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JOURNAL TITLE: International Journal of Infertility & Fetal Medicine
Bruce et al had shown, during 1959 to 1968, that if, 24 hours after mating, a mouse belonging to a different inbred strain than the stud mouse was placed in the cage of the female mouse, partitioned in such a way that no physical contact of the nonstud male with the female was possible, pregnancy was blocked. We, therefore, decided to determine whether, by analogy with mice, isolation of women from all other men except the husband, for 3 days after embryo transfer following
We isolated randomly selected 729 women from all other men except the husband for 3 full days after embryo transfer following IVF/ICSI, and followed them to the end of pregnancy; 1005 randomly selected women who were treated similarly but not isolated served as the control group.
The establishment of clinical pregnancy as well as live births were more than 50% higher in the isolated group than in the control.
The social isolation as mentioned above could substantially increase the success rates in IVF or ICSI. While the exact mechanism of this phenomenon is yet to be understood, one possible explanation may be, by analogy with mice, an olfactory block to implantation.
Rao KA, Srinivas MS, Kottur A, Majumdar PP, Bhargava PM. Social Isolation Following Embryo Transfer Increases Success Rates in IVF and ICSI Cycles. Int J Infertility Fetal Med 2012;3(1):8-14.
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