Pediatric Nephrology

by Arvind Bagga, RN Srivastava

Important advances in understanding of the mechanisms and management of various renal disorders in children have taken place. These are incorporated in the book. The chapters on electrolyte and acidbase disorders, nephrotic syndrome, acute kidney injury, urinary tract infection, tubulopathies, chronic kidney disease, renal replacement therapy, voiding disorders, and neonatal renal problems are expanded and provide most recent information, particularly concerning management of related diseases. A small section on prevention of kidney diseases is added. The emphasis remains on renal function and its derangement, diagnostic evaluation and treatment of important conditions. Antenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract is being increasingly made with ultrasonography. Computerized scanning, magnetic resonance and radionuclide imaging can provide definite diagnostic information and enable continued evaluation of conditions, such as vesicoureteric reflux and renal scarring, growth of a solitary kidney and renovascular lesions. The efficacy and feasibility of renal replacement therapy and renal transplantation in children is well established. Some of the topics covered are renal anatomy and physiology, imaging of the urinary tract, acute and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, asymptomatic hematuria and proteinuria, hemolytic uremic syndrome, tubular disorders, refractory rickets, obstructive uropathy, urolithiasis, disorders of micturition, malignant disorders, diseases of the newborn, and so on.


Book Detail

Editor Editor's Affiliation
1. Bagga Arvind
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
2. Srivastava RN Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, India
ISBN 9789350252437
Speciality Pediatrics, Nephrology
DOI 10.5005/jp/books/11308
Edition 5/e
Publishing Year 2011
Pages 569
Book Type Professional


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