Key Clinical Topics in Orthopaedic Trauma Alex Trompeter, Piers Page, Dominic Sprott, Amir Qureshi
Note: Page numbers in bold or italic refer to tables or figures, respectively.
Abbreviated Injury Score (AIS) 356
Abductor pollicis longus (APL) 157
Acetabular fractures 299301
CT ‘traumagram’ 299
definitive fixation 300
Judet radiographs 299
Letournel–Judet classification 299300, 300
nonoperative management 300
Achilles tendon ruptures 811
classification of 9, 9
gastrocnemius flaps or V-Y advancement, reconstruction with 10
MRI for 9
nonoperative treatment 10
open end-to-end repair 10
percutaneous repair 10
tendon transfer, reconstruction with 10
ultrasound for 9, 9
Acromioclavicular (AC) joint 47
dislocation 4748
Rockwood classification of AC joint injuries 48, 48
Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) see Compartment syndrome
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) 64, 65
Berlin definition 65
fat embolism and 7779, 88, 91
trauma and 65
Airway assessment, in trauma patients 235
Albumin 314
Allograft 25, 27
Amputation 1, 3, 5, 30
above-knee 4, 6
below-knee 4, 56
level of 34
mangled extremity and 12
and prosthetic limbs 56
and rehabilitation 67
scoring systems and decision for 2, 23, 3
upper limb 4, 6
Ankle-brachial index 88
Ankle fractures 12, 17
classification systems 12
Lauge-Hansen classification 12, 17, 17
pronation–abduction (PAB) 12, 1720
pronation–external rotation (PER) 1215
supination–adduction (SAD) 12, 1720
supination–external rotation (SER) 1215
Ankle fractures, in children 267269
and chondral injury 269
compartment syndrome and 269
CT scan, use of 268
Dias–Tachdjian system 268
radiographic views 267268
and reflex sympathetic dystrophy 269
Salter–Harris classification system 268
tillaux fractures 267
treatment 268
triplane fractures 267
Anterior cord syndrome 335
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries 217219, 293
in children 219
classification 218, 219
meniscal injury with 217
MRI 218, 218
nonoperative treatment 218
operative treatment 218219
Segond fracture 218, 218
Anterior draw test 14, 217
Antibiotic-impregnated cement beads/spacers 31
for infection prevention 209, 212
for septic arthritis in children 317318
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO)/Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) classification 42, 81
Arthroplasty 9899
Autograft 25, 27
Avascular necrosis (AVN) 103
of proximal femur 95
proximal humerus fractures and 189
scaphoid fractures and 171
subtalar dislocations and 123
talar fractures and 22, 24
Axonotmesis 305
Barton's fracture 125, 125
Basketball foot 120
Battle's sign 177
Bennett's fracture 157
complications of 263, 264
for osteoporosis 263
Blood products 314
BMP see Bone morphogenic proteins (BMP)
Böhler angle 107, 107, 109
Bone densitometry 58
Bone grafts 2526, 27
allogenic 25
autogenic 25
definition 25
incorporation of 26
synthetic substances 2526
Bone healing
factors affecting 137
immobilisation and 137
primary 136
secondary 136
Bone loss 2931
acute shortenings of bone 30
amputation versus limb salvage 30
autologous nonvascularised bone graft 30
bulk structural allograft 31
causes 29
classification of severity 29, 29
distraction osteogenesis 3031
early appropriate care (EAC) 29
endoprosthetic replacement 31
external ring fixators 31
free vascularised fibula transfer 31
initial stabilisation methods 31
intramedullary fixation 31
Masquelet technique of induced membrane 30
and plating 31
reconstruction in, options for 3031
traumatic, management of 2930
Bone marrow aspirate 25, 27
Bone mineral density (BMD) 262
Bone morphogenic proteins (BMP) 26, 27
Bones 32, 307
flat 32
homeostasis 3436, 35, 36
long 32, 33, 307
osteoblasts 34
osteoclasts 34
osteocytes 34
remodelling 34, 35
structure 33, 3334, 35
vascular supply 3233, 33
woven 307
Bone scans 193
Bone–tendon–bone (BTB) autografts 219
Boxer's fracture 157, 158, 162
BPIs see Brachial plexus injuries (BPIs)
Brace 223
Brachial plexus injuries (BPIs) 3841
anatomy related to 3839, 40
Leffert classification 3940, 40
minor 38
moderate 38
nonobstetric 38
obstetric-associated 38
Seddon and Sunderland classification 40, 41
severe 38
treatment 4041
Broselow bag system 364
Brown–Sequard syndrome 335
Calcaneal fractures 105109
computed tomography 107, 107
Eastwood–Atkins classification 105106, 106, 106
Essex-Lopresti classification 105, 105, 106
extra-articular 105
intra-articular 105, 105106, 106
lateral transcalcaneal approach 108, 108
plain radiographs 106107, 107
Sanders classification 107, 107, 108
tongue-type fracture 105, 105, 106
treatment 107108, 108
Calcaneocuboid (CC) joint 116
Calcium phosphate 26, 27
Calcium sulphate 2526, 27
Calcium supplements, in osteoporosis 263
Calf squeeze test see Thompson's test
Callus formation 307
Cancellous grafts 25, 27
Capitate fractures 153, 154 see also Carpal fractures
Carpal dislocations 149151
Gilula's lines 150, 150
greater arc and lesser arc 149, 149
radiographs 150, 150151
types of 149150
Carpal fractures 153156
capitate fractures 153, 154
hamate fractures 153, 154
lunate fractures 153, 154
nonunion 155
pisiform fractures 153, 154
scaphoid fractures 153, 154
trapezium fractures 153, 154
trapezoid fractures 154
triquetral fractures 153
Carpal tunnel decompression 127
Carpometacarpal (CMC) joints 154, 158
Ceftazidime 209
Cefuroxime 209, 258
Central cord syndrome 335
Centre of rotation of angulation (CORA) 243
Cephalomedullary nails 90, 90, 94, 98
Cephalosporin 209
Ceramics 26
Cervical spine injuries 329332
Canadian C-spine rules 330
C1 fractures 331, 331
C2 fractures 330, 331
classification 330, 331
clinical assessment 329
CT scan 330
mechanisms of injury 329
MRI for 330
and neurological injury 332
nonunion 332
occipital condyle fracture 330, 331
plain radiograph for 329330
Powers' ratio 330, 330
treatment 330331
Chance fracture 339
Charlson Comorbidity Index 358
Child maltreatment 146
Chopart's joint 120
Chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS) 216
Circular external fixator 195198, 244
for bone transportation 195, 196197
construction 195
for deformity correction 197, 197198
history 195
indications 195
Clavicle dislocations 4649
AC dislocations 4748
SC dislocations 4647
Clavicle fractures 5052
Allman classification 51
clinical assessment 50, 50
management 51, 52, 52
Neer classification 51
nonunion rates 52
plain radiographs 50
Robinson classification 5152
Clindamycin 209, 258
Co-amoxiclav 209, 258, 259
Collagen matrices 26, 27
Colloids 313
Compartment syndrome 5355, 82, 91, 216
delayed union/nonunion 134
fasciotomy wound management 55
foot fasciotomy 55, 55
forearm fasciotomy 55, 55
with fractures 53
guidelines for 145
hand fasciotomy 55, 55
intracompartmental pressure (ICP) increase in 53, 54
knee dislocation and 232
leg fasciotomy 54, 55
malunion 134
and pain 5354
radius and ulna fractures and 134
treatment 5455, 55
without fractures 53
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) 5760
Budapest criteria for 57, 58
cold phase of 57, 59, 60
multidisciplinary team (MDT), referral to 59
Orlando criteria for 57
pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy 5960
trophic changes in 59, 59
type 1 58
type 2 58
warm phase of 57, 59, 59
Computed tomography (CT) scans 192
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) 79
Contusions 178, 178
Conus medullaris syndrome 335
Coracoclavicular (CC) ligaments 47
Cortical grafts 25, 27
CRPS see Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
Crush injuries and crush syndrome 6163
and compartment syndrome 61
definition 61
fasciotomy and amputation 63
hospital treatment 6263
pre-hospital assessment and treatment 62
and rhabdomyolysis 61
Cryoprecipitate 314
Crystal arthropathy 319320
Crystalloid fluids 313
Cubitus valgus 292
Cuboid fractures 116117
displaced 117, 117
open reduction internal fixation 117, 117
Cylinder cast 223
Cytokines 64, 65
Deformity assessment
angular deformity 243
joint mechanics and 243
leg length discrepancy (LLD) 242243
limb rotation 243
of lower limb 242243
mechanical and anatomical axes and 242, 242
symptoms 243
Delirium 140
Demineralised bone matrix 26, 27
Denosumab 263, 296
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) 64, 65
Distal femoral fractures 8082
AO/OTA classification 81, 81
and compartment syndrome 82
extra-articular 81, 8182
intra-articular fractures 82
nonunion and malunion 82
post-traumatic osteoarthritis 82
severely comminuted fractures 82
treatment 81, 8182
Distal humerus fractures 182185
AP and lateral radiographs 183, 183
bicolumn fractures 182
closed reduction and percutaneous fixation 184
malunion 185
Mehne and Matta classification 183, 184
Milch classification 183, 183
and nerve injury 185
nonoperative management 183184
open reduction and internal fixation 184, 184
pathophysiology 182, 182
single column fractures 182
total elbow arthroplasty 184
Distal radial fractures 124127
Barton's fracture 125, 125
Colles' fracture 124, 125
and compartment syndrome 125
Frykman classification 125126, 126
malunion 127
rule of 11s 124, 124
Smith's fracture 124
treatment 126127
Distal radioulna joint (DRUJ) 128
Distraction osteogenesis 3031, 195
Doxycycline 209
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan 262
Early appropriate care (EAC), concept of 29, 64, 65
Elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN) 275
Elbow dislocation 6770
anatomy related to 67
anterior 67
anteroposterior radiographs 68
classification 68, 6869
with coronoid process fracture 68, 68, 68
divergent 68
lateral radiographs 68
posterior 67
posterior Monteggia fracture-dislocation 69
with radial head fracture 68, 68, 69
terrible triad 68
transolecranon fracture-dislocation 69
treatment 69, 6970
Endoprosthetic replacement 31
Erb's palsy 39
Extensor retinaculum syndrome 269
Extensor tendon ruptures, of knee 221224
Insall–Salvati ratio 222, 222
MRI 222, 223
patella ligament ruptures 221, 222
plain radiographs 222
quadriceps tendon ruptures 221
treatment 222223, 223
ultrasonography 222
External fixators 199201, 244, 311
advantages of 199
bars 200
bone pin 199200
clamps 200
constructions with differing stabilities 200, 201
damage control 201
frame design 200201
structure 199, 199, 200
Extracapsular hip fractures 9699
AO classification 96, 97
arthroplasty 9899
cephalomedullary nail 98, 98
dynamic hip screw (DHS) fixation 97, 9798
fixed angle plate 98
greater trochanter fracture 99
reverse oblique fractures 98
tip–apex distance (TAD) 97, 97
Extremities, mangled 1
decision to salvage or amputate, scoring systems for 2, 23, 3
management of 12
mechanism of injury 1
Falls in the elderly 145
Fat embolism syndrome (FES) 7779
chest radiograph 78, 78
Gurd's and Wilson's criteria 78
Lindeque's criteria 78
prevention 7879
Schonfield's criteria 78, 79
Femoral fractures see also specific type
extracapsular fractures 9699
intracapsular femoral neck fractures 100103
periprosthetic 8386
shaft fractures 8891
subtrochanteric fractures 9295
Femoral periprosthetic fractures 8386
distal 83, 84, 84, 8586, 86
Lewis and Rorabeck classification 84, 84
proximal 83, 84, 8485, 85
treatment 8486, 85, 86
Vancouver classification 84, 84
Femoral shaft fractures (FSFs) 8891
AO/OTA classification 89
external fixators 89
heterotopic ossification 91, 91
intramedullary nailing 8990, 90, 91
malunion 91
nonunion 91
open reduction internal fixation 89
Winquist–Hansen classification 89, 89
FES see Fat embolism syndrome (FES)
Fifth metatarsal fractures 117118, 118
diaphyseal fractures 117, 118
Jones fractures 117, 118, 118
tuberosity fractures 117, 118
Figure-of-eight splint 265
Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) 155
Flexor pollicis longus (FPL) 157
Fluoroquinolones 209
calcaneal fractures 105109
Lisfranc's fracture–dislocations 110114
mid- and forefoot fractures 115119
subtalar dislocations 120123
distal radial fractures 124127
Galeazzi's and Monteggia's fractures 128130
radius and ulna fractures 132134
Fracture 307 see also specific type
classification 215
clinical assessment 214
and complications 215216
definition 214, 214
investigations 214215
nonoperative management 215, 307308
open (see Open fractures)
operative management 215
Fracture clinic services, guidelines for 145146
Fracture healing 136137, 307
delayed or nonunion 137
immobilisation and 137
primary bone healing 136
secondary bone healing 136
Fracture liaison services 145
Fractures, classification of 4244
on degree of soft tissue injury 4344, 44
fracture-specific classification systems 44
generic classification systems 42, 4243
Gustilo open fracture classification system 44, 44
Oestern and Tscherne classification of closed fracture 44, 44
uses of 44
Fractures, operative treatment of 310312
complications of fixation 312, 312
external fixation 311
fixation and fracture healing 311
follow-up 312
intramedullary nails 311
manipulation under anaesthetic 311
open reduction, internal fixation 311
patient positioning 310
preoperative planning 310
soft tissues, assessment of 310
Fragility fracture of hip in adults, guidelines for 143
FRAX, for osteoporotic fracture 262
Free fatty acids (FFAs) 77
Free vascularised septocutaneous flap 31
Freeze dried grafts 25, 27
Fresh allograft 25, 27
Fresh frozen grafts 25, 27
Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) 314
Galeazzi's fracture 128, 128130, 130
Gas gangrene 211212
GCS see Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
Gelatins 313
Gentamicin 209, 259
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 177, 236, 236, 356, 364, 364
Glenoid fractures 324325
Gout 319320
Gunshot injuries 147148
nerve and vessel injury 147
operative management 148
principles of ATLS management 147
spinal injuries 147148
tissue damage 147
Haemorrhagic shock 236
grading of 236
Hamate fractures 153, 154 see also Carpal fractures
Hamstring autografts 219
Hand and wrist
carpal dislocations 149151
carpal fractures 153156
metacarpal fractures 157162
phalangeal fractures 163166
scaphoid fractures 168171
tendon ruptures 172175
Hartmann's solution 313
Head injury 177181
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak 177
complications 180181, 181
contusions 178, 178
CSF rhinorrhoea 181
CT scan in 177178, 178
extradural haematoma 179
Glasgow Coma Score 177
intracranial haematoma 178179, 179
intracranial pressure and mass effects 180, 180
Monro–Kellie doctrine 180
primary brain injury 177
secondary brain injury 179180
skull fractures 178
subdural haematoma 179, 179
traumatic brain injury 177
Hemiarthroplasty, for displaced femoral neck fractures 101
Hepatitis B 213
Hepatitis C 213
Hilton's law 33
Hip fracture, perioperative management of
anaemia and 139
best practice tariff (BPT) 139
The Blue Book and National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD) 138139
delirium 140
fluid and electrolyte balance 139140
nutrition 140
in older people 138140
pain relief 139
postoperative care 139140
preoperative care 139
pressure care 140
venous thromboembolism and 140
Hook of hamate fractures 155
Hook (Cotton's) test 14, 19
Horner's syndrome 39
Hueter-Volkmann law 34
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 212213
Hydroxyapatite 26, 27
Hyperkalaemia 315
Hypocalcaemia 315
Hypothermia 315
Hypoxia 235
Hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) 8
Imaging 190
and description 190, 190191, 191
fracture terminology 190, 190191, 191
fracture type 190, 191
interpretation of 191
modalities 192194
types of fracture displacement 190, 190
Impaction grafting 25
circular external fixators 195198
monolateral external fixators 199201
nails 202203
plates 204205
screws 206207
Infection 209213, 216
antibiotics in fractures management 209
causative organism 209210
closed fractures 209
and delay in bony healing 255, 257
gas gangrene 211212
necrotising fasciitis 212
occupational hazards 212213
open fractures 209
osteomyelitis 210, 210211, 211
susceptibility to 209
tetanus 211, 212
Injury Severity Score (ISS) 65, 237, 239, 356357, 357
New ISS (NISS) 357
Interleukins (IL) 64
Interphalangeal joints (IPJs) 163, 172
Intracapsular femoral neck fractures 100103
blood supply of femoral head and 100, 101
displaced fractures 101, 103
Garden's classification 100101, 102
in older adults 101, 103
Pauwels' classification 101, 102
undisplaced fractures 103
in younger adults 103
Intracompartmental pressure (ICP) 53
in compartment syndrome 53, 54
measurement 54
normal resting ICP 54
Intramedullary nails 202, 202, 244, 311
Ischial ramal containment socket 6
Jefferson fractures 329
Jumper's knee 221
Klumpke's palsy 39
cruciate ligament injuries 217219
extensor mechanism injury 221224
meniscal injuries 225227
patella fractures 228231
Knee dislocations 232234
anterior tibiofemoral dislocation 232
arterial injury 234
dimple sign 232
initial management 233
multiligament reconstruction 233234
neurological examination 232
nonoperative management 233
posterior tibiofemoral dislocation 232
post-traumatic osteoarthritis 234
Schenck classification 233, 233
stiffness and limited range of motion 234
vascular examination 232
Lachmann's test 217
Leadbetter manoeuvre 103
Leg length discrepancy (LLD) 242243
Limb injuries, guidelines for 144145
Limb salvage index (LSI) 23, 3, 30
Limb tourniquets 310
Limited contact dynamic compression plate (LC-DCP) 255
Lisfranc's injuries 110114
and compartment syndrome 114
fleck sign 112
Myerson classification 110111, 111
open reduction internal fixation 112113, 113
radiographs 111112, 112
tarsometatarsal complex and 110, 110
treatment 112114, 113
Lisfranc's ligament 110
Locking screws 203, 204
Lower limb fractures, open 143
Lunate fractures 153, 154 see also Carpal fractures
Macrophage colony-stimulating factors (M-CSF) 34
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 193194
Major trauma 235237, 239
ABCDE approach 235236
classifications 237
code red alert 237
Glasgow Coma Scale 236, 236
haemorrhagic shock 236, 236
injury severity score (ISS) 237, 239
mangled extremity severity score (MESS) 237
mortality rate 235
networks 239241
quality of care (QoC) for trauma patients 239
treatment 237
UK trauma network 240241
Major trauma centres (MTC) 235, 239
Male hormone screen 262
Mallet injury 172, 175
Malunion 242
deformity assessment 242, 242243
and deformity correction 242244
fixation methods 244
mechanical and anatomical axes and 242, 242
osteotomy 243
surgical indications 243
Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS) 2, 2, 30, 63, 237, 357
Mangled extremity syndrome index (MESI) 3
Mass casualty incident (MCI) 245249
aftercare 248249
ambulance services, responsibilities of 246, 248
big bang incidents 246
chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) incidents 245, 246
Civil Contingencies Act (CCA), UK 245
complex incidents and 245
hospital planning and preparedness 248
multi-disciplinary team 246
preparations for 245
rising tide incidents 246
START casualty triage 247, 247, 248
triage system in 247, 247248
types of 246
Massive transfusion 315
complications of 315
MCI see Mass casualty incident (MCI)
McMurray's test 217
Median nerve 182, 182
Meniscal tears 225227
ACL injury and 225
anatomy related to 225226
arthroscopic meniscectomy 226227
classification 226, 226
lateral meniscus and 225
medial meniscus and 225
MRI for 226
Metacapophalangeal (MCP) joints 163, 172
Metacarpal fractures 157162
Boxer's fracture 157, 158
metacarpals 25 157160, 158161
4th metacarpal fracture 158
5th metacarpal shaft fracture 160, 161
5th metacarpophalangeal joint, dislocation of 159
thumb 157
treatment 161162, 162
Metalloproteinases (MMPs) 8
Minimally invasive percutaneous osteosynthesis (MIPO) 255
Monteggia's fracture 128130, 129
Bado classification 129, 129
Multiple myeloma 296, 297
Multiple organ distress syndrome (MODS) 64, 65
trauma and 65
Nailbed injuries 250253
anatomy of nailbed and fingertip 250, 250251
crush injuries and 251
nailbed avulsion 253
nailbed laceration 251253
phalangeal fracture with 251, 252
post-traumatic nail deformities 253, 253
treatment 251253, 252, 252
Nail deformities, post-traumatic 253, 253
Nails 202203
interlocking 203
intramedullary nails 202, 202
reaming 202203
slotted nails 203
working length 203
Navicular fracture dislocations 115, 115116, 116
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) 54
Necrotising fasciitis (NF) 212
Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) 55
Neurogenic shock 334
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) 41
Neuropraxia 305
Neurotmesis 305
NISSSA score (Nerve injury, Ischaemia, Soft-tissue injury, Skeletal injury, Shock, and Age) 3
Nonaccidental injury (NAI), in children 277279
bruising and fractures 278
developmental milestones and 277, 277278
long bone fractures 279
metaphyseal fractures 278279
multi-disciplinary team approach for 279
rib fractures 278
skeletal survey in 278
skull fractures 279
Nonunion of fractures 254257
atrophic/avascular 256, 256, 257
fixation factors 254255
fracture factors 254
host factors 254
hypertrophic/hypervascular 255256, 256, 257
infection and 255, 257
nonoperative interventions 256257
oligotrophic nonunions 257
operative interventions 257
segmental loss 257
Nuclear medicine 192193
Nutcracker fracture 116
Olecranon fractures 7173
classification 71
management 7172, 72
plating of, with metaphyseal extension 72
tension band technique 72
Olive wires 345
Open fractures 258259, 260
debridement of 259, 260
guidelines for management of 258259
Gustilo 3A distal tibial ankle fracture 260
Gustilo–Anderson grading system 258, 259
open tibial fractures 258
Organ Injury Scale (OIS) 356
Osgood–Schlatter disease 293
Osteogenic proteins see Bone morphogenic proteins (BMP)
Osteomyelitis 210211, 316
Cierny–Mader staging system 210211, 211
classification 210211
diagnosis 210, 210
management 211
Osteonecrosis of jaw (ONJ) 263
Osteoporosis 261264
diagnosis 262, 262
fracture risk assessment and osteoporosis management, guidelines on 262263, 263
fragility fractures in the elderly 261
nonpharmacologic treatment 263
pharmacologic treatments 263264
risk assessment tools 262
risk factors 261262
secondary 261
Osteoprotegerin (OPG) 34
Osteotendinous quadriceps rupture 223
Osteotomy 243
Ottawa ankle rules (OAR) 14
Oxford Hip Score 359
Packed red blood cells 314
Paediatric clavicle fractures 265266
Allman classification 265
Paediatric distal tibial and ankle fractures 267269
Paediatric femoral fractures 270272
femoral shaft fractures 271, 272
proximal and distal femoral fractures 271
treatment 271, 272
Paediatric forearm fractures 274276
acceptable angulations for 275, 275
remodelling potential in children 275
treatment 275276
Paediatric humeral condylar fractures 280283
Bensahel classification of medial condyle fractures 281, 282
displaced medial condyle fracture 281, 282, 283
Jakob type 2 lateral condyle fracture 281, 281, 282
lateral condylar fractures 280, 281282, 282
medial condylar fractures 280, 281, 283
Paediatric humeral fractures 284285
acceptable angulation and displacement for 285
classification 284
treatment 284285, 285
Paediatric physeal fractures 286288
anatomy of growth plate and 286, 286287
Salter–Harris classification system 287, 287, 288
treatment 287288
Paediatric supracondylar fractures 289292
Baumann's humeral-capitellar angle 289, 290
and compartment syndrome 292
flexion-type injuries 290, 290
Gartland classification 289290, 291
malunion 292
and neurovascular injury 292
nonoperative management 290291
operative management 291, 291292
pin site infections 292
radiographs 289, 290
Paediatric tibial fractures 293294
avulsion fractures of tibial tubercle 293
classification 294
diaphyseal tibial fractures 293
proximal tibial metaphyseal injuries 293
tibial eminence fractures 293
tibial epiphyseal injuries 293
treatment 294
Paediatric Trauma Score 357
Paget's disease 100
Patella fractures 228231
classification 228229, 229
open reduction and internal fixation 229230, 230
partial patellectomy 230
post-traumatic patellofemoral osteoarthritis 231
rehabilitation 230
total patellectomy 230
Patella tendon ruptures 221224, 222, 223
Pathological fractures 296298
biopsy 297
breast cancer metastasis and 296
fixation options 297298
history and physical examination 296
laboratory tests 296
Mirel's criteria for 297, 297
plain radiographs 297
Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) 359361
choice of 360, 360361
generic instruments 359
preference-based 360
specific instruments 359
types of 359, 360
Pelvic binder 236
Pelvic ring fractures 302304
anteroposterior compression injuries 304
CT scan 303
examination under anaesthesia (EUA) 304
history and physical examination 302
initial management 303
lateral compression injuries 304
plain radiograph 302303
vertical shear injuries 304
Young and Burgess classification 303, 303
acetabular fractures 299301
pelvic ring fractures 302304
Penicillin 209
Peripheral nerve injury 305306
guidelines for 144
Medical Research Council (MRC) scale 306
Seddon classification 305
Sunderland classification 305306
surgical management 306
Phalangeal fractures 163166
displaced fractures 163
distal phalanx fractures 164165
extra-articular proximal and middle phalanx fractures 165, 165
intra-articular fractures of proximal and middle phalanx 165166, 166
malunion 166
nonunion 166
post-traumatic arthrosis 166
rotational deformity, assessment for 164, 164
and stiffness 166
undisplaced fractures 163
Phantom limb pain 7
Physeal injuries, in children 286288
Pilon fractures 343346
AO-OTA classification 343344
and compartment syndrome 346
and infection 345346
malunion 346
nonoperative management 344
nonunion 346
operative management 344, 344345, 345
Ruedi–Allgower classification 343, 343
Pisiform fractures 153, 154 see also Carpal fractures
Pivot shift test 217
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) 8
Platelet transfusion 142, 314
Plates 204205
biomechanical principles 204
bridge plating 205
compression plating 204205, 205
design 204
dynamic compression plate (DCP) 204
locking compression plate (LCP) 204
locking plates 204
low contact dynamic compression plate (LC-DCP) 204
precontoured anatomical plates 204
tension band plates 205
Popliteal artery 232
Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) 79
Positron emission tomography 193
Posterior cord syndrome 335
Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) 217219
Posterior sag sign 217
Post-traumatic osteoarthritis 216
Predictive salvage index (PSI) 3, 30
Pressure ulcers 140
PROMs see Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs)
Pronation–abduction (PAB) ankle fractures 12, 17, 1720
stages and injuries of 1718, 19
Pronation–external rotation (PER) ankle fractures 1215, 17
stages and injuries of 13, 13, 14
treatment 15, 15
Prosthetic limbs 5
above-knee amputation 6
below-knee amputation 56
pain 7
rehabilitation 7
upper limbs 6
Prosthetic socks 6
Proteolytic enzymes 316
Prothrombin complex 142
Proximal humeral varus 285
Proximal humerus fractures 186189
fracture patterns 186, 186
hemiarthroplasty 188
intramedullary nail 188
malunion 189
Neer classification 187, 187
nonoperative management 188
nonunion 189
open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) 188, 188
reverse shoulder arthroplasty 188, 188
total shoulder arthroplasty 188
Pseudogout 319320
Purtscher's retinopathy 78
Quadriceps tendon ruptures 221224, 223
Quadrilateral socket 6
Radial head and neck fractures 7476
fixation of radial head 75
Mason classification 74, 75
plain radiographs 74
radial head excision 75
radial head replacement 75
Sail sign 74
treatment 75, 76
Radiographs 192
Radius and ulna fractures 132134
AP and lateral radiographs 132, 133
and compartment syndrome 134
isolated fracture of radius 133, 134
neurological injury 134
open fractures 133
open reduction and internal fixation 133, 133
treatment 132134, 133
Raloxifene 264
Receptor activator for nuclear factor-κ B ligand (RANKL) 34, 36, 296
Recombinant human BMP (rhBMP) 26, 27
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy 269
Resuscitation and massive transfusion 313315
blood products 314
complications of 315
damage control resuscitation 313
hypotensive resuscitation 314315
resuscitation fluids 313314
Revised Trauma Score (RTS) 356
Ring fixators 31
Rolando fracture 157
Rugger jersey finger 173
Sacral sparing 334
Scaphoid fractures 153155, 168171 see also Carpal fractures
avascular necrosis in 171
Herbert classification 169, 170
nonunion 170
plain radiographs 168, 169
treatment 170, 170
Scapular fractures 324325
SCIs see Spinal cord injuries (SCIs)
Screws 206207
cancellous 207
cannulated 207
cortical 207
functions 207
headless 207
locking 207
non-locking 207
partially threaded 207
self-tapping 206207
structural characteristics 206, 206
structure 206207
types 207
Segond fracture 218, 218
Sepsis 64
trauma and 65
Septic arthritis, in adults 319320
Septic arthritis, in children 316318
antibiotics for 317318
causative organisms 316
hip aspiration 317
history 316
Kocher's criteria 317
radiographs in 317
Short Form 36 (SF-36) 359
Shoulder dislocations 321323
anterior 321
classification 322
initial management 322
injuries associated with 321
luxatio erecta 321
nonoperative management 322323
posterior 321
Stanmore triangle of shoulder instability 322, 322
surgical management 323
Simmond's test see Thompson's test
Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) system 247, 247, 248
Single-positron emission photon computerised tomography 193
Skeletal surveys 297
Skin graft 327
Skull fractures 178
Smith's fracture 124
Smoking, and fracture healing 254
Soft tissue coverage in trauma 326328
British Orthopaedic Association Standard for Trauma 4 (BOAST 4) guidelines 326
fix and flap operation 327
Gustilo and Anderson classification 326
postoperative care 328
reconstructive goals 326
reconstructive ladder 327
soft tissue reconstruction, preparation for 327
surgical management 326328
Spinal cord decompression 334
Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) 333335
ASIA classification system 334
clinical assessment 333, 333334
myotomes and corresponding motor function 333
patterns of 335
sacral sparing 334
Torg ratio and 333
traumatic, guidelines for 143144
treatment 334
atlas and axis cervical fractures and dislocations 329332
subaxial cervical fractures and dislocations 336338
thoracic and lumbar fractures 339342
Starches 313314
Sternoclavicular (SC) joint 46
dislocation 4647
Stiffness, after fractures 216
Stress fractures, of femoral neck 100
Strontium ranelate 264
Subaxial cervical fractures and dislocations 336338
avulsion type teardrop fracture 336, 337
bifacet dislocation 336, 336
classification 337
clinical assessment 336337
CT scan 337
MRI 337
plain radiography 337
treatment 337338
Subdural haematoma 179, 179
Subtalar dislocations 120123
avascular necrosis in 123
classification 121, 121
CT scan 121, 121
Hawkins sign 123
lateral dislocations 121, 122
medial dislocations 121122
open injuries 122
subtalar joint and 120, 120
temporary Kirschner (K) wire fixation 122, 122
treatment 121122, 122
Subtrochanteric fractures 9295
95° angle device, use of 94, 95
and infection 95
intramedullary nailing 94, 94
nonunion 95
Russell–Taylor classification 93, 93
Seinsheimer classification 93, 93
treatment 9394, 94, 95
Subungal haematoma 251
drainage of 252
Suction catheters 235
Supination–adduction (SAD) ankle fractures 12, 17, 1720
stages and injuries of 17, 18, 18
Supination–external rotation (SER) ankle fractures 1215, 17
stages and injuries of 12, 1213, 13
Supracondylar fracture of distal humerus, displaced 144
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) 181
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) 64
definition 64
trauma and 64, 65
Talar fractures 2124
and avascular necrosis 24
classification 22, 23
Hawkins sign 21, 23
radiographs 21, 2122, 22
Talar tilt test 14
Talonavicular articulation 115
Tendon ruptures, in wrist and hand 172175
anatomy related to 172
extensor zones of injury 172173, 173, 174175, 175
flexor zones of injury 173174, 174, 175
treatment 174175, 175
Teriparatide 264
Tetanus 211, 212
Thermography 58
Thomas splints 89
Thompson's test 9
Thoracic and lumbar fractures 339342
classification systems 340, 340341, 341
clinical assessment 339
mechanisms and vectors of injury 339
nonoperative management 341
operative management 341342, 342
Thumb metacarpal fractures 157, 161
Thyroid shields 192
Tibial plateau fractures 347350
and compartment syndrome 347, 350
malunion 350
nonoperative treatment 348
operative treatment 348350
post-traumatic osteoarthritis 350
Schatzker classification 348, 348, 349
split depression 349, 350
Tscherne classification 348, 349
Tibial shaft fractures 352355
classification 353
clinical assessment 352353
and compartment syndrome 354355
and infection 354
malunion 355
and neurological injury 354
nonoperative treatment 353
nonunion 355
oblique fracture 352, 352
operative treatment 353354, 354, 355
and vascular injury 354
Tibial tubercle fractures 223
Toddler's fracture 293
Total hip replacement (THR) 9899, 103
Trabecular bone 261
Tranexamic acid 142, 303
Transfusion in adults and children, guidelines for 142143
Transosseous fixation 223, 223
Trapezium fractures 153, 154 see also Carpal fractures
Trauma 6466 see also Major trauma
and acute respiratory distress syndrome 64, 65
and coagulation abnormalities 65
damage control orthopaedics (DCO) principles 6466
mortality following 64
and multiple organ distress syndrome 64, 65
post-traumatic immunosuppression and sepsis 65
resuscitation measures 6566
soft tissue coverage in 326328
and surgery 65
and systemic inflammatory response syndrome 64, 64, 65
treatment process 6566, 66
Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) 358
Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN) 240, 358
Trauma, guidelines in 142146
British Orthopaedic Association Standards for Trauma (BOAST) guidelines 142
fracture clinic services 145146
National Institute for Care and Health Excellence (NICE) guidelines 142
surgical treatment 142145
Trauma scoring systems 356358
anatomical scoring systems 356357, 357
combined systems 357358
examples of range of 357
physiological scoring systems 356
Traumatic brain injury 177 see also Head injury
Trauma tourniquet 235
Triage 362365
anatomical 363
categories 362
physiological 363
sieve 363, 363364
sort 364, 364
Triangular fibrocartilage complex injury 127
Tricalcium phosphate 26, 27
Triquetral fractures 153 see also Carpal fractures
Turf toe 118119
UK trauma network 240, 240241
Ulnar nerve 182, 182
Ulna styloid fracture 129
Ultrasound 193
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) 8
Vascularised grafts 25, 27
Venous blood gas (VBG) 237
Vitamin D, for osteoporosis 263
Volar fasciotomy 55
Volkmann contracture 55, 182
Whiplash 366367
Quebec Task Force symptom grading 366, 367
treatment 366367
Whitesides infusion technique 54
Wick-and-slit catheters 54
Wolff's law 34, 137
X-rays 192
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Amputations – mangled extremities and decision making1

Key points
  • The decision to salvage or amputate a severely injured extremity is one of the most difficult decisions that can face the orthopaedic surgeon
  • The decision must be considered in the context of the severity of the injury, other associated injuries, patient's comorbidities and the social, economic and psychological background of the patient
  • Multiple scoring systems have been designed to aid the decision process; however, many mangled extremities are borderline cases therefore scores should be used with caution and only as a guide to supplement the surgeon's clinical judgement
A mangled extremity is an injury involving many or all components of a limb system, including soft tissue, bone, nerves and vessels. The management of these complex injuries, which is commonly associated with other life-threatening injuries, remains challenging.
The decision whether to salvage or amputate a mangled limb is a matter of debate. Amputation is without a doubt a devastating experience to both patient and surgeon, and with the current advancements in trauma life support and surgical techniques more mangled limbs are technically salvageable. However, the question remains as to whether the final functional outcome with salvage surgery outperforms the function following amputation with the currently available advanced prostheses. A nonfunctional limb that continues to be painful or insensate after prolonged attempts at reconstruction will certainly be inferior to amputation and a good prosthesis. On the other hand, lengthy unsuccessful attempts for reconstruction in a polytraumatised patient is associated with significant morbidity, high costs and even mortality. Furthermore when amputation is inevitable, performing early surgery can improve patient survival, reduce disability and pain, and decrease hospital stay.
Multiple factors affect the outcome in the management of mangled extremities and should be carefully considered when making the decision whether to salvage or amputate. These factors can be classified into:
  • Local factors related to the severity of the injury
  • Systemic factors like age, smoking and other associated injuries
  • Factors related to the psychologic, social, and economic background of the patient like life-style, occupation, wishes and available resources
When considering the aforementioned factors, soft tissue injury was found to have the highest impact on amputation decision, other factors associated with poor outcome are irreparable vascular injury, warm ischaemia for >6 hours, infrapopliteal vascular injury involving all three vessels, loss of protective sensation in nerve injuries, age, smoking, pre-existing co-morbidities and the presence of concurrent injuries. If the need for amputation is not clear in the initial assessment, limb salvage should be attempted.
Mechanism of injury
Road traffic and industrial accidents are the leading causes for mangled upper and lower extremities, with other less common causes including fall from height, high-velocity gunshots, explosions and combat injuries.
Initial management
The management of mangled extremity begins in the emergency department with the standard trauma survey and resuscitation 2in accordance with the Advanced Trauma Life Support protocol. The examination of the extremity then starts with assessment of the degree of soft tissue damage and careful examination of the neurovascular status of the limb. If there is disruption to the arterial flow and reconstruction is considered, intraluminal shunt should be considered. Gross debris should be removed and any significant bleeding controlled by direct pressure. Photographs are useful tool to document the severity of the injury if amputation is considered and to monitor changes if reconstruction is planned. Appropriate dressing should then be used, gross deformities corrected and temporary splinting applied in order to improve pain, minimise further damage and reduce bleeding. Early prophylactic antibiotics and tetanus cover should be initiated and appropriate radiographs can then be planned.
Scoring systems
Different scoring systems have been designed in an attempt to help the decision-making process when dealing with mangled extremity. No single score has been found to be superior to the others and much controversy remains with regard to the ability of these systems to predict successful salvage of the mangled extremities or distinguish cases that are better managed with early amputation. The decision to amputate or salvage should be carefully assessed and should take into account the final functional outcome. A further limitation to scoring systems is that they are applied on the initial assessment of the injury and they do not provide guidance for the decision-making during the course of treatment.3
Table 1.1   Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS)
Skeletal/soft tissue injury (points 1–4)
Low energy
e.g. stab, simple fracture, small calibre gunshot wound
1 point
Medium energy
e.g. open or multiple fractures, dislocation
2 points
High energy
e.g. high speed road traffic accidents
3 points
Very high energy
e.g. high speed trauma with gross contamination
4 points
Limb ischaemia (points 1–3)
Pulse reduced or absent, perfusion normal
1 point*
Pulse absent, paraesthesia, reduced capillary refill
2 points*
Pulse absent, cool, paralysed, insensate, no capillary refill
3 points*
Shock (points 0–2)
Stable normotensive
0 points
Transient hypotension
1 point
Persistent hypotension
2 points
Age (points 0–2)
<30 years
0 points
30–50 years
1 point
>50 years
2 points
*Score is doubled for ischaemia >6 hours
The Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS) is the most commonly used and was originally described by Johansen et al. in 1990; a score of 7 or more was predictive of amputation in 100% of cases (Table 1.1). However, subsequent studies have been less convincing, reporting low sensitivity for predicting amputation. The limb salvage index (LSI) was proposed by Russell et al. in 1991. The LSI predicts the likelihood of salvage based on detailed intraoperative examination of the injury to six different tissues including artery, nerve, bone, skin, muscle and deep veins. It takes into consideration limb ischaemia time. A score of 6 points or more predicts amputation (Table 1.2). Other scoring systems have been proposed like the mangled extremity syndrome index (MESI) developed in 1985 by Gregory et al., the predictive salvage index (PSI) by Howe et al. in 1987 and the NISSSA score (Nerve injury, Ischaemia, Soft-tissue injury, Skeletal injury, Shock, and Age) described by McNamara et al. in 1994.
It is important to note that the above mentioned scoring systems were specifically designed for the lower extremity. The currently available prostheses for the lower extremity support ambulation as the primary function of the lower extremity. However, prostheses for the upper extremity do not restore fine movements, and furthermore these movements are dependent on sensation, therefore a mangled upper extremity has a much larger effect on a patient's life than a mangled lower extremity and the decision-making process for salvage in these cases is quite different from those of the lower extremity. With better functional results following salvage and poorer functional prognosis after amputation, mangled upper extremity should be managed on a case-by-case basis.
Table 1.2   Limb salvage index (LSI)
Arterial trauma
  • Contusion, intimal tear, partial laceration, palpable pulses
  • Occlusion of two or more shank vessels
  • Complete occlusion of femoral, popliteal or all three shank vessels
0 points
1 point
2 points
Nerve trauma
  • Contusion or stretch
  • Partial transaction: sciatic, femoral, peroneal or tibial nerve. Complete transaction: femoral, peroneal or tibial nerve
  • Complete transaction: sciatic nerve or both peroneal and tibial nerves
0 points
1 point
2 points
Bone trauma
  • Closed or open fracture with minimum comminution
  • Closed fracture in at least three sites or open fracture with comminution or open joint with foreign body, or bone loss <3 cm
  • Bone loss >3 cm; type IIIB or IIIC
0 points
1 point
2 points
Skin trauma
  • Clean laceration, primary repair, 1st degree burn
  • Delayed closure due to contamination requiring skin grafts or flaps or 2nd and 3rd degree burns
0 points
1 point
Muscle trauma
  • One muscle or tendon avulsion or laceration
  • Two or more muscles or tendons laceration, or avulsion
  • Crush injury
0 points
1 point
2 points
Deep vein trauma
  • Contusion, partial laceration
  • Complete laceration, avulsion, or thrombosis
0 points
1 point
Warm ischaemia time
  • < 6 hours
  • 6–9 hours
  • 9–12 hours
  • 12–15 hours
  • 15 hours
0 points
1 point
2 points
3 points
4 points
Amputations should be performed at the lowest possible level to preserve function and reduce metabolic demand. The level 4should allow prosthesis to be fitted securely and comfortably. Forequarter amputation (interscapulothoracic) and shoulder disarticulation are very rarely performed; forequarter is only indicated for traumatic avulsion. When shoulder disarticulation is considered, better appearance can be achieved by maintaining the humeral head. A prosthesis can be fitted if 2.5 cm of the proximal humerus is left. Other levels of amputations in the upper limb include transhumeral, transradial, wrist disarticulation and transcarpal. Wrist disarticulation has the advantage of improved pronation and supination and longer lever arm when compared with transradial amputation, however transradial is cosmetically more pleasing and easier for prosthetic application.
In the lower limb the ideal level for transfemoral, above-knee amputation is 12 cm above the knee joint to allow for prosthetic fitting. This level of amputation was found to be superior to through-the-knee amputation as the latter is associated with poorer functional, psychological and cosmetic outcomes. However, the main indication for amputation through the knee is in children, in order to preserve the lower femoral physis.
Transtibial, below-knee amputation, is ideally performed 12–15 cm below the joint. When possible preservation of the knee joint should be attempted as energy demand for below-knee amputation is only 10–30% more, as compared to 40–67% in transfemoral amputation. Excellent prostheses are currently available achieving satisfactory function and near normal gait. Prosthesis can be fitted with shorter stumps up to 5–6 cm.
Other levels of amputation include above-ankle Syme's amputation and partial foot amputations; Chopart amputation through the midtarsal joints; Lisfranc amputation through the tarsometatarsal joints; transmetatarsal amputation; and amputation through the metatarsophalangeal joints.
Further reading
  1. Fodor L, Sobec R, Sita-Alb L, Fodor M, Ciuce C. Mangled lower extremity: can we trust the amputation scores? Int J Burn Trauma 2012;2:51–58.
  1. Ly TV, Travison TG, Castillo RC, et al. Ability of lower-extremity injury severity scores to predict functional outcome after limb salvage. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2008;90:1738–1743.
  1. MJ Bosse, MacKenzie EJ, Kellam JF, et al. An analysis of outcomes of reconstruction or amputation of leg-threatening injuries. N Engl J Med 2002;347:1924–1931.
Related topics of interest
  • Topic 2 Amputations – prosthetics and rehabilitation
  • Topic 62 Major trauma – Advanced Trauma Life Support principles
  • Topic 68 Open fractures