The pediatric glaucoma’s are a heterogeneous group of conditions. Primary maldevelopment of the aqueous outflow system may be named primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) when presenting at birth, primary infantile glaucoma when presenting at birth to three years of age or primary juvenile glaucoma (PIG) when presenting at three to sixteen years old. The secondary pediatric glaucoma’s include the secondary developmental glaucoma’s, e.g. aniridia, Sturge-Weber/periorbital port wine stain, neurofibromatosis, hyperplastic primary vitreous, Peter’s anomaly. The clinical features of PCG and PIG are Epiphora, photophobia, blepharospasm, Corneal clouding, corneal enlargement, Optic disk cupping. The features of secondary developmental glaucoma’s and secondary pediatric glaucoma\'s are aphakia, uveitis, intraocular neoplasm, aniridia. Differential diagnosis is also done. General examination is done under anaesthesia and then surgical options are planed. Goniotomy, trabeculectomy, artificial drainage shunts and cyclodiode laser are the major surgical options. Medical Treatment Options is also used. Regular follow-up is very necessary.