Introduction: At many centers across the world, endoscopic thyroid surgery has become a well-established and safe alternative in selected patients at present. In this review, we have described the “Ten Commandments” for safe endoscopic thyroid surgery.
Materials and surgical techniques: This review is based on our own experience and review of literature related to endoscopic thyroid surgery. Patients and techniques should be selected wisely while performing endoscopic thyroid surgery. Crucial steps are the creation of sufficient working space, and the identification of superior laryngeal nerve, parathyroids, and recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN).
Conclusion: As the surgical field keeps advancing, many more commandments will keep on adding to the armamentarium of surgeons and hence our 11th commandment is that thou shalt keep learning, unlearning, and re-learning. The bottom line however is to master the surgical anatomy and the correct way of doing endoscopic thyroid surgery.