Practical Pathology for Dental Students

by Harsh Mohan, Sugandha Mohan

This book discusses on the “Practical Pathology for Dental Students”. The book is structured in a way that it aims to hone the practical and diagnostic skills of the learner in pathology in a user-friendly manner. All exercises have listed key features point-wise for easy understanding and reproducibility, leaving out theoretical details for learning from the main course book so as not to lose focus on key diagnostic and practical points. Brief and point-wise text in each exercise are richly supported by labelled line-drawings with corresponding specimen photograph and microscopic image for conceptual learning. Thus, the book “Practical Pathology for Dental Students” should become a useful companion in a practical class by the students to learn the subject effectively. A new feature in the revised edition is the addition of a few key questions for viva voce at the end of each practical exercise. These questions are expected to help the learner in quick revision and rapid self-assessment before their examination and for facing viva voce confidently. The book “Practical Pathology for Dental Students” is organised systematically into four sections comprises 27 chapter, each section having practical exercises patterned on the format of a practical class of students. The first section discusses the techniques in pathology includes microscopy, routine histopathology techniques and staining, frozen section and its staining, etc. The second section deals with the clinical pathology and basic cytopathology includes urine examination I: physical and chemical, urine examination II: microscopy, and basic cytopathologic techniques and their applications. The third section describes the Haematology includes types of blood samples, anticoagulants and blood collection, haemoglobin estimation, counting of blood cells, etc. Finally, the last section discusses the histopathology includes degenerations and necrosis, intracellular accumulations and amyloidosis, derangements of body fluids, etc.

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Book Detail

Author Author's Affiliation
1. Mohan Harsh
Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India
2. Mohan Sugandha USA
ISBN 9789386107961
Speciality Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/12948
Edition 2/e
Publishing Year 2017
Pages 143
Book Type Textbook


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