Evaluation of 4% Sodium Hypochlorite in eliminating Enterococcus faecalis from the Root Canal when Used with Three Irrigation Methods: An in vitro Study

JOURNAL TITLE: The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice

1. Vinisha Pandey
2. Abhishek Bagul
3. Kishore Kumar Majety
4. Harsh Priyank
5. Parul Verma
6. Basanta Kumar Choudhury
Publishing Year
Author Affiliations
    1. Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Faculty of Dental Sciences, Rama University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
    1. Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Hazaribagh College of Dental Sciences & Hospital, Hazaribagh Jharkhand, India
    1. Department of Prosthodontics, S.M.B.T. Dental College & Hospital, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India
    1. Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, GSL Dental College & Hospital, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India
    1. Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Institute of Dental Sciences, Sehora, Jammu, India
    1. Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Institute of Dental Science, Sum Hospital Rd, Shampur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
  • Article keywords



    Endodontic treatment removes all pathogens, such as Enterococcus faecalis from pulp and root canals. The aim of this study is to assess the usefulness of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) in removing E. faecalis from the root canal used with three different irrigation methods.

    Materials and methods

    This study was conducted on freshly extracted maxillary incisors. After biomechanical preparation, root canals were injected with E. faecalis. Three groups were made which contained 30 teeth in each group; 2 mL of NaOCl solution was used for irrigation followed by agitation with K-files in group I; 2 mL of NaOCl solution was used for irrigation and ultrasonic agitation was done in group II. In group III, an alternate irrigation with NaOCl and 3% hydrogen peroxide was done. The fourth group (control) was irrigated with sterile saline solution. E. faecalis bacteria were sampled to the root canals with paper points and were transferred to tubes that contained 5 mL of brain heart infusion broth. Tubes were incubated and the presence of broth turbidity was suggestive of bacteria remaining in the root canal.


    All three groups showed no statistically significant difference. However, difference existed between experimental groups and control groups.


    The author concluded that all three methods of application of NaOCl were effective in disinfecting the root canal than the saline solution.

    Clinical significance

    No single irrigant has 100% efficiency. Thus by this study, a best irrigating solution with maximum properties can be established.

    How to cite this article

    Priyank H, Pandey V, Bagul A, Majety KK, Verma P, Choudhury BK. Evaluation of 4% Sodium Hypochlorite in eliminating Enterococcus faecalis from the Root Canal when Used with Three Irrigation Methods: An in vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(3):214-217.

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