Aims and objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine the appropriate reference standard for eruption timing of primary teeth in infants and preschool children of Bhopal city and to determine the role of various factors affecting the eruption of primary dentition.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among the infants and preschool children (4–36 months) attending the local government or private hospitals, and vaccination centers. Prior to the study, Institutional Ethical Committee clearance and informed written consent from the parents were obtained. The data were collected from fullterm infants and preschool children of 4 to 36 months from Bhopal city.
Oral examination was done under adequate natural light by a single examiner using mouth mirror and probe. Teeth present in the oral cavity were noted by using Federation Dentaire Internationale system of nomenclature in the preformed proforma. The teeth were considered as erupted, when any part of its crown had penetrated the gingiva and was visible in the oral cavity. Height, weight, birth weight, and other close-ended questions in questionnaire were asked from parents.
Results and conclusion: The data collected were statistically analyzed and it was observed that significant relation exists between tooth eruption and birth weight, feeding habits, socioeconomic status, and body mass index (BMI). Based on the findings, it may be concluded that Indian children experienced delayed eruption of primary teeth when compared with children of different countries and standard norms.