Aggregation 66
Alcohol, effects of, on fertility 104
Alpha-receptor blocking agents, and retrograde ejaculation 90
Androgens 4
Aneuploidy testing 115
Annexin-V 113
Antidepressants, and retrograde ejaculation 90
Array comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) technology 115
ART see Assisted reproduction therapy (ART)
ASAs see Antisperm antibodies (ASAs)
Aspermia 69
impact of, on sperm function tests 49 (see also Sperm function tests (SFTs))
Atomic force microscopy 114
Candida albicans 77
Cervical mucus 47
Chlamydia trachomatis 58
Chromosome microdeletions 48
Collection artifacts 66
Computer-aided sperm analyses (CASA) 17
Congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens (CBAVDs) 69
Congenital rubella syndrome 121
Corpora cavernosa 2
Corpus spongiosum 2
Diff-Quik stain 15
Dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) 94
Direct swim-up technique 42 see also Sperm preparation
Dithiothreitol (DTT) 127
Donor sperm 93
Donor sperm banking 123
Earle's balanced salt solution 27
Efferent ductules 2
Egg yolk, as extender 94
Ejaculatory duct 2
Electroejaculation 69
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) 52
Eosin–nigrosin test 16
Epididymal obstruction 69
Escherichia coli (E. Coli) 75
European Union (EU) Directive, for sperm laboratories 119
cryopreservation 121
equipment and materials 120
facilities 120
laboratory testing 121
quality management 121
traceability 120
EUTCD see European Tissues and Cells Directive (EUTCD)
Extenders 94
External quality assessment (EQA) service 17
Gardnerella vaginalis 58
Genital tract infections 69
Globozoospermia 15
Glucose, in culture media 29
Gonadotropins 105
Ham's F10 or T6 solution 27
Hematospermia 11
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) 71
Hoechst 33342 126
Human sperm cryobanking 93
indications for 93
autoconservation 93
donor sperm conservation 93
cryoprotectants 94
sperm thawing 97
Human tubal fluid (HTF) 27
Hyaluronan-binding assay 48
ICSI see Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
Immotile cilia syndrome 5
Immotile sperm viability assay 112
Immunobead test (IBT) 52
Insemination program 103
emotional support and counseling for 109
fertility nurse's role in 103
loading of IUI catheter 107
patient preparation for insemination 107
standard operating procedures (SOPs) for 104
steps after insemination procedure 108
Internal quality control (IQC) 17
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) 53, 54, 60, 77, 81–82, 91, 93, 111 see also Surgical sperm retrieval (SSR)
and bacterial contamination 77
risk of infection during 77
sperm morphology in, influence of 21
IUI see Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
Microepididymal sperm aspiration (MESA) 81 see also Surgical sperm retrieval (SSR)
Microsort see Fluorescence-activated flow cytometry
Multitube direct swim-up technique 42 see also Sperm preparation
Mycoplasma genitalium 77
Pap-stain 15
Pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) 29
Pentoxifylline 112
Percutaneous sperm aspiration (PESA) 81 see also Surgical sperm retrieval (SSR)
Phenol red, use of, as a pH indicator 31
pH, semen 11
Phthalates 57
Plasmalogens 37
PLCzeta 114
Polyzoospermia 66
Postmortem sperm retrieval (PMSR) 123
Potassium simplex optimized medium (KSOM) 27
Primordial germ cells 3
Prostaglandins, and uterine contractions 38
Pyruvate, in culture media 28
Raman spectroscopy 114
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) 58
Rete testes obstruction 69
Rete testis 1
Semen, abnormal 65
aggregation and agglutination 66
color 66
fructose 65
low volume 65
pH 65
viscosity and liquefaction 66
computer-aided 17
laboratory area for 10
macroscopic assessment
color 11
liquefaction and viscosity 11
pH 11
microscopic assessment 11
antisperm antibodies 17
equipment for 11
vitality 16
performers of 7
quality assurance, need for 17
reasons for 7
sample production for
home production 8
specimen container 8
staff training for 7
and treatment
aspermia 69
genital tract infections 69
low/high volume semen 67
Semen quality, poor
Sertoli cells 4
Sex selection 125
history and background 126
natural methods for
diet and vaginal pH 125
timing of intercourse 125
Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) 69
Specimen container, semen 8
Spermatogonia 3
Sperm count 12
cancer patients and 122
information to patients 122
postmortem sperm retrieval 123
storage contracts for patients 122
Sperm function tests (SFTs) 45
objective of 45
sperm acrosome reaction 46
sperm chromatin assessment 48
sperm longevity assessment 46
sperm maturity appraisal 48
stress tolerance test 45
vitality testing 46
Sperm head polarization microscopy 114
Spermiation 3
Sperm-omics 115
Sperm–oocyte activation process 114
protocol for harvesting motile sperm 40
direct swim-up technique 42
multitube direct swim-up technique 42
semen collection 40
swim-up technique 38
Sperm-rise test 38
Split pot procedure 53
SSR see Surgical sperm retrieval (SSR)
Stress tolerance test 45
considerations in
digestive enzyme, use of 84
DNA damage, levels of 83
fertilization rates and pregnancy outcome 83
fresh or frozen sperm 83
motility enhancement 84
single or multiple biopsies 83
equipment for 85
medium for 85
preparation for 85
samples, cryopreservation of 86
microepididymal sperm aspiration 81
thawing in 86
Tadalafil (Cialis) 69
Testicular dysgenesis syndrome 57
Theophylline 112
Tight foreskin 7
Tray agglutination test 52