Chapter-16 Echocardiographic Evaluation of the Aorta

BOOK TITLE: Textbook of Echocardiography

1. Nanda Navin C
2. Chopra HK
3. Elsayed Mahmoud
4. Uzendu Anezi
Publishing Year
Author Affiliations
1. Heart Station/Echocardiography Laboratories, University of Alabama at Birmingham; University of Alabama Health Services Foundation, The Kirklin Clinic, Birmingham, Alabama, USA; International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound, UAB School of Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama, USA, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, USA, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama, USA; Echocardiography A Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound and Allied Techniques; International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound (ISCU), Department of Internal Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
2. Medanta Moolchand Heart Institute, New Delhi, India, Medanta Moolchand Heart Institute, Moolchand Medcity, New Delhi, India, Medanta Moolchand Heart Institute, Moolchand Medcity; World Wellness Foundation, WHA; AHA, Medanta Moolchand Heart Institute; Moolchand Medcity; World Wellness Foundation, WHA; CSI & IAE; IHJ, JIAE, Medanta Moolchand Heart Institute; Moolchand Medcity; World Wellness Foundation, WHA, Medanta Moolchand Heart Institute, New Delhi, India; CME, Moolchand Medcity, World Wellness, Foundation and WHA; AHA; CSI and IAE; IHJ and JIAE, IAE-2017, CSI-2015; World Wellness Foundation, Country Head, American Heart Association; Medanta Moolchand Heart Institute; Health Committee, SCOPE, Tata Sky FAM Health, New Delhi, India, IAE- 2017, CSI -2015; World Wellness Foundation; American Heart Association; Moolchand Medcity; Physician Governing Body, CME, COP Moolchand Medcity, New Delhi, India, IAE- 2017, CSI -2015; World Wellness Foundation; Physician Governing Body, CME, COP Moolchand Medcity, New Delhi
3. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, USA, University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
4. University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama, USA, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Chapter keywords
Aorta, magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, computed tomography, CT, two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography, two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography, aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, aortic transection, aortic atheroma


Detailed anatomic evaluation of the aorta has been and will continue to be important in medicine. Given its function, anatomic structure and location the ability to diagnose disease and guide therapeutic intervention via echo is invaluable to patients and providers. Echocardiography is a noninvasive modality that is routinely used in clinical practice and is cheaper than magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). This chapter will systematically explain how to evaluate the aorta starting from the aortic root and traveling distally using different echo modalities. This chapter covers the two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography, two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography, live/real time three-dimensional echocardiography, aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, aortic transection, aortic atheroma, and aortic intramural hematoma.

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