Acetaminophen 240
Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration 248
Acute closed-angle glaucoma 169
Adaptive arms 70
Adhesion molecules 67
Adrenocorticosteroids 60
Akkermansia muciniphila 90
Allergic reactions 65
Alzheimer's disease 251
American College of Gastroenterology 132
American Gastroenterology Association 39
American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 37
Amiselimod 14
Ammonia 250
Amnesia, mild 245
Amphetamines 240
Anabolic steroids 240
Anaerobic luminal bacteria 89
Anal canal 25
Anastomosis 24
Ancylostoma caninum 57
Anemia 4
Angiotensin receptor blockers 31
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors 31
Anti-adhesion agents 7
Antidepressants 240
Anti-infliximab antibody 6
Anti-interleukin inhibitors 9
Antimitochondrial antibodies 34
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies 245
Antinuclear antibodies 34
Antiretroviral medications 235
Antithyroid antibodie 34
Anti-TNFα therapy 41
Antiviral therapy 233
Apoptotic cells 73f
Arthralgia 244
Ascaris 57
Ascitic tap 52
Asthma 50
Astrocyte swelling 240
Autoimmune diseases 31
Autonomic neuronal dysfunction 244
B lymphocytes 225
Bacterial biofilm 97
Bacterial infectious diseases 107
Bariatric surgery 199
Barrett's esophagus 159
Barrett's mucosa 159
Basidiobolomycosis 57
Bat-borne virus 261
Beclomethasone dipropionate 39
Bile duct cannulation 188
Biological therapy, effect of 22
based regimen 123
levofloxacin-amoxicillin treatment 124
quadruple therapy 115
salicylate 39
Blue laser imaging 173
Body mass index 198
Bone marrow 65
Calcinosis 31
Canagliflozin 203
Capillaria 57
Carcinogenesis 96
Cecal intubation rate 167
Celiac disease, screening for 39
Cerebral edema 240
Cerebrospinal fluid 242
Chemokines 67
Chemotherapeutic drugs 248
Cholangiocarcinoma 247
Cholangiography, percutaneous transhepatic 185
Cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde 184
Cholangitis, primary sclerosing 21
Churg-Strauss syndrome 58
Closed-angle glaucoma 169
Coagulation, abnormal 184
Cocaine 240
Coeliac disease 30
Colonic mucosal patterns, visualization of 171
Colonoscopes, standard 176
Colorectal neoplasia 161
Comorbid disease, exacerbation of 186
Concomitant therapy 113
Confocal laser endomicroscopy 36
Consciousness 244
Conventional therapy 248
Coriobacteriaceae 30
Corticosteroids 60
Cotton's consensus 185
COVID-19 on
delivery of gastrointestinal services, effect of 265
gastroenterology, impact of 261
gastrointestinal endoscopy, effect of 264
patients with pre-existing gastrointestinal diseases, effect of 265
Cryoglobulinemia 245
Cryoglobulins 245
Cryptitis 37
Cytomegalovirus 241
Cytotoxic cationic proteins 65
Cytotoxic T-cells 74
Dapagliflozin 204
Deep mucosal biopsies 52
Degranulation 77
Delirium 240
Dendritic cells 74
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans 90
Detoxification 238
Device-assisted colonoscopy 174
Digestive symptoms 264
Diminutive adenomas, diagnosis of 178
Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors 202
Diplopia 246
Disease flare, indicator of 3
Double-wire technique 189
Duodenal involvement 54f
Dysbiosis 92
Dysmotility 50
Dysreflexia, autonomic 240
Dysregulations, transcriptomic 93
Eczema 50
Elafibranor 205
Elbasvir 234
Electrolyte solutions 190
Electronic chromoendoscop 35
Elemental diet 59
Encephalomyelitis 244
Encephalopathic syndromes 245
Endorings 175
Endoscopic bile duct balloon dilatation 189
Endoscopic mucosal resolution 15
Endoscopic ultrasound 188
English Bowel Cancer Screening Programme 169
Enteritis 49
Enterocytes 88
Enteroendocrine cells 88
Eosin stain staining 55
classification 49
assessment 50
course 58
features 50
diagnosis 55
differential diagnosis 55
epidemiology 50
natural history 58
pathogenesis 50
small bowel involvement of 55f
Eosinophilopoiesis 66f
cut-off levels of 57t
functions of 68
human 65
maturation 65
migration of 67
secretory functions of 67
Epithelial barriers 65
Epithelial surface 91
Epstein-Barr virus 241
Erythema 35
Erythrocytes 73f
Esophageal cancer, diagnosis of 159
Esophageal disease 49
Esophageal dysmotility 31
Esophageal tissue 263
Esophagitis, eosinophilic 49
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 36
Esophagus 49
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 234
Etrolizumab 9
European Association for Study of Liver 207
European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group 109
European Microscopic Colitis Group 40
Exogenous hormone therapy 30
Eyes 51
Fatty acids 250
Fecal immunochemical test 176
Fecal transplant 42
Fetal scalp monitors 233
Flexible spectral imaging color enhancement 173
Focal liver lesion detection 157
Focal nodular hyperplasia 247
Food allergies 50
Fuji intelligent chromoendoscopy 35
Fujifilm endoscopes 173
Full-spectrum endoscopy 177
Fusobacterium nucleatum 97
Galactosamine 240
antral mass 58
endoscopic detection of 160t
infiltrative 57
epithelium 123
hydrochloric acid 86
malignancy 164
diagnosis of 159
obstruction 51
Gastroenterology 151
conditions, group of 49
diseases 33
endoscopy 159
mucus structure 87f
physicians 151
physiology 98
radiology 155
symptoms 263
tract 86
Generic biosimilars 2
G-eye colonoscopy 177
Grasp reflexes 249
Grazoprevir 234
Guanidine monophosphate synthetase 5
Guanosine monophosphate synthetase 5
Guillain-Barré syndrome 242
Gut bacteria 88
Gut immune system, maintenance of 70
Gut inflammation, mediators of 1
Gut microbiota 94
H2 receptor antagonist 32
Hallucinogens 240
Healthy liver 238
antibiotic resistance 127
clarithromycin resistance 127
cure rate 107
gastritis 107
growth of 124
after treatment 133
cure of 130
eradication of 122t
risks of 129
isolates 113
regimens 110
related disease 131
resistance of 123
strains 114
failure 134
testing after 132
Hemangioma, hepatic 247
Hemianopsia 244
Hemiparesis 244
Hemodialysis 226
Hemorrhage 10
Hepatic coma 240
Hepatic failure, fulminant 240
Hepatic fat accumulation 197
Hepatic tissue 238
virus 241
chronic 244
complications of 243
surface antigen 243
virus 243
diagnosis 227
during pregnancy, treatment of 232
epidemiology 223
management of 223
pathogenesis 224
therapeutics 231
viremia 227
virus infection 223
Hepatobiliary-pancreatic disorders 184
Hepatopathy, congestive 238
Hepatorenal syndrome 227
Heroin 240
Herpes simplex virus 241
Homeostasis, immunological 238
Hormonal balance 238
Host cell exfoliation 91
Human intestinal tract 65
Human leukocyte antigen 30
Hybrid therapy 115
Hydration, intravenous 190
Hypereosinophilic syndrome 57
Hypertension 198
Idiopathic noncirrhotic portal 247
Immunomodulators 41
Infertility, risk of 24
Inflammatory bowel disorder 29
Inflammatory conditions, treatment of 12
Innate arms 70
Interferon 11
regulatory factor 11
sensitivity determining region 225
stimulated response element 11
Intestinal microbiome, role of 206
Intestinal mucosal barrier, functionality of 68
Intestinal protective barrier, component of 88
Intestine, small 87f
Intracellular accumulation 240
Intracellular tight junctions 88
Irritable bowel syndrome 2
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 58
Laparoscopy 52
Leaving scar tissue 238
Leukoencephalitis 244
Leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal 8
Lipolytic digestive enzymes 86
Lipoprotein, low-density 205
cancer, primary 223
conditions, chronic 266
neurological complications in 238
stage of 238
enzyme tests 264
failure 238
acute 239
fibrosis 228
stages 205
function 264
abnormal 248
lesions 156
diffuse 158
toxins 240
transplantation 238
Low-birth weight infants 232
Lungs 58
Lymph glands 51
Lymph nodes 13
Lymphoid organs 13
Lymphoma 131
Maastricht consensus report 132
Malaise 245
Malignant cells, exfoliated 97
Malignant diseases, treatment of 157
Malignant lesions, chemotherapy of 157
Mature eosinophils
functional characteristics of 65
migration of 66f
structural characteristics of 65
Mayo score 2
Medical management, failure of 21
Menopausal hormone therapy 30
Mepolizumab 62
Mercaptans 250
Metastatic disease 247
Methotrexate 41
Methylmercaptopurine 5
Methylthioinosine monophosphate 5
antibiotics 40
clinical features 33
development of 32t
diagnosis 34
environmental factors 31
epidemiology 29
lifestyle modification 38
management 38
medications 39
pathophysiology 29
prescribed medications 31
probiotics 40
risk factors 33
surgery 42
Migration 91
Modern health delivery system 158
Mononeuropathy multiplex 243
Motor axonal neuropathy, acute 242
Mucosal Addressin-cell adhesion molecule 8
Multidrug-resistant transporter genes 118
Multifactorial disease 74
Multi-light technology 173
Multiorgan failure 238
N-acetyl-aspartate 246
N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate concentrations 246
Natalizumab 8
Neoplastic lesions 159
Neurotoxicity, risk of 40
Nitroglycerine, transdermal 190
Nonbismuth quadruple sequential and concomitant regimens 123
Non-nucleoside inhibitor 230
Nucleoside inhibitor 230
Nucleotide inhibitor 230
Nystagmus 249
Obesity, complications of 216
Oddi dysfunction, sphincter of 184
Oddi pressure 190
Olympus medical systems 176
Omalizumab 62
Optimized 5-ASA therapies 4
Optimized immunosuppressive therapies 4
Optimizing anti-TNF treatments 5
Optimizing conventional therapies 2
Oral contraceptive pill 30
Organ failure 186
Orlistat 200
Ozanimod 14
Painful red eye 169
Pancreatic inflammation 186
Pancreatitis Across Nations Clinical Research and Education Alliance 186
Pancreatogram, endoscopic 184
Paneth cells 88
Panproctocolectomy 23
Parvimonas micra 97
Pediatric obesity 215
Penicillin allergy 125
Pentoxifylline 41
Peptic ulcer 130
Peptostreptococcus stomatis 97
Pioglitazone 201
Polymerase chain reaction 228
Polyneuropathy, chronic relapsing 243
Polypeptide, glucose-dependent insulinotropic 202
Portal hypertension, presence of 228
Positron emission tomography 158
Precut sphincterotomies 189
Prophylactic pancreatic stent 189
Prostate cancer 10
Proteolytic granzyme 76
Proximal colon retroflexion 169
Pruritus 242
Pseudotumor, inflammatory 247
Psychomotor, dysfunctional 244
Ptosis, severe 246
Pylorus, thickened 53f
Pyramidal tract signs 248
Rabeprazole 121
Rapid cell death 67
Rapid mucus renewal 88
Raynaud's phenomenon 31
Rectal cancer 10
Rectal malignancy, risk of 23
Rectal tumors, low 24
Red blood cells 37
Reflux 50
Renal papillary cancer 10
Reslizumab 62
Retroflexion 169
Rhinitis 50
Rosiglitazone 201
Saccharomyces boulardii 126
Sanger sequencing 228
on gastrointestinal tract, effect of 263
structure of 261
to host cell, attachment of 262f
Saturated fats 198
Scar tissue 238
Sclerodactyly 31
Seizures 240
Sensory axonal neuropathy 242
Sentinel cells 89
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors 34
Sertraline 32
Serum fasting glucose 203
Sessile serrated polyps 167
Sigmoid eosinophilic colitis, colonoscopic appearance of 54f
Sjogren's syndrome 31
Small bowel obstruction 24
Somatostatin 190
Spectrum bias 152
Sphincters 24
Sphingosine kinase 13
Sphingosine lyase 13
Standard six-food elimination diet 59
Standard triple therapy, efficacy of 120t
Stiff nonpliable mucosa 35
Stone diseases, surgery for 184
Stool urgency 33
Subepithelial collagen band 35
Sufferer's quality of life 1
Tachycardia 4
T-cell trafficking 8f
Thiazolidinediones 201
Thioacetamide 240
Thioguanine nucleotide 5
Thiouric acid 5
Thioxanthine monophosphate 5
Thumb, rules of 133b
Tissue remodeling 65
Toxic megacolon 20
Toxic metabolite 6-methylmercaptopurine 5
Toxin resistance 238
Transverse colon 54f
Trichinella 57
Trichiura 57
Trigger gene expression 11
acute severe 3f
endoscopic index of severity 2
moderate-to-severe 1
severe 3f
surgical management of 19
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy 159
Urinary retention 244