The procedures that strengthen muscle actions involve, rectus muscle resection, anteposition, muscle-scleral tuck. Resection increases the action of the muscle reflected in the length-tension curve. It is indicated instrengthening lateral rectus muscle action for esotropia,unilateral or bilateral, strengthening medial rectus muscle action forexotropia, unilateral or bilateral. It isnot used in restrictive strabismus. The antepositionaims at strengthening muscle actions.It comprises of placing muscle insertion forwardfrom its normal position, so that the length of thecontact arch with the globe surface is elongatedwith subsequent increase in the torque of contractingmuscle. It is indicated in paretic squint and additional procedure to increase shortening of the muscle. Inmuscle-scleral tuck, a leash effect by tightening the muscle is produced. This leash can cause a restriction of ocular rotationin the direction away from the muscle. It is indicated in especially in case of muscular atrophy and significant thinning ofthe muscle. This procedure is rarely performed because of a possibility of plane adhesions with theglobe as well as mutilation of muscle and its bloodvessels.