172
collaborative document creation 172
easier formatting 172
error prevention and recovery 173
everyday tasks 172
language specific features 172
security 172
unlocking data 173
web documents and web sites 172
Multimedia 135
components 135
animation 138
audio 137
graphics 135
text 135
video 137
Network database management system (NDBMS) 151
Network topology 108
bus topology 108
hierarchical topology 110
mesh topology 110
ring topology 109
star topology 109
Networking developments in India 113
Normal view 245
Notes page 246
Nursing informatics 12
government census 17
heart disease 17
12-lead ECG library homepage 18
American committee on immunization practices 19
American heart journal 17 17
CHEST: The cardiopulmonary and critical care journal 18
clinical cardiology—peer reviewed journal 18
hypertension—journal of the American heart association 19
journals of the American heart association 18
national immunization program (NIP) 19
infectious disease 19
aegis 20
bulletin for the experimental treatment of AIDS 20
centers for disease control and prevention (CDCP)—division of STD prevention 21
centers for disease control and prevention (CDCP)—division of TB elimination 21
infections in medicine 19
infectious disease news 20
journal of infectious diseases 20
Lyme disease information resource 21
national institute of allergy and infectious diseases 19
UK national AIDS manual/British HIV association 20
university of California at San Francisco HIV in site 20
internal medicine 21
journal of the American medical association (JAMA) 21
lancet 21
medscape 22
national guidelines clearing house 22
national library of medicine 22
New England journal of medicine 21
journal of travel medicine 26
medical transcription 22
healthweb: Nursing 22
home health care nurses association (HHNA) 23
national council of state boards of nursing 22
nursing 22
American nurses association 22
nursing journals 23
obstetrics/gynecology 23
American college of obstetricians and gynecologists 23
journal of obstetrics and gynecology 23 23
paramedic 24
national paramedic society 24
pediatric infectious disease 25
federal drug association (FDA): Kids site 25
infectious diseases in children 25
pediatric pharmacotherapy: A monthly review for health care professionals 25
pediatrics 24
all-net pediatric critical care textbook 24
American academy of pediatrics 24
American academy of pediatrics journal — current and back issues 24
American academy of pediatrics policy statements, practice parameters and model bills 24
doctor's guide 25
pediatric database (PEDBASE) 24
pediatric dental health 25
pediatrics in review 25
pediatrics online — resources for health professionals 24
physician meeting schedules 25
medical meetings 25
physician travel and meeting guide 26
physicians on line 26
stroke — journal of the American heart association 26
the national consumers league 26
traveler's medicine 26
centers for disease control and prevention (CDCP) – travel information 26
some useful websites for nursing profession 14
American academy of allergy, Asthma, and immunology 14
American board of family practice (ABFP) 14
American diabetes association 15
American family physician (AAFP) 14
CDC prevention guidelines database 15
center for disease control 14
emergency medicine 16
emergency medicine on-line 16
emergency medicine residents’ association 16
National heart, lung and blood institute 14
national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney diseases of the NIH 15
product: annals of emergency medicine 16
wonder for CDC 15
women's health issues 27
adjustable-bed-review 27
journal of the American medical association (JAMA) — women's health information center 27
journal of the American medical women's association 27
national heart, lung and blood institute — women's health initiative 27
Nursing software 9
MDS clinical package 10
application features 10
SIS nursing software 9
clinical wizards 10
intraoperative 9
postoperative or PACU 9
pre-admissions testing 9
preoperative 9
product center 10
QA/follow-up 10
solution center 10
Online collaboration 192, 225, 253
meet now 192, 225
schedule meeting 192, 225
web discussions 192, 225
Operating system 63
functions 64
command interpretation 64
file management 64
memory management 64
process management 64
security 64
objectives 64
types 64
batch operating system 64
multi programming operating system 64
multi user operating system 65
multitasking operating system 64
real time system 65
time sharing system 65
Options 195
Organization of computer 42
classification of computer 48
main frame computers 48
micro computers 48
mini computers 48
super computers 48
input device 43
mother board 43
network interface card 44
storage devices 43
switch mode power supply (SMPS) 43
visual display card 43
memory 44
BIT 45
memory representation 45
memory unit 44
output device 47
processor 47
types of computer 47
analog computer 47
digital computer 47
word length 46
erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) 46
programmable read-only memory (PROM) 46
random access memory (RAM) 46
read-only memory (ROM) 46
Page order 212
Page setup 208
Physical communication media 111
bounded media 111
cables 112
fiber optic cables 112
wires 111
unbounded media 112
microwave 112
radiowave 112
satellite communication 112
Picture 185
autoShapes menu 185
chart 185
clip art 185
from scanner or camera 185
new drawing 185
picture from file 185
picture organization chart 185
wordArt 185
Presentation tab 266
Print 211
black and white 211
cell error as 212
comments 211
draft quality 211
gridlines 211
row and column headings 211
Print area 212
clear/reset print area 212
exchange folder 212
exit 213
mail recipient 212
mail recipient (as attachment) 212
mail recipient for review 212
online meeting participant 212
print preview 212
properties 213
recently used files list 213
routing recipient 212
set print area 212
Printers 57
chain printer 58
dot-matrix printer 57
drum printer 58
inkjet printer 57
laser printer 58
plotters 59
drum plotter 59
flatbed plotter 59
Protection 225
allow users to edit ranges 225
protect for sharing 225
protect sheet 225
protect workbook 225
Queries 103
syntax 103
Relational database management system (RDBMS) 152
Reports 103
Scaling 209
Screen image projector 60
Secondary storage device 61
random access 62
sequential access 61
Sheet tab 210
Slide menu 253
rehearse timing 254
setup show 254
slide show or view show 253
Slide show view 246
Slide sorter view 246
Software 70
application software 70
database software 71
educational software 71
entertainment software 71
graphic software 71
personal assistance software 71
spreadsheet software 71
word-processing software 71
system software 70
functions 70
Speech 224
show text to speech toolbar 224
speech recognition 224
Standard edition 94
Statistical functions 238
Statistical package 139
data structures 140
excel spreadsheets and add-ins 145
flexibility 142
free statistical software 143
graphics 140
platforms 142
statistical interface 139
statistical procedures 141
surveys, testing, and measurement 144
user interface 139
Table menu 195
delete 196
delete cells 197
delete columns 197
delete rows 197
delete table 196
insert 196
insert cells 196
insert columns to the left 196
insert columns to the right 196
insert rows above 196
insert rows below 196
insert table 196
select 197
select cell 197
select column 197
select row 197
select table 197
Technology for medical diagnosis and patient care 128
Telemedicine 128
chat 132
creating an ID for chatting 133
milestone of telemedicine 128
teleradiology 130
tips for safe chatting 134
types 129
real time (synchronous) 129
store-and-forward (asynchronous) 130
using an alias 133
videoconferencing 131
Templates 201
Templates and add-ins 195
Text and data functions 239
To conduct query 162
create query by using wizard 162
create query in design view 162
To create a form 162
create query by using wizard 163
create query in design view 162
To create relationships 164
To generate reports 163
create report by using wizard 163
create report in design view 163
Tools menu 190
language 190
autosummarize 191
compare and merge documents 192
hyphenation 191
protect document 192
set language 190
speech 191
thesaurus 191
track changes 191
translate 191
word count 191
spelling and grammar 190
Tools on the web 226, 253
Types of program errors 71
logic errors 72
syntax error 71
Unix 65
functions 65
command interpreting 65
communication 65
housekeeping 65
program development aids 65
resource management 65
history of unix 65
microsoft windows NT, 2000 and XP 65
windows 95, 98 and ME 65
View menu 182
document map 183
footnotes 183
full screen 183
header and footer 183
mark up 183
normal view 182
outline view 182
print layout view 182
ruler 183
task pane 182
tool bars 183
web layout view 182
zoom 183
Vision-input system 55
Voice recognition 54
Voice response systems 60
speech synthesizer 60
voice reproduction system 60
Web edition 94
Window menu 198
arrange 198
new window 198
split 198
Windows 75
different versions of windows 75
elements of windows 76
desktop toolbar 76
internet explorer 76
my briefcase 76
my computer 76
my documents 76
network neighborhood 76
property sheets 76
recycle bin 76
shortcut menus 76
taskbar 76
features 75
shut down 77
starting a program 77
starting windows 75
using the mouse 76
working in windows 77
control panel 78
folders 77
my computer 78
printers 78
Windows 98 79
advantages 81
features 80
windows 98 system tools 80
disk defragmenter 80
msconfig 80
regedit 80
scan disk 80
scanreg 80
sysedit 80
Windows 2000 82
active directory 87
distributed file system 87
games support 85
kernel mode 82
I/O manager 83
IPC manager 83
object manager 83
PnP manager 83
power manager 83
process manager 83
security reference monitor (SRM) 83
virtual memory manager 83
language and locale support 84
system utilities 85
server family functionality 86
types of dynamic disk volumes 83
simple volume 83
spanned volumes 83
striped volumes 84
user mode 82
utilities 84
filter keys 84
high contrast theme 84
mouse keys 84
narrator 84
on screen keyboard 84
on screen magnifier 84
serial keys 84
sound sentry 84
sticky keys 84
toggle keys 84
versions 88
windows 2000 advanced server 89
windows 2000 datacenter server 89
windows 2000 professional 89
windows 2000 server 89
Windows 95 79
Windows compute cluster server 95
Windows server 2003 90
features 90
manage your server 91
service pack 1 91
Windows server 2003 R2 92
new features 92
branch office server management 92
identity and access management 92
server virtualization 92
storage management 92
service pack 2 93
windows small business server 93
Windows storage server 95
Worldwide web 121
agent 123
bibliographic database 124
database 123
resources on the web 122
search engines 123
types of search engines 123
directory type search engine 124
individual search engine 123
medical search engine 124
meta search engines 124
web model 122
web browser 122
web server 122
WWW and internet 121
Chapter Notes

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