Indian Journal of Respiratory Care

by Madhuragauri Shevade

Aims & Scope

Indian Journal of Respiratory Care (IJRC), the official publication of Indian Association of Respiratory Care (, is a peer-reviewed print + online quarterly journal. The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository. The journal published biannually from 2012-2020. IJRC brought out editions quarterly in 2021 including a COVID-19 supplement. From January 2022 onwards, it is a quarterly journal. The journal's full text is available online at

IJRC provides a unique platform for clinicians and researchers in India and across the globe to showcase research on pertinent respiratory issues and the advancements in respiratory care. Launched in January 2012, IJRC is first of its kind, catering to the academic and publishing needs of respiratory therapists and all health care personnel in India dealing with respiratory care including pulmonologists, intensivists, anaesthesiologists, physicians, physiotherapists, critical care nurses and other allied healthcare professionals.

The journal will provide a unique platform for the clinicians, researchers, and academicians to cover technical and clinical studies that showcase and promote relevant topics and advancements related to respiratory therapy, respiratory medicine, pulmonology, critical care, respiratory care nursing, home respiratory care, sleep medicine, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, pulmonary rehabilitation, paediatric respiratory care, healthcare education and a wide range of other respiratory topics. The articles can be original studies, review articles, case reports/series, letter to the editor, short communications, surveys, and audits, continuing medical education and editorials. Articles submitted with clinical interest and implications especially to respiratory therapy and respiratory medicine from clinical specialities will be given preference. 

Ownership and Management

Indian Journal of Respiratory Care is owned and managed by the Indian Association of Respiratory Care, and Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd is the publisher.

About the Society

Indian Association of Respiratory Care 

The Indian Association of Respiratory Care (IARC) is an organization for the young and dynamic Respiratory Therapists in and around India. Respiratory therapy is an allied medical specialty concerned with the evaluation and treatment of patients who have breathing problems. The fully organized respiratory course was started in India in 1995. The training imparted is similar to that of their counterparts in the USA. Respiratory therapists (RT) are in demand in hospitals and hospital-related organisations to provide direct patient care to those with acute and chronic respiratory problems. The field of respiratory therapy is growing rapidly. Diagnosis and management of adult respiratory disorders needing intensive care, neonatal and paediatric intensive care, pulmonary function testing, pulmonary rehabilitation, teaching and research opportunities are areas that offer opportunities to the respiratory therapist for professional growth and personal satisfaction.

With more than 900 members nationwide as well as abroad, the IARC is the only professional society for respiratory therapists in India. It focuses on respiratory care professionals in hospitals and with home care companies, managers of respiratory and cardiopulmonary services, and educators who provide respiratory care training.

The association has always had a strong advisory board which includes professional and pioneers such as Anaesthesiologists, Pulmonologists, Internal Medicine specialists, Intensivist, Cardiologists and Paediatricians and has now successfully incorporated Respiratory Therapists who are the core members of this organization.

The organization carries out respiratory care activities and agenda along with educational activities. The organization has come a long way indeed and has gained momentum in membership, organizing continuing education, encouraging research and collaborative programs with the target of improving respiratory health care in the nation. IARC is also a body for professional degree standardisation and validation at present for the Respiratory Therapists of India. 

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Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd is committed to supporting health, medical and dental research communities across continents. Jaypee Journals, a division of Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers is one of the largest medical publishers in the world and provides high-quality open-access journals that are trustworthy, authoritative, and accessible to researchers. We provide high-quality support at all stages of the publishing cycle so that we can help researchers publish their work. We are the partners of success for researchers through global standard publishing as well as open access.

We are the partners of success for researchers through global standard publishing as well as open access.

Publication Frequency

Indian Journal of Respiratory Care is a quarterly publication.

Digital Preservation / Archiving:

Indian Journal of Respiratory Care provides for long-term digital preservation through PORTICO

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Journal Detail

    ISSN 2277-9019
    Speciality Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine
    DOI 10.5005/jp-journals-11010

Madhuragauri Shevade
Manager, Training Programmes
Chest Research and Training Pvt Ltd, Pune
Maharashtra, India

Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

Harish Mallapura Maheshwarappa
Intensive Care Physician
Department of Critical Care Medicine
Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Anitha Shenoy (Nileshwar)
Professor of Anaesthesiology
Kasturba Medical College
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal

Associate Editor

Gokul Krishna Gopalakrishnan
Assistant Professor
Batterjee Medical College
Jeddah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Section Editor (Original Articles)

Mohankumar Thekkinkattil
HOD and Senior Consultant Pulmonologist
Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
One Care Medical Center, Coimbatore, India

Ramesh Unnikrishnan
Senior Respiratory Therapist
Department of Respiratory Therapy
Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar

Section Editor (Review Articles)

Saumy Johnson
Associate Professor
Division of Respiratory Care, Department of Anaesthesia
Amrita Institute of Medical Science, Kochi, Kerala

Sanjay Sasikumar
Respiratory Therapist 1
Department of Respiratory Care Services, Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit
Rashid Hospital, Dubai Academic Health Corporation, Dubai, UAE

Section Editor (Continuing Education Articles)

Jithin K Sreedharan
Assistant Professor & Head of the Department
Department of Respiratory Therapy
College of Health Sciences, University of Doha for Science and Technology, Doha, Qatar

Specialty Editor (Respiratory Medicine)

Dr Vasudev Acharya
Kasturba Medical College
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India

Dr R Vijay Kumar
Consultant Pulmonologist
Hyderabad Chest Centre, Hyderabad, India

Specialty Editor (Adult Critical Care Medicine)

Suhail Sarwar Siddiqui
Asscociate Professor
Department of Critical Care Medicine
King George’s Medical University, Trauma Centre fifth floor, Chowk, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh India

Shivangi Mishra
Consultant Mazumdar Shaw Medical Center
Narayana Health City, Bengaluru, India

Vishal Shanbag
Associate Professor
Department of Critical Care Medicine, Kasturba Medical College
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal

Specialty Editor (Neonatal and Pediatric Medicine)

Gokul Krishna Gopalakrishnan
Assistant Professor
Batterjee Medical College
Jeddah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Anilkumar Sapare
Consultant and Head PICU
Narayana Health City, Bengaluru, India

Assistant Editor

Keerthi NS
Respiratory Therapy Instructor
Royal Service Medical College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Bahrain Defense Force, Bahrain

Kishore Kumar
Respiratory Therapist and Research Scholar
Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Mrudula M. Sawadkar
Guest faculty
Department of Respiratory Therapy
Manipal College of Health Professions, MAHE, Manipal, India


Zechariah Jebakumar Arulanantham
Section Edirtor: Bio Statistics
Prince Sultan Military College of Health Sciences
Dhahran, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

National Board Member
Heeralal Mahto
Respiratory Therapist, Grade 2
Rashid Hospital, Dubai Academic Health Corporation, Dubai, UAE

Lokesh Kumar Saini MD
Associate Professor
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) – Rishikesh

Ramya BM
Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Nithya Achaiah
Critical Care Medicine
Manipal Hospitals, Whitefield, Bengaluru, India

Radhika Adukia
Former Senior Registrar
NH Health City, Bangalore, India

Pratibha Todur
Head of department
Department of Respiratory Therapy
Manipal College of Health Professions, MAHE, Manipal, India

Ramkumar Venkateswaran
Former Professor and Head
Department of Anaesthesiology
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India

Komalkirti Apte
Managing Partner Excellentia Consulting Services

Suresh Nair
Lead Consultant
Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Aster Medicity, Kochi, Kerala
International Board Member
Dr. Kalpalatha Guntupalli
Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Ben Taub General Hospital, USA Program Director, Critical Care Fellowship, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA

Felix Khusid
Administrative Director Respiratory Therapy and Pulmonary Physiology Center
Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, USA

David W Chang
Department of Cardiorespiratory Care
University of South Alabama, USA

Khaled Ali Al Awam
Department of Respiratory Care
Inaya Medical College, Riyadh, KSA

Mathew Patteril
Consultant Anaesthetist
University Hospitals, Coventry, UK

Mohammed Al Ahmary
Research Head
Medical Services Division
Ministry of Defence and Aviation, Saudi Arabia

Saad Al Rabeeah
Respiratory care Program
Prince Sultan Military College for Health Sciences, Prince Sultan Military College of Health Sciences, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Ruben Restrepo
Distinguished Teaching professor
Department of Respiratory Care, San Antonio, Texas, USA

Zechariah Jebakumar Arulanantham
Section Edirtor: Bio Statistics
Prince Sultan Military College of Health Sciences
Dhahran, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Managing Editor

Mr. Richa Solanki

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