Clinical Methods in Ophthalmology Himadri Datta, Debasish Mandal, Arup Chakravarty
Chapter Notes

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History Taking and Vision RecordingChapter 1

As in other branches of medicine, a good preliminary history is important in ophthalmology too. A good history helps the clinician to decide which part of the eye is to be examined in greater detail. Remember, history taking is not an alternative to clinical examination.
Majority of the patients come to the ophthalmologist directly. Only a few are referred to by practitioners of other disciplines for expert opinion.
  1. Disturbance of vision
  2. Pain in and around eyes, headache
  3. Discharge and watering
  4. Redness of the eye
  5. Itching and/or difficulty in bright light
  6. Disfigurements of the eyes.
Disturbance of Vision
It may be fall of visual acuity for distant or near, poor vision at night or in dim light, loss of part of visual field or appearance of spots or floaters in the field. Double vision may be represented as dizziness as well as dimness by some patients.
Among causes of acute fall of vision, central retinal arterial occlusion needs prompt action. Other causes are central retinal venous occlusion, retinal or vitreous haemorrhage in visual axis, optic neuritis, methyl alcohol poisoning, acute angle closure glaucoma, temporal arteritis, etc. Causes of gradual fall of vision are the refractive error, senile cataract, open angle glaucoma, senile macular degeneration, diabetic maculopathies, etc. Important causes of poor vision at night are vitamin A deficiency in children, retinitis pigmentosa, open angle glaucoma, high myopia and early lental opacity. Secondary vitamin A deficiency in adult from liver diseases and choroidal atrophies and degeneration also can produce night blindness.
Visual field defect if involves the macular vision or of acute onset, are usually complained of but slowly progressive defects of peripheral vision are not generally noted by the patients. Field defects are described by patients in many ways. Patients may report as inability to see an object of interest with an eye. This is usually found in macular lesions. Patient may describe floaters or vitreous haemorrhage as some shoots in front of eye. In the event of peripheral field defect they may complain of stumbling on objects lying on the way or colliding with objects on the side. Defects in central field are commonly found in CSR, macular degeneration, optic neuritis, etc. Peripheral field defects are common in open angle glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, etc. Vascular lesions of optic pathway, intracranial tumour, toxic neuropathies—all produce characteristic field defects depending on the site of lesions.
Distorted vision, e.g. a straight line may be seen distorted in part of latters may be seen broken in macular degeneration and choroiditis.
Double vision is almost always due to weakness or paralysis of one or more extraocular muscle, decompensated phoria or poor fusional reserve being other common causes. A rapidly developing proptosis or fracture of the orbit may produce double vision by producing anatomical misalignment of the eyes. In early cataract, patients may complain of polyopia or multiple images in the eye.
Pain and Headache
Pain in and around the eye and headache are very common causes of seeking advice from an 2ophthalmologist. To make a proper diagnosis a detailed history is necessary.
Always note the location, quality, severity, aggravating and relieving factors and association, if any.
Common causes of acute severe pain in eye are acute glaucoma, exposure to welding arc, etc. Moderetely severe pain may be due to iritis, corneal erosion or injury, ophthalmic zoster, corneal ulcer, bullous keratopathy, scleritis and episcleritis. Mild pain and foreign body sensation are caused by conjunctivitis, blepharitis, foreign body in the cornea or conjunctiva, dacryoadenitis and orbital cellulitis.
Pain and tenderness on the temple in temporal arteritis, at the inner angle and below the eye in acute dacryocystitis, unilateral headache in migraine are important causes of pain around the eye. Brow pain in a postoperative patient may be caused by endophthalmitis. Pain is aggravated by ocular movement in optic neuritis; near work or reading in refractive error and asthenopia, movement of the lid in corneal injury or foreign body, bullous keratopathy, etc.
Pain and headache may be relieved by sleep in asthenopia, phoria and sometimes in chronic congestive glaucoma. Foreign body sensation of conjunctivitis is relieved temporarily by irrigation of the eye. Vomiting may be induced by migraine, acute angle closure glaucoma. Migraine may be associated with scintillating scotoma also.
Discharge and Watering
The quality and amount of discharge and watering are important for diagnosis. Note association, if any, and also note aggravating factors.
The thick purulent discharges in neonate that exude from the eye on pressure and fill rapidly after cleansing are suggestive of gonococcal ophthalmic neonaturum. Mucopurulent discharges that glue the lids during sleep and associated with foreign body sensation suggest bacterial conjunctivitis. Thin watery discharges in viral conjunctivitis and keratitis, ropy discharges with itching in allergic conjunctivitis and mucoid discharges on pressure over of inner canthus and below in chronic dacryocystitis are characteristic features. Frothy discharges along lid margin are found in meibomitis. Watering may be due to a foreign body in cornea or conjunctiva, concretion of conjunctiva or denuded epithelium of cornea in abrasion or trichiasis. Iritis and acute angle closure are also associated with watering and photophobia. Reflexive watering on exposure to wind or staring may be early sign of dry eye. Ectropion and blockage of nasolacrimal pathway causes overflow of tear fluid.
Redness of the Eye
Ask if there is pain associated with redness. Redness with severe moderate pain is commonly seen in acute angle closure, iritis and iridocyclitis, corneal injury, ulcer or foreign body, scleritis and episcleritis, etc. Redness with mild pain or foreign body, sensation are caused by conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc. Redness with severe itching and watering is found in acute allergic conjunctivitis. Blood in anterior chamber (hyphaema) if presented early, looks red.
The most important cause of painless red eye is subconjunctival haemorrhage. The colour is bright red. Ask for any history of trauma in or around eye, blood dyscrasia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc. Subconjunctival haemorrhage may be found in infections like whooping cough, measles and also in conjunctivitis.
Itching and/or Photophobia
Itching is predominantly found in allergic conjunctivitis, angular conjunctivitis and blepharitis. Anterior uveitis and cornea affections including keratoconjunctivitis are associated with photophobia. Early lental opacities cause glare and some photophobia. Photophobia may be present during attacks of narrow angle glaucoma.
Disfigurement of the Eyes
The complain may be a spot/growth of swelling which may be on lids, cornea, lens, conjunctiva, sclera. Any white spot may be described as cataract by the patient. Ptosis is usually referred to as small eye. A deviation of eye of long duration may not be complained of at all. Do not ignore what you see but is not complained of.
Note the followings:
  1. Mode of onset (a) Acute within hours (b) Rapid within weeks (c) Slow over months.
  2. Duration Remember a blind or amblyopic eye may be discovered accidentaly.
  3. Association It may be ocular as well as general. Nasal catarrh and sneezing in hay fever conjunctivitis, whooping cough and hypertension in subconjunctival haemorrhage, diabetes mellitus in glaucoma and cataract are frequent associations.
Past History and Family History
Past history may become important in diagnosis and management. It is not necessarily be confined to eye only. Past history of trauma, surgery, uveitis, use of steroid topically or systemically are also important. At the same time, family history of glaucoma, metabolic disorder, retinitis pigmentosa are also important features.
History of Addiction and Allergy/hypersensitivity to Drugs
Addiction to alcohol, tobacco or intravenous drugs: sensitivity to sulphonamide, acetazolamide, lignocaine or others should be recorded.
Occupational History
It should be noted for any association with the disease as well as for legal matters.
General History
Blood transfusion, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, CVA, renal disease, enlarged prostate, tuberculosis or bronchitis, cardiac problem, bronchial asthma are important in diagnosis and precaution for prescribing drugs which may have an unwanted effect systemically. History of bowel movements, frequency of micturition, sleep etc. should be noted.
Drug History
Long-standing use of drugs, or use of drugs just before onset of an ocular problem should be enquired of. Some drugs can produce ocular pathology or can aggrevate it. A few of them are noted below:
  1. Reduced visual acuity or change in visual field may be caused without producing opacity of media:
    Topical Mydriatic, miotic, steroid.
    Systemic Chloroquin, ethambutol, quinine, diiodohydroxyquine, isoniazid, oral contraceptives, vitamin A, digitalis, chlorpropamide, etc.
  2. Raised or altered intraocular pressure:
    Topical Steroid, mydriatic.
    Systemic Tricyclic antidepressant, reserpine, steroid, amphetamine, anticholinergics.
  3. Conjunctival inflammation:
    Systemic Sulphonamide, acetazolamide, proctolol, tetracycline.
  4. Cataract:
    Systemic Steroid (Topical also), nifedipine, chloroquine, quinine.
  1. Full identification (Name, age, sex, address, guardians/father's name): .............................................................................................................
  2. Complaints with duration: ............................................................................................................
  3. History of present illness:...............................................................................................................
  4. History of past illness:....................................................................................................................
  5. History of previous operation:.......................................................................................................
  6. Other relevant history:.....................................................................................................................
  1. General physical examination:
    General health, oral hygiene, bowels, micturition, sleep pattern must be noted.
    Pulse rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, temperature, anaemia, etc. must be examined and noted.
  2. Systemic examination of cardiovascular, system, respiratory system and gastrointestinal system must be done.
  3. 4Local examination:
    1. Vision Recording*
      Right eye
      Left eye
      Right eye
      Left eye
      Without glass
      With glass
      Power of glasses
    2. Following examinations must be done in both the eyes, separately:
      1. Eye-balls: Size, shape, position, direction, movements, cover test, convergence must be recorded.
      2. Eye-lids: Position, palpebral aperture, movements, skin margins, cilia, glands, canthi, presence of any swelling/ulcer/patches must be recorded.
      3. Drainage system: Puncta, lacrimal sac, lacrimal gland and nasal checkup must be done.
      4. Conjunctiva: Lustre, discharge, congestion, nodules, scar, presence of any foreign body in bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva, fornices, plica semilunaris, coruncle must be examined carefully.
      5. Cornea: Size, shape, surface, transparency, ulcers, vascularisation, opacity, degeneration, dystrophy, etc. must be looked for.
      6. Sclera: Colour, shape, vessels, nodules, ectasia or any other abnormality must be noted.
      7. Anterior chamber: Depth, regularity, and contents (hyphaema hypopyon, etc.) must be noted. The angle of the anterior chamber must be examined where indicated.
      8. Iris: Colour, pattern, holes, coloboma, vascularisation, nodules, etc. must be noted.
      9. Pupils: Relative size, shape, synechiae, reaction to light, (direct and consensual) and reaction to accommodation must be recorded.
      10. Lens: Position, transparency, capsule, any other abnormality should be looked for.
      11. Vitreous: State, opacities, abnormal contents must be examined.
      12. Intraocular tension: It must be recorded digitally and with the help of a tonometer.
      13. Eyes must be examined with the help of a slit lamp.
      14. Darkroom examination: It must be examined after full dilatation of the pupils with mydriatics/ cycloplegics:
        1. Preliminary examinaion for fundal glow: Any black opacity against the red fundal glow must be recorded.
        2. Refraction must be done under cycloplegics.
        3. Ophthalmoscopy:
          1. Distant direct with convex lens (+6 DSph) for any opacity.
          2. Direct ophthalmoscopy to examine media, disc, vessels, arteriovenous crossing changes, periphery and macula.
          3. Indirect ophthalmoscopy for any additional finding.
Visual function is assessed by measuring a number of variables including visual acuity, glare 5testing, contrast sensivity, colour vision, visual fields, etc. There are several methods of measuring each of these components. Specific measurement methods tend to be standardised country by country. However, the objective common to all methods is the goal of determining precise acuities.
Measuring Visual Acuity
Most methods of measuring visual acuity are essentially the same. On a printed or a projected chart, and patient reads a series of letters starting from the top and working their way down. The letters become gradually smaller, with each size corresponding to a visual acuity at a different distance. Although the scale of measurement may differ between “feet and inches” versus the “metric”, the most common format for measuring visual acuity is the Snellen's chart—a worldwide standad since 1862. For countries in which distances are measured on a metric scale, normal vision is “6/6”, meaning a patient can read at a 6 meter distance exactly what a normal eye should read at 6 meters. On the same chart, however, normal vision is called “20/20” in a country where distances are measured in feet and inches, meaning the patient can read at a 20-foot distance exactly what a normal eye should read at twenty feet. Thus, “6/6” and “20/20” represent the same acuity. Only the unit of measurement differs (Fig. 2.1).
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Fig. 1.1: A typical Snellen's letter. The height of the letter is defined by the distance at which it subtends 5 minutes of arc for the limbs subtend 1 minute of arc
Another system for measuring visual acuity is the ETDRS test. “ETDRS” stands for Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study. It is a relatively new system for assessing visual acuity that is gaining rapid acceptance world-wide. The ETDRS test assesses visual acuity in a controlled and standardised, high contrast environment. It is similar to the Snellen's chart, in that, characters of decreasing size are presented to the patient for reading. The key differences are that the ETDRS test does not rely on a flat chart or projected image, but an internally illuminated lightbox on which the characters are painted on one translucent surface.
These are two major advantages of this system. Firstly, characters are painted in absolutely black colour. Thus, they are not only darker, but are more uniform and more fade-resistant as compared to those on paper chart. Secondly, internal lighting is variable. By adjusting internal illumination, the examiner can compensate for differing amount of ambient room-light, thereby ensuring that the test is consistent with universal contrast standards.
Contrast Sensitivity
Contrast is the difference in brightness between the light and dark portions of a given object or scene. It is said to be high when the range of difference is large; and low when the range is small. A black object with a white background is a scene with high-contrast but a white object with a white background has low-contrast. As the range of difference in brightness between light and dark portion of an object decreases, the contrast decreases making the features within the scene increasingly difficult to distinguish. The diagnostic specificity of this test is low as it cannot detect specific diseases.
Any given scene will have a measurable range of inherent contrast. This range can be changed in response to the events that are both objective (external factors) and subjective (internal factors, i.e. factors arising from the observer). For example, an outdoor landscape on a sunny day will have high-contrast whereas at night, or through fog or rain, the same scene will have lower-contrast. The same highcontrast landscape may also be perceived as lower-contrast if the 6viewer is experiencing glare, has a cataract, is wearing multifocal contact lens, or has a compromised retino-neural system. In these cases, contrast is reduced by subjective or internal events.
Defining contrast sensitivity The degree to which an individual is sensitive to a scene's objective contrast is said to be that person's “contrast sensitivity”. As a person's contrast sensitivity decreases, he will have increasing difficulty in perceiving features even within an objectively high-contrast scene. Therefore, it is the result of subjective circumstances that we are pointing when we speak of an individual's contrast sensitivity.
Perception of contrast sensitivity is an essential component of functional vision. The ability to perform normal day-to-day activity can be compromised by poor contrast perception. For this reason, measurement of changes in a person's contrast sensitivity has been increasingly important as a method of assessing any individual's overall functional vision.
Contrast sensitivity testing The term “contrast sensitivity testing” refers to any of the several methods used to quantify a patient's “contrast detection threshold—the point at which the lack of contrast renders an object indistinguishable.
There are several methods for measuring contrast thresholds. Some of these methods, like Regan's charts, present alphabet characters at multiple levels of contrast, etc. are collectively known as “Low-contrast letter identification, tests”. However, the principal method for contrast assessment, in use since 1984, is the sine-wave contrast sensitivity test.
Many researchers believe that human visual system is composed of separate neural channels which independently respond to and analyse visual informations based on contrast as well as size and shape. The information for all the channels is combined by the brain to create the images we perceive. Based on this knowledge, researchers developed visual testing procedures which try to measure a person's contrast sensitivity via these separate channels. This may be done by using sine-waves. This is consistent with the goal of creating a sensitive test that assesses the performance of each neural channel individually. As sine-wave contrast sensitivity testing measures the ability to see pure space waves, this is the method found to provide the most sentitive and most specific test of individual's contrast vision channels.
Contrast sensitivity test patterns may be presented on a video monitor, or an illuminated disc in a view box or on a wallchart. The fundamental task is to identify the orientation of slanted bars or to read letters of varying contrast. Sine-waves are waves like space patterns and the graphic representations of them are called “sine-wave gratings”. As changes occur to each of the various characteristics of light (brightness, colour, contrast and others), the sine-waves representing these characteristics change accordingly. In this way, each subtle change in light prompts a subtle change in the sine-wave pattern which in turn stimulates a different neural channel.
The ability to distinguish simple visual patterns corresponds to the ability to distinguish more complex visual patterns. Visual response to sine-wave gratings correlates well to contrast sensitivity and permits accurate and predictable functional vision assessment for diverse objects.
Visual information is isolated into its component parts; each of which is transmitted to the brain via its own channel. These channels are depicted as narrow-curves; each one corresponding to a different component of light. In this way, sine-wave contrast sensitivity tests each channel, separately. The brain recombines these channels into a single, composite image-depicted as the wide-curve and known as “contrast sensitivity function”. It is the sum of all these signals that creates the final image we see.
This is how sine-wave gratings look when used to test contrast. The changes in the character of light prompt changes in the way the sine-wave is depicted on each grating in a typical sine-wave test, different sized gratings measure contrast sensitivity over a range of patterns whose characteristics correspond to those of everyday objects.
7Visiogram: Plotting the results of this testing produces a curve representing contrast sensitivity. This curve is called as “visiogram” or “contrast sensitivity function chart”. This is a highly accurate diagnostic and monitoring tool for the ophthalmologist.
Pelli-Robson chart: The Pelli-Robson chart is an 86 × 63 cm chart that is hung 1 m from the patient's eye. The letters are equivalent to 6/270 Snellen's letters. This letter chart, counting 8 rows of six letters, arranged in groups of three letters (within each triplet the letters have the same contrast) which are of constant size but vary in contrast. The contrast decreases from above down (contrast in each successive triplet decreases by a factor of 0.15 log units) ranging from 100 to 0.9 per cent. The subject is asked to read the letters until two or more errors are made in a group of three. Incorrectly identifying the letter ‘C’ as an ‘O’ is a common error and can be counted as correct. The contrast threshold is taken as the last group in which at least two out of three letters are correctly identified.
Regan chart: The Regan's low-contrast acuity charts are an example of a low-contrast acuity test. Four charts, one each for high-contrast (96%), intermediate-contrast (25%), low-contrast (11%) and very low-contrast (4%) may be presented to the patient under constant illumination. Typically, the normal eye will lose about four lines of Snellen's acuity from the high-contrast (96%) to the low-contrast (11%) chart and seven lines from the high-contrast (96%) to the very low-contrast (4%) chart. A patient's loss of acuity between the higher- and lower-contrast charts is then compared to the standardised nomogram.
10 per cent (Michelson) contrast Bailey-Lovie chart: Baily and Lovie adopted ten 5:4 aspect ratio letters—DEFHNPRUVZ—which has been shown previously to have relatively equal legibility. The chart has a constant number of letters, namely five, on every line and has a characteristic V shape. The letter size progression is constant on the Baily-Lovie chart and geometric, such that the letters decrease in size by a factor of 10√10, which equals 1.2589 and approximates a ratio of 5:4. This progression may also be expressed as 0.1 log10 units, and the charts are frequently referred as “log MAR charts” because of this constant logarithmic size progression. This choice of progression means that a 10-line progression down the chart corresponds to a 10 x reduction. Similarly, a 3-line change corresponds to a 2 x reduction, a 5-line change approximates a 3 x reduction, and a 7-line change corresponds to a 5 x reduction. In order to equalise any contour interaction effect, the spacing between letters on a given line is also constant, being equal to the letter's width. The spacing between two adjacent lines is equal to the height of the letters on the lower line and, therefore, equal to the width of the letters of the upper line (Fig. 1.2).
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Fig. 1.2: Bailey-Lovie letter chart
The goals of visual acuity testing is to determine the smallest high-contrast letter size a person can see. But visual acuity testing alone has several limitations owing to the relatively small number of retinal cells excited by this test and the large and non-specific range of channels tested by alphabet letters. On the other hand, the goal of sine-wave contrast sensitivity testing is to measure visual response over a wide range of visual stimuli. Sine-wave testing assesses the health of multiple visual channels, one channel at a time. In this way, the contrast perception of 8sine-wave gratings more meaningfully corresponds to our everyday perception.
In addition to sine-wave grating charts, low-contrast letter identification test charts have also been developed to assess contrast. These charts range from having single-sized letter formats (the Pelli-Robson chart) to one or more variable-contrast acuity charts (the Baily-Lovie and Regan charts). Although these tests represent improvements over the traditional Snellen's acuity test charts, they are less sensitive and less specific to contrast loss than are sine-wave gratings.
One method of testing contrast sensivity used since 1984 is the VCTS chart. VCTS stands for Vision Contrast Test System and is sometimes known as the “Ginsburg's chart”.
A VCTS chart measures contrast sensitivity using sine-wave gratings of varying sizes and contrast to simultaneously test both visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. For both near and farvision testing, patients must correctly identify the orientation of the lowest-contrast grating they can see.
The visual acuity is a measure of the resolution limit of the visual system. With the VCTS, acuity corresponds to the highest patch that can be seen on the chart. The bracketed contrast sensitivity values on the graph represent the average values for the last patch a person having the equivalent acuity, could see. VCTS chart consists of 5 rows of 9 circular sine-wave grating patches; spatial frequency remains constant across a row and increases down a column from 1.5 to 18.0 cycles per degree. The contrast increases from right to left. The grating is either vertical or tilted clockwise or counter-clockwise 15 degrees, the last patch in each row is blank. The chart is uniformly illuminated and subject is instructed to indicate the orientation of the grating or to respond blank if it is not visible. Contrast threshold is taken as the contrast prior to the first incorrect or blank response.
A new version of the Vistech chart (Fig. 1.3) incorporates some of the design features suggested by the American Academy of Ophthalmology which was missing in the original. in addition, a spin-off from the Vistech, the CVS-1000 has recently been shown to have superior repeatability to the original Vistech.
There may be difference between the acuity values obtained using the VCTS and those obtained through other means. These differences may occur for two reasons:
  1. Different letters have different visibility. A person may have equal ability to identify an “E” in the 20/30 row and an “L” in the 20/20 row. The individual's final score will depend on the following: (a) Luminance of the test conditions, (b) to what extent the patient is pushed to respond, and (c) how well an individual can guess, etc.
  2. Acuity has poor sensitivity to visual losses caused by other than spherical refractive error. Losses due to astigmatism, cataracts and other disorders cannot be quantified as accurately with acuity, as they can with contrast sensitivity. Consequently, a patient typically will show larger losses in contrast sensitivity that in acuity if the loss is due to other than spherical refractive error.
It is important to note that, if an individual can read any 20/20 letters, then he must have sensitivity at 18 cycles per degree. However, his threshold at 18 cycles per degree may be above the contrast levels available on the VCTS. The patient may have to skip back to the previous line to be able to see a grating.
The diagnostic specificity of this test is low, as it cannot detect specific disease. Abnormalities have been associated with a variety of diseases including cataract. Patient with cataract have better contrast sensitivity when tested in dimmer light than when tested in brighter light.
Glare Testing
Glare disability means decrease in the patient's ability to perform a visual task such as reading in sunny day light. It is due to the intraocular scattering of light from a bright source by a cataract. Glare related visual dyfunction is increasingly accepted as a good indicator for cataract surgery. However, cataract extraction and IOL implantation may not eliminate glare sensitivity.
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Fig. 1.3: Vistech chart
10Postoperative glare sensitivity is due to increased intensity of light entering the eye through clearer media than to light scattering. Target used in glare testing can be grating letter, numbers or Landolt's ring.
The following systems are used to test glare disability.
Brightness acuity tester (BAT) It provides uniform glare source by projecting light onto a white diffusing hemisphere with a viewing part and uses the standard Snellen's chart. The hemisphere is held closely in front of the eye being tested and the patient reads a Snellen's chart through the opening. The light levels on the hemisphere are so set that testing is done at three luminance levels—high, medium, and low. BAT is fast, easy to use and has low false-negative and false-positive results.
Miller-Nadler glare tester It uses Landolt's ‘C's on a field surrounded by a uniformly bright light source. The patient views the black C projected on a screen that stays at a constant fairly bright luminance. The C is surrounded by a small circular gray field, the luminance of which changes. The viewer must indicate where the opening of C is. This system has a high-rate of false-positive results and requires more patient education.
VCT 8000 It displays varying contrast sinusoidal gratings in a special viewing system with adjustable illuminance and glare and basically amount to mechanised version of the VCTS-CSF testing charts with the addition of glare testing. The illuminance can be adjusted to bright or low levels, and two glare sources are possible—one that produce bright light surrounding the targets, which is called “day glare” and other that produces a bright light in the centre of the field, which is referred to as “night glare”. This also has high-rate of false-negative results.