Recent Advances in Gastroenterology-14
Recent Advances in Gastroenterology-14
Her Hsin Tsai MD FRCP
Editor-in-Chief GastroHep An International Gastroenterology Journal

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Recent Advances in Gastroenterology-14
First Edition: 2021
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The loving memory of my father
- Alexandre Loktionov MD PhD
- Director
- Diag Nodus Ltd
- Babraham Research Campus
- Babraham, UK
- Ali Abdullah MD
- Senior Physician
- Department of Internal Medicine C
- Kaplan Medical Center
- Rehovot, Israel
- AR Jayakumar PhD
- General Medical Research
- Neuropathology Section
- R&D Service
- Bruce W Carter Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
- Miami, Florida
- Arjun Sugumaran MBBS FRCP FRACP
- Consultant Gastroenterologist
- Hutt Hospital
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Lower Hutt, New Zealand
- Aung Hlaing Bwa
- MBBS DipBiomedSc MRCP FRCP Edin
- Consultant Physician
- Department of Hepatology
- Yangon GI and Liver Centre
- Yangon, Myanmar
- Catriona Scicluna MD MRCP MSc
- Higher Specialist Trainee
- Department of Gastroenterology
- Mater Dei Hospital
- Msida, Malta
- Christopher Harmston
- Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
- Whangarei Hospital
- Whangarei, New Zealand
- Corinna Hauff MRCP FRCR
- Consultant Radiologist
- Hull and East Yorkshire University Hospitals NHS Trust, Hull, UK
- Her Hsin Tsai MD FRCP
- Editor-in-Chief
- GastroHep
- An International Gastroenterology Journal
- J Zizzo MD
- Medical Research
- Neuropathology Section
- R&D Service
- Bruce W Carter Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
- Miami, Florida
- Javier P Gisbert MD
- Gastroenterology Unit
- Hospital Universitario de La Princesa
- Madrid, Spain
- John Schembri MD MRCP MSc
- Resident Specialist
- Department of Gastroenterology
- Mater Dei Hospital
- Msida, Malta
- Khin Maung Win
- Director
- Yangon GI and Liver Centre, Myanmar
- Honorary Professor
- Department of Hepatology
- Yangon GI and Liver Center
- Yangon, Myanmar
- Olga P Nyssen MD
- Gastroenterology Unit
- Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBEREHD)
- Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria
- Princesa (IIS-IP)
- Hospital Universitario de La Princesa
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Madrid, Spain
- Pierre Ellul MD PhD FRCP MS
- Consultant Gastroenterologist
- Mater Dei Hospital, Msida, Malta
- Pradeep Bhandari
- Professor
- Department of Gastroenterology
- Queen Alexandra Hospital
- Portsmouth, UK
- Si Thu Sein Win MBBS
- Senior Medical Officer
- Department of Hepatology
- Yangon GI and Liver Centre
- Yangon, Myanmar
- Soe Thiha Maung MBBS MRCP
- Senior Medical Officer
- Department of Hepatology and
- Endoscopy Unit
- Clinical Manager
- Yangon GI and Liver Centre, Myanmar
- Chief Medical Officer
- Win Sammering Specialist Clinic and
- Medical Check-up Centre
- Yangon, Myanmar
- Sreedhari Thayalasekaran
- Research Fellow
- Department of Gastroenterology
- Queen Alexandra Hospital
- Portsmouth, UK
- Stephen Malnick
- MA (Oxon) MSc MBBS (Lond) AGAF
- Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine
- Director
- Department of Internal Medicine C
- Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot, Israel
- Z Rahaman MD
- South Florida Veterans Affairs Foundation for Research and
- Education Inc
- Bruce W Carter Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Miami, Florida
As clinical and basic research in the specialty of gastroenterology continues to advance at an unrelenting pace, keeping step with these advances can be challenging. Gastroenterology is a wide, diverse specialty and Recent Advances in Gastroenterology aims to be a digest where the busy clinician and the budding trainee can delve into and acquire the expanding knowledge base in a single tidy volume. To this end, I have been tasked to put together an anthology of topics in gastroenterology, focusing on areas where there is considerable clinical interest, and anticipating areas where there may be significant important future developments. My task has been greatly facilitated by an eminent international team of experts in their field. We have contributors from no less than seven nationalities across the four continents of Europe, Asia, North America, and Oceania.
The topics chosen reflect the diverse and varied specialty. Selecting the right topics for review was challenging. I have avoided repetition of topics covered in the last iteration and picked areas that have seen rapid advancements and significant changes and focusing on areas where there have been developments in clinical management. Hence, there is a brace of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) chapters, in medical and surgical aspects of ulcerative colitis management. This is followed by two other luminal gastroenterology chapters on rarer but important gastrointestinal (GI) conditions—the evolving scene of microcytic colitis and eosinophilic enteropathy. Upper GI diseases are represented by a Helicobacter pylori eradication master class. There are three chapters of endoscopy/imaging related topics with one on the growing influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in diagnostic imaging. There follows a chapter on improving polyp detection and one on reducing post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) pancreatitis. This is intercalated by two chapters on basic science which the clinicians will find stimulating and may provide the basis of future therapy. The first is on the role of eosinophils and the gut and the second is on gut mucin and its role in health and disease by an eminent GI scientist. Then, there are the chapters on hepatology, reflecting the state-of-the-art with hepatitis C therapy with an Asian perspective and the growing importance of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and concluding with a chapter on hepatic neurological changes. Finally, we cannot ignore the current global pandemic of COVID-19 and I have included a reflection of its impact on gastroenterology.
I would like to thank my contributors who have delivered their chapters on time in the very tight time constraints imposed on them. They have done a superb job indeed.
Her Hsin Tsai
Beverley, UK
I would like to thank all my contributors who have delivered their excellent chapters in a timely fashion. We are especially thankful to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS Mani (Group President), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director—Content Strategy), Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head), and Ms Nikita Chauhan (Senior Development Editor) of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India.