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by Sunil Chumber
Clinical Surgery: A Text and Atlas' gives an overview of the fundamental knowledge required for developing surgical skills. Each section and chapter of the book is devoted to a particular group of body organs, such as neck, arteries, the bone, joints, the skin, ears, nose, and the mouth, and the spine. The book discusses briefly the various types of ailments associated with the body organs and the systematic procedures to examine the patients to reach the correct diagnosis for each type of disease. The book gives significant importance to describe various tests and examination procedures, including both physical and laboratory tests, that are generally performed on a patient requiring surgical care. Symptoms and signs of various types of ailments have taken a substantial portion of the book. The chapters compiled in this book attempt to give a visual impression with images, graphics and charts to diagnose a disease correctly.
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Author | Author's Affiliation |
1. Chumber Sunil | |
ISBN | 9789351526797 |
Speciality | Surgery |
DOI | 10.5005/jp/books/12698 |
Edition | 1/e |
Publishing Year | 2016 |
Pages | 714 |
Book Type | Professional |
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