Objective: To present a patient with orbital cellulitis case report and an updated literature review.
Background: Periorbital cellulitis is an infection of the superficial soft tissues anterior to the orbital septum; it is called orbital cellulitis when it affects structures posterior to this. Its etiology varies from sinusitis to local infections due to insect bites, trauma, or dissemination.
Case Description: This is a 14-year-old patient with orbital cellulitis secondary to maxillary sinusitis that required intravenous antibiotic coverage and surgical drainage.
Conclusion: Periorbital and orbital cellulitis are soft tissue infections that predominate in the pediatric population. The prognosis is favorable when the correct diagnosis and treatment are performed to prevent the severe complications of orbital cellulitis.
Clinical Importance: Differentiating each entity is crucial for providing updated and timely treatment to the patient, as the resulting complications can be life-threatening.