Fundamentals of Orthopedics

by Mukul Mohindra, Jitesh Kumar Jain

“Fundamentals of Orthopedics” has narratively and comprehensively explained the basic concepts, diagnosis and management of key orthopedic conditions which the undergraduates must know as part of their MBBS curriculum. The inclusion of excellent X-rays, clinical photographs and box depictions, besides elaborating high-yield points after each relevant pathology or concept are highly informative, with an eye on postgraduate entrance examination. This book consists of 21 chapters, which include introduction to orthopedics, general orthopedics, management of polytrauma patients and open fractures, injuries of upper limb, skull and face, injuries of pelvis, hip and lower limb, sports injuries and their rehabilitation, spine, peripheral nerve injuries, bone and joint infections, skeletal tuberculosis, orthopedic oncology, pediatric orthopedics, neuromuscular disorders, genetic and developmental disorders, metabolic bone diseases, arthritis and related disorders, soft tissue disorders, amputations, prosthetics and orthotics, orthopedic surgery, synopsis of orthopedics, and practice session. This book covers all the fundamental concepts in orthopedics in a simple language with excellent illustrations. The information given in the book is elaborate yet it is concise and to the point. Keeping in mind the objective entrance pattern, well-sorted statements have been added at the end of all topics as ‘High-yield Points’ to facilitate answering the multiple-choice questions.


Book Detail

Author Author's Affiliation
1. Mohindra Mukul
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi, India
2. Jain Jitesh Kumar Sports Injury Center, Safdarjung Hospital and VMM College, New Delhi, India
Institute of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Sawai Man Singh Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
ISBN 9789352701322
Speciality Orthopedics
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/18929
Edition 2/e
Publishing Year 2018
Pages 582
Book Type Textbook


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