Multifocal intraocular lenses are developing as the appropriate answer to freedom from spectacles after cataract surgery. One should custom match multifocal intraocular lenses so as to provide the best intraocular lenses for each kind of patient. Sometimes two kinds of different intraocular lenses have to be mixed to find solution to patient’s need. In these years, with the multifocal intraocular lens, one has to understand the patients’ expectations, because the goal is patient’s satisfaction. There is not a perfect intraocular lens yet. Multifocal intraocular lenses are of two types: (i) Refractive type, (ii) Diffractive type. Refractive lenses are better for intermediate vision, and cause more night halos. The diffractive multifocal intraocular lenses consist of refractive and diffractive part. The two parts separate near and distant vision. The combination of the refractive and diffractive multifocal lenses offers a complete refractive solution because it offers a full range of vision in all light conditions.