Rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) are ubiquitous in nature and are associated with opportunistic nosocomial infections requiring prolonged and multiple antibiotics. Here we report a PCR confirmed case of M. fortuitum complex infection in a post laproscopic inguinal hernia repair using prolene mesh. To the best of our knowledge we have for the first time evaluated the role of PCR using specific primers for the diagnosis of M. fortuitum complex both fromclinical samples and fromculture isolate. A 62 year old physician developed low grade fever and pain over the right iliac fossa after an inguinal hernia repair. Mycobacteriological investigation revealed M. fortuitum infection. Subsequently using specific primer, M. fortuitum complex DNAwas demonstrated both in clinical sample and culture isolate. Patient was startedwith clarithromycin, doxycycline and streptomycin. Thus, PCR is a promising tool for the rapid diagnosis of difficult to treat infections caused by M. fortuitum complex.