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BOOK TITLE: Retina: Medical and Surgical Management
This chapter highlights the basics of retinal imaging, equipment, techniques involved, image analysis methods and their clinical implications, focusing on the prevalent causes of retinal blindness. Fundus angiography has long played an important role in the understanding, diagnosis, and management of retinal vascular disorders. A standard fundus angiogram is a good baseline tool for fine-tuning the diagnosis of choroidal and retinal disorders. A digital imaging unit is classically used for fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA). Its advantages include software to improve image quality, storage and reproducibility, exporting images for telemedicine, and measurements and analysis. Patient positioning, dye injection, and fluorescein photography are the technique of FFA. Fundus autofluorescence is helpful for diagnosis and follow-up of hereditary retinal disorders. Fundus autofluorescence, indocyanine green angiography, retcam, optical coherence tomography, optical coherence tomography angiography, and adaptive optics are also discussed in this chapter. 59 clinical images are also presented in this chapter.