Pocket Tutor Obstetrics Jodi Keane, Manda Raz, Shavi Fernando
Note: Page numbers in bold or italic refer to tables or figures respectively.
Abdomen, examination of 6667, 67
palpation 67
uterine size by gestational week 67
Abdominal pain 49
in early pregnancy 51
in late pregnancy 52
mild 4950
non-obstetric and non-gynaecological causes 53
severe 50
Abdominal palpation 198
Abdominal wall, anterior 1
incisions 4, 45
muscles 13, 3
nerves 3
vessels 4
Abnormal fetal condition 197
Abnormal labour 197
breast 228
epidural 231
Accelerations 171
Accoucheur 81, 82
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) 140, 142, 157158
abdominal pain in 52
AFI see Amniotic fluid index (AFI)
AFLP see Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP)
Amniocentesis 44, 44
Amniotic fluid index (AFI) 3435, 35, 72, 73
Ampicillin 126, 155
Anaemia 62
Anaesthetic assessment, antenatal 71
Analgesia, intrapartum 8589
epidural anaesthesia 88
nitrous oxide and oxygen 88
non-pharmacological pain relief 86
opiate injection 8889
perineal infiltration 87
pharmacological pain relief 8689
production of pain and 86
pudendal block 87
spinal anaesthesia 8788
Anencephaly 108
Aneuploidy 101 see also Congenital malformations
Aneuploidy screening 32, 3839, 40
types of 39, 40
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors 162
Antenatal care 45
abdominal pain 4950, 51, 52
breast fullness and tenderness 54
lower back pain 5253
nausea and vomiting 4649, 47, 5051
peripheral oedema 5455
predictive and proactive model 45, 45
sleep disturbance 55
trimesters of pregnancy 45, 46
vaginal discharge 54, 55
Antenatal counselling 106
Antenatal visit
first (see First antenatal visit)
follow-up (see Follow-up antenatal visits)
Antepartum haemorrhage 131137
accidental causes 133, 133
examination 134135
incidental causes 131, 132
investigations 135, 136
management 135137
praevia causes 133, 133
speculum examination 135
types of morbidly adherent placenta 132
Anti-D prophylaxis 71
Arcuate line 2, 3
Artificial rupture of the membranes (ARM) 180181, 182
Assessments, in pregnancy 25
Bishop's score 29, 29
engagement 27, 29
fetal heart rate 25
fetal lie 26, 28
fetal presentation 2627
speculum examination 2930, 30
symphysis-fundal height 26, 27
Asthma 161
Augmentation 177 see also Induction of labour
Baby blues 224
Balloon catheter insertion 180, 181
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 119
Benzodiazepine, for alcohol misuse 64
Beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG) 17, 50
Betamethasone 126
Biophysical profile 3738, 39
Birth defects see Congenital malformations
Bishop's score 29, 29, 72
Bivalve speculum 30, 30
Blood pressure, measurement of 6566, 66
Blood tests, antenatal 3233
anaemia 32
diabetes 33
infections, screening for 3233
vitamin D deficiency 32
Body mass index (BMI) 65
Booking see First antenatal visit
Booking-in visit see First antenatal visit
Braxton Hicks contractions 7577
Breast abscess 228
Breastfeeding 221223
benefits of 222, 223
contraindications 222223
difficulties 219221
during pregnancy 54
management 222
unilateral mastalgia 219
Breech presentation 71, 121124
external cephalic version for 122, 123
Buprenorphine, for opioid dependence 64
Caesarean section 194195
risks of 195
Cardiac output, during pregnancy 16
Cardiotocography (CTG) 25, 30, 4043, 72, 73, 85, 165, 197
abnormal cardiotocograph 40, 42
abnormal patterns 166167
accelerations 171
baseline bradycardia 167169, 168
baseline tachycardia 169, 170
cycling 4243
deceleration 171178
Dr-C-BraVADO (mnemonic) 40, 42
fetal heart rate, baseline abnormal 165, 167169
fetal heart rate variability, abnormal patterns of 169, 171
normal cardiotocograph 40, 41, 42
patterns 197
Cardiovascular disease, in pregnancy 161162
congenital cardiac disease 162
ischaemic heart disease 162
Cardiovascular system, pregnancy-related changes to 1416, 15
antenatal changes 1516
electrocardiogram in pregnancy 15
intrapartum changes 16
normal findings on examination 1415
postpartum changes 23
Carpal tunnel syndrome 5455
Cell-free fetal DNA 39
Cervical cancer 62
Cervical insufficiency 62
Cervical ripening 177, 179180, 180
balloon catheter insertion 180, 181
cervical membrane sweep 179
prostaglandins 179180, 180
Cervical screening test 62
Childbirth, complications 197
Chorioamnionitis 124, 127, 154155
abdominal pain in 52
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) 43, 43
Chromosomal abnormalities 101 see also Congenital malformations; specific type
Comfort care 106
Congenital malformations 101107
antenatal counselling 102
approach to 105
choices to parents in 104
Down syndrome 101, 104
Edwards syndrome 101, 103
investigations 101103
management of high-risk aneuploidy 106, 106107
Patau syndrome 101, 102
Turner's syndrome 101, 105
ultrasound 102104
20-week scan 102
Conjoined twins 96
Consanguinity 63
Cord prolapse 204, 204205
Counselling, at first antenatal visit 6869
CTG see Cardiotocography (CTG)
Cystic hygroma 107
D-dimer 159
Decelerations 171172
early 171, 172
late 177, 178
prolonged 173, 175, 176
variable 173, 174
Deep vein thrombosis 68, 233
Diabetes, in pregnancy 120121, 149153
complications 150, 151
diagnostic approach 150152, 152
gestational 150, 152153
insulin requirement during pregnancy 149
pre-existing 150, 153
Diet, during pregnancy 63
Dipstick urinalysis test 145
Dizygotic twins 93, 95, 9596
Dopamine 1819
Doppler assessment 3536
ductus venosus 36
for fetal growth disorders 35, 109
middle cerebral artery 36, 38
umbilical artery 36, 37
uterine artery 35, 36
Down syndrome (trisomy 21) 39, 101, 104
Doxylamine 156
Ductus venosus Doppler 112, 115
Due date 60
Dysplasia 62
Dyspnoea, during pregnancy 21
Eclampsia 147149
differential diagnoses 148
DRABC approach 148
postpartum care 149
Ectopic pregnancy, abdominal pain in 51
Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) 39, 101, 103
Endocrine system, pregnancy-related changes to 1619, 17, 19
glucose 18
lactation 1819
pituitary hormones 18
thyroid hormone levels 17, 17
Endometritis, 228
Engagement, estimation of 27, 29
Epidural abscess 231
Episiotomy 82
Erythromycin 126
Essential hypertension 162
Examination 6468
ABCD mnemonic 6465
abdomen 6667, 67
aims of, at first antenatal visit 65
cardiovascular and respiratory systems 66
general assessment 6465
pelvis 6768
vital signs 65, 66
Exercise, during pregnancy 63
Female reproductive system
anterior abdominal wall 15, 3, 4
internal structures of 1, 2
pelvic cavity 1, 2, 57
perineum 78, 8, 9
uterus 89, 9
Ferguson reflex 79
Fetal blood sampling 44
Fetal fibronectin 128
Fetal growth, disorders of 108
asymmetrical growth 110111
Doppler assessment 111115, 112114
fetal biometry 109, 109111, 110
intrauterine growth restriction 115119
investigations 108115
macrosomia 119121
small-for-gestational-age fetus 115
Fetal growth, US assessments of 34
Fetal heart rate 67
assessment of 25
Fetal lie 26, 28
Fetal presentation 2627
breech 27
cephalic 27
Fetal scalp lactate sampling 85
Fetoplacental circulation 10, 11
Fetus 12
head diameters 12, 13, 13
intrapartum monitoring 85
skull 12, 13
small-for-gestational-age 115
Fibroid degeneration, abdominal pain in 51
Finger-prick blood glucose test 151
First antenatal visit 5557
counselling 6869
early in pregnancy 56
general and obstetric examination 6468
history taking 5664
investigations 3132, 68
lifestyle and dietary advice in 56
Folic acid supplementation 59, 6869
Follow-up antenatal visits 69
aim of 69
fetal growth assessment 71
fetal monitoring 72
fetal presentation, assessment of 7071
investigations 71
post-dates pregnancy 7273
questions during 6970
vaginal examination and cervical membrane sweep 71
visit schedule in uncomplicated pregnancies 70
Forcep delivery 187
Neville-Barnes forceps 189, 189
technique 192194, 193
types of forceps 188189, 189
Wrigley's forceps 189
Gastroenteritis 229230
Gastrointestinal changes, in pregnancy 2021
Gastro-oesophageal reflux 163164
Genetic disorder 6263
Gestational age, estimation of 58, 60
Gestational diabetes 18, 63, 150, 152153
Gestational hypertension 142143
Glucose tolerance test 150, 152, 152
Glycosuria 18
Graves speculum 30, 30
Group B Streptococcus (GBS), screening for 72
Gynaecological history 6062
bleeding pattern and duration 6162
cervical screening 62
irregular periods 61
menstruation 60
sexual history 62
Haematological changes, in pregnancy 2122
Haematological disease 163
Haemorrhoids, during pregnancy 20
HELLP syndrome 144, 145
Hepatobiliary changes, in pregnancy 21
History taking 5764
age and occupation 5758
current pregnancy 5859
family history 6263
gynaecological history 6062
key aims of 57
medical history 59
medication history 5960
nutritional and physical health 63, 64
obstetric history 60, 61
rapport building and 57
social history 6364
surgical history 59
Hydralazine 147
Hyperemesis gravidarum 47, 48, 155157
medications 156
psychological support in 157
Hypertension 142, 143 see also Pre-eclampsia
antihypertensive medications for 146, 146
Hypertensive urgency 146147, 147
Hyperthyroidism 160161
Hypothyroidism 160161
Induction of labour 71, 72, 77, 177, 179185
abdominal examination 183
artificial rupture of the membranes 180181, 182
cervical ripening 177, 179180, 180
indications 179
intrapartum care 184185
oxytocin infusion 181182
procedure for 183185
vaginal examination 183184
Inferior vena cava filter 160
Inflammatory bowel disease 164
Instrumental delivery 185194
classification 186187
forceps 188190, 189
FORCEPS mnemonic 185
indications 186
procedure 190194, 192, 193
vacuum extractor 187, 188, 188
Integumentary changes, in pregnancy 2223
Intermittent auscultation (IA) 85
Intrapartum fetal monitoring 85
cardiotocography 85
intermittent auscultation 85
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) 101, 111, 115119, 116, 162
asymmetrical 116
delivery 119
management 119
risk factors 118
symmetrical 116
types and causes 116, 117
Investigations, antenatal 30, 3132
amniocentesis 44, 44
aneuploidy screening 3839, 40
blood tests 3233
cardiotocography 4043, 41, 42
chorionic villus sampling 43, 43
fetal blood sampling 44
imaging 3338
urine tests 33
Iodine, in pregnancy 59
Iron-deficiency anaemia 163
IUGR see Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
Joel-Cohen incision 4
Kleihauer–Betke test 128
Labetalol 146, 147
Labour 75 see also Induction of labour
abdominal pain in 52
cardinal movements of 8182
cord clamping 8284
dystocia 197
first stage 7779, 78
intrapartum analgesia 8589
intrapartum monitoring 85
latent phase 7577
monitoring during 75
peripartum and intrapartum cervical change 76
progress of normal labour 78
rule of three 75
second stage 7984
stages of 77
stations of fetal descent 83, 84
third stage 84
three P's 6
vaginal examinations 78, 79
Lactation 1819, 19
Laparoscopy incision 5
Last menstrual period (LMP) 60, 61
Leopold's manoeuvres 26, 28
Levator ani 78, 8
Levothyroxine 161
Lidocaine 87
Liver disease, in pregnancy 139142
causes 141
Lower back pain 5253
Macrosomia 119121
Magnesium sulphate, for eclamptic seizure 148, 149
Malpresentation 121 see also Breech presentation
caesarean section 124
external cephalic version 122, 123
planned vaginal breech birth 124
types of 121, 122
Mask of pregnancy 22
Mastitis 226227
Maternal age 58
Maternal sepsis 232233
Maternity record 48
Medication history 5960
Melasma 22
Meningomyelocele 108
Metformin, in pregnancy 152
Methyldopa 146
Metoclopramide 156
Middle cerebral artery Doppler 112, 114
Midline incisions 5
Midwife 56
Mini-Mental State Examination 220
Miscarriage, abdominal pain in 51
Model of care 56
Monozygotic twins 93, 95, 95
Multiparous uterus 182
Multiple pregnancy 9193 see also Twin pregnancy
Multivitamin 156
Musculoskeletal changes, in pregnancy 22
Naegele's rule, for estimated date of birth 61
Nausea and vomiting 4649, 5051
differential diagnoses 47
Neural tube defects 108
Nifedipine 126, 146
Non-cephalic presentation see Malpresentation
Nuchal thickness
increased 107
normal 107
Obstetric examinations 64 see also Examination
Obstetrician 56
Ondansetron 156
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, abdominal pain in 51
Ovarian torsion, abdominal pain in 51
Oxytocin infusion 181182
Papanicolaou's test 62
Parasitic twins 96
Patau syndrome (trisomy 13) 39, 101, 102
Pederson speculum 30
Pelvic floor 7, 79
Pelvis 5
dimensions 67
examination of 6768
greater bony pelvis 6
lesser bony pelvis 56, 6
Peptic ulcer disease 163164
Perinatal depression 224225
Perineal infiltration 87
Perineal tears, during childbirth 7
anatomy of 78, 8
urogenital and anal triangles of 8, 9
Peripheral oedema 5455
Pfannenstiel incision 4, 4
Physiological changes, in pregnancy 1314, 45
cardiovascular changes 1416, 15
endocrine changes 1619, 17, 19
gastrointestinal changes 2021
haematological changes 2122
immunological changes 23
integumentary changes 2223
musculoskeletal changes 22
normal values of physiological variables in pregnancy 14
respiratory changes 21, 22
urological changes 1920
Physiological third stage 84
Pinard's manoeuvre 198
Placenta 9
changes after birth 10
decidua 10
early development and structure 10
fetoplacental circulation 10, 11
function of 910
Placenta accreta 132, 134
Placenta increta 132
Placental abruption, abdominal pain in 52
Placenta percreta 132
Placenta praevia 134
Pneumonia 230231
risk factors 227
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 61
Polycythaemia 100
Post-dates pregnancy 7273
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) 84, 182, 210217
causes 212
classification 211212
follow-up care for 216
management 212
medications 213
Postpartum pyrexia 226
Post-term pregnancy see Post-dates pregnancy
PPROM see Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM)
Prednisolone 156
Pre-eclampsia 142145, 143
abdominal pain in 52
defined 143
hypertension and 65, 142
screening for 60, 63
severe 144145
biological factor 223
emotional factor 223
gravidity and parity 60, 61
multivitamins 59
social factor 224
Prelabour rupture of membranes 79
Prenatal development 11
embryonic phase 1112
fetal phase 12
stages of 12
Presentation 121 see also Malpresentation
Preterm labour 127131
delivery 130
fetal fibronectin test 128
medications for management in 129, 129
prognosis 130, 130131
twin pregnancy 98
Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM) 124127
delivery 127
medications for management 126, 126
Primigravid uterus 182
Prochlorperazine 156
Promethazine 156
Prostaglandins, for cervical ripening 179180, 180
Proteinuria 142, 145
Psychiatric illness 224
Pudendal block 87
Pulmonary embolism 158160, 233
Pulmonary oedema, in pregnancy 16
Pyelonephritis 229
Pushing 81
Pyelonephritis 20, 33
Pyramidalis muscle 23
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) 156
Quadruplets 93
Quickening 69
Ranitidine 156
Rectus abdominis 12, 3
Relaxin 22
Renal disease, in pregnancy 162163
Respiratory changes, in pregnancy 21, 22
Respiratory disease 161
Respiratory distress syndrome 130
Retained products of conception 10
Ruptured ovarian cyst, abdominal pain in 51
Sciatica 53
Sexually transmitted infections 62
Sheehan's syndrome 18
Shoulder dystocia 120, 205208, 206
management of 207208
risk factors 207
Shouldering 173
Show 54, 69, 75
Sickle cell disease 163
Sleep disturbance, during pregnancy 55
Small-for-gestational-age (SGA) fetus 115
Speculum examination 2930, 30
Spinal anaesthesia 8788
Stretch marks 2223
Substance misuse, in pregnancy 6364
Suckling 1819
Surgical history 59
Symphysis-fundal height 26, 27, 67, 108
Terbutaline 176
Thalassaemia 163
Thiamine (vitamin B1) supplementation 64, 155, 156
Thyroid dysfunction, during pregnancy 160161
Thyroid function test 220
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) 17
Triplets 93
TTTS see Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)
Turner's syndrome 101, 105
Twin anaemia polycythaemia sequence 100101
Twin pregnancy 93
amnionicity 94, 94
chorionicity 93, 94, 96
conjoined twins 96
descriptive terms for 94
dizygotic twins 95, 9596
fetal complications, risk of 9798, 98
maternal complications, risk of 97, 9798
monozygotic twins 95, 95
parasitic twins 96
preterm labour 98
T sign 96
twin anaemia polycythaemia sequence 100101
twin reversed arterial perfusion 96
twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 98100, 99
zygosity 93, 94
Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) 96
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) 98100
fetal outcomes 100
Quintero's stage 99
Type 1 diabetes mellitus 150
Ultrasound, antenatal 3338, 61, 72, 96
advantages 34
amniotic fluid index 3435, 35
biophysical profile 3738, 39
congenital malformations 102104
Doppler assessment 3536, 36, 37, 38
indications 3334
US dating scan 34
Umbilical arteries 10, 11
Umbilical artery Doppler 111113
absent end-diastolic flow 113
decrease in diastolic flow 113
reversed end-diastolic flow 114
systolic to diastolic flow (SD ratio) 113
Umbilical cord 10
clamping 8284
Umbilical vein 10, 11
Unilateral mastalgia 219
Urinary stasis 20
Urinary tract infections 229
Urinary urgency 20
Urine tests 33
Urological changes, in pregnancy 1920
bladder function 20
renal function 20
Uterine artery Doppler 111, 112
Uterine inversion 208210, 209
Uterine rupture, abdominal pain in 52
Uterotonic agent/oxytocic 83
Uterus 8
anatomy of 8, 9
blood supply to 9
relations of 8
Vacuum-assisted delivery 187, 188
advantages and disadvantages 188
technique 191192, 192
Vaginal breech birth
contraindication 199
fetal injury 200201
risks 199
Vaginal discharge 54
show 54
types indicating infection 55
watery 54
Vanishing twin syndrome 97
Varicose veins 68
Venous thromboembolism 158160
Virchow's triad 158
Vitamin D, in pregnancy 59
Warm compresses 81
Weight gain, recommended, in pregnancy 64
Wernicke's encephalopathy 155
Womb mates 95
Zero station 83, 84
Chapter Notes

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