The orbital tumor makes reference to those tumors of the eye content inside the orbit, the ocular annex and the optic nerve in its intraorbitary portion. They are widely classified into malignant and benign processes. The benign ones are classified into cyst lesions, vascular lesions, bone lesions, nerve lesions and also inflammatory lesions. The malignant cases include mainly the retinoblastoma, the rhabdomyosarcoma and the neuroblastoma. The retinoblastoma is the tumor with malignant behavior most frequent at childhood. The treatment is according to the stage of the disease, it will also depend upon the size and location of the tumor at the time of diagnosis. Surgery is useful in cases of well-localized lesions. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are among the common treatment. In small tumors it is possible to save the eye by the use of cryotherapy and/or photocoagulation in conjunction to chemotherapy.