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JOURNAL TITLE: International Journal of Advanced and Integrated Medical Sciences
The present study was undertaken to observe the variations of the first rib and understand the significance of such variations.
Fifty first ribs obtained from the Museum of Anatomy Department of Rohilkhand Medical College & Hospital, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India, were studied to see if any anomaly was present and check its incidence in the Indian population sample and draw clinical and other significances of such variations.
The findings are discussed and conclusions are drawn. Variations detected include absence of scalene tubercle, vascular groove on the superior surface, rudimentary head and tubercle of the rib, oblique ridge, and exostosis. Their incidence and significance are discussed.
The findings are of considerable clinical, regional, and racial significance.
Structural malformations of first rib are common, and when present may lead to compression of the neurovascular bundle at the root of the neck. Awareness of such anomalies is important for anatomists, radiologists, and thoracic surgeons dealing with this region.
Rashia S, Zaidi SHH. A Morphological Study of First Rib Anomalies. Int J Adv Integ Med Sci 2017;2(2):70-72.
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