A Practical Approach to Robotic Surgery

by Ajit Saxena

This book describes a practical approach to robotic surgery. Robotic surgery and robotically assisted surgical procedures are newer technological developments in the field of minimally invasive surgical procedures, which enhance the capability of a surgeon. A surgeon can control the robotic instruments directly by a remote manipulator like telemanipulator or through the computer during any minimal invasive robotic surgery. Robotic surgeries carry higher accuracy, small incision, less blood loss, decreased pain and early healing. This book is complete in all aspects, having 7 sections such as robot and surgery, general surgery, thoracic and vascular surgery, gynecology, urogynecology, pediatric urology and, adult urology which include 31 chapters following as ergonomics, immunofluorescence and robotic surgery, anesthesia, robot-assisted sleeve gastrectomy, robot-assisted Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, robotic surgery for benign colorectal diseases, carcinoma rectum, robotic surgery for bile duct tumors, esophagectomy, vascular surgery, myomectomy, robotics in benign gynecology, sentinel node mapping in gynecological cancers, robotic staging surgery for endometrial cancer, ovarian cystectomy, partial nephrectomy, donor nephrectomy, urolithiasis and pyeloplasty. This book comes with a high-definition DVD visual demonstration, which will be a delight for the beginner and veteran robotic surgeon alike.

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Book Detail

Editor Editor's Affiliation
1. Saxena Ajit Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, India
ISBN 9789386261267
Speciality Surgery
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/13088
Edition 1/e
Publishing Year 2018
Pages 548
Book Type Professional



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