Key Clinical Topics in Trauma
Key Clinical Topics in Trauma
Consultant and Professor of Clinical Traumatology Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, UK
Consultant and Professor of Emergency Medicine James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, UK
Consultant and Professor of Paediatric Emergency Medicine Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust Sheffield, UK
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Commissioning Editor: | Steffan Clements |
Editorial Assistant: | Adam Rajah |
Design: | Designers Collective Ltd |
There has been a significant transformation in the organisation of trauma services and the clinical management of patients in the last decade. Trauma care has a higher profile than ever before, and more patients are surviving than would have been expected only a few years ago. Trauma networks have been developed, with effective transport platforms connecting trauma units and major trauma centres. Organisational change has occurred in parallel with clinical advances, and classic questions regarding fluids, imaging and operative intervention have been answered at least in part.
A significant number of these advances arose from the provision of medical care by the Defence Medical Services in Iraq and Afghanistan and from the efforts of those in the UK responsible for the further management of these challenging injuries. We make no apologies, therefore, for the over representation of such individuals amongst the authors of topics in Key Clinical Topics in Trauma. Having said this, our contributors represent a wide range of centres of excellence in trauma management both in the UK and abroad.
We hope that this book provides readers with access to the most up-to-date thinking and practice in clinical traumatology. We have tried to ensure that all the important areas of trauma care are covered, and we have also included an admittedly personal selection of more unusual topics which are either establishing themselves in clinical practice or are likely to do so in the future (for example REBOA and lyophilised plasma).
We would like to thank all those who have helped us identify topic contributors, and most importantly the contributors themselves for devoting their time and effort to Key Clinical Topics in Trauma.
The editors’ royalties from the sales of this book are donated in their entirety to the organisation Trauma Care UK (, an organisation dedicated to promoting excellence in trauma management. We urge you to consider joining it.
Keith Porter
Ian Greaves
Derek Burke
March 2016
- Neil Abeysinghe MBBS BSc(Hons) MRCP UK FRCA DIMC RCS Ed FFICM PGCert Med Ed
- Topic 23
- Consultant in Critical Care, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- David Alexander MA(Hons) CPsychol PhD FBPS FRSM(Hon) FRCPsych
- Topic 68
- Emeritus Professor, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK; Principal Adviser, Police Scotland, UK
- Seyed Ali MBBS MSOrth MChOrth FRCS(Tr&Orth)
- Topics 27, 28
- Consultant Foot and Ankle Surgeon, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Steve Amerasekera MB BChir MA (Cantab) MRCP FRCR
- Topic 39
- Consultant Radiologist in Musculoskeletal and Trauma Imaging, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Amit Anand MB ChB
- Topic 77
- Trainee in Orthopaedic Surgery, West Midlands Rotation, UK
- Alex K Ball MBChB MSc MD FRCP
- Topic 70
- Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine, North Staffordshire Rehabilitation Centre, Haywood Hospital, Stoke-on-Trent, UK
- Khalid G Baloch MBChB FRCS FRCS(Tr&Orth)
- Topic 77
- Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon,
- University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Tom Barker BSc(MedSci) MBChB DMCC MRCS RAMC
- Topic 56
- Research Fellow, Academic Department of Military Surgery and Trauma, Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, Birmingham, UK
- Edward G B Barnard FCEM RN
- Topics 13, 18
- Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Antonio Belli MD FRCS FRCS(SN)
- Topics 53, 54
- Professor of Trauma Neurosurgery, School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, Institute of Biomedical Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
- Steven Bland FCEM RN
- Topic 20
- Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Defence Speciality Advisor in CBRN Medicine, Defence CBRN Centre, Lichfield, Salisbury, UK
- Charlotte Booth FCEM RAMC
- Topic 74
- Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Deepa Bose MBBS FRCS(Tr&Orth)
- Topic 48
- Consultant in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Richard J Bowman MB ChB MCEM LLM
- Topic 78
- Trainee in Emergency Medicine, University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry, UK
- John Breeze PhD MRCS MFDS
- Topic 64
- Specialty Registrar in Maxillofacial Surgery,
- Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, Birmingham Research Park, Birmingham, UK
- Robert Briard MRCS FRCR RAMC
- Topics 37, 38, 40
- Consultant in Interventional Radiology, Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Ilana Delroy Buelles FRCA
- Topics 5, 6, 51, 82
- Specialty Registrar in Anaesthesia,
- Royal Bournemouth Hospital,
- Bournemouth, UK
- Topic 61
- Medical Director and Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK
- Samuel K L Chan MBChB MRCS FRCS(Tr&Orth)
- Topic 77
- Specialty Trainee in Trauma and Orthopaedics,
- Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Oswestry, UK
- Darren Chester FRCS(Plast)
- Topic 33
- Consultant in Hand and Plastic Surgery,
- Worcester Royal Infirmary, Worcester, UK
- Julian Cooper BSc(Hons) MB ChB(Hons) FRCS(Tr&Orth)
- Topics 22, 63
- Consultant in Orthopaedic Trauma,
- University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Mike Craigen MBBS FRCS(Orth) FRCS(Ed) Dip Hand Surg(Euro)
- Topic 93
- Consultant in Orthopaedics and Hand Surgery, Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham, UK
- Claire Dawkins MA MB BChir MRCS RAF
- Topic 91
- Medical Officer, Royal Air Force Medical Branch, Birmingham, UK
- Christopher Day BSc(Hons) MB BCh MRCS FRCR
- Topics 37, 39, 40
- Consultant in Vascular and Interventional Radiology University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, UK
- Catherine Doran MD FRCS
- Topic 47
- Consultant Military General Surgeon, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Heidi Doughty MB BChir FRCPath
- Topic 49
- Consultant in Transfusion Medicine, NHS Blood and Transplant, Birmingham, UK
- Linda Dykes FCEM
- Topic 58
- Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Ysbyty Gwynedd, Gwynedd, UK
- Ismail Fathallah FRCS
- Topic 28
- Senior Clinical Fellow, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Paul Fenton MB ChB FRCS (Tr&Orth)
- Topic 30
- Consultant in Orthopaedic Surgery,
- University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Navin Furtado BSc MBBS MSc(Eng) FRCS(Neuro Surg)
- Topic 42
- Consultant in Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Yunus Gokdogan MB BS FCEM
- Topic 55
- Consultant in Emergency Medicine, West Middlesex University Hospital, London, UK
- Paul Hunt MD FCEM
- Topic 89
- Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Jan O Jansen FRCS FFICM
- Topic 73
- Consultant in General Surgery and Intensive Care Medicine, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, UK
- Andrew Johnston DMCC FRCP RAMC
- Topic 12
- Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine,
- Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Socrates Kalogrianitis MBChB FRCS
- Topic 76
- Consultant in Orthopaedic Surgery,
- University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Ravichandran Karthikeyan FRCS(Tr&Orth) PGCE FHEA
- Topic 35
- Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Alan Kay L/RAMC
- Topic 17
- Consultant in Plastic Surgery, Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Daniel Kennedy MB BCh BAO FRCA FFICM
- Topic 16
- Consultant in Critical Care and Anaesthesia, The Royal London Hospital, London, UK
- Mansoor Khan MBBS(Lond) FRCS(GenSurg) AKC
- Topic 1
- Consultant in Trauma Surgery, St Mary's Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK
- Emrys Kirkman PhD
- Topics 44, 45, 46
- Principal Scientist, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory Porton Down,
- Salisbury, UK
- Kathryn L Kneale MRCS
- Topic 24
- Trainee in Orthopaedic Surgery, West Midlands Rotation, UK
- Nadeeja Koralage
- Topic 74
- St Mary's Hospital, London, UK
- Dhushy Surendra Kumar MB ChB FCA RSCI FRCA FICM
- Topics 5, 6, 51, 82
- Consultant in Critical Care Medicine, Prehospital
- Care and Anaesthesia, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry, UK
- Sumitra Lahiri FRCA
- Topic 26
- Consultant in Anaesthesia and Senior Lecturer in Anaesthetics, Barts and the London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
- Simon Le Clerc FCEM
- Topic 89
- Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Caroline Leech MBChB FRCEM FIMC RCSEd
- Topics 36, 66, 79
- Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Prehospital Medicine, University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry, UK
- Ari K Leppaniemi MD PhD DMCC
- Topic 25
- Chief of Emergency Surgery, Meilahti Hospital Abdominal Center, Helsinki, Finland
- Will Lester MBChB BSc FRCP FRCPath PhD
- Topic 9
- Consultant in Haematology, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Philippa Lewis MBChB DMCC RAMC
- Topic 43
- Assistant Regimental Surgeon,
- Household Cavalry Regiment, Windsor, UK
- Simon B Maclean FRCS(Tr&Orth)
- Topics 24, 76
- Consultant in Orthopaedic Surgery, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Rob MacSweeney PhD
- Topic 3
- Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine,
- Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, UK
- Gerlinde Mandersloot
- Topic 16
- Consultant in Critical Care Medicine and Anaesthesia, Barts and the London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
- Karanjit S Mangat FRCS(Tr&Orth)
- Topics 24, 76
- Trainee in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Samir N Massoud MBChB FRCSI FRCS(Orth)
- Topic 24
- Consultant in Orthopaedic Surgery,
- The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital and University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Danny McAuley FRCP MD FFICM
- Topic 3
- Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, Centre for Infection and Immunity, Queen's University of Belfast and Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, UK
- Mark Midwinter CBA MD RN
- Topics 47, 71, 75, 92
- Consultant in General and Trauma Surgery, Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, Birmingham, UK
- Jonathan James Morrison MB ChB MRCS PhD
- Topic 75
- Academic Department of Military Surgery and
- Trauma, Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, Birmingham, UK
- Rob Moss FRCA
- Topic 19
- Consultant in Anaesthesia, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Alistair Mountain MBChB FRCS(Tr&Orth) RAMC
- Topic 7
- Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery,
- Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Christopher Murray MB BCh BAO DipFRCA
- Topic 3
- Specialty Trainee in Anaesthesia,
- Antrim Hospital, Antrim, UK
- Rajpal Nandra MBBS BSc(Hons) MRCS
- Topics 2, 21, 29
- Trainee in Trauma and Orthopaedics, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, UK
- James O'Connor MD FACS
- Topics 14, 83
- Chief, Thoracic and Vascular Trauma Care,
- R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Baltimore, MD, USA
- Breda O'Neill FRCA
- Topic 26
- Consultant in Anaesthesia, Barts and the London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
- Beryl Oppenheim MB BCh FRCPath
- Topic 8
- Consultant Microbiologist, University Hospitals, Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Piers Page MBBS MRCSEd
- Topics 11, 58, 62, 81, 86, 87, 90
- Specialty Registrar in Orthopaedics and Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Trauma Surgery, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Brighton, UK
- Paul Parker FIMC FRCSEd(Orth) L/RAMC
- Topic 88
- Consultant in Orthopaedic Surgery, Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Claire Park MBE FRCA
- Topic 67
- Consultant in Anaesthesia, Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Topic 50
- Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
- University Hospital of North Midlands,
- Stoke-on-Trent, UK
- Jowan G Penn-Barwell MB CHC MSc MRCS RN
- Topics 12, 32
- Trainee in Trauma and Orthopaedics,
- Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Francis Peart FRCS
- Topic 34
- Consultant in Plastic Surgery, The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham, UK
- Henrietta Poon MBChB MRCS DMCC
- Topic 46
- Specialty Registrar in General Surgery,
- Academic Department of Military Surgery and Trauma, Birmingham, UK
- Dominic Power MA MB BChir FRCS(Tr&Orth)
- Topic 15
- Consultant in Hand and Peripheral Nerve Surgery, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- James Ralph FRCA L/RAMC
- Topic 10
- Consultant in Anaesthesia, Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Jonathan Ritson MRCEM RN
- Topic 72
- Trainee in Emergency Medicine, St Mary's Hospital, London, UK
- James Dean Ross PhD
- Topic 75
- Director, Trauma and Clinical Care Research, 59th Medical Wing, Joint Base San Antonio–Lackland, Texas, USA
- Sasha Rossaye MBBCh BSc FRACP
- Topic 57
- Paediatric Emergency Medicine Specialist, Children's Emergency Department, Starship Children's Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand
- Robert AH Scott MBBS FRCOphth FRCS(Ed) DipMedEd DM
- Topic 60
- Professor of Ophthalmology, Royal College of Ophthalmologists, London; Consultant Ophthalmologist, Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, Birmingham, UK
- Davendra M Sharma MB BCh BAO MRCS MSc(Urol) FRCS(Urol)
- Topic 31
- Consultant in Urology, St George's Hospital, London, UK
- Topic 84
- Specialty Trainee in Emergency Medicine and
- Prehospital Emergency Medicine, St Mary's Hospital, London, UK
- Topic 80
- Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia, Royal London Hospital, London, UK
- Adikarige Haritha Dulanka Silva BA(Hons) MA(Hons) MBBChir MPhil(Cantab) MRCS(Eng)
- Topics 53, 54
- Trainee in Neurosurgery, West Midlands Rotation, UK
- Topic 41
- Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
- Iain Smith MA MB BChir MSc MRCSEd
- Topic 49
- Clinical Research Fellow and Specialty Registrar in General Surgery, Royal Centre for Defence Medicine and NIHR Surgical Reconstruction and Microbiology Research Centre, Birmingham, UK
- Jason E Smith MD MRCP(UK) FRCEM RN
- Topics 13, 18
- Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Defence
- Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Adam Stannard BSc MBChB FRCS RN
- Topic 91
- Consultant in Vascular Surgery, Defence Medical Services, Lichfield, UK
- Arunan Sujenthiran MRCS MBBS BSc(Hons)
- Topic 31
- Academic Clinical Fellow in Urology & Specialty
- Registrar in Urology, London Rotation, UK
- Simon Tan MBBS MRCS FRCS(Tr&Orth)
- Topic 65
- Consultant in Hand and Peripheral Nerve Surgery, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Rhys Thomas MBBS FRCA DipIMC RCSEd
- Topic 45
- Co-Director, Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Service (EMRTS), Swansea, UK
- Sarah Watts PhD
- Topics 44, 45, 46
- Principal Scientist, Defence Science and
- Technology Laboratory Porton Down,
- Salisbury, UK
- Gemma Winzor MBChB MPH
- Topic 52
- Specialty Trainee in Medical Microbiology, West Midlands Rotation, UK
- Thomas Woolley MD FRCA
- Topic 69
- Consultant in Anaesthesia,
- Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, UK
- Matthew Wordsworth MA(Cantab) MRCS DMCC RAMC
- Topics 17, 85
- Trainee in Plastic Surgery, London
- Rotation, UK
- Chris Wright MB ChB DIMC FCEM RAMC
- Topics 4, 72, 74
- Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Defence Consultant Advisor in Prehospital Emergency Care, St Mary's Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK
- Parjam Zolfaghari MBBS PhD FRCA DICM FFICM
- Topic 59
- Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and
- Anaesthesia, Royal London Hospital, London, UK