Introduction: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common clinical condition reported at psychiatric hospitals. Reasonable estimates for its one year prevalence range from 3 to 8%. It is characterized by excessive, uncontrollable and irrational worries about day to day events. Most of the features of GAD are similar with that of chittodwega in Ayurveda.
Materials and Methods: This study is a prospective randomized open clinical trial conducted in GAD patients. One hundred patients fulfilling the selection criteria were enrolled from the out patient department (OPD) of the institute. They were randomized into two groups of 50 patients each. First group patients ware administered with Ashwagandha Churna tablets 1.5 gms (Withania Somnifera Linn), and Mandookaparni churna tablets 1.5 gms (centella asiatica) twice daily after food for 12 weeks. In the second group along with the same oral medications Shirodhara with Ksheerabala Taila was performed for 30 minutes daily for the initial seven days only. Outcome measures were improvement in total and individual constituents of hamilton anxiety rating (HAR) scale which were assessed at baseline and at 28th day, 56th day and 84th day. Paired sample t-test was used to compare mean change in hamilton rating scale (HRS) values from baseline to the 84th day. A p-value of < 0.05 was considered as significant.
Results: A t t he e nd o f 1 2 w eeks c ompared w ith b aseline statistically significant improvement was observed in Hamliton rating scale score (p-value < 0.001) in both the groups. The treatment was found to be safe and effective as all the safety parameters were in the stipulated range. No adverse drug reaction or event was reported during the trial period.
Conclusion: Oral administration of Ashwagandha and Mandookaparni churna in tablet forms with or without combination of Shirodhara were found to be effective in the treatment of GAD patients.